Episode 721
You Make it Better
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: July 25, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Adore You" Maisie Peters
Click here to listen

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Lukas suggested to Donovan that the proceed with the adoption
- Abby and Andrew felt the baby kick
- Shelley and Cheresa agreed that Dawn can never know about their one night stand
- Robin learned she was pregnant after falling down the stairs during a catfight with Helen. She made Shane promise to not say anything to anyone
- Eva asked Dominick if he was sleeping with Felicia. He said no and told her he wanted their marriage to work
- Paige realized Jeff was trying to get back together with Leah

Twin Peaks Executive Hotel

Will wraps a white towel around his waist as he exits the shower. He looks at himself in the steamy mirror for a moment before he walks back into the main area of his hotel room. The sun is shining brightly through the windows; he realizes that it's going to be a great day; especially if he can see Eva and continue to make inroads with his lover. He still thinks that if he spends enough time with her that he will be able to make her realize that they are meant to be together.

"I know you think you want to be married to Dominick," he whispers to himself. "But, if you're honest Eva, you'll realize that you belong with me."

He pours himself a cup of water and takes a drink of it. "I just have to figure out how to make you realize that."

Before he can say anything else to himself, he hears a knock on his door. He moves up to it and peers through the peep hole, thinking that it is housekeeping. He gets a smile on his face when he sees Eva standing in the hallway.

"I was just thinking about you," he says as he opens the door and looks at her. "Come in."

"Thank you," she quickly scurries inside the hotel room. "I needed to talk to someone and didn't know who else to turn too."

Will chuckles back to her as he immediately believes he knows what has gotten her so upset. "Tell me, what has your husband done this time that has gotten you so upset?"

Robertson Enterprises

Leah opens the door to Dominick's office at Robertson Enterprises and swiftly moves inside. She's surprised that her father is not at work yet as he is usually there pretty early as there is a lot going on right now with the serum launch. She turns and sees Jeff walking into the office and immediately feels her blood start to boil at the sight of him. The last time she saw him, she gave him a piece of her mind for telling people about her affair with Cory. She still can't believe that he would purposely hurt her that way and drag Paige and Robin into the drama.

"Morning," he says to his ex-wife as he finishes coming into the office. "Do we have that marketing meeting today? I thought I saw it in my calendar."

"I think it's after lunch," Leah quickly replies to him.

"Okay, I'm glad I didn't miss it. I have some great ideas that I want to run by the team."

"Is this how we are going to play this going forward?" Leah folds her arms across her chest. "Like we are fine with each other and nothing is wrong between us?"

"I didn't think anything was wrong between us," Jeff shrugs his shoulders back to her. "You said what you wanted to say to me and that's that. I'm not holding a grudge or anything Leah. You should know me better than that."

"What I know is that you've purposely gone out of your way to hurt me and Cory," Leah firmly replies to him. "It has certainly made me see you in a new light, that's for sure."

"I can't change the past," Jeff moves closer to her. "But, after everything we have been through, my God, I had hoped that you could forgive me. We share a daughter and shared a beautiful life together, Leah. Let's not hold on to anger."

"Does that mean you're ready to accept my relationship with Cory? You're going to be accepting?"

Jeff uneasily chuckles back to her. "I'm saying that I am focusing on myself instead of you and your actions. That's all I can truly do."

Leah arches her eyebrow and wonders if she can trust Jeff. After all, he did just try to hurt her terribly. "I'm glad to hear that, Jeff," she purses her lips back together. "Now you just have to prove that."


Donovan sits at his desk looking at some reports in front of him. His mind, however, is not on the work in front of him as he can't stop thinking about his marriage to Lukas. He knows that Lukas has been going the extra mile to show him that he wants their marriage to work from the fallout of the rape charges that Craig filed against him. Donovan realizes that he was incredibly hurt by Lukas' affair but he also can see his point of view from it all. The last few weeks of them getting closer has been really nice, he realizes.

He looks over to his door when opens and he sees Lukas standing there with two coffee's from the Sugarbowl. "Hey, I thought you could use a caffeine fix," Lukas tells his husband. "I noticed you were tossing and turning a lot last night."

"Sorry if I kept you up," Donovan stands up from his chair and accepts the coffee. "I guess I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Anything you want to talk about?" Lukas asks him, wondering if he has finally made up his mind about their marriage.

"Actually yes," Donovan looks back at him. "I want to talk about us and our future."

Lukas gulps back to him heavily. "Okay. I'll listen to whatever you have to say Donovan."

"I need you to know that I was incredibly hurt by your affair with Craig," Donovan begins to tell him. "I never thought that you would do that to me but I have learned to accept the reasoning that you gave me; that Craig would have died without the body heat."

Donovan pauses for a moment as Lukas puts his head down. "These last few weeks since Craig has left town," Donovan continues to tell Lukas. "They've been really nice. I've really enjoyed our romantic time together. And reconnecting with you."

"Really?" Lukas asks him back.

"Really," Donovan smiles back to him. "And, I want our marriage to work, Lukas. I want to put everything with Craig and that damn avalanche behind us. I want a fresh start with you, if you'll have me."

Lukas rushes up to him and kisses him passionately. "I'll more than have you babe," Lukas smiles back to him through kisses.


"This is a pretty nice set up you have here," Abby tells Max as she looks around the studio and is impressed by what he, and the Robertson Enterprises team, have created. She turns to her friend and smiles at him, feeling proud of her friend.

"Thanks," Max replies to her quickly. "It is a pretty good gig, I have to admit."

"I'm sure working so closely with Paige has its perks," she winks back to him.

Max shrugs back to her. "She is still with Jacob," he admits to his friend. "I'm working to get her back but it is a process."

"If I can help with anything, let me know."

Max chuckles back to her. "Thanks but in your condition, I'm not sure what you can do exactly."

"Speaking of," Abby puts her hand on her stomach. "Andrew and I told my family about the baby. And about our decision."

Max arches his eyebrow back to her. "What decision is that?"

"We are going to give our child up for adoption," Abby replies to him quickly, as he looks back at her surprise. "Neither one of us are ready to be parents, we realized."

"Wow," Max says back to her. "I wasn't expecting that. I thought you had hoped that the baby would put you and Andrew together?"

"I did," she replies to him quickly. "And, it has. We are closer than ever before."

Max pulls her into a hug. "I'm happy for you Abs. I am still slightly disappointed that I'm not the father but I am happy for her."

Abby gulps heavily as he holds her as she recalls how she found out that Max, not Andrew, is the father of her baby. She lied to ensure she and Andrew would get closer and they have. Everything is working out accordingly to her plan. "Thanks Max."

The Tower's; Floor Five; Shelley's Condo

"Hang on, I'm coming," Shelley says as she rushes down the hallway of her condo to the door, which someone is knocking on the other side of. She has no idea who is so persistent on the other side of the door but she is in a hurry to see who it is. She finally opens the door and sees Dawn standing in the hallway. She immediately takes a deep breath as she wonders if Cheresa went back on their pack and revealed to Dawn that they recently slept together. "Dawn, this is a surprise. What brings you by?"

"Can I come in?" Dawn asks her friend back. "I was hoping to talk to you about something."

Shelley gulps hard. "Sure," she says letting Dawn move into the apartment, as she continues to wonder what Dawn knows and doesn't know. "Come on in. What is this about?"

"Cheresa," Dawn moves into the living room and drops her purse down on the chair. "She ended things with me and I have no idea what I'm going to do about it."

"Ah," Shelley breathes a sigh of relief that Dawn doesn't know about her affair with Cheresa. "Well, if you ask me, the course to true love never runs smooth. This is likely just a fork in the road."

Dawn shakes her head back to her. "I can't explain it but this feels so much bigger than that," Dawn replies to her. "She told me she can't trust me and doesn't know if she will ever be able too. How am I supposed to overcome that?"

"Come here kiddo," Shelley pulls her into a hug. "If you and Cheresa are truly meant to be then you will get over this, you have to have faith in that."

"I guess it's hard for me to have faith in anything right now."

"You've dealt with far worse in your life, I know cause I was there," Shelley says back to her as they exit their embrace. "Keep your head up and things will work out, you have to believe me."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"It was nice of you to pick up Robin's prescription for her," Shane tells Adam as they stand at the nurses station in the hospital. Shane can't help but wonder how Robin is actually feeling since she fell down the stairs at Helen's house because they ended up having a cat fight.

"I didn't want her to over extend herself," Adam replies to him as he accepts the paper bag from Shane. "I want her to rest until I know she's completely better."

"You're a good man," Shane nods back to him. "How is she feeling anyways?"

"As well as to be expected," Adam says back to him. "I think she's still pretty sore from the fall but otherwise she's seemingly alright."

"Is she getting sick at all?"

Adam arches his eyebrow at the question. He isn't sure why Robin would be getting sick when she fell down the stairs. "That's an odd question," he replies to him quickly, causing Shane to gulp.

Shane was asking about morning sickness and realizes that he might have just put his foot in his mouth. "I just know some of the side effects to the medication she's on can be feeling ill, that's all."

"Ah," Adam nods back to him, not thinking there is anything odd about the question anymore. "Well, I plan on taking very good care of her, so don't worry about anything."

Shane uneasily smiles back to him. "Good but if you need anything, let me know."

Adam's Townhouse

Robin slowly stands up from the sofa when she hears the doorbell ring at Adam's condo. After she was discharged from the hospital, she went to stay with Adam for a few days until she was feeling completely better. Of course, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that she is pregnant with Shane's baby. She has no idea what she is going to do but she has realized that she has to come up with a plan so no one else is further hurt in this situation.

She finally reaches the door and opens it, only to see Helen standing on the other side. "What the hell are you doing here?" Robin snaps at her rival quickly.

"I had to see you," Helen pushes her way into the foyer of the home. "I had to make sure that you are okay."

"As you can see, I'm fine," Robin slams the door closed behind Helen. "No thanks to you, mind you."

"You know very well what happened was an accident, Robin," Helen replies to her quickly. "We both acted like children that day."

"Of course you won't take responsibility for anything," Robin continues to berate her.

"Look, I'm not here to fight with you," Helen sighs back to her. "I felt awful for what happened, Robin. And, I'm sorry, okay? I am truly sorry that this happened."

"I am too," Robin uneasily nods back to her. "And, I can accept your apology, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That you stay the hell out of my life and Adam's life," Robin grits her teeth. "I never want to see you again."

Twin Peaks Executive Hotel

Will lets out one final grunt before he explodes in a climax and then he falls to the bed. Covered in sweat, he looks over at Eva as they just finished making love again. He knew that he would be able to continue the affair with her; after their first time together, he could tell that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

"That was incredible," he says trying to catch his breath. "You're a terrific lover, Eva."

Eva can't help but smile back to him. "You're pretty good yourself," she purses her lips together. "I can't believe I let this happen again."

Will chuckles back to her. "It's time you admit to yourself that you're a woman with needs and I can help satisfy those needs."

"I will admit that I enjoy our time together," Eva uneasily nods back to him. "But I still have a husband to think about. I have to work on my marriage."

"You do that," Will smirks back to him. "And whenever you need to blow off steam, you come to see me."

"Will, I don't know if I can do that…" she starts to protest, but he leans in and kisses her again. As soon as they part lips, she pulls him in for a deeper kiss again.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Brooke makes a drastic decision
- Robbie spies Kim with Greg
- Andy moves out

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