Episode 714
The Need of Your Touch
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 30, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Automatically In Love" Carly Rae Jepsen

Previously on One Day at a Time
- After taking sleeping pills, Andy awoke to the scratching noise in the Young Mansion again. He got up and thought he saw Reese! He told Kim he thought his dead husband was haunting the mansion
- Robbie and Kim shared a kiss; neither one could stop thinking about it but Robbie heard Brooke and Kim discussing her sleeping with Greg
- Natasha and Tyler ended up having sex
- Dawn revealed that she told Trenyce that Cheresa knew of Trenyce & Brad's affair to her girlfriend
- Jacob was jealous of Paige and Max's past relationship
- Eva and Dominick clashed over Will and Felicia interfering in their marriage

The Pier

Eva quickly walks down the pier trying to clear her head as she just left Dominick's office at Robertson Enterprises where she and her husband just had a disagreement about the role Felicia is playing in their marriage. Eva knows that Felicia has warned her about hurting Dominick more than once in the last few weeks and it is getting on Eva's last nerve. Of course, when she confronted Dominick about this, he mentioned Will's friendship with Eva. She has been seeing Will on the down low because she knows that Dominick is against the idea of her hanging out with Will because of their sorted past together, but if she is honest with herself, she enjoys Will's company a hell of a lot more than Dominick's right now. The younger man pays attention to her, something her husband hasn't done a lot of lately.

"Eva?" a voice calls out from behind her. Eva freezes and takes a deep breath as she knows exactly who is behind her. She turns and sees Will rushing up to her. "Hey, are you okay? You're walking a million miles per minute."

"No, I'm not okay," she waves her hand back to him. "I just had a huge fight with my husband; I have no idea where I stand with him right now."

"I'm so sorry to hear that," Will moves closer to her, hoping that this is his chance to get closer to his ex. "Is there anything at all that I can do to help you?"

"I don't think there's anything that anyone can do."

Will moves up to her and puts his hand on her face. "I hate seeing you this upset," he whispers back to her. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do?" he asks as he she looks up at him and their eyes lock and he licks his lips which makes Eva feel weak in her knees. "Anything at all?"


Robbie looks over at Kim as they sit across from each other on the sofas in the main office of Roboto, while Natasha pours herself a coffee and Cassie sits at the main desk. They are having a meeting to try to come up with a way to counter Dominick's sneak attack of the copycat serum he released before Roboto had the chance too; of course, to add salt to the injury, Dominick revealed this at the Roboto launch. Since they, the team has been scrambling to do damage control.

"So, what is the next step for us?" Cassie asks as she stands up from the desk. "We have to do something to spin this positively."

"What if we claim that our product was stolen?" Kim suggests to everyone. "We can paint Dominick as the bad guy."

"The only problem with that is we are still without the sales," Natasha turns and takes a sip of her coffee. "Regardless of whether or not we paint Dominick as the villain, he is still the one making the profits."

"So what do you suggest?" Robbie asks his sister. "Put our focus on a new product?"

"That's exactly what I think," Natasha uneasily nods to him. "I say, we still launch Youth and let whatever happens, happens. If it flops, so be it. Our next product we will have to have more checks and balances in place to ensure Dominick can't rip us off again."

"I guess the next question is: What is our new product?" Cassie asks the team. "Because, I agree with Natasha, we have to start focusing on our new product to take over Robertson again. So, let's put our heads together for the next meeting?"

"Sounds good," Kim says as she closes her laptop.

"Perfect, I have to run," Natasha says as she moves to her purse. She grabs it and immediately looks at her phone. She sees a text from Tyler, whom she recently slept with. "Come to my place, need to talk about what happened," she reads. She knows that she shouldn't be drawn to Dominick's son but the thought of being alone with him is turning her on. "See you guys later."

"Bye, I have to run too," Cassie says as she collects her belongings. "Put those thinking caps on!"

Once the women have left the office, Kim sighs and stands up before she moves to the bar to pour herself a brandy. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Sure," Robbie moves up behind her. "I'm glad we are alone, I think we should talk."

Kim turns and passes him the drink. "If you want to talk about the kiss we shared, I think we already covered all of our basis, don't you?"

"This has nothing to do with that," he lies to her, as he knows that he hasn't been able to stop thinking about their lip lock. "This has to do with what I heard in this office the other day."

Kim arches her eyebrow back to him. "I don't have any idea what you're talking about, Robbie. What did you hear?"

"A conversation between you and Brooke Lawson," Robbie reveals to her as Kim feels her cheeks flush back to him. "I know that you have been sleeping with Greg."

"It's not what you think…"

"I think it's exactly what I think," Robbie says back to her. "I remember the night of my Dad's car accident, I saw you and Greg together, remember?"

"How can I forget?" Kim takes a drink of her scotch. "You accused me of cheating on Bob for months afterwards."

"Were you? When did you start sleeping with Greg?"

"Ugh," Kim groans back to him. "It started around New Year's Eve. Not that this is any of your business, Robbie. Greg and I are two consenting adults who have a causal relationship. It's not that serious."

"It is serious if you were sleeping with him behind my father's back," Robbie grits his teeth back to her. "This entire revelation has made me realize that I can't trust you, not one little bit!"

The Pampa Grill

"It was nice to get a lunch invite from you today," Dawn smiles over to Cheresa as they sit in the corner table of the restaurant. Dawn was pleased to hear from her girlfriend for the lunch date because she loves spending time with her; she wasn't sure where they stood recently after she admitted to Cheresa that she accidently revealed to Trenyce that she knows that Trenyce and Brad slept together recently.

Cheresa uneasily picks up her glass of white wine and takes a sip of it. "I'm not sure you will feel that way when I am done saying what I have to say."

Dawn gulps and looks back to her with concern. "What is it Cheresa? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Cheresa uneasily nods back to her, a coldness is in her voice. "But, you and I, I don't think we are good. In fact, I know we are not."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we are over. I am breaking up with you, Dawn."

Dawn feels her eyes swell with water in her eyes. "What? Why are you saying this? I don't understand."

"I told you something in confidence," Cheresa looks back at her. "And you, you revealed that to Trenyce. I am not mad at you for telling Trenyce that I knew about her affair with Brad but now, I am left wondering if I can trust you, Dawn. If I can't trust the person I'm dating, I don't know that we have a relationship anymore."

Dawn lets a tear fall out of her eye and it runs down her cheek. "I…I'm sorry," she whispers back to her as she feels more tears coming in her eyes. "I wish I could take that back."

"Me too, but what's done is done," a cold Cheresa tells her as she stands up from the table. "I don't wish you any harm, Dawn. I wish you well. Take care."

Before Dawn can reply, Cheresa storms away from the table. Dawn covers her face as more tears start to fall from her eyes as she wonders if this is truly the end of her and Cheresa.


"I'm still sort of shocked by my grandfather's announcement at the Roboto launch," Paige tells Jacob as they sit at another table in the restaurant. Paige can only imagine how Jacob is feeling considering the company that Dominick one upped is his family's company.

"Yea, me too," Jacob nods back to her. "I've been avoiding my mother's phone calls because I know she's going to be livid that I'm still working for Robertson Enterprises."

"Does it make you question whether or not you want to still work there?"

"And leave you alone with Max? Not a chance," Jacob quickly replies to her before he takes a sip of his beer.

Paige looks back at him in shock as she knows that she just had to have a conversation with him about her relationship with Max; while they are broken up, for good, Paige does still care about her ex and she will continue to support him and be nice to him. If Jacob can't handle that, or will continue to be jealous, she knows that they will have an issue in their relationship.

"I can't believe you just said that," Paige hisses back to him. "I thought we just went over this at the office? I thought I told you that there is nothing but friendship."

"I know, I'm sorry. It just slipped out."

"Well, control yourself Jacob," Paige looks back at him. "Because, if you're going to be a jealous, controlling boyfriend, we are not going to last very long."

Jacob sighs back to her. "I'm sorry, okay? It won't happen again."

"Good," Paige moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Now, should we order?"

Robertson Enterprises; The Studio

Max paces around the studio before he finally pauses at one of the work benches and looks at some of the recent photographs he has taken for Robertson Enterprises. While he scans the pictures, he can't help but recall how the previous night he had left work but he had forgotten his car keys and when he came back into the studio to get them, he had overheard the tail end of a conversation between Paige and Jacob where she was telling him that she didn't appreciate his insecurities about her relationship with Max. Max hasn't been able to stop thinking about that conversation that he overheard.

"I can't help but wonder," he whispers to himself. "If Paige isn't being fully honest about how she feels about me?"

He knows that since he found out that he isn't the father of Abby's baby, he has wanted to turn his attention to the fact that he wants to get back together with Paige. If Jacob is picking up on some kind of lingering feelings that Paige has, maybe Max can use that to his advantage.

"Or," he continues to talk to himself. "If I can play up Jacob's insecurities, that could be what drives Paige away from Jacob and right back into my arms. Yea, that's exactly what I have to do. I have to make sure Jacob continues to feel insecure and Paige will be all mine."


Upstairs, Leah moves inside the main office of Robertson Enterprises hoping to discuss the next phase of the Youthful product but she doesn't see her father in the office. She, like so many others, is still shocked by how he was able to pull the surprise at the Roboto launch with the identical product. However, she isn't upset because the profits have been very strong for Robertson Enterprises.

She moves over to the desk to leave her father a note but looks over at the door when she hears it open. She is surprised to see Jeff standing there.

"Jeff," Leah uneasily says back to him, having not seen him for a few weeks. She is glad to see her ex-husband because she has a few things that she needs to get straight with him. "I've been meaning to track you down."

"Is that so?" Jeff asks as he moves into the office. "Is this about Youthful? Because, I had no idea what Dominick was planning."

"No, this has nothing to do with the serum," Leah looks at him as she folds her arms across her chest. "It has to do with the fact that you have been telling everyone about Cory and I. Where the hell do you get off?"

Jeff uneasily chuckles back to her. "What's wrong Leah? You can't handle the fall out of your actions?"

"I can more than handle them," Leah glares back at him. "I just wish I had the chance to tell people about Cory and I. I don't know why you're so vengeful about this, but it's not a good look on you."

Jeff chuckles back to her. "I didn't think it was fair that you were moving on with your little life and I was left with nothing. Meggan threw me out, you knew that. I just thought I'd return the favor."

Leah shakes her head back to him. "What happened to you Jeff? The loving, caring man that I fell in love with and married is not the man standing in front of me today."

"People change, Leah. Life changes us, somethings for the better."

"Well you certainly haven't changed for the better Jeff," Leah spits back to him. "You better be careful because if you keep this up, you'll up with no one and nothing, and it will be no one's fault but your own."

Tyler's Townhouse

"Sorry about the delay, I had a meeting at Roboto," Natasha explains to Tyler as she moves into the living room of his townhouse, the very place that they had sex a few days earlier. Natasha turns to face her lover and can't help but think he is looking very handsome. "So, you wanted to talk?"

"I think we have too, don't you?" a nervous Tyler asks her back. As much as he wanted to have sex the other day, he realizes now that it shouldn't have happened with Natasha as she is the daughter of Dominick's arch rival. Plus, he is still grieving Daisy and isn't sure he wants anything more right now.

"I suppose we do," Natasha purses her lips back to him. "Look, I'm just going to be honest with you Tyler, if I may?"

"Of course," Tyler nods back to her. "You go first then I'll say my part."

"I liked the other day," she admits to him. "I needed it badly. I have a lot of stress in my life right now and I'm a woman that isn't ashamed to admit that I wanted to have sex to blow off some steam."

Tyler chuckles back to her. "Good to hear?"

"But, I know that we can't have anything more. It is far too complicated."

"Well, I'm glad you said that because I agree on both parts," Tyler admits to her. "I also really enjoyed it but considering our families and that I'm still grieving Daisy, I don't know that I can handle anything complicated right now."

"I can't do complicated either," Natasha licks her lips back to him. "But, I'm not opposed to a no-strings situation, if you're game."

Tyler is put off by her admission as she moves closer to him. "You mean that? Sex, no other expectations?"

"None," Natasha purrs to him. "I told you, I'm not ashamed to admit that I have needs, and you certainly met them."

Tyler moves up to her and kisses her passionately. "You helped me with mine too," he says in between kisses.

"Good," she starts to unbutton his shirt until his firm chest is exposed. "Let's help each other again and again and again."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas & Andy's Home

"I'm so glad you're home," Andy rushes up to Nicholas as he moves into the foyer of the large mansion that they are staying at together and pulls his lover into a hug. Andy is so relieved that Nicholas is home from his business trip as he knows that he believes that he saw Reese the other night after hearing the scratching noise in the master bedroom. Andy doesn't know what really happened but he hasn't wanted to sleep alone again. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Nicholas exits their hug but gives Andy a quick kiss on the lips.

"How was the business trip? Did you get the word on the One Day house out?"

"I think so," Nicholas moves into the living room as he follows Andy into the space. "I think it went really well, I generated a lot of buzz."

"That's awesome! I'm so proud of you," Andy smiles back to him.

"What's new around here? How were things when I was gone?"

Andy sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "Let's just say that I'm glad you're home."

Nicholas arches his eyebrow back to him, wondering what Andy is talking about. "Why? What happened Andy?"

"I can't explain it fully," Andy sits next to him on the sofa and grabs Nicholas' hand. "But, I saw Reese in the closet upstairs. I saw my dead husband."

Nicholas shakes his head in confusion. "What?"

"I know it sounds crazy," Andy tells him. "But, I heard the weird scratching noise and I had an early morning, so I took a couple of sleeping pills. I still couldn't fall asleep because of the noise. Then, it stopped but I heard another noise in the closet, so I got up to investigate it. When I opened the door, I saw Reese standing there. I don't remember what happened next, but I then remember waking up the next morning in bed."

"Is it possible that you dreamt that because of the sleeping pills?" Nicholas asks him back, feeling uneasy that Andy just admitted he saw his dead spouse. "You know it's impossible that you actually saw Reese."

"I know he's not alive," Andy uneasily nods back to him. "And I thought it was a dream, but it felt so real."

"So, what do you think it was then?"

"A ghost," Andy admits to him as Nicholas runs his hands through his hair. "I think Reese is back and he's haunting me. I think he's haunting this house."

Twin Peaks Executive Hotel

The door to Will's hotel room opens quickly and Will pushes Eva inside before he shuts the door closed behind him. Eva moves closer to the bed and turns around to face Will, who immediately kisses her passionately causing Eva to moan out loud.

"We can't do this," she as he throws his coat off and then removes his shirt. She looks at his toned chest before he kisses her again. "Oh God, Will."

"I want you so much Eva," he says as she removes her blouse and leaves her in her bra. "Let me show you how much a man should worship you."

Eva jumps on to him and wraps her legs around his waist. "God help me, I need you," she says as he throws her on to the bed and crawls on top of her. "Make love to me Will, please … I need you."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Greg makes a compromise with Brooke
- Jacob confides in Shane
- Robin confronts Helen

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