Episode 756
My World's Crashing Down
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: November 14, 2021

Episode Theme song: "To Die For" Sam Smith

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Shane, Jeff & Max saved Paige and Jacob from being killed by carbon monoxide. At the hospital, Max learned that Cassie died in a plane crash
- Abby went into birth. Bryce, the doctor Vinny hired to carry out a plan, took over her delivery
- Donovan and Lukas worried that the birth mother could change her mind about the adoption
- Andy threatened Melissa to get the contact information of the Reese lookalike
- Daisy and Tyler bickered about her friendship with "Brett" and his romance with Natasha
- Eva saw Felicia kiss Dominick

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Arghhhhhhh," Abby groans out in pain as she feels another contraction. A few moments ago, she was telling Brooke that she was excited to have her child but now that she is feeling so much of the pain, she is wanting the delivery aspect of having the child to be over. "Dr. Barty, why is this hurting so much? I never realized it would be so painful," she tells Bryce, who finishes looking at her chart. "Arggggh!" Abby groans again.

Bryce moves closer to her and feels her forehead. "You are warm," he looks back at her. "I'm going to see how dilated you, okay? You should be around 8 centimeters by now."

Abby starts doing her breathing while she opens her legs wider for Bryce to investigate. He puts his head up and looks concerned.

"What is it?" Abby asks him back quickly. "What wrong?"

"You're not dilated very much," Bryce explains to her. "I'll give it another 10 minutes otherwise, we might have to do a c-section."

"Is that going to cause more problems?" Abby asks him back.

Bryce shakes his head to her. "It's more common than not these days," Bryce tells her. "It just means your recovery will take a little bit longer because you'll have stiches on your stomach. Try not to worry, okay? Everything will be fine, Abby."

"Okay," Abby tries to smile back to him. "Thanks for everything, Dr. Barty."

"You're welcome," he says to her. "Now, next door there is another woman in labour, I'm going to check on her quickly and I'll be right back, okay?"

Bryce quickly leaves the room and moves to the adjoining room, where another young woman is in labour. "How are you feeling, Chantel?" he asks her as he moves up to her.

"Like I'm going to die," Chantel manages to say back to him. "The last nurse said that it was almost time. I just want this over with so I can sign the adoption papers and move on from this!"

"She's right, you should be giving birth any moment now," Bryce tells her as she screams out in pain as another contraction comes. "Keep pushing," Bryce encourages her.

Chantel pushes and Bryce soon as a baby in his arms, only it's not crying. The young woman sits up in confusion as sweat pours down her face. "Why isn't my baby crying?" she asks. "What's wrong?"

Bryce looks back at her with sadness in his eyes as he can see that the baby didn't make it. "Nothing is wrong," Bryce lies to her quickly. "I just have to take him to checked out, but I promise you, he'll be okay."

"Thank God," Chantel lays back into the hospital bed. "I can still go through the adoption now and I can focus on getting my life back together."


"I wish we could get an update on Abby already," Greg tells Brooke and Andrew as they stand in the waiting room of the hospital.

Andrew looks back at Abby's father and wonders how Abby is doing; he is still surprised that she told him she didn't want him in the hospital room with her while she gave birth because he has told her he would rather still give the child up for adoption instead of keeping the child. He hates that his child is about to come into this world and he is waiting on the sidelines.

"Do you want me to go see if I can find out something?" Andrew asks him back, knowing that Greg isn't his favorite person right now.

"I don't think that necessary," Brooke replies to him. "Abby probably isn't ready to deliver just yet. Sometimes, these things take some more time."

"I'll take your word for it since you went through this a few times yourself," Greg winks back to her.

"Try not to worry guys," Brooke tells Greg and Andrew. "This is just nature taking its course."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home

Lukas pours two glasses of red wine and moves to the sofa in the living room of the lavish estate that he lives in with his sister and husband. He passes Donovan a glass of the wine before he takes a sip of it.

"Here," Lukas tells Donovan. "Hopefully a glass of wine will calm you down."

"Is it that obvious that I'm still worried?" Donovan asks him before he takes a sip of the wine.

Lukas chuckles back to him recalling how their social worker, Kelli, told them that it is common to not sign any papers regarding the adoption until after the birth of the baby has happened; since learning that information, however, Donovan has been on eggshells thinking that the adoption won't go off as planned.

"You've been pretty antsy since the meeting with Kelli," Lukas informs him. "I know that you're worried, but let's stay positive okay? We've come this far, we will get out baby, Donovan. I believe that."

"I'm trying," Donovan puts a smile on his face. "I am just ready to hold that little boy or girl in my arms. I will feel so much better what that happens."

Before Lukas can reply, his cell phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket as he sets his wine down on the coffee table and answers the call. "Lukas Richardson," he says into the phone. "Hi Kelli … whoa, really? Yea, we'll head over there right now."

"What was that about?" Donovan asks him as he sets his wine glass down.

"Chantel, the mother of the baby we are going to adopt, has gone into labour," Lukas informs him. "By the end of the night, we'll have our child."

"Oh my God," Donovan stands up as he is excited. "Let's get to the hospital!"

Lukas leans over and kisses Donovan on the lips. "Are you ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Donovan chuckles back to him.

The Pampa Grill

"I can't believe you actually said that to my mother," Nicholas looks back at Andy in surprise as he just heard how his boyfriend went to Melissa's mansion and threatened to have her arrested if she didn't provide the contact information for the Reese lookalike that she hired to gaslight Andy. Nicholas knew that Andy wanted to contact the guy so he could get some answers from him but he didn't expect Andy to go to Melissa for the information after everything that Melissa put him through. "That is pretty impressive."

"It took everything in me not to strangle her," Andy admits to him. "But, I got what I wanted and that's all that matters."

"So," Nicholas looks over at him. "Have you called the number yet? Have you spoken to the man that looks like Reese?"

Andy immediately shakes his head no. "I have been nervous to call," he admits to him "Now that we are together, maybe we could call now?"

"Absolutely," Nicholas says back to him. "I want you to get the answers you feel like you need to have, Andy."

Andy takes a deep breath and pulls out his phone. He slowly dials the number and then puts the phone to his head. Nicholas reaches over and grabs Andy's free hand and squeezes it. Andy, then, puts his phone down and looks over at Nicholas.

"What happened? It went to voicemail?"

Andy shakes his head. "The number has been disconnected," Andy reveals to him. "So, we are back at square one about finding this guy and uncovering how and why he looks like Reese."


"You haven't said much all this evening," Vinny tells Daisy as they sit in the back corner table of the restaurant. Vinny, still posing as Brett, agreed to meet Daisy for a drink as she asked to see him. He isn't sure why she wanted to see him as she has been pretty quiet with him so much.

"Sorry, I guess I have a lot on my mind," Daisy tells him before she takes a sip of her wine. "I just wanted to be around a friendly face."

"You know you can tell me anything Daisy," Vinny looks over at her. "What's going on?"

"It's Tyler," she admits to him. "He hasn't been very happy with how much time I am spending with you."

Vinny arches his eyebrow back to her. "And yet here we are, together again."

Daisy smirks back to him. "I told him that what we went through together has bonded us together in a way that will never go away," she says back to him. "There's just no way we wouldn't be close after everything we went through together."

"Isn't that the truth?" Vinny chuckles back to her as he grabs her hand. "I know that Tyler may feel threatened but that is something he will have to get used too, cause I'm not prepared to lose you Daisy. Not after everything we experienced together."

"That's what I was telling him."

"If I am honest with you," he looks into her eyes. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night we shared together."

Daisy looks back at him and blushes. "Brett…I told you…" she starts to say as he leans over and kisses her on the lips.

At the entry of the restaurant, Tyler watches the kiss unfold in front of him. He feels his heart move into his throat before he quickly leaves.

At the table, Daisy pulls away. "I told you we can't…"

"I know," he looks back into her eyes. "I just couldn't help myself."


Eva storms into the restaurant looking to have a drink as she saw Felicia kissing Dominick earlier in the day at his office at Robertson Enterprises. She can't believe that Felicia is going to take advantage of Dominick right now when their marriage is hanging on by a thread. Eva knows that Felicia has long wanted to get back together with Dominick but she will be damned if she allows it to happen. Eva happens to see Felicia sitting at the bar of the restaurant and quickly moves up to the red headed woman.

"How dare you," she announces to Felicia, who quickly spins around to face her. "You have a lot of nerve Felicia!"

"I have no idea what the hell you are talking about Eva, but I don't care. I am meeting Dominick for a drink here shortly," Felicia replies to her.

Eva chuckles back to her. "I'm sure you are," she rolls her eyes. "I saw you earlier, you know. Kissing my husband in his office, where the hell do you get off?"

Felicia purses her lips together. "I simply told Dominick that I would never treat him the way you have treated him," Felicia informs her. "That lead to us sharing a kiss. I'm not going to apologize to you if that upsets you because you, as we all know, have done much worse with other men while married to Dominick. I have no idea what he ever saw in you."

"You listen to me and you listen closely," Eva moves closer to her. "You stay away from Dominick or so help me God…"

"Careful," Felicia warns her. "You're getting dangerously close to crossing a line that I don't think you want to cross with me."

"I'm not scared of you Felicia," Eva replies to her quickly. "But you should be scared of me. Very scared."

Outside the restaurant, Dominick slowly moves up to the door as he planning to meet Felicia for a drink at the bar. He pauses for a moment and thinks about how they kissed earlier in this office; while he is still married to Eva, he can't help but think that the kiss was rather nice.

"I can't get in over my head just yet," he whispers to himself. "I don't want to hurt Felicia, God knows she's too fragile for that."

Before he can continue, his cell phone rings and he quickly answers it. "Dominick Robertson," he says into the phone. "What? No, thank you for telling me. This is somewhat of good news."

He hangs up the phone and gets a sly grin on his face. "Cassie Nova is dead," he whispers to himself. "Now, I can go to the police and get my money back and not have to worry about getting back at her. Rot in hell you bitch," he says to himself.

Banff Mineral Springs Hospital; Banff, Canada

"Are you serious?" Jacob asks Natasha and Shane as they sit next to him in the hospital bed in Canada. They just told their son that Cassie is dead from a plane crash that she was involved in as she was trying to escape Banff after she tried to kill Jacob and Paige from carbon monoxide. "I can't believe that after all of that, Cassie is dead."

"Just be grateful that this nightmare is really over," Natasha grabs his hand. "You have no idea how worried we were about you."

"Yea, next time you want to leave town, you should give us the heads up so we know where you," Shane tells his son. "This could have ended so different."

"How did you guys find me anyways?" Jacob says back to his parents.

"It was Max," Shane reveals to him. "Max was the one who helped Jeff and I track you and Paige down. You owe Max your life."

Jacob uneasily nods back to him thinking about his relationship with Max and how he now owes his life. "Great," Jacob smiles back to him. "I'll have to thank him."


In another room, Paige lets a tear fall down her cheek as Leah hugs her. Once they exit their embrace, Jeff hugs her next. "Okay, you two are going to make me cry again," Paige tries to chuckle as she exits her embrace from her father.

"You gave us a scare," Leah grabs her hand. "When we learned that Cassie was after you and Jacob, I don't know, my heart stopped for a moment."

"I still can't believe she's dead," Paige admits to her parents. "Max must be devastated."

"The most important thing right now," Jeff says back to her. "Is that you and Jacob are okay and will make a full recovery. Nothing else is as important as that. And, we have a flight to catch; as soon as your discharged, we are heading home."

Paige uneasily nods back to him. "I suppose," she tells him. "But we owe Max our lives and I am sad that he is going through this right now, that's all."


In the waiting room of the hospital, Max looks out the window as he can see the mountains in the distance. He can't believe that the police officer that came to the hospital a short time ago revealed that Cassie is dead; she was trying to leave Canada during a snow storm and her plane crashed and no one survived. He knows how everyone else feels about his mother but he can't help but feel like this is all his fault; if he hadn't pursued trying to find Paige and Jacob, his mother would still be alive.

"Paige and Jacob would be dead," he whispers to himself. "But at least you'd be alive. What have I done?"

He feels his eyes swell with water as he thinks about all the times he had with his mom. While he knows that she didn't always have the best plans of attack, he truly believes that she always meant well, even when things went sideways, like trying to kill Jacob and Paige.

"I'm so sorry Mom," he says as a tear falls down his cheek. "I loved you so much, I can't believe that this is the end. I really can't believe it."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Mr. and Mrs. Lawson," Bryce announces to Greg, Brooke and Andrew as he moves into the waiting room of the hospital. "I just wanted to give you a quick update."

"Yes, how is Abby? What is the latest?" Brooke asks him quickly, eager to hear if she has a grandchild yet.

"She's having some minor complications," Bryce tells everyone. "Nothing uncommon but we are going to have to perform an emergency c-section."

"What?" Andrew gasps back to him. "Is that normal? Is everything okay?"

"It is very normal, don't worry," Bryce replies quickly. "This is the safest way for us to get the baby out at this time. I'm going to prep for the surgery now, it shouldn't take too long. As soon as it's over, I'll come give you an update."

He leaves the waiting room leaving Brooke, Greg and Andrew alone. "Greg, please tell me that this is common," Andrew asks him, worried written all over his face.

"A woman might have complications all the time," Greg uneasily nods back to him. "Dr. Barty is right, we have nothing to worry about."

Meanwhile, Bryce pulls out his cell phone and sends a text message to Vinny. "Everything is right on track," the text message reads. Bryce puts the phone back in his pocket and takes a deep breath.

"Okay, here we go," he whispers to himself.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Tragedy strikes the Lawson's
- Adam and Max have a heart to heart
- Cory has another sighting

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