
Jasper Lim

Representation: Remington Hoffman
On Series Since: 2022 - 2024
Deceased: 2024
Full Name: Jasper Lim
Profession: Nanny / Childcare giver
Martial Status: Affair with Lukas
Previous Relationships: None
Family Ties: None



Jasper is a nanny that Lukas hires for baby Olly.Jasper continued to flirt with Lukas and their attraction built. Jasper overheard a fight between Lukas and Donovan and told Lukas he was on his side. Lukas kissed him and immediately regretted it but soon they were hitting the sheets. Lukas, again, told Jasper it was a mistake. Donovan was then in a car accident and left paralyzed from the waist down. Jasper realized that Olly's baby monitor was on and wondered if Donovan had overheard him and Lukas kissing. Lukas told him that they were over but they ended up in bed again. Lukas, again, vowed that they were over and Jasper agree. On New Year's Eve, however, Jasper asked Lukas for a goodbye kiss, which Lukas agreed too. While kissing, Donovan walked (he had secretly regained his leg strength) into the room and saw them!

Jasper agreed to stop pursuing Lukas after their shared a goodbye kiss on New Year's Eve. He surprised Lukas by revealing that he had a date for the Roboto gala. At the gala, Lukas saw Jasper with his date and felt jealous. Jasper called him out on it and they flirted. Post the gala, Jasper comforted Lukas as he was reeling from the fact that Frederick was back. They ended up having sex again. In the morning, Jasper was horrified to see Donovan walk into the living room and confront him over the affair. He told Jasper that he was holding all the cards now. Shortly after, Jasper saw Lukas on the pier and he confessed that he quit working for him. Lukas asked him why but Jasper told him to ask Donovan. After Lukas spoke to Donovan, he confronted Jasper again over Donovan's claim of sexual assault. Jasper said he was innocent but will plead guilty. Jasper, then, told Donovan that he won't plead guilty for something he didn't do. Donovan reminded Jasper that he knows that he is an illegal immigrant and would have him deported if he didn't do everything he said. Jasper realized that he had to get the upper hand and planned his next move. Soon, he broke into the Richardson mansion and creeped closer to Olly's bedroom. Jasper kidnapped Olly from the Richardson mansion and whisked him away to Mexico City. There, he told Olly that he was now his father, after Olly asked where his Dad's were. Meggan and Lukas got a lead that Jasper was there, but it came up cold. Shortly after, Antonio got a lead that Jasper was now in Puerta Vallarta.


Jasper was horrified to see Donovan in a night club in Puerta Vallarta, as he didn't realize that Donovan and Lukas had tracked him down. Worried that he would get busted for kidnapping Olly, Jasper ran out of the club and raced towards his apartment. Lukas, Meggan, Donovan, and Sergio chased after him. At his apartment, Jasper realized they were still following him and he escaped through the fire escape, while Donovan and Lukas were reunited with Olly. Sergio, the police detective, continued to chase after Jasper, who ran into traffic and he was hit by a fishing truck, which resulted in his death.

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