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Recap | ||
Shane and Victoria woke up in the New Year after making love. They realized that while they wanted to go slow, they were enjoying each other's company so they continued to see each other and sleep with one another. Shortly after, Victoria was late and worried that she was pregnant. She feared that having just recently got healthy, she wasn't ready to be a mother just yet. She told Shane that she was late and he was excited at the idea of being a father again. Together, they took a pregnancy test and she was relieved that it was negative. Shane, however, was upset by her reaction. She admitted to him that didn't think she would ever be a mother but Shane did want more children so they agreed to go their separate ways. Vinny continued to hold Brett and Daisy hostage in the Victors mansion as a way to get revenge on them. They pleaded with him to let them go to no avail. Trenyce and Tyler, meanwhile, pleaded with Simona to reopen the case into Daisy's "death". Simona agreed but they she found no evidence to support Daisy being alive. Felicia suggested to Tyler that he hold a small memorial for Daisy to help with the grieving process and adjusting to the idea that she was gone. A memorial was held but Trenyce still suspected that Daisy might be alive. She secretly hired Meggan and Brad to investigate but held it from Tyler as she didn't want to get his hopes up. Soon after this, Victoria saw Vinny walking on the pier and was stunned that he was alive! He admitted that he survived but Daisy did not. Of course, Victoria told this to Tyler and Trenyce, so they confronted Vinny, who still maintained his claim that Daisy died. Simona agreed to reopen the case, again, but still found no evidence that Daisy was alive. Vinny and Victoria, meanwhile, reconnected and soon become lovers again. Vinny, lonely at the mansion, asked Victoria to move in with him. Despite Eva's reservations, Victoria agreed and she moved into the mansion. With the house so huge, Victoria started to explore and almost found the secret passage which caused concern for Vinny. Victoria then realized that Meggan and Brad were looking into Vinny as they thought he was hiding something and told them to back off. Victoria, however, then saw Vinny emerge from the secret passage and thought something was going on. Meggan and Brad told her to keep Vinny at bay but look around. Victoria, then, found the secret passage and thought she heard voices! Meanwhile, in the cage, Daisy and Brett grew closer as they thought they would never get out. They tried to keep each other positive but it didn't always happen. Eventually, they made love to one another. They thought they heard a noise and pleaded for help. Vinny told them that no one would ever find them. Victoria told Meggan and Brad about the passage way and the voices. They realized that they had to see what was in the tunnel. Victoria drugged Vinny and once he was passed out, the three of them went into the tunnels of the Victors mansion. They were stunned to see Daisy and Brett in the cage! Before they could be saved, Vinny emerged and revealed that the mansion had bombs in it! He set them off leaving everyone in the rumble. At the hospital, everyone survived except for Brett. Vinny, however, claimed he was Brett to avoid jail time. Vinny contacted Bryce to alter a DNA test to "prove" that he is Brett. Daisy and Victoria breathed a sigh of relief that Vinny was dead. Vinny, secretly, plotted revenge on Victoria and Daisy. He planted a device on Victoria's phone that released a high pitch noise, which caused Victoria to suffer from headaches. She collapsed and missed Christmas, which concerned Eva and Donovan. Eva told Donovan that she suspected that Victoria's alter egos had returned. Lukas and Craig were saved from the mountain and given a clean bill of health. Lukas was secretly happy when Craig claimed to have no memory of what happened in the cave, which meant Donovan would never have to find out that they had sex with each other. Donovan and Lukas reunited and left for their honeymoon, while Craig started having nightmares about the cave. He admitted to Andy and Nicholas that he felt raw as if he was the bottom lately, which he never does. They took him to the doctor, where he it was revealed that he had torn glands. Craig didn't understand but eventually remembered the entire time in the cave! At the same time, Donovan and Lukas had agreed to try to adopt a child. At a celebratory party that Eva threw Donovan, Simona arrived and arrested Lukas for rape! Donovan was horrified. Once Lukas was out on bail, he confronted Craig who maintained that he didn't consent to the sex. Lukas continued to tell him that he would have died had he not acted the way he did. Lukas had to admit the truth to Donovan, who was floored. Donovan confronted Craig and admitted that before Donovan's wedding, he and Lukas had been flirting and shared a few kisses. Donovan was furious with Lukas. Lukas, then, asked Craig what it would take to make this all go away. Craig told him he wanted 1 million dollars. Meggan reminded Lukas that they had money from Frederick that were locked up in GIC's. They withdrew the money; once Craig had the cash, he dropped the charges against Lukas and left town. Lukas and Donovan worked on trying to get back together and eventually did so. They continued to plan for the baby that they were going to adopt. Donovan was nervous when he found out that no adoption papers would be signed until the baby was born. Soon, they were at the hospital when Chantel went into labour. They had no idea that Chantel's baby was stillborn; Bryce, who was being blackmailed by Vinny, switched her baby with Abby's; Donovan and Lukas adopted Abby's baby, whom they named Olly while Abby was given Chantel's stillborn. Donovan and Lukas rejoiced with their baby. Knowing that Abby and Andrew were grieving their son, Sonny, Donovan invited them over to see Olly. Abby immediately felt a connection to the child, unaware that Olly was her son. Lukas was not happy that Donovan was inviting Abby and Andrew into Olly's life as he didn't want them to get an unhealthy connection to his son. The husband's clashed over this. Abby and Max were racked over the coals for their schemes to split up Andrew and Paige. Andrew and Paige both told them that they would never forgive them. Andrew and Paige, then, got together and kissed but realized that too much had happened since they broke up and agreed to just be friends. Abby went to Andrew and reminded him that she still knew his secret affair with Albertinah and if he didn't give them a chance to be together, she would expose it! Andrew told her he wouldn't be blackmailed into a relationship with her. Soon after at Andrew's graduation, he was given his diploma and Albertinah won a teaching award of excellence. Abby told the dean of their affair, however, and Albertinah was fired and Andrew lost his diploma. Chris and Trenyce were stunned to learn of Andrew and Albertinah's affair. As a result, Albertinah skipped town and Andrew lashed out at Abby. Abby pleaded with him to give her another chance but he refused. Upset, Abby and Max ended up having an one night stand, which they agreed was a mistake. Abby continued her quest to try to make it up to Andrew and he finally had sex with her too. Afterwards, Andrew told Abby that he used her for sex and she meant nothing to him. Abby was crushed and realized that she had lost Andrew. She, then, ended up pregnant and didn't know who the father was. She told Max, who was excited at the idea of being a father. Abby, thinking that a child would bring her and Andrew together, told Max that Andrew was the father and not him. Cassie arranged for a paternity test, which confirmed that Max was the father of the baby. Abby lied to everyone, however, and claimed that Andrew was the father. Max was crushed but supported his friend. Andrew, however, was horrified that he was going to be a father as he wasn't ready. He suggested to Abby that she have an abortion but Abby was against the idea. Andrew finally came around and agreed to support Abby with whatever she wanted to do. Abby and Andrew grew closer and she agreed to put the baby up for adoption, which thrilled Andrew. Abby was happy that Andrew was growing closer to her and they felt the baby kick a few times. Albertinah, then, returned to town and reunited with Andrew. Abby learned and was furious, which caused her to fall down the stairs. Both mother and child were okay but the accident made Abby realize that she wanted to keep the baby. Andrew was against the idea but Abby told him that she would raise the baby on her own. Andrew confided to Vinny that he was not ready to be a father. Abby then went into labour and was rushed to the hospital. Vinny blackmailed Bryce into helping him arrange a baby switch to ensure that Andrew wasn't a father. Bryce told Abby she would need an emergency c-section; when Abby awoke, she was told her baby was stillborn. She had no idea that Chantel, another woman who was giving up her baby for adoption, gave birth to a stillborn but Bryce actually switched the children. Donovan and Lukas ended up adopting Abby's child, Olly. Abby lashed out at Andrew for always wanting their child dead but instantly grew an attraction to Olly. Albertinah helped support a devastated Andrew, who blamed himself for the child's death. To ty to escape the drama with Max, Paige asked Dominick for a job at Robertson Enterprises, unaware that he just asked Max to return to the company as a photographer. Dominick gave her a job and she was miffed that she would have to be working with Max. Max, however, was thrilled that he would get to work with Paige and hoped that they would grow closer as a result. When Paige rejected him, Max had an one night stand with Abby. Meanwhile, Dominick was intrigued when Jacob asked to work for Robertson Enterprises as well. Thinking that the Calimo's would be ticked that Bob's grandson was working for him, Dominick gave him a position. Jacob and Paige connected and soon went out on a date. The Calimo's and Robertson's were not thrilled by this union but they continued to see each other, despite reservations from their parents. Max was also annoyed by this coupling and asked Cassie to help him split them up. Cassie attempted to seduce Jacob but he never caved in. Max, at the same time, arranged for himself to be locked in the dark room with Paige and they seemingly grew closer. Paige continued to soften towards Max when she saw how good of a friend he was with Abby. Jacob, then, started feeling insecure about Paige's past relationship with Max but she told him they were just friends and that she wouldn't handle his insecurities. Shane encouraged Jacob to let it go but Max realized what was up and used it against the couple. Jacob stunned everyone, including Paige, when he proposed to her. She accepted and they agreed to elope since their families were not happy about it. Max told Cassie about the elopement and asked her to stop it. Cassie invited Jacob over, drugged him and they made love. Jacob couldn't remember what happened and left with Paige for Banff, Canada, where they were planning to on getting married. Cassie arrived in Banff and pulled a gun on the couple, just as Jacob remembered that they had sex. Paige was disgusted that Cassie drugged him to get Jacob into her bed. When Jacob refused to reunite with her, Cassie lost it and tied the couple up in a garage and left a car running. Max, meanwhile, couldn't stop thinking about Cassie telling him if she couldn't have Jacob, no one could. Thinking his mother was losing it, he told Shane and Jeff and they raced to Banff. They saved Paige and Jacob's lives while Cassie's plane crashed and was presumed dead. Max was devastated. At home, Jacob and Paige's families agreed to support their union, but Max lashed out at them for celebrating while his mother was dead. Max was left with millions of dollars after Cassie's will was read and he was given a personal note from her. After he read the note, Max went back to Banff where he was stunned to see Cassie alive and well. She admitted that she had to keep a low profile for a while but wanted him to ensure Jacob and Paige didn't get married. At Roboto, Cassie planned revenge on the Calimo's. She and Kim, then, came up with an idea to have an anti-aging serum as the next product and to their surprise, Robbie and Natasha supported the idea. Cassie, secretly, then went to Dominick and told him what Roboto was planning. She wanted Robertson Enterprises to beat Roboto to the shelves with a similar product. Felicia saw the two of them together and wondered what was happening but Dominick calmed her nerves. Cassie, then, started secretly stealing money from Roboto. At the launch of the Roboto serum, Dominick announced that Robertson Enterprises had launched their serum earlier and was already on the shelves. Robbie, Natasha and Kim were horrified and accused Cassie of leaking the information. Cassie maintained her innocence, claiming that she was the brain child behind the product. Robbie and Kim believed Cassie, much to Natasha's disbelief. Kim, thinking that Roboto needed to get back on top, thought that if they make Dominick's personal life crazy, he would stop focusing on the company. She then learned that Will Coutts was getting out of jail and remembered that he and Eva had a past relationship. Kim ran into Will after he was released and offered him a job: seduce Eva for money. Will accepted as he needed the money and soon he and Eva were reconnecting. Will, however, didn't plan on falling for Eva but they did end up in bed together! Natasha was horrified to learn of Kim's plan and once she learned that Will and Eva slept together demanded that they keep quiet. Cassie, then, leaked the news of the affair and all hell broke loose. Cassie then stole money from Robertson Enterprises as well. Dominick, meanwhile, confronted his wife who admitted her affair. He threw her out of the house and leaned on Felicia, which upset Eva. Eva told Will that they were a mistake but he maintained that he loved her. Cassie then told Eva that Natasha knew about Kim's plan all along; Eva threw Natasha out of her life. Then, both companies realized that money was missing. Kim thought Dominick was responsible to get back at her for her scheme and she confronted him. Tyler realized the common denominator was Cassie and they all realized it was true. Before they could confront Cassie, she was presumed dead in a plane crash. After Jacob and Paige were saved in Banff, Eva and Natasha seemingly had a close moment together. Eva saw Dominick and Felicia share a kiss, which sent her back into Will's bed. Kim and Greg continued their affair, even though he told her that they could only be friends because of everything going on with his family. Kim agreed and ended up growing closer to Robbie as a result. Greg, meanwhile, grew closer to Brooke while they planned for her trial. At the trial, Brooke admitted that she still loved Greg, which upset Robbie. After the trial, Brooke was sentenced to community service since the crime took place such a long time ago and Cheresa was raised in a loving home. Brooke went to Greg and pleaded with him to give her a second chance but he refused. He filed for divorce and after Brooke got the settlement she wanted, she signed the papers. Brooke went to Robbie and asked him if they still had a chance but he told her no. Devastated, Brooke left town for a while. Kim and Robbie, by this time, had shared a few kisses but agreed that it was wrong to get together. With Brooke away, Greg told Kim he was ready to be together with her but she admitted she was drawn to Robbie. He told her that she had to make a choice, and she decided to pursue Robbie. Greg was upset. Robbie and Kim, meanwhile, made love. Natasha learned that they were together and was furious with her brother for getting involved with Kim after their sorted history together. On Christmas Day, Robbie proposed, Kim accepted which made Natasha even more upset. Brooke, meanwhile, returned home after Abby fell down the stairs and she moved back into Greg's home. They supported their children through hardships, in particular Abby losing her child. Natasha pleaded with Cory to give their marriage a second chance but he refused saying he couldn't get over the fact that she slapped him. After Natasha learned about his affair with Leah, she agreed to the divorce. She then ran into Tyler, who was grieving Daisy, and they ended up in bed together. They realized that they shouldn't be together as their families would not be happy but secretly still slept together. Soon, Tyler was suggesting that they be more than friends with benefits but Natasha was unsure. Then, Daisy was revealed to be alive. Natasha was secretly devastated when Tyler ended their affair and went back to Daisy. The two made love, but she was still thinking about Brett as they had an affair while held hostage together and he couldn't stop thinking about Natasha. Vinny, still posing as Brett, wanted revenge on Daisy so he kissed her a few times as he learned about her affair with Brett. Tyler saw a kiss and he ended up in bed with Natasha as a result. After, he confessed to Daisy and they agreed to go their separate ways. Tyler and Natasha reunited and Kim saw them together, which Kim then lashed out at Natasha for being upset about her relationship with Robbie. Meggan pleaded with Jeff to reconsider the custody case that he filed for full custody of Logan, but he refused as he was hurt that she lied to him for over a year about Logan's paternity. Leah, meanwhile, also tried to get through to Jeff but he claimed he wanted a divorce. At the trial, Leah took the stand and supported Jeff. Afterwards, he threw divorce papers at her. Paige told her father that Leah was trying to make things right and he shouldn't throw everything away. Jeff realized that she was right. At the same time, Meggan told him that maybe this was their chance to be together finally. Leah, meanwhile, had been growing closer to Cory and after Jeff threw the divorce papers at her, she ended up in bed with him! Jeff, thinking about Paige's words, went to find Leah and saw her in bed with Cory! As a result, he went to Meggan and agreed to be a family with her and Logan. Leah was stunned when Jeff and Meggan reunited and she carried on her affair with Cory. Meggan then overheard Paige tell Leah that she sent Jeff to find her after the trial. Meggan realized that Jeff choose her secondly and kicked him out. Upset, Jeff started telling everyone about Cory and Leah's affair. Paige, Robin, Robbie and Natasha were all shocked by the affair and lashed out at the couple. Leah blasted Jeff for being so insensitive but he maintained that she made her bed, she had to lay in it. Cory and Leah wondered if they should be together but realized they were in love and continued to see each other. After Meggan was involved in the bombings at the Victors mansion, Jeff reached out to her and they had a close moment. He apologized for everything and claimed he wanted a fresh start. They ended up making love and reuniting, despite reservations from Lukas. They saw Cory and Leah together and they ended up having dinner together, where Leah admitted she had a pregnancy scare. The news left Jeff shook, which Meggan noted. Alone Cory and Leah discussed the pregnancy scare and agreed to try to have a child together. Chris and Trenyce waited until after the holidays to reach out to Cheresa, as she claimed she wanted space. Once they did reach out to their daughter, Cheresa claimed that she was too focused on Brooke's upcoming trial to give them dedicated time. They tried to be supportive but longed for their child in their lives. Chris and Greg, then, secretly got together and agreed that Dawn shouldn't be in Cheresa's life since she was stoned when Cheresa had her accident. Cheresa and Dawn, meanwhile, continued to remain close and Dawn revealed she was going to rehab for her pill dependency. Right before Dawn was leaving, she was slapped with a restraining order to stay away from Cheresa! The girls were crushed. Cheresa asked her parents if they filed it, Brooke and Greg said no. Trenyce asked Chris, who remained silent. Trenyce was floored to realize that Chris did file the restraining order, even though he told Cheresa he didn't. Cheresa was furious with them so Chris dropped the restraining order and Cheresa and Dawn reunited when she returned from rehab. Trenyce, meanwhile, was livid with Chris and lashed out at him as the thought she couldn't trust him. Trenyce and Brad, meanwhile, grew closer as she hired him to look into Daisy's "death". Dawn encouraged Cheresa to make amends with Trenyce, and she agreed. Cheresa went to see Trenyce but saw her and Brad having sex with each other! Devastated, Cheresa pushed her brother and mother away. Dawn wondered what was going on, and Cheresa confessed all to her. Trenyce went to Dawn and asked her for help with Cheresa; Dawn admitted to her that Cheresa knew about the affair with Brad, unaware that Chris overheard. Chris blasted Trenyce for her affair. Cheresa, meanwhile, learned that Dawn told Trenyce and was upset that she broke her confidence. Cheresa dumped Dawn and had an affair with Shelley. Dawn pleaded with Cheresa to forgive her. Chris and Brad, meanwhile came to blows over the affair. Albertinah returned and supported Chris. Chris drank heavily and was in a car accident with Adam. Trenyce and Cheresa supported him as he pleaded guilty to drunk driving and was sentenced to 18 months in jail. Before he left for jail, Chris proposed to Trenyce, who accepted.The ordeal brought Cheresa, Trenyce and Chris closer together. Cheresa, then, told Dawn that she still cared for her and they agreed to get back together. Cheresa, however, confessed her affair with Shelley first and Dawn was devastated. Dawn threw Shelley out her life. Cheresa vowed to make it up to them and realized what she and Shelley could do. She went to see Shelley, found her dead instead! Someone had stabbed Shelley 5 times and her body was covered in rose peddles. Simona suspected that there was a serial killer on the loose. Chris told Trenyce and Cheresa to be careful. Brad, meanwhile, told Trenyce he would be there for her while Chris was in jail. She told him she was engaged but they ended up in bed together again. On New Year's Eve, Trenyce was attacked by the serial killer but Brad showed up and pushed her out of the way! He was stabbed and the killer sprinkled rose peddles on his body. Meanwhile, Shelley's death caused Dawn and Cheresa to become closer again. Robin remained stunned at Helen's confession that she cured Adam of his impotence. She confronted Adam, who admitted that it was true. He pleaded with her to forgive him but she claimed she needed space. She confronted Helen and they had a catfight. Robin then told Adam that she would take him back if he agreed to stay away from Helen. Adam told her that it would be next to impossible since they shared a child together. Meanwhile, Robin suggested to Dominick that he hire Shane as Robertson Enterprise's medical consultant, which he did. Shane grew closer to Robin while they supported each other through relationship issues with Adam and Victoria, respectfully. Robin told Shane he deserved better after Victoria and he broke up. Shane realized that he was starting to care for Robin. Adam, meanwhile, told a devastated Helen and Dawn that he had to stay away Helen to be with Robin. Dawn lashed out at Robin for her insecurities and soon, Adam told her that he couldn't stay away from Helen because of Dawn. Robin and Shane, then, learned that they were doing a photoshoot in Paris. Robin suggested Adam come and they could have some time together away from the drama. Adam agreed. Helen learned that Adam was going and decided to also go to Paris thinking that if she professed her love to Adam in the city of lights, he would realize he loved her too. In Paris, Shane and Robin grew closer while working together. Robin and Adam texted and agreed to meet at the Eiffel Tower at 4 pm. Just as Adam was leaving, Helen emerged and professed her love to him. Adam told her that he was in love with Robin, which crushed Helen. Robin, meanwhile, waited for Adam at the Eiffel Tower but he didn't show up. She left, just as Adam arrived. Thinking that Adam stood her up, Robin was upset and ended up in bed with Shane! Adam, meanwhile, went back to the hotel also thinking that Robin stood him up and left with Helen. Robin, in the wake of sleeping with Shane, told him it was a mistake. They went back to Twin Peaks, where Robin and Adam came face to face with each other. They realized that they only missed each other by a few minutes and Robin agreed to give him another chance. Shane and Helen were upset by this. Adam then told Robin that the reason he was late was because Helen showed up in Paris. Robin was stunned and confronted Helen; another catfight broke out and Robin fell down the stairs! She suffered a concussion; Adam and Shane were livid with Helen and Robin for their fighting. Shane, secretly, told Robin that she was pregnant, and based on the timing, he would be the father because of Paris. Robin pleaded with him not to say anything. He agreed but gave her 48 hours to tell Adam the truth, or he would. Robin went to Adam and he assumed that she wanted him to stay away from Helen again, which he agreed too. Helen was crushed. Robin then admitted to him that she was pregnant - and Shane was the father! Adam was furious with her and left in a rage. On the road, he was involved in a car accident with a drunken Chris. Adam was okay but suffered short term memory loss, having no memory of the last 5 years of his life. He still believed he was married to Helen; Robin was outraged when Adam moved back in with Helen. Shane warned Robin to stay calm as her getting upset could hurt the baby after she started to cramp. She promised she would but the cramping continued. Robin then learned that Adam and Helen made love and she confronted Helen. Another catfight broke out, which Adam broke up! The fight caused Adam to regain his memory; he lashed out at Robin for her affair with Shane and this caused Robin to go into premature labour! Robin gave birth to a baby girl, Dominique, who had to stay in ICU as she was tiny. Robin and Shane prayed for her safety while Adam blasted Helen for fighting with a pregnant woman. Dawn told Adam that he had to make a choice as two women were clearly in love with him. Melissa told Nicholas that she had to leave town but wanted him to stay in her mansion. Nicholas was uneasy about this but agreed. Andy didn't like the idea as he didn't trust Melissa, but Nicholas moved in. Nicholas then decided to open a halfway house, the One Day House, as his next project. Andy supported him. Nicholas suggested to his lover that Andy move into the mansion since he had so much room. Andy agreed. Shortly after, Andy started hearing a weird noise in the master bedroom but he couldn't determine what it was. Andy started losing sleep and thus was starting to be late for events, including the grand opening of the One Day House, which upset Nicholas. One night, Andy woke up to the noise and saw a vision of Reese in the house! Andy told Nicholas that he thought the house was haunted, but Nicholas told him he was crazy. However, Andy continued to have visions of his dead husband. Finally, Andy told Nicholas he had to move out. Andy, however, continued to see Reese in his condo so he started to stay awake in fear of seeing Reese. A sleep deprived Andy dumped Nicholas, who went to the bar to have a drink. He started chatting with a man; Dawn appeared and asked why he was talking to a man who looked like Reese! Nicholas demanded answers and the man admitted that Melissa paid him to gaslight Andy! Andy, meanwhile, fell off the wagon after another sighting of "Reese" and found his gun, as "Reese" had told him to join him. Just as Andy was going to shoot himself, Nicholas barged in and fought a drunken Andy for the gun. The gun went off; Andy was shot in the arm! In the aftermath, Nicholas told a stunned Andy about Melissa's plan, he was horrified. Andy left to go to rehab and Nicholas confronted his mother over her devious plan. When Andy returned home, he reunited with Nicholas and they moved into Andy's condo together. Andy told Nicholas that he wanted to find the Reese lookalike so he could understand why he looked like his dead husband. Nicholas was uneasy about this because he thought it was going to invite the nightmare back into their lives. Andy, however, was determined and hired Meggan to help find the guy. Nicholas, meanwhile, realized that the lookalike was staying at the One Day House and confronted him. The lookalike turned out to be Clayton Hughes, who admitted that he thought Andy was attractive so it was difficult for him to cause him pain. Knowing that Clayton was interested in Andy, Nicholas kept mum about his whereabouts. Meggan discovered that Clayton was at the One Day House. |
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