Episode 736
All Kinds of Magic
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 12, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Oh, What a World" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Abby saw a close moment between Andrew and Albertinah and realized that they were back together
- Chris was arrested for impaired driving
- Adam suffered from short term memory loss following the car accident and still believed that he was married to Helen. Robin was miffed when he moved back into the Black house
- Nicholas and Andy fought over Andy's gun, which fired a shot!
- Natasha lashed out at Kim, Cassie and Robbie for exposing Eva's affair with Will
- Leah was not happy with Cory when he told her he warned Jeff to stay away from her

Twin Peaks Law Courts

"I am telling you that I don't think I should plead not guilty," Chris looks over at Josh Levitt as they stand together in the courtroom. Chris is about to face his first trial for the impaired driving charges that he is facing as a result of his car accident that he was involved in with Adam as a result of driving while drunk. He knows that his lawyer wants him to plead not guilty so they can try to fight the charges but Chris wants to take responsibility of this because he was drunk while driving; he hates that he could have killed Adam, or someone else, as a result of his actions. "I am guilty, Josh."

"I get that, Chris," Josh looks back at him in concern. "The piece is that if you plead guilty, you are most certainly get jail time."

Chris sighs back to him and then looks over his shoulder at Trenyce and Andrew, who are in attendance to support him. He hates the idea that he will have to go to jail but at the same time he thinks that he should pay for what he did.

"I hate that I'd have to leave my family for a period of time," Chris looks back at his lawyer. "But, I think that it's the only right thing to do. I am guilty of this, Josh. I have to take responsibility for my actions."


"How do you think he's doing?" Andrew asks Trenyce as they stand at the back of the courtroom together. Andrew can't imagine what is going through Chris' mind; it is bad enough that he caused an accident that resulted in Adam being injured, but now he could be facing jail time as a result of it.

"I think he's probably nervous," Trenyce replies to him quickly. "But, I'd also think that he wants to take responsibility. Chris isn't the kind of person to not take ownership of the situation."

"Yea, I just hope this goes okay," Andrew says back to her. "Maybe the Judge won't be so hard on him?"

Trenyce shrugs back to him. "Time will tell. Have you heard from Albertinah?"

"Yea, she's on her way," Andrew tells her. "She didn't want to miss this."

"Good, I think Chris could use all the support he can get."

Before Andrew replies, Trenyce hears his phone ping to her. She opens her purse and grabs the mobile device. "Thinking of you, hope goes well today," she reads the incoming message from Brad. She looks over at Chris, whom she is concerned about, but then looks back at the phone and can't help but get a slight grin on her face.


"We won't be inside the courtroom for the full trial," Helen tells Adam as they stand in the hallway of the court house. "We will only go inside when you are called to the witness stand."

Adam uneasily nods back to her wondering why he was even called to testify. He knows that he was in the car crash with Chris but he isn't sure what further information he will be able to provide to the court than what they already know.

"I guess it could be a long day of waiting around then?" Adam looks back to the woman he believes is his wife.

"Seems like it," Helen agrees with him. "I still can't believe that Chris would have driven after he was drinking. It is very out of character."

"How do you know Chris so well?" Adam asks her back quickly. "I barely know the guy."

Helen gulps heavily as she thinks back to her brief romance with Chris a few years ago; of course, Adam doesn't remember this because of his short term memory loss that he suffered from the car accident. "Mostly just in passing," she tells him. "It's nothing to worry about."

"I got here as soon as I could," Robin announces to them as she walks up to the couple. "Has the trial started?"

"Not yet," Helen replies to her quickly.

"Robin, this is a surprise. Why are you here? Were you called to testify too?" Adam asks her wondering why she is there to support them.

"Uh, no," Robin looks back at him, wishing that his memory would come back so he could remember that they are engaged to be married.. "I'm here to support you, of course."

"Me?" Adam asks her in surprise. "Why?"

"We are good friends," Robin tells him as Helen shoots her a glare. "I just wanted to give you as much support as possible."

"Right," Adam reaches for Helen's hand, which annoys Robin. "I appreciate that, but right now, I'd like to go for a small walk with my wife."

"Okay, but not too far," Helen grabs Adam's hand back. She gives Robin another look, whose blood starts to boil, and then walks off with Adam.

"Damn it," Robin whispers to herself. "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

The Tower's; Floor One; Andy's Apartment

"Oh my God," Nicholas shouts as a pool of blood starts to form between him and Andy. Nicholas and Andy were fighting over the gun that Andy had because Melissa's plan to gaslight Andy went so far that he wanted to shoot himself so he could "be with Reese" again. Of course, Nicholas learned that the visions of Reese that Andy was having, was actually a lookalike that Melissa hired to scare Andy. While they were fighting for the gun, it went off and now there's blood everywhere.

Nicholas stands up and checks himself out to ensure he wasn't the one who was shot. Once he realizes that he is okay, he looks back down to the ground where Andy is laying, now unconscious.

"Andy!" he yells as he tries to find a pulse. "Oh my God, Andy! Can you hear me?"

Andy doesn't move so Nicholas grabs his phone and dials 9-1-1. "I need an ambulance! A young man has been shot! Please, please hurry!

The Sugarbowl

"I guess I should apologize," Cory tells Leah as they sit side by side at the window bar in the coffeehouse. They are having coffee together in the morning before they head off to work for the day. Cory recalls how they were at the Pampa Grill and he admitted to Leah that he told Jeff to stay away from her; upon hearing this, Leah wasn't very happy with Cory and walked away from him. "It wasn't my intention to get in between you and Jeff, or any member of your family."

Leah slowly takes a sip of her coffee. "I know," she replies to him. "I think I was just caught off guard. I'm sorry too, for how I responded."

Cory chuckles back to her. "I think we have our backs up against the wall because no one seems to want us to be together," he looks over at her. "I want to be with you and that doesn't seem to matter to anyone else."

"You still want to be with me, even after I walked out on you?" she asks him.

Cory reaches over and grabs her hand. "Of course I do," he admits to her. "I wouldn't have apologized if I didn't want to be with you."

"Good," she leans in and kisses him. "Because, I still want to be with you. We will get people to come around, Cory. I have faith in that."

"And if they don't? Screw 'em," Cory laughs back to her.


Kim opens the door to the main office at Roboto and moves inside. She immediately feels the tension in the room as Natasha is sitting behind the desk and Robbie is sitting on the sofa; they both have their laptops open but they aren't saying anything to each other.

"Good morning," Kim says as she sets her bag down on a table and moves to the bar, where she pours herself a cup of coffee. "What is everyone working on?"

"I'm trying to finalize the details of the marketing campaign for our hairspray," Robbie informs her. "This is the product that we agreed to push out after the serum debacle."

"Oh great," Kim turns to face him. "I'd love to see the final outcome of that, if you don't mind."

"Of course," Robbie nods back to her.

"I can't get over how you two can act like nothing else is going on," Natasha finally says something from behind the desk. "You are acting like my mother's life isn't imploding right now! And, you're acting as if you haven't done anything wrong!"

"Natasha," Kim looks back at her. "We still have a company to run. We know that Eva and Dominick's marriage is suffering because of her affair with Will, but we still have to make sure the day to day gets done around here."

"You must be so proud of yourself," Natasha stands up and glares at her. "You set this all into motion, hiring Will to seduce my mother just to try to get Roboto back on top!"

"And, it is slowly working," Kim tells her. "Our figures are up and Robertson's are down because of the scandal."

"And to hell if anyone gets hurt in the process, right?"

"Nat, come on," Robbie stands up and looks at his sister. "Kim might have set the plan into motion, but Eva still slept with Will on her own. No one forced her to be cheat on her husband."

"I can't believe you're taking her side!"

"I'm not taking sides," Robbie tries to tell her. "I'm saying that Eva had a role in this too. And, to be honest, I agree with Kim that this is a play that Dad would have come up with. I think we need to focus on Roboto now and ensure that we do come out on top."

"Ugh," Natasha groans and she slaps her laptop closed. "I need space from you right now! I can't believe that you're taking Kim's side over mine in this!"

"Nat wait," Robbie calls out as Natasha zips out of the office.

Kim slowly takes a sip of her coffee and looks at Robbie. "Thanks for defending me."

"I'm just trying to do what's best for the company," Robbie replies to her. "Nat might be too close to this to see that."

"What are we going to do?" Kim asks her.

"Let's look at that marketing plan?" Robbie suggest to her. "Like I said, if we focus on Roboto, we will ensure that this plan wasn't all for nothing."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Shane, how is Andy?" Nicholas asks the doctor, who moves into the waiting room and notices Nicholas has a lot of blood on his clothing. Nicholas has been waiting to hear from Andy since the emergency crew brought him to the hospital following the gunshot wound that he obtained while they were fighting for the gun.

"He just has a small flesh wound on his arm," Shane replies to him quickly. "He is sleeping, but he will make a full recovery."

"Thank God," Nicholas breathes a sigh of relief. "I can't believe there was so much blood for just a flesh wound."

"I'm glad that you were able to get him here so quickly," Shane nods back to him. "You helped prevent this from being much worse than what it could have been."

"Can I see him?" Nicholas asks the doctor.

"He's sleeping now," Shane replies to him. "He was pretty drunk when he came in, so he might be out for a while. But as soon as he wakes up, you can see him.

"Thanks Shane," Nicholas forces a smile on his face, wondering now how Andy will react to the news about Melissa's gaslight scheme when he wakes up.

Twin Peaks Law Courts

"Abby, what are you doing here?" Andrew asks the pregnant woman, who is approaching the courtroom. He can't believe that she has arrived because he wasn't expecting her.

"I wanted to come and support you," Abby purses her lips together as she looks at Andrew. "You know that I want to help you in any way that I can."

"I appreciate that," Andrew smiles back to her. "But, you don't have to stay if you don't want too. I'm not sure how long this will take."

"I told you," Abby looks back at him. "I'm here to support you. I'll stay as long as I have too, as long as I know you're okay."

"You're too good to me."

"I know," Abby winks back to him. "I just wish you were the same to me."

Andrew arches his eyebrow back to her. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I know," Abby looks back at him with intent. "I know that you and Albertinah are back together."

Andrew feels the blood drain from his face. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't bother trying to cover it up," Abby snaps at him as she moves closer to the door to the courtroom. "Just be honest with me, okay? After all, I am about to be the mother of your child."


Inside the courtroom, Chris sits next to Josh while they wait for the Judge to enter. Behind him, Trenyce and Albertinah are sitting next to one another. The courtroom door opens and Andrew and Abby scurry inside to get their seats.

"All rise," the bailiff announces to the room as everyone in the courtroom stands up. "The honorable Judge Franklin Ross resides."

Franklin moves to his chair and sits down. "You may be seated," he tells everyone. "Case number 0045136, the people vs. Chris Michaels," he reads the file in front of him. "Mr. Michaels, you have been charged with impaired driving, reckless driving and aggravated assault," Franklin tells him. "How do you plead?"

Chris uneasily looks over at Josh before he slowly stands up. He looks back to his family for a moment before he turns and faces the Judge. "Guilty, your honor. I plead guilty."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Chris is sentenced
- Lukas and Donovan get closer
- Brett makes a mysterious phone call

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