Episode 729
Walking on a Tightrope
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 15, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Hate Me" Ellie Goulding

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Chris drank heavily as he was drowning his sorrows about Trenyce's affair with Brad. Adam, meanwhile, walked out on Robin after learning she was pregnant with Shane's baby. A drunk Chris smashed his car into Adam's SUV
- Lukas and Donovan agreed to adopt a child
- Tyler was in bed with Natasha when he learned Daisy was alive
- Paige & Jacob got engaged
- Eva confessed her affair with Will to Dominick, who was livid with his wife

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Does anyone know what happened exactly?" Helen asks as she nervously paces back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital, while Dawn, Robin, Trenyce, Albertinah and Andrew all sit near by her. They were all informed that Adam and Chris were involved in a terrible car accident together and they all rushed to the hospital to see how they are doing. Helen can't help but think about the last car accident that she was involved in with Bob Calimo a few years earlier, when Victoria's alter ego lied to everyone that she was dead and buried her alive. She still has nightmares about being in that coffin. For Adam to now be in a similar situation, it scares Helen to her very core.

"Simona Lopez told me that Chris' vehicle was driving on the wrong side of the road," Trenyce reveals to everyone. "And that's when he hit Adam's SUV. But we don't know any other details beyond that."

"I just hope my Dad is okay," Dawn says as a tear falls down her cheek. "I don't know what I will do if he doesn't make it."

"We have to stay positive," Albertinah chimes in. "We have to believe that both Chris and Adam will be just fine from this horrible car accident."

"I just wish I understood why Chris served into the other lane," Trenyce sighs back to her. "He's always been such a good driver, something doesn't make sense."

Before anyone can say anything else, a doctor emerges in the waiting room. "Doctor, how are they? How are Chris and Adam?" Andrew asks as he stands up and looks at the doctor.

The younger woman folds her arms across her chest. "They are both in surgery, we won't know anything for a few hours. The crash was pretty bad, both have some internal bleeding."

"How long will the surgeries take?" Helen asks her.

"A couple of hours," the doctor replies. "But, there is something you should all know. Chris' blood had an alarming amount of alcohol in it."

Trenyce and Albertinah look at one another in concern. "What are you saying?" Albertinah questions her.

"I'm saying, your brother was drunk while driving. The reason this accident happened is because Chris was drunk driving."


"Mom, how are you doing? And be honest," Donovan asks Eva as they sit in the cafeteria of the hospital with Lukas, Victoria and Meggan next to them. Donovan wanted to get together with his family to give them an update on his and Lukas' plans for adoption, however he knows that everyone else in the room is already going through some hard times. "The fact that you're sleeping with Will, couldn't have been easy for Dominick to hear."

"I don't want to talk about my affair with Will," Eva waves her hand in the air back to her son. "I appreciate your concern son, but I am just trying to move on from it. As for my marriage, I will make Dominick understand. I have too. I am just glad that Victoria and Meggan are okay; I knew that we shouldn't have trusted Vinny Victors."

"I knew this was coming," Victoria uneasily quips back to her mother. "The entire 'I told you so' speech'."

"I never said that," Eva grabs Victoria's hand. "I really am glad that you're both going to be okay."

"We got lucky," Meggan tells everyone, as thinks about being in the tunnels of the Victors mansion. "Who knows what could have happened."

"All that matters is that everyone is seemingly going to make a full recovery," Lukas says back to her. "And, with Vinny or Brett in a coma right now, we have time to get the DNA test back to see who lived and who died. Then, we can all move on with our lives."

"Speaking of moving on," Donovan looks over at his husband. "Lukas and I are moving forward with our lives and we have some exciting news to share."

"Really? What kind of exciting news?" Eva asks as she gets a glimmer in her eye. "We could all use some good news."

"Well," Lukas smiles back to his mother in law. "Donovan and I are going to adopt a baby; we have a child in line, and the mother is expected to give birth in November."

"Oh my goodness!" Eva shrieks out in glee as she rushes over and hugs Donovan and then Lukas. "You have no idea how happy you've made me!"

Donovan chuckles back to his family, as Victoria and Meggan reach over and grab their hands. "This really is the best news," Meggan says back to them.

"We think so too," Donovan nods back to his family. "And we will want you all to babysit!"


Tyler races up to the hospital room door and takes a deep breath as he prepares to move inside. He still can't believe the phone call that he received from Trenyce earlier in the evening advising him that Daisy is alive and well; after so many months of wondering if she actually died in the avalanche last fall, he finally knows that she is alive and well. He almost can't believe it because he had given up on the fact that she was alive, to the extent that he had started to sleep with Natasha.

He opens the door and sees Daisy laying in her bed and immediately gets a smile on his face. "I can't believe this is really happening," he says as he moves inside the hospital room.

Daisy looks over at him and gets tears in her eyes. "Tyler," she says as he rushes up to her and hugs her. "I'm here, this is really happening."

"How did this happen?" he asks her as they exit their hug and he leans in and kisses her on the lips. "I missed you so much, Daisy."

"I missed you too," she smiles back to him. "It's a long story about what happened, we will have plenty of time for that. Right now, I just want to look at you. I missed you so much."

"God, I missed you too," Tyler admits to her. "I can't tell you how painful it was for me thinking you were dead. Damn Vinny for doing this! Damn him straight to hell."

"He might be there," Daisy says back to him. "Either Vinny or Brett died, we are waiting for a DNA test to confirm. But regardless, you don't have to worry about a thing, Tyler. I'm not going anywhere, not ever again. And you and I, we can put our life back together."

"That sounds like heaven to me," Tyler licks his lips before he leans down and kisses her again.

The Pampa Grill

Natasha slowly moves into the restaurant with her eyes glued to her phone. She hasn't heard from Tyler again since he found out that Daisy is still alive. While she has been pushing back on him about the fact that they couldn't be anything more than friends, she is left wondering what will happen between them now that Daisy is alive and well.

"Hope everything is okay," she types into a text message box. "Thinking of you."

She sends the message to Tyler and takes tries to put a smile on her face as she knows that Jacob and Paige have called her, Shane, Leah and Jeff together for some kind of announcement. She only hopes that Jacob has come to his senses that they are announcing that they are splitting up.

"Sorry I'm late," Natasha announces to the large table. She walks over and kisses Jacob on the cheek. "What is this all about?"

"That's what we were all wondering," Jeff nods over to his daughter, who is sitting next to Paige.

"Jacob and I have some news that we wanted to share with you all," Paige uneasily tells everyone. Under the table, she can feel Jacob squeeze her knee as a sign that he is there with her. She looks back to him and smiles to him.

"Why do I get the feeling that this isn't good news?" Leah uneasily asks back.

"We are engaged," Jacob replies to everyone quickly as the parents gasp back in shock.

"Is this a joke?" Natasha asks Jacob quickly, stunned by her son's revelation.

Paige holds up her hand to reveal the diamond on her left finger. "It is a beautiful ring," Leah admits to her daughter.

"Jacob, please," Natasha pleads with him. "This is a mistake! Didn't you learn anything from that time with Cassie Nova? You're far too young to be tied down for the rest of your life!"

"I agree with Natasha," Jeff echoes her statements as he looks over at Paige. "What is the rush?"

"We love each other!" Paige protests back to her parents. "Why is this so hard for you all to understand? We are in love and want to be with one another!"

"We thought you'd be happy," Jacob backs up his fiancé. "We wanted to share this news with you because we love you and we wanted your support. Instead, you guys shit on us. It's not cool."

Jacob and Paige stand up and prepare to leave the table. "Hey, where are you going?" Shane asks his son.

"We wanted to celebrate," Jacob replies to him quickly. "Clearly, this isn't the place for us to do that. Come on Paige."

The parents watch their children storm out before they all look at one another. "Well, we might as well order a bottle of wine," Natasha tells them. "I certainly could use a drink now."

Dominick's Townhouse

Eva slowly opens the door to the home that she has shared with Dominick for years and moves inside. After hearing Donovan and Lukas' exciting news, she wanted to come home and have a drink to celebrate. She just hopes that Dominick isn't at home because the last thing she wants is to have another fight with her husband about her affair with Will, which she still doesn't know how it was leaked to the press. If she ever finds out who is behind that, she knows that she will give them a piece of her mind.

She moves into the dark living room and is about to turn on a light when she hears a voice. "You're home late," Dominick calls out into room. "Were you with your lover again?"

Eva turns the lamp on and then looks back at Dominick, who was sitting in the dark. "Why are you sitting in the dark?" she asks him quickly. "And no, I wasn't with Will. I was at the hospital with Victoria, Donovan and Lukas. Victoria almost died, in case you forgotten."

"For once I believe that you're telling me the truth," he sneers back to his wife. "You have to admit Eva, all these months you've been lying to me, it is understandable that I wouldn't believe anything you said to me."

"Dominick, it hasn't been months," she tells her husband. "It happened once and then twice. But it wasn't an on-going affair. I love you! I want this marriage to work, damnit!"

"You have a funny way of showing it," Dominick says back to her. "Answer me one thing, why? Why would you cheat on me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Eva shrugs her shoulders back to him. "I was tired, Dominick. I was tired of you putting Robertson Enterprises and Felicia, your ex-wife, before me. I never set out to have an affair but Will was there and it just happened."

Dominick shakes his head back to her as he feels his blood boil. "How many times did I tell you that nothing was going on between Felicia and I?" he asks her. "And you never believed me!"

"You never gave me reason to believe you!" Eva defends herself. "Every time I turned around, there you were in her arms, comforting her, telling her everything was going to be okay! Well damnit, Dominick, I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped okay? But, please, I don't want to fight with you about this anymore. I want to move on. I want to put this all behind us!"

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?" Dominick laughs back to her. "Just pretend that none of this ever happened? Well, there's a problem with that Eva; I can't forget, and I can't get the images of her and Will together out of my head!"

"So where does that leave us?"

"I want you to get out of my house tonight," Dominick whispers back to her. "I don't know if or when I will ever want you to come back here!"

"But, Dominick, it's so late, where will I go at this hour?"

"I don't care," Dominick glares at her. "You made this mess, you can damn well start to deal with it. Now, get out!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas demands answers from "Reese"
- Natasha supports Eva
- Simona Lopez tells Trenyce and Albertinah news about Chris

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