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Hit Me Like A Wave | ||
Theme song: "What's the Time Where You Are?" Troye Sivan Madeline bursts open the front door the Calimo cabin and moves inside. She takes a deep breath as she tries to compose herself. Her heart is racing over the fact that she and Kim crashed their vehicles into one another in the middle of the snowstorm. Once Madeline realized that the other driver was Kim, she knew that she had to get her back to the cabin to assess how injured she really is. "Okay, let me make the sofa comfortable," Madeline sighs to herself. "I can put Kim on the sofa and see the extent of her injuries." She rushes to the sofa, fluffs a pillow, and grabs some blankets to keep close by in case Kim has a touch of hypothermia. She runs her hands through hair and looks back at the door. She can see the snow still falling from the sky. "This night has been a nightmare," she whispers to herself. "But I can't think about that right now, I have to make sure that Kim is okay. If she's not, it will be all my fault." | ||
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The Pink Flamingo at the River
Rock Casino Andy moves into the restaurant looking to grab the takeout that he placed earlier in the evening. After he and Nicholas made love, they both realized that they had worked up an appetite, and so he placed his order. He is picking it up while Nicholas parks their car. As he moves to the bar, however, he happens to see Clayton sitting alone with a beer in front of him. He can't help but think that Clayton has agreed on move beyond their drama, which is great because after they learned that Clayton is a Wilkins, Andy does want him to be in his life because they are family, since he was married to Reese when he passed away. "Waiting out the storm with a beer?" Andy asks Clayton, who looks back at his former lover. "You can say that, yea," Clayton chuckles back to him. "What about you? Where is Nicholas?" "He is parking the car," Andy replies to him. "We decided to grab some food and head back to the condo." "That seems like a nice way to pass the storm," Clayton sighs back to him. "You know, what you and Nicholas have, it's very special, Andy." "I know that," Andy nods back to him. "And that's why we are really grateful that you still want to put the past behind us and move on with our lives." "Yea, I do," Clayton locks eyes with him. "You know, I've been thinking " "About what?" Andy asks him quickly. "I I long to have what you and Nicholas have," Clayton admits to him. "The kind of love that doesn't seem to die, no matter what. I I just hope that I can find it one day." Andy moves closer to Clayton and pulls him into hug, which is witnessed by Nicholas, who has moved into the restaurant. "You will find it one day Clayton," Andy whispers into his ear as they embrace. "I believe that for you, I really do." *** At the back table, Isabelle picks up her glass of red wine and takes a sip of it. She is reeling over seeing Jacob earlier as he revealed to her that he has decided to give his relationship with Cassie another chance. She knew that he was upset with her for the fact that she blackmailed Cassie into leaving town by threatening to tell everyone that she pushed her down the stairs, which caused her miscarriage. Jacob, however, can't seem to get past her lie and now he is back with Cassie. "Drowning your sorrows?" Cassie asks as she purses her lips her together as she arrives at Isabelle's table. "I suppose that is fitting considering " "Ugh, what the hell do you want?" Isabelle rolls her eyes back to her rival. "Here to gloat that Jacob has decided to be with you?" "You made your bed little girl, it's time you lay in it," Cassie replies to her with a giggle. "But yes, I can tell you that Jacob and I are very happy together. In fact, we've just finished m asking love and I am here to get us food before we have another round." "Gross," Isabelle spits back to her. "I don't need to know about you and Jacob's love life. In fact, I don't need to know anything at all about you, Cassie." "Just remember one thing," Cassie glares back at her. "I always get what I want, always. You should remember that going forward Isabelle." *** "I see my mother talking to Isabelle," Max tells Sophie as they sit across from one another at a table near the front of the restaurant. "Do you think I should go be a referee?" Sophie is starting into space and not paying attention to Max's question. She is thinking about how when she arrived, she saw Max sitting with Abby and he was holding her hand. Max has told her that he and Abby are friends and that she is going through a difficult time, but Sophie can't help but feel insecure at the sight of him holding another girls hand. "Uh, earth to Soph," Max chuckles to her. "Where were you right now? You looked a million miles away." Sophie shakes her head and comes back to present time. "Sorry, I guess I was just day dreaming." "Anything you want to share?" Sophie quickly shakes her head no to him. "It wasn't important; what were you saying?" "Are you sure you're okay?" Max asks her. "Yea, I'm fine," Sophie lies to him, trying to not let him see her insecurities shine though. "Perfectly fine." Twin
Peaks General Hospital "Thanks for coming to check on me, despite the snowstorm," Robin tells Leah as they sit across from one another in the cafeteria of the hospital. Robin got a text from Leah asking if she could come see her because she was having a difficult time sleeping, and Robin took her up on the offer as she hasn't seen her sister in a few days. "Of course," Leah smiles back to her. "Like I told you, I couldn't sleep and thought we could have a catch up. How are things with Penny?" "The good news is that she is awake," Robin replies to her. "But when she fell, the temple between her eyes got swollen and she is blind as a result." "My God," Leah gasps back to her. "Do the doctors think that it is temporary?" "We don't know for sure," Robin admits to her. "We hope so, but there is no guarantee." "You of all people can relate to what Penny is going through," Leah reminds her of the time that she went blind for a short time. Robin struggled with not being able to see, and thankfully, in time her sight came back to her. "That was so many years ago, but yes, I haven't been able to stop thinking about that time," Robin tells her. "The thing is, this is all hitting Cory really badly. He blames himself for everything that has happened." "He has to know that this has all been one unfortunate accident after another?" "He doesn't see it that way," she explains to her sister. "And as a result, he hasn't told me how he feels about me." "You still love him don't you?" "With all my heart," Robin reveals to her. "And I think he loves me too, he's just wrapped up in helping Penny and getting through his guilt. I just don't know how to help him."
*** Meanwhile, outside of Penny's hospital room, Cory stands next to Stephanie as the doctor looks over Penny's file and the most recent assessment of her patient. "How are things looking?" Cory asks the doctor. "I don't think that she will be able to see any time soon," Stephanie sighs back to him. "But otherwise, I am really pleased with her progress." "That has to be a good sign, right?" "Yes, it's a very good sign," Stephanie replies to him quickly. "So much so that I I think I am ready to discharge her from the hospital." "What? Really?" Cory asks her in surprise. "What about her sight?" "Like I said, that may come back on it's own, but it might not," Stephanie informs him. "She will need a lot of support once she is out of the hospital, no question, but if the blindness is permanent, she needs to start to get used to it and live her life with her new reality." "Penny can come back and live with me," Cory explains to the doctor. "I won't let Penny go through any of this alone." The
Lawson Estate; Cheresa & Abby's Home "I must admit that I am surprised that you came back here tonight," Cheresa admits to Chantel as they stand facing one another in the foyer of the Lawson mansion. Earlier in the evening, Cheresa revealed to both Chantel and Dawn that she was still in love with Dawn and wanted their relationship to work; Chantel left, devastated, and she and Dawn reunited as Dawn agreed to try to forgive Cheresa for her affair. Their reunion was cut short as Dawn had to go back to the prison to continue her report on the mental health of the inmates. "I know and I'm sorry if it is too late," Chantel replies to her. "I I just had to see you, Cheresa." "I hope you know that I never meant to hurt you," Cheresa explains to her. "But I had to be truthful to both you and Dawn; I had to tell you how I felt, and I just thought by telling both of you at the same time, it would be easier for everyone involved." "I am not mad that you told us about how you feel," Chantel looks back at her. "It's just I know this will sound silly, but I really was falling in love with you, Cheresa." Cheresa gulps back to her. "I know you were, I could tell," Cheresa replies to her. "And for that, I am sorry, Chantel. You're a great girl, and I hope that one day you can find the kind of love that Dawn and I have." Chanel hugs Cheresa as a tear falls down her cheek. "If you ever need me, I'm still here," Chantel whispers to her. "Always, Cheresa." The
State Prison Dawn is escorted through the one of the hallways of the prison by one of the security guards. She has returned to the prison so she can continue her investigation on the mental health of the inmates so she can write her report for the hospital. She had hoped to chat with Daisy again, but she has learned that Daisy was released as they have discovered the real person who killed Antonio. "Alright, I'll give you 10 or 15 minutes," the guard tells her. "How long do you want?" "I think 10 minutes will be more than enough time," Dawn replies to him. "This isn't the first time I've chatted with this inmate before, so I shouldn't need that much time." "Ok cool," the guard says back to her. "I'm around if you need me." "Thanks," Dawn says as she moves up to the cell where the inmate is. Inside the cell, Tara stands up and looks at Dawn, slowly getting a grin on her face. "Ms. Black," she purses her lips together. "I've been expecting you." The Calimo
Cabin Kim is laying unconscious on the sofa while Madeline checks her vitals. Madeline breathes a sigh of relief when she realizes that Kim should be perfectly fine. "Thank God," she says as she removes her stethoscope from her ears. "She just has a mild concussion; she should be awake in an hour or so." Madeline then sees Kim's small pregnant belly. She quickly recalls how Kim's OBGYN ran into her at the hospital and shared that Kim's baby is a lot smaller then expected at this stage of the pregnancy. At this time, the baby should be more developed, but she wasn't concerned at this time. "The baby " Madeline says as she suddenly gets an idea and a twinkle in her eye. "The baby ." Next
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