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Through too Much Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 05, 2021 | ||
Theme song: "Fake Smile" Ariana Grande Previously on One Day at a Time -
Abby blamed Andrew for the death of their son. Donovan, meanwhile, told Lukas
he wants Abby to spend time with Olly in hopes of helping her grieve
Lawson Estate; Greg, Brooke, Brad, Abby & Cheresa's Home
"Simona Lopez made a statement earlier today," Brooke tells Greg and Brad as she pours herself a cup of coffee from the bar in the living room of the house she lives in with her family. Brooke takes a sip of her drink before she turns to face her ex-husband and son. "She said that she believes Shelley's murder has the tendencies of a serial killer and she urged everyone to be safe."
"I am not sure if declaring there is a serial killer on the loose was the wisest decision when there hasn't been another attack yet," Greg sighs back to her. "She's putting fear in the city without cause."
"We all should be careful right now," Brad tells his parents. "The fact that Shelley's body had rose petals on top of it does make me think that the killer could strike again. It's a typical signature for a killer."
"I just hope Simona can actually do her job for a change and find this person before he or she hurts anyone else," Brooke shakes her head back to them. "Between Shelley and Abby's baby, the last thing we need is for more deaths to hit us."
"I couldn't agree more," Greg agrees with Brooke. "Anyways, son, what is going on with you these days? Who is the lucky lady in your life?
Brad chuckles back to him. "You're assuming there is a lady in my life," he tells his parents. "In all seriousness, there was someone that I thought I could have a future with but she has gotten engaged to another guy."
"She would be a fool to turn you down," Brooke tells her son.
"Especially cause this guy went to jail," Brad recounts to them. "In any event, I'm reaching out to Trenyce and telling her I will be there for her if she needs me."
"Trenyce? As in Trenyce Davenport?" Greg asks his son back.
"Yea, please don't say anything to anyone because we aren't serious, but given the opportunity, I'd love to be with her."
"I just hope she realizes what she has in front of her," Brooke tells her son. "You deserve the world, Brad. Don't settle for anything less."
"I'll try to keep that in mind," Brad replies to his parents.
Davenport House; Trenyce's Home
"If you need anything hun, you know I'll do anything for you," Trenyce tells her daughter as she brings in a pot of tea into the living room of her home. She can only imagine what Cheresa is going through right now having to deal with Chris being in jail, Shelley being murdered and Abby losing her baby; it seems like there is a lot going on for her daughter right now."
"Yea, thanks," Cheresa pours some tea into a cup. "We held a small memorial for Shelley the other day and it was really nice."
"Based on Simona's announcement earlier today, it seems like Shelley was the victim of a serial killer."
Cheresa uneasily shakes her head back to her mother. "I really hope the police catch the killer before they strike again," she tells her. "I still nightmares about seeing Shelley's body."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Trenyce asks her before she takes a sip of her tea. "Not necessarily to me, but to anyone? You shouldn't keep that bottled up inside."
"Dawn has been great," Cheresa tells her. "Ironically, this has brought us closer together."
"Like I said, if I can do anything Cheresa, I am here for you."
"There is something you can do for me," Cheresa tells her mother quickly.
"Name it."
"Let's visit Chris together?" Cheresa asks her back, as Trenyce looks over in surprise. "I'd like to be with both of you together."
Trenyce feels her eyes swell with water. "Of course," she reaches over and touches her leg. "We can visit your father together, I'd like that very much."
Tower's; The Penthouse; Cory's Home
Leah pours two glasses of red wine at the small bar in the corner of the penthouse that Cory lives in. As she pours the wine, she can't help but think about how she recently had a pregnancy scare and when she told Cory, he was floored. She didn't know if that meant he wanted another child or not, so she asked him and he has been pretty quiet ever since.
"Here's some of that wine you wanted to try," she says as she passes him a glass.
"Thanks," Cory looks back at her. "It's nice that we have a moment to ourselves, I guess we should finish that conversation from the other night."
"I was just thinking that," Leah chuckles back to him. "You never did answer me about if you wanted to have a child or not."
"I've had to think about it," Cory admits to her before he takes a sip of his wine. "Would I like to be a father again? Yea, I think I would but I'm not sure that I want it to be in the traditional sense."
Leah arches her eyebrow back to him. "What does that mean?"
"I like you and I like us together Leah," Cory replies to her. "But, I'm not sure that I want to get married again. I've been down that road many times and it has never worked out. That doesn't mean that I don't love you or want to be with you because I do, I just don't want a wedding again."
"I suppose that is fair," Leah takes a sip of the wine. "And, my track record with marriage isn't exactly golden either."
"So if we had a child," Cory continues to tell her. "It would be out of wedlock, if you're okay with that."
"If a baby happened, I think it would be a miracle Cory," Leah tells him. "I'm not worried about what my relationship status is or isn't."
"Okay," Cory smiles back to her. "Then, I'd love to be a father again. I love Sophie so much, to have that again would be incredible."
Leah moves up and pulls him into a hug. "Let's have a baby then," she whispers into his ear before she leans back and kisses him on the lips.
The Park
"Are you sure you're not going to be too cold out here?" Andrew asks Abby as they sit on a bench that is looking out at the frozen river in Twin Peaks. They each have a hot chocolate with them from the Sugarbowl as the December air is chilly.
"I don't mind the cold air," Abby replies to him quickly. "It is nice to be in the fresh air after being so cooped up for a while. Between being at the hospital and at home, I was going stir crazy."
"I am sorry again about everything that happened," Andrew tells her. "I know you were upset with me and I totally get why."
"No, it's my fault," she looks over at him. "I shouldn't have blamed you for the baby's death, Andrew. It wasn't fair of me. It just it just so bad, you know?"
"What do you think of your Mom's idea to have a memorial for him?"
"I really like it," Abby admits to him. "And, I was thinking about naming our boy Sonny. If we give him a name, it makes him more real, you know?"
"Sonny is a great name," Andrew puts a smile on his face. "I think it would have suited him just fine."
"Thanks for supporting me on this," Abby looks back at him. "I couldn't get through this without you or my family."
"You're not alone in this Abby," Andrew grabs her hand. "Don't forget that."
Before Abby can reply, Andrew's cell phone starts to ring. He pulls it out from his pocket and answers it. "Hello," he says quickly. "Oh Donovan, hi. This is a surprise that is interesting. I'm with Abby right now, I'll ask her and let you know. Cool, see ya."
"Donovan Moretti is calling you?" Abby asks him as he puts his phone away. "What did he want?"
"He and Lukas just adopted a baby," Andrew tells her. "He invited us over to see the baby, thinking it might help us with our grief."
Abby looks back at him in surprise. "I don't know what to say."
"Neither do I," he admits to her. "But, do you want to go see their baby? Are you ready to see another child?"
Peaks General Hospital
Vinny sits in a chair close to the nurses station with large sunglasses on. He doesn't want anyone to recognize him as he is at the hospital to ensure that his plan to get revenge on Victoria is working properly. He can see Victoria walking towards the nurses station, so he grabs a magazine to cover his face. In his hand, however, he opens his cell phone and looks at the app that controls the small device he put on Victoria's phone.
"Activate device," he whispers to himself as he presses the button on the phone.
Victoria, meanwhile, arrives at the nurses station and drops some files down. "It is so nice having you back at work Dr. Franky," a nurse smiles to her as Victoria pulls her phone out of her pocket. The high pitched whistle can barely be heard, but Victoria puts her hand to her forehead.
"Thanks Lucy," she says as she takes a deep breath.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm getting a splitting headache," Victoria admits to her. "I'm going to head back to my office and grab some Advil."
"Okay, take care of yourself doctor," Lucy tells her as Victoria walks off.
In his chair, Vinny gets a sly grin on his face as he realizes that his plan is working perfectly. Soon, he will be able to move the plan into its next phase.
Peaks Police Department
"I'm glad that you could see me today," Simona welcomes Max into her office at the police station. "I can't imagine how losing your mother has left you feeling."
Max slowly sits in a chair and uneasily nods back to her. "It has been difficult," he admits to her. "Mostly because everyone in this damn town hated her."
"Well, for whatever it's worth, I am truly sorry for your loss," Simona replies to him. "I have the will here and we can read it together, if you'd like. Or if you want to wait for a lawyer, you can do that too."
"Nah, I'm good," he says back to her. "My Mom didn't have much, so I'm guessing the will be pretty easy to read."
"Okay," Simona says as she opens the large envelope. Inside, the will and a smaller envelope appear. "This is the will," she tells him as she starts to read the will. "This is the last testament of Cassidy Nova; if you are reading this, it is because I have moved on to greener pastures. To my darling son, Max, please don't be sad I lived a good life and you brought me so much joy. Always remember that."
Max wipes his eye for a moment before he acknowledges for Simona to continue. "In my personal bank accounts, I am leaving the sun of 8 million dollars to my son Max. Max, please use this money to create a life for yourself that you've always wanted. All of my other possessions shall be donated to a women's shelter. Lastly, I've left a small personal letter to my son that he can read when he is alone."
"8 million dollars?" Max gasps back to Simona. "I had no idea that my mother had that kind of money."
"I guess she did," Simona uneasily tells him before she passes him the small envelope, which is the personal letter. "Here, this is the other letter for you."
"Thanks," Max accepts it. "I'm still in shock that my Mom had that kind of money. She never told me about it."
"Secrets sometimes have a way of coming to light after death," Simona tells him. "Just try to enjoy the money, while you can. It's what your mother would have wanted."
Max uneasily nods back to her as he looks down at the other letter. "And this, I guess I'll read this when I get home."
Next on One Day at a Time -
Lukas is unnerved by Abby and Andrew's presence |
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