Episode 723
There's No Human Connection
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 01, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Overglow" Adam Lambert

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Meggan & Brad convinced Victoria to drug Vinny so they could search the secret passage way in the Victors mansion. Victoria gave Vinny a sleeping pill and once he was asleep, she found Meggan and Brad
- Andy moved back into his condo
- Cory admitted to Leah he needed a new purpose
- Shane helped Jacob with some of his insecurities
- Abby felt guilty about lying to Max about the baby's paternity
- Natasha freaked out when she learned Will had seduced Eva
- Cheresa and Shelley agreed to keep their one night stand a secret

The Victors Mansion

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" a nervous Victoria asks Brad and Meggan as they move into the study in the Victors mansion. Victoria knows that downstairs in the living room Vinny is asleep because she slipped a sleeping pill into his brandy; their plan is to now open the secret passage way and try to see what is inside so they can try to figure out what Vinny is up too. Victoria is worried, however, that Vinny will find them and they will all be in hot water. "Vinny is still just downstairs!"

"He is asleep though, right?" Brad asks her with intent as Victoria nods back to him. "Perfect, then this is our chance to really figure out what he is up too then. We have to find out what is in the passage way."

"Brad is right," Meggan nods to Victoria. "Where is the opening to the passage way?"

"It's over here," Victoria uneasily replies to her as she opens the secret door again. The door slowly opens and Brad and Meggan's eyes open wider in surprise. "I'm nervous you guys."

"We can do this together," Meggan reaches out for her hand. "Come on, the sooner we get inside, the sooner we can get out of here."

Victoria takes a deep breath and grabs Meggan's hand. "Okay, here goes nothing."

The three of the walk into the passage way and start looking around, trying to see if they can find anything of use that will help them figure out what Vinny is hiding.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room, Vinny remains asleep on the sofa, completely unaware of what is happening upstairs.

The Pampa Grill

"I am still surprised that you moved back into the condo," Kim looks over at her brother, who just finished telling her that he moved back into the Tower's because he was seeing visions of Reese while living with Nicholas in the Young mansion. The last thing that Andy wanted was to continue to feel like he couldn't sleep, eat or breathe in the mansion. "How did Nicholas take it?"

"As well as to be expected," Andy sighs back over to her. "He understood but he still didn't like that I moved out. But I had to Kim, I couldn't stay in the mansion anymore."

"I know you just moved back to the condo but have you seen Reese since you've been back?"

Andy shakes his head back to her. "No, I haven't," he admits to her. "But, I haven't really slept at the condo yet either. I'm nervous too."

"Oh Andy," Kim reaches over and grabs his hand. "You have to get some rest, you're going to run yourself into the ground."

"I know, I know," Andy nods back to her. "I just can't have any more visions of Reese. It hurts so much to see him again."

"I know it does," Kim agrees with him. "But you have to take care of yourself, promise me, okay?"

Andy uneasily smiles back to her. "Promise."

One Day House

"This was a very pleasant surprise," Nicholas tells Cory as they sit across from one another in Nicholas' office at the One Day House.

Cory smiles back to him as he recalls the reason that he came to see Nicholas; he asked if there was any positions open at the house. He knows that he recently told Leah that he felt like he needed a new purpose, and that's when it struck him that he could work at the house with Nicholas.

"I have to admit the timing worked out well," Cory replies to him. "I was just telling Leah that I felt like I needed a new purpose and then it struck me that this would be a really rewarding line of work."

"Helping people does have a way of doing that," Nicholas agrees with him. "I just hope this line of work isn't a step down for you in anyway?"

"Nah," Cory shakes his head back to him. "The truth is, I don't really need the money. I want to do something that I am passionate about and where I can make a difference."

"This sounds like it will be a perfect fit then," Nicholas reaches out and shakes Cory's hand. "Welcome to the One Day House, you're officially hired!"

Cory chuckles back to him. "Great! Thank you Nicholas, you won't regret it!"

The Sugarbowl

"How have things been with you and Paige since our last conversation?" Shane asks Jacob before he picks up his coffee and takes a sip as they sit across from each other in the back booth of the coffeehouse. Shane recalls how Jacob confessed to him that he was having some insecurity issues following Paige working closely with Max; he encouraged his son to try to work through the issues so he doesn't end up losing Paige.

"Things have been really solid, actually," Jacob nods back to him. "I told her that I was going to work on my insecurities and she offered to support me. It was really nice."

"That's great to hear," Shane replies to him quickly. "I knew that if she cared about you she would help you through any difficulties you were having."

"I am really lucky to have her in my life," Jacob tells his father. "So lucky, that I'm thinking about doing something."

Shane arches his eyebrow back to Jacob. "That is ominous. What are you thinking about doing, son?"

Jacob bashfully shrugs his shoulders. "I was thinking of asking her to marry me. I want to propose to Paige."

Shane feels the blood drain from his face at Jacob's words. "Jacob, marriage, man, that is a huge step."

"I know, but I'm ready. I want to be with Paige forever."

Shane uneasily shakes his head back to him. "Just make sure you've really thought about this, okay? Marriage is a huge commitment. I don't want you to rush into anything that you will regret later."

"I will think about it," Jacob tells him. "It's just been on my mind for a while, that's all."


Outside the coffeehouse, Abby and Max slowly walk towards the front door together. "You are going to forget what real coffee tastes like since you're only on decaf now," Max chuckles to her as they inch closer to the doorway.

"One of the things I miss is coffee," Abby admits to him. "And wine."

Max laughs back to her. "It will all be over soon enough. You and Andrew are still thinking about giving the baby up for adoption?"

"Yea, we are," Abby nods back to him as she stops and looks him in the eyes. "I never even considered how you might feel about that since you thought you were could have been the father at one time."

Max shrugs back to her. "Whatever you and Andrew decide is okay with me," Max replies to her quickly. "I don't have a say in a child that isn't mine."

Abby gulps heavily as she thinks about how she lied to everyone about who the baby's father really is. "Well, for what it's worth, I am so thankful for your friendship. I couldn't have done this without your help."

"Anytime Abs, you know that."

Abby smiles back to him and suddenly she looks into his eyes with excitement. "You have to feel this," she says as she grabs his hand and puts it on her belly. "It's kicking. Do you feel that?"

Max looks back at her with a glimmer in his eyes. "That is … incredible. I've never felt anything like that! You really have something growing in you, Abby."

"I know," Abby shakes her head back to him as she chuckles. "It's crazy to think about it."

A few blocks away, Paige stops dead in her tracks when she sees Max and Abby together. Max has his hand on Abby's stomach and they are laughing together. Paige shakes her head at the sight but wonders why the sight was so off putting to her.

The Tower's; Floor Five; Shelley's Condo

"I can't believe that Dawn was here," a flabbergasted Cheresa tells Shelley as they sit on the sofa in Shelley's living room. Shelley just finished telling Cheresa about her visit with Dawn the day after they had sex; of course, Shelley thought that Cheresa had told Dawn the truth but it turned out that Dawn just wanted Shelley's advice on how she could get back together with Cheresa. "You must have thought that I spilled the beans!"

Shelley chuckles back to her. "I did think that for a moment but thankfully I didn't let anything slip."

Cheresa shakes her head back to Shelley. "You know, maybe it wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world if she found out about us. I mean, we both know it will never happen again, right?"

"Yea, that's true but I thought we agreed we don't want to hurt Dawn?"

"We don't, I don't," Cheresa quickly says back to her. "It's just, I don't know. I hate keeping secrets. I'm not good at it and I hate that I'm lying to people. It's just not my style."

"I know, mine either," Shelley sighs back to her. "So, where does that leave us? Do we tell Dawn and just get it over with?"

"Ugh," Cheresa groans realizing she's in a lose-lose situation. "I wish I knew Shell. I wish I knew."


Natasha opens the door to the main office of Roboto and scurries inside and immediately sees Robbie, Cassie and Kim all hard at work as they are trying to come up with a new product that will help offset the disaster that was their serum launch. She sets her purse down on the desk and looks at her family and co-workers, still unable to comprehend that they hired Will to seduce Eva. She can't believe that it worked and now her mother's marriage could be in a serious trouble as a result.

"I'm glad you're all here," Natasha clears her throat to the team. "We have to get some things straight."

Robbie looks up at his sister and arches his eyebrow. "Does this have anything to with Will and Eva?"

"I haven't been able to think about anything else," Natasha admits to them as she puts her hand on her hip. "I still can't believe that you hired Will to seduce my mother," her eyes glare at Kim.

"I know," Kim stands up from the sofa. "It's like I told you Natasha, this is something your father would have done. I really believe that if Dominick's world is falling apart, Robertson will take a hit and we will come out on top. I never meant to hurt you or Eva."

"You don't get it, do you?" Natasha squeals back to her, as Cassie gets a smirk on her face as she is enjoying the bickering. "My mother has already been hurt by this! If the truth comes out…"

"No, when the truth comes out," Kim cuts her off. "You know damn well that secrets always have a way of coming out, whether we want them too or not."

Natasha shakes her head back to Kim. "You're going to listen to me very carefully Kim," Natasha warns her. "Under no circumstances are we going to hurt my mother's marriage, do you understand me? No one in this room will ever breathe a word of Will and my mother to anyone. And if you do, you will be thrown out of this company so fast, your head will spin."

"So we have this information and we aren't going to use it?" Cassie questions Natasha. "That doesn't seem right? This could be our chance to get Roboto back on top."

"We will get back on top," Natasha firmly stands back to her. "But we will do in a way that won't implode my mother's marriage. This is not up for discussion! My decision is final," she tells them. "And one more thing Kim, you are going to fire Will today. He's no longer on our payroll."

"But…" Kim begins to say back to her.

"No buts," Natasha cuts her off. "Do what I say or else," she says as Kim sighs heavily. "Now, I have a meeting to attend. Have a nice day," Natasha says as she storms out of the office, leaving the other three looking at one another in bewilderment.

The Victors Mansion

The tunnel twists and turns leaving Meggan, Brad and Victoria wondering where they are going as they walk on the cement floor. They haven't found anything remotely close that would give them a hint as to what Vinny could be hiding yet but they are determined to keep searching the tunnel.

"This place is huge," Victoria manages to say back to her co-investigators. "We could be in here for hours. What if Vinny wakes up before we finish?"

"We are in too deep to turn back now," Brad tells her. "Besides, I see light up ahead. There must be something there."

"I see it too," Meggan tells him as they rush towards the light.

The three of them reach an opening and gasp in shock and horror. In front of them is the cage, and behind the bars are Daisy and Brett. All three of them look at one another in shock before Brad and Meggan rush up to the doors.

"What the hell is going on here?" Victoria asks in shock.

Daisy rushes up to the bars and smiles at them before she looks at Brent. "My God, you guys have found us! Thank God! You have to help us get out of here! Vinny, he's had us locked up for months."

"I can't believe it," Victoria covers her mouth, as Brad and Meggan try to open the caged door. "Vinny has been holding you hostage all this time?"

"We have to find a way to open this door," Brad grits his teeth together as he realizes that the door is locked.

"Well, well, well," a booming voice can be heard from behind Victoria. She turns and gets tears in her eyes at the sight of Vinny standing behind her. "Looks like you all figured out my deep, dark secret."

"Vinny," Victoria's voice cracks as she didn't think that Vinny could find them. She realizes that, suddenly, this just went from bad to worse. "What is all of this? Why did do this?"

"There's time for that later," Vinny replies to her quickly. "Right now, I have to make sure none of you ever tell anyone what you found today. This here, Daisy and Brett, they can never leave here, not after what they have done to me."

"What are you going to do?" Brad asks him back.

"I thought you'd never," Vinny smirks back to him as he gets a devilish grin on his face before he pulls out a gun and aims it at Victoria, who screams in horror.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Vinny has a surprise for Meggan, Brad & Victoria
- Robin prepares to tell Adam the truth
- Chris has an admission for Albertinah

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