Episode 743
Runs Through my Blood
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: October 09, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Go High" Kelly Clarkson

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Brooke returned home
- Kim told Greg that she wanted to explore her relationship with Robbie. Then, Kim realized that over 5 million of Roboto's money was missing
- Daisy was floored to learn that Tyler and Natasha hooked up while she was missing
- Adam & Helen grew closer as he had short term memory loss and thought they were still married
- Cassie drugged and had sex with Jacob, who had no memory of the encounter. Max told Jacob he and Paige were growing closer
- Nicholas vowed to make Melissa pay for gaslighting Andy
- Jeff and Meggan reunited

The Lawson Estate; Greg, Brad, Abby & Cheresa's Home

Greg opens the front door to his lavish estate and moves inside desperate for a drink of some kind as he has had one hell of a day. He is grateful that Abby and her unborn child will be okay from the fall down the stairs she took, but she has revealed that the accident has made her realize that she doesn't want to give her child up for adoption after all, which he fully supports. Not only that, but Greg ran into Kim and she told him that their affair was ending because she is drawn to Robbie. Greg feels responsible for this because he kept telling Kim that nothing serious could happen between them because of all of the consistent drama that was going on in his life.

He quickly moves to the bar and pours himself a scotch and immediately takes a sip of it. He turns and sees that a fire has been started in the fireplace, which makes him arch his eyebrow. He knows that the only other person in the house that would start fires is Brooke, and she left town.

"I'd love to have a scotch with you if you're pouring," a voice says from behind him. Greg turns around and sees his ex-wife standing in their home. "I'm home Greg. I'm back," Brooke purses her lips together.

"Brooke," Greg replies in surprise. "This is a surprise, I had no idea that you were back in town."

"I got in late yesterday," she replies to him as she moves to the bar to pour herself a drink. "I came as soon as I got your message about Abby, I didn't want to stay away once I heard that my child and grandchild were in the hospital."

"You don't have to worry," Greg reassures her. "They are both fine. No harm was done."

"Thank God," Brooke says back to him as she looks back at him. "You look tired, Greg. I'm sorry that I left you to be the burden of Abby's ordeal alone."

"You had your reasons for leaving," Greg tells her. "If I had been in your shoes, I likely would have done the exact same thing."

"I appreciate your understanding," Brooke takes a sip of her scotch. "I guess I just felt like I needed a break from everything. The trial really took its toll on me."

"I don't think anyone blames you for needing a fresh start, Brooke."

"That's exactly what I want," Brooke tells him. "A fresh start. And, I'm hoping you can help me with that."

"Help you? How can I help?"

"Let me stay here?" Brooke asks him quickly. "In a guest room, of course. Just until I have time to find my own place. What do you say, Greg? Roommates?"

Greg uneasily looks back at her before he takes another swig of his scotch. "The children will be thrilled to have you back," he tells her. "Just make sure you are not pressing for us to get back together, because that ship has sailed."

"I know," Brooke smiles back to him. "And thank you, Greg."

The Pampa Grill

Leah picks up her glass of red wine and takes a sip of it as she looks at another table where Jeff and Meggan are finishing their meal. Leah arches her eyebrow when she sees Jeff kiss Meggan on the lips before they leave the restaurant together. She can't believe that after all this time Jeff and Meggan have reunited; she thought after everything that happened at the custody hearing and their breakup after that they would never get back together. She doesn't know why, exactly, that seeing them together bothers her so much but she can't deny that it does.

"Hey, you look a million miles away," Cory says as he returns from the restroom and sits across from Leah. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Leah sighs back to him. "I just saw something that surprised me, that's all."

Cory chuckles back to her. "Uh, okay? Are you going to tell me what it is that surprised you?"

"Jeff and Meggan have reunited," she replies to him quickly. "I just saw them leave together and they were very cozy."

"Ah," Cory nods back to her. "I guess I'm not surprised. They seemed to have unfinished business together, and they have a son. Why do I get the feeling that you're not happy about this coupling?"

"I don't know," Leah admits to him. "I can't explain it. I just wish that they would have moved on, that's all. It seems like they are spinning in circles or something."

"Even if they are, that's on them," Cory tells her. "You and I have our share of people tell us that we shouldn't be together, so I don't think we should put that on anyone else."

Leah uneasily smiles back to him. "You're right," she nods back to him, unable to shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I won't mention it again. I'll pretend I never saw them together."


"You haven't said much to me about finding out that I was with Natasha while I believed you were dead," Tyler uneasily looks over at his lover, who looks lost in space. Tyler recalls how he told Daisy that he and Natasha were lovers while she was being held hostage by Vinny; once Daisy knew, she ran away from him and they have only really discussed the pending DNA test that was ordered to confirm which Victors twin was alive.

"I know, I'm sorry," Daisy tells him as she takes a sip of her white wine. "I was so focused on that damn DNA test, now that we know that Brett is telling the truth, I feel like we can move on with our lives."

"Does that mean that you forgive me for being with another woman?"

"It wasn't easy to hear," Daisy admits to him as they lock eyes with one another. "But, I can't blame you for moving on with your life when you thought I was dead. Vinny made it look like I died in that avalanche last year, that isn't your fault."

Tyler reaches over and grabs her hand. "I really appreciate that," he admits to her. "I was worried that this was going to ruin our relationship."

Daisy takes another sip of her wine as she closes her eyes for a moment and thinks about making love to Brett while they were in the cage together. She opens her eyes and smiles back to Tyler. "No, I'm not going to let your affair with Natasha ruin anything."


"Dad, are you sure that you're feeling up to being out of the house?" Dawn asks her father as she sits across from Adam and Helen at a table in the restaurant. The last thing that Dawn wants is for her father to overdo it while he is still recovering from the car accident that he was in; the fact that his memory hasn't returned yet is also a concern as Shane had indicated that it should only be a short term memory loss.

"I'm sure kiddo," Adam replies to her quickly before he looks over at Helen. "I appreciate the concern, but I can't stay in the house all the time. It's nice to get out and enjoy life again."

"I couldn't agree more," Helen echoes his statements. "Besides, I'll make sure your father doesn't overdo it."

"You will, huh?" Adam teases her as he looks at her. "I'm so lucky to have my beautiful wife as my personal nurse," he smiles to her as he leans over and kisses Helen on the lips.

The kiss stuns Helen and Dawn as they know that Adam is really engaged to Robin but with the memory loss he has, he believes that he is still married to Helen.

"Well, that was unexpected," Helen manages to say after the kiss ends.

"Why? A husband is allowed to kiss his wife," Adam chuckles back to her.

"I didn't say that," Helen replies to him. "I was just caught off guard, that's all."

"Well, I should show you more often how much you mean to me."

Dawn clears her throat. "Okay, you two, get a room!" she laughs back to them. "Seriously, it's so nice having my family back together."

Helen shoots her daughter a quick look. "I agree Dawn," Adam tells her. "Now, let's order? I'm famished."

Robertson Enterprises; The Studio

"Hey, are you okay? You haven't looked so great all day today," Paige observes to Jacob as he starts packing up some of the files that he was working on for the day. She knows that her fiancé has looked a little off all day and just hopes that he isn't coming down with something. Since they are planning their wedding, she wants to ensure that he is in the best health possible.

Jacob moves up to the large table and drops the files down. He knows that he has felt off all day and he thinks he blacked out the night before, which isn't like him. As the day has progressed, he has almost started to wonder if Cassie did something to him, since she has a sorted history of being shady.

"Yea, I have been off all day," he replies to her quickly. "Nothing to worry about, I probably just need a goodnights sleep."

"As long as it's nothing more serious," she tells him. "I want my fiancé to be in good health."

Jacob chuckles back to her. "I'll be fine, I'm sure. No thanks to Max, mind you."

Paige arches her eyebrow back to him wondering what he is referring too. "What happened between you and Max? Please tell me you didn't fight?"

"Nah," Jacob waves his hand back to her. "He just told me that he enjoyed spending time with you last night while I was away. He's still trying to get under my skin with my insecurities. It's one of the reasons I hate that we are working here, Paige. We have to see that smug face of his every day."

"Don't let him get to you," Paige moves up to him. "I am in love with you, I think I proved that when I said yes to marrying you, Jacob. Please, don't let Max get under your skin. Don't let him win, okay?"

Jacob smiles back to her. "I'll try my best, Paige."

The Cascade Apartments; Apartment 602; Cassie's Apartment

"You seem like you're in a very good mood tonight," Max notes to his mother as he pulls a beer out of her fridge and cracks it open. He moves to the sofa and sits next to her before he takes a swig of the drink. "What's gotten you riding high?"

Cassie chuckles back to him slightly as she thinks about the previous night when she and Jacob had sex again. She has wanted to be with him again for so long that it felt amazing to be with him in that way. Of course, she knows that she had slipped him a mickey to help him cheat on Paige, but that is not the point.

"Let's just say things are finally going our way," she replies to him before she takes a sip of her wine. "Everything is working out accordingly to my plans."

Max sits up on the sofa and looks at his mother. "Does that mean that you've come up with a way to break up Jacob and Paige?"

Cassie nods back to him. "I'm not going to give you all of the details just yet Max," she replies to him quickly. "But I am confident that my plan will work, it has too."

"I hate all of these secrets Mom," Max admits to her. "But I'm going to trust you when you say you have thought of something to split those two up. Seeing them every day at Robertson Enterprises is getting harder and harder."

"Don't you worry," Cassie looks back at him. "Because before too long, they will be a thing of the past and you can move on with Paige and I can move on with Jacob."

"I'm going to hold you to that Mom," Max chuckles back to her before he takes another sip of his beer.


"I'm on hold and I have no idea how long this is going to take," Kim rolls her eyes as she sits behind the desk in the main office of Roboto. She and Robbie have been trying to find out how over 5 million dollars of Roboto money is missing from various accounts, especially when some of the accounts only the senior executive team would have access to.

"What can I get you while you wait?" Robbie asks her. "Do you want a drink?"

"I'd love a bourbon," Kim nods back to him. "Plus, it will make me more feisty when I speak to accounting about this mix up."

"What mix up?" Natasha asks as she moves into the office. "What's going on?"

"Yes, I'm still here," Kim says as she stands up and moves to the back corner of the office to talk to the accounting team.

"Robbie? What is it? What's wrong?" Natasha asks her brother quickly.

Robbie passes her the bourbon he made for Kim. "You're going to need this," he sighs back to her. "Kim got an email earlier stating that over 5 million dollars is missing from Roboto accounts. Someone has been stealing Roboto funds."

"What?" Natasha gasps back to him. "How the hell is this possible? How are we only being notified now when so much money is already gone?"

"I wish we had the answers," he tells her. "Kim is on the phone now with the accounting department trying to get to the bottom of this."

"Well, we damn well better get to the bottom of this!" Natasha shrieks back to him. "I can't believe that this is happening."

"You and me both," Robbie tells her.

"Well what a waste of fucking time that was," Kim slams the phone down on the desk before she looks at the Calimo siblings.

"What did accounting say?" Natasha asks her.

"They claim that every time the money was moved, it was done so by a secured log on," she reveals. "Which doesn't make any sense. Which staff member with access to the accounts would want to steal from us? No, there must be some mistake. Something else must be going on here?"

"Like what?" Robbie asks her back.

"My guess?" Kim glares back at him. "Dominick Robertson. He found out that I paid Will to seduce his wife and this is how he is repaying us. But he won't get away with it, not this time."

The Young Mansion; Nicholas' Home

Nicholas stares into the large fire that is roaring in the fire place of the living room of the mansion that his mother let him stay in. As he looks into the flames, he can't help but wonder how Andy is doing at the rehab center that he went too; he still has a hard time believing that Melissa was gaslighting Andy into thinking Reese was haunting him. It spooked Andy so much that he fell off the wagon and almost killed himself. In reality, Melissa hired a Reese lookalike to scare Andy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asks himself as he moves to the fire place and grabs a picture of him and Melissa from a few years ago. He looks at his mother and shakes his head. "And, of course, you are ignoring me. I have no idea why you've done any of this."

Suddenly, he hears the front door open and someone comes into the house. He arches his eyebrow when Hendrix moves into the living room. "Mr. Young, your mother is here," the butler announces before he scurries away. Nicholas' mouth opens in surprise when Melissa struts into the living room.

"Darling, hello," she throws her jacket onto the sofa and moves straight to the bar where she pours herself a brandy. "I'm terribly sorry that I haven't returned your calls, I've been swamped. But, I am here now, what is so urgent that couldn't wait?"

"Andy and I know the truth about what you did," Nicholas glares at her. "We know that hired that man, that Reese lookalike to gaslight Andy! How the hell could you be so cruel?"

Melissa takes a sip of her brandy and then purses her lips together. "I warned you about getting involved with that man," Melissa points her finger at her son. "I was simply trying to make you realize that you two were not a good fit, not at all."

"He fell off the wagon!" Nicholas yells at her. "He almost killed himself for crying out loud!"

Melissa shrugs her shoulders back to him. "This is exactly why he is not good for you, Nicholas, dear. He can't even handle his alcohol or handle a gun!"

"This isn't funny!" Nicholas replies to her quickly. "Stop trying to make this into a fucking joke because it's not."

"I'm not laughing," Melissa replies to him sternly. "I was trying to protect you from that creature! You deserve so much better!"

"And I deserve a mother who is supportive and loving of the people I have in my life," Nicholas yells back to her. "Not some vile bitch whom drives people crazy."

"You better watch your tone with me or I will kick you out of this house!"

Nicholas throws the picture of him and Melissa into the fire and the flames shoot up higher. "I'll get out this house," Nicholas turns back and looks at his mother. "Because, I want nothing more to do with you. You have gone way too far this time, mother!"

"Nicholas, you don't mean that," Melissa pleads with him. "Darling, we can talk about this?"

"There's nothing left to talk about," Nicholas replies to her as he storms to the staircase. "I'm packing my things and getting as far away from you as possible!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Dominick and Kim have a heated discussion
- Dawn confides in Helen
- Cassie gloats to Paige

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