Episode 761
Struck by a Blind Side
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 01, 2021

Episode Theme song: "Look at Me Now" Maisie Peters

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Donovan & Lukas adopted a baby boy, unknowing that they were given Abby's baby while Abby was told her baby died
- Max mourned the loss of Cassie
- Brad told Trenyce he would be there if she needed him while Chris was in jail
- Cory told Nicholas that the Reese lookalike was at the One Day House
- Helen and Adam made love
- Natasha told Robbie he would never be happy with Kim

The Lawson Estate; Greg, Brooke, Brad, Abby & Cheresa's Home

"It seems like we are both mourning the loss of someone we loved right now," Abby tries to put a smile on her face as she sits next to Max in the living room of the estate that she lives in with her parents. She is back home after Greg was able to pull some strings at the hospital to get Abby released early since she should still be there recovering from her c-section. She felt like she had to get out of the hospital, however, as she couldn't stop remembering the fact that her son was dead when he was born. She is still having a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that her child is gone; after carrying him for 9 months, the fact that he was born dead seems like the cruelest twist of fate. "I am sorry about your Mom."

Max grabs her hand and squeezes it. "Thanks Abby," he replies to her. "I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. I am so sorry about the baby."

Abby gets tears in her eyes as she looks back at him. She almost wonders if she should tell him that he was the father of her baby; for so long, she kept the secret because she had hoped that the child and pregnancy would bring her and Andrew together, which it did until Albertinah came back into the picture. Of course, if she tells Max the truth now, he will be grieving even more since he is still mourning the loss of Cassie.

"My Mom had this idea of naming him and then having a small memorial," she replies to him quickly. "I think I will do that once I'm better from the surgery."

"That sounds like a really nice idea," Max says back to her. "Have you thought of any names for him yet?"

"I haven't made any firm decisions just yet," she tells him. "But, I was thinking about Sonny, since he was like a ray of sunshine in my world."

"That's really beautiful Abs," Max puts his arm around her. "I know he's still going to be that ray of light for you, you just have think that this is some part of a bigger plan."

Before Abby can respond, Max's cell phone rings from his pocket. "I'm so sorry," he says as he takes his phone from his pocket. "Hello," he says as he stands up. "Yes, okay, I will be there."

"What was that all about?" Abby asks him as she looks at her friend.

"My mother's will is going to be read," he looks back at her. "I'm going to hear my mother's final wishes."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas & Donovan's Home

"Olly went down pretty easily," Lukas tells Donovan as he moves into the living room and sees his husband about to pour himself a cup of coffee. They are still over the moon with the fact that they have their son; after months of going through the adoption process, their little boy is healthy and at home.

"That's good to hear," he says back to him. "I want to knock on wood cause so far, he's a really great baby."

Lukas chuckles back to him. "I couldn't agree more. You're not regretting this decision yet?"

Donovan looks back at him quickly. "Not at all," Donovan smiles to him. "Having Olly with us is the best thing that's happened to me, to us."

"Good," Lukas leans up and kisses him. "I love being a Dad so far. I never thought I could love someone so much."

"I was thinking the exact same thing," Donovan licks his lips. "Considering all of that, I was thinking about something."

Lukas arches his eyebrow back to him. "What is that?"

"Did you hear that Abby Lawson lost her baby? She was giving birth the same night we adopted Olly," Donovan informs him.

"I heard, that's awful," Lukas shakes his head back to him. "I can't imagine carrying a child for nine months only for it to be dead when it is born; that poor girl."

"I know," Donovan agrees with him. "That's why I was thinking we could invite her over to see Olly. Maybe being around a baby would be some kind of relief for her?"

Lukas looks back at him in surprise. "I'm not sure that's the best idea," he quickly tells him. "I don't want her to get some sort of weird attachment to Olly while she's grieving."

"I don't think that will happen," Donovan says back to him. "Just think about it, okay?"

Lukas nervously nods back to him, not liking the idea of Abby being around his son. He can't place it but he thinks that it would be more trouble for them down the road.

The Davenport House; Trenyce's Home

"I am really sorry to hear about Abby," Trenyce tells Brad as she moves into the living room with a couple of cocktails to enjoy while they catch up. "I can somewhat relate to what she's going through when I found out that Andrew wasn't my son and Savannah took him from me. I was beyond devastated."

"Thanks," Brad takes a sip of his gin. "She's a complete mess right now, and I can't say that I blame her."

"I know this doesn't make it any easier," Trenyce replies to him quickly. "But time does make it better. She will never get over the pain of losing her child, she'll just manage it better."

"I hope you're right," Brad nods back to her. "Right now, it's so far that it's hard to see that she will ever get over it. Anyways, how are you? Surviving okay without Chris?"

Trenyce chuckles back to him knowing that Brad offered to be friends with benefits while Chris is in jail. She does still find Brad attractive but since she is engaged to Chris, she knows that nothing can ever happen between them.

"I am holding up," she says to him. "I went to see him the other day and he is doing pretty good, all things considering."

"Good to hear," Brad replies. "Look, I know I said it before Trey, but I miss you, I miss that night we had together. With everything going on, it would be so nice to just have that connection again."

Trenyce chuckles back to him. "I'm flattered Brad," she takes a sip of her drink. "But I told you, I'm engaged to Chris and I will stand by my commitment to him. That is the right thing for me to do."

One Day House

Nicholas takes a deep breath as he prepares to knock on the door of one of the rooms on the second level of the One Day House. He hasn't been able to get it out of his mind that Cory told him that the man that Melissa hired to gaslight Andy, the man who looks like Reese, is staying at the house. He had hoped that the man would disappear because he wants this nightmare to be over; the fact that the man is staying there, and that Andy is trying to track him down, has left him feeling very uneasy. He knocks on the door and waits for a response.

The man who looks like Reese finally opens the door and gasps a little at the sight of Nicholas. "What do you want? How did you find me?" he asks him quickly, having not seen Nicholas since the truth came out that night at Barcode.

"I own and operate this place," Nicholas tells him as he moves into the bedroom. "Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you, I just want to talk to you."

"I had no idea that you ran this place," the guy tells him. "Thanks for having this place here. It has been a life saver for me."

"I thought my mother was paying you well enough that you could afford to stay somewhere else?" Nicholas asks him.

"I don't want to buy a place in Twin Peaks," he replies to him quickly. "I don't think I'm staying here for very long. And, I can't afford a monthly rent cheque since I'm not working anymore."

"That's fair, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need," Nicholas tells him. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Clayton," he says. "Clayton Hughes. I can show you my ID if you don't believe me."

"I believe you, Clayton," he extends his hand to shake it. "I'm Nicholas Young, it's nice to meet you officially."

"Same to you," Clayton shakes his hand. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I agreed to pretend to be that dead guy. I never knew it was going to cause so many problems."

"You didn't know what my mother was up too," Nicholas replies to him. "But you should know that Andy, Reese's husband, is curious about you."

Clayton looks back at him in surprise. "Really? Why?"

"You look like his husband who passed away," Nicholas tells him. "It's only natural, really?"

Clayton smiles back to Nicholas. "That's true," he tells him. "I found him very attractive, so it was difficult for me to continue with Melissa's plan. He always looked so scared to see me."

Nicholas uneasily nods back to him realizing that Clayton is either bi-sexual or gay since he admitted to finding Andy attractive. "I'm glad you have remorse," Nicholas says. "Look, I can't tell anyone you're here but Andy might try to find you. I need your word that if he tracks you down, you won't hurt him again."

Clayton looks back at him. "Of course not," he says immediately. "The last thing I want to do is hurt Andy."

The Pampa Grill

"Kim, are you sure that is a good idea that you're sleeping with Robbie?" Andy asks his sister as they sit across from each other in the restaurant. He can't believe that his sister just told him that she has hooked up with Robbie; after everything that Robbie and Natasha put Kim through in the months leading up to Bob's death and then after it, he never thought that Kim would become lovers with her former step son.

"I don't know what a good idea is and what isn't anymore," she says as she takes a sip of her chardonnay. "All I know is that I am very drawn to him and I am enjoying his company."

"I'm sure it's the company you're enjoying," Andy winks back to her. "I've always thought Robbie was a babe. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I will do my best," Kim tells him. "I'm just trying to have fun and whatever happens, happens," she continues. "Anyways, I'm so glad that you're back and seemingly doing well again Andy."

"Me too," he nods to her. "It's nice that Nicholas is living with me again. I'm still just trying to think about how I can find this guy that looks like Reese. I'm not sure where to go from here."

"Is it a good idea that you find this person? He did, after all, take money from Melissa to scare you to death," Kim warns him. "He could be dangerous, Andy."

"I have to find out why he looks like Reese," Andy replies to her quickly. "I have so many questions and I need answers too."

"If you're sure about this," Kim tells her brother. "Then you should ask Meggan Richardson to help you find him. She has her PI firm in town."

Andy looks back at her in surprise. "You're amazing," he chuckles. "I don't know why I didn't think about that before!"

"Just be careful Andy," Kim warns him. "The last thing I want is for you to get hurt by this guy again."


"You have been quiet most of the day," Robbie notes to his sister as he moves to the bar in the main office of Roboto and pours himself a drink. He looks over at Natasha and wonders if she has calmed down at all from learning about his affair with Kim; he knew that she learned the truth, it wouldn't sit well with her but he has hoped that now that it has sunk in, she will be more understanding. "Are you giving me the silent treatment?"

Natasha looks up from her paper work and sees Robbie take a sip of his scotch. "I just don't know what to say Robbie," she admits to him. "I am having a hard time believing that you are sleeping with Kim, of all people."

"It's like I told you at the mansion earlier, it just happened. Neither Kim or I planned this, it really did just happen," Robbie tells her. "I know that we all have history together but…"

"But nothing!" Natasha cuts him off. "That woman put our father through hell," she reminds him. "She cheated on him, more than once, lied to him, made everyone believe that Dad started that damn fire at the boutique when we both know that it was her…do I have to go on?"

"No, I get it," Robbie admits to her. "But she also went through a lot, Nat. Remember how she donated Blake's lungs to save Jacob? Kim isn't all evil the way you want to make her out to be."

"So help me God Robbie," Natasha looks at him. "If you are trying to get me to get on board this Robbie and Kim train, you're going to be waiting a very long time. Hell will freeze over before I support you being with that woman!"

The Black House; Adam, Helen & Dawn's Home

"I'm afraid Adam isn't here right now," Helen tells Robin as she moves into the foyer of Adam and Helen's home. Helen opened the door and was surprised to see Robin standing there; Helen knows that she is desperate for Adam to regain his memory but she doesn't want Robin to ruin any progress that he has made. "Even if he was, I'm not sure that seeing you would be the best idea for him."

"Ugh," Robin groans back to her. "I know what you're trying to do Helen, and that's why I'm here, I need you to know that it won't work. You won't continue to push Adam away from me. That ends, now."

Helen chuckles back to her. "I don't have to make Adam push you away Robin, he's doing that himself. You've come on so strong since his memory loss and he has no idea why. He thinks you're clingy!"

"He is my fiancé!" Robin shrieks back to her. "You have to remember that."

Helen looks back at her with intent. "He might be engaged to you, but right now he thinks he's married to me and he and I are living together as husband and wife In every way possible."

Robin quickly glares at her as she feels her blood boil. "What does that mean? In every way possible? Helen, what have you done?"

Helen giggles back to her. "Nothing," she responds. "But Adam and I, we did make love the other night and it was magical. He and I still have the spark between us."

"You bitch," Robin spits back to her. "I can't believe you took advantage of him like that!"

"I did no such thing!" Helen replies to her quickly.

Robin's hand raises and she slaps Helen hard across the fact. "You slut! You will stay away from Adam or so help me God…"

Helen looks back at her in shock that she was slapped. "If you weren't pregnant…"

"What? You'd hit me back? You're pathetic!"

Helen slaps Robin back, causing her stumble backwards. Robin stands up and glares at her. "You bitch!" she says before she lunges towards Helen and another brawl starts between the two women.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Brad vents to his parents
- Cory and Leah discuss the pregnancy scare
- Vinny continues torment Victoria

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