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It's All About Kindess Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 24, 2023 | ||
Theme song: "Christmas Is" Dolly Parton feat. Mylie Cyrus The
Calimo Mansion The large Christmas tree is twinkling in the living room of the Calimo mansion as Sophie, Jacob, Natasha, Shane and Robbie finish passing out the Christmas presents that are under the tree. They are celebrating the day together as Christmas has arrived in Twin Peaks. Jacob takes a sip of his eggnog before he looks over at Sophie. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Sophie looks back at her brother with a heavy heart. She has been trying to be brave but the truth is, the day is hitting her harder than she thought because she misses Cory; she still can't believe that her father was killed in a plane crash recently. "I I just wish my Dad was here," she replies to him. "Part of me just wants to go back to bed and wish the holidays would be over." "Don't be too hard on yourself," he tells her quickly. "You're allowed to be upset today, or any day. Losing a parent, it's very hard." "Thanks, what are you going to do with the rest of your morning?" Before Jacob can respond, Natasha and Shane move closer to their son. "I'm about to go see Carter. I got him some presents." "You're going to see Cassie today?" Natasha asks in surprise before she takes a sip of her eggnog. "I wish you wouldn't " "Carter is my son," Jacob reminds his parents. "He's your grandson; do you think that I would miss seeing him on Christmas? Part of that is seeing Cassie. You are going to have to deal with that, I can't believe you haven't yet." "We just want the best for you," Shane tells his son quickly. "Your version of the best for me really sucks considering it is wrapped in lies and deceit." "Jacob, please, it's Christmas," Natasha pleads with him. "Can we try to get along?" "I don't care what day it is," Jacob hisses back to her. "You and your lies have a made a mess of things; Christmas doesn't change that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see my son." Natasha sighs back to him before she looks over at Sophie. "Your grandmother is alive," Natasha tells Sophie. "I'm going to see Eva; would you like to come?" "I saw grandma yesterday," Sophie snaps back to her. "The last thing I want to do is spend the rest of the day with you." Natasha looks at Shane as Sophie rushes off, leaving the room. "What have I done?" she asks Shane, who pulls her into a hug. "Don't worry, they will come around," Shane tells her quickly as Robbie comes up to them. "Merry Christmas guys," Robbie says to his sister and her lover. "I'm going to take off and go to the hospital." "How is Kim?" Shane asks him quickly. Robbie shrugs his shoulders back to him. "No change, as far as I know. I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle." "I am hoping that for you too," Natasha pulls him into a hug. "Merry Christmas, Robbie." "Merry Christmas, Nat." | ||
The Black House; Helen &
Dawn's Home "You have no idea how happy I am that we have this day together," Helen smiles to Adam and Dawn as they sit in the living room of the house that Helen and Dawn live in together with some wrapping paper rests on the floor as the presents under the tree have been opened. Helen almost can't believe that they are all together for Christmas, considering Dale tried to kill Dawn by hitting her with his car. She can't help but feel somewhat responsible for everything that happened; she is just so grateful that Dawn made a full recovery. She has no idea how she would have coped if Dawn hadn't made it. "There were some days that we thought " "I'm fine Mom," Dawn smiles back to her. "I know the last few months have been tough, but that's all behind us now. Dale, he can never hurt us again." "Thank God for that," Adam takes a sip of his apple cider. "But I do agree with your Mom; today feels extra special because of what we have been through lately." "You two are the best parents a girl could ask for," Dawn replies to him. "Merry Christmas, guys." "Merry Christmas, kiddo," Adam winks back to her as Helen says Merry Christmas back to Dawn. "Well, thanks for all the presents," Dawn looks over at them. "I am supposed to meet Cheresa soon. Do you guys want to come? I am sure the Lawsons wouldn't mind if you tagged along." "I'd love that," Helen nods back to her. "I want to spend as much time with you today as possible." Dawn moves up to her mother and hugs her. "You can have me all day," she chuckles back to her. "I'll get our coats?" "Sounds like a plan," Helen looks over at her before she looks at Adam. Dawn leaves the room to get everyone's jackets, leaving Helen and Adam alone. "We are so lucky, huh?" "You can say that again," Adam nods back to her. "We have the most beautiful daughter in the world and we finally have Dale out of our lives." "I am sorry," Helen looks back at him. "If it wasn't for me, Dale wouldn't have been in our lives in the first place." "You never have to apologize to me," Adam grabs her hand. "I am just glad that we made it to the other side, Helen." "Me too," Helen says as she gets tears in her eyes. "Merry Christmas, Adam." "Merry Christmas, Helen." The
Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ & Tinah's Home "Cheresa called and said she was going to stop by in a while with presents for BJ and Tinah," Chris announces to Trenyce as he moves into the living room of the house that they live in. He is feeling extra blessed today because Trenyce just gave birth to their daughter, Albertinah, who was named after Chris' sister. Together with Tinah and BJ, their house feels very full this year. "That's nice of her," Trenyce looks over at her husband. "BJ and Tinah sure did get spoiled this year, huh?" Chris chuckles back to her. "I think next year will be even better because they will understand the holiday a little bit more." "I can't wait," Trenyce replies to him. "We are so lucky Chris; we have each other and we have two beautiful kids that are sleeping. I don't know what we did to deserve this, but I am so happy." "I am happy too Trey," he moves up to her and kisses her. "Nothing will ever come between us; we are going to spend the rest of our lives this way." "I'm going to hold you to that," she winks back to him. The
River Rock Casino "Are you going to head over to Trenyce and Chris'?" Andrew asks Daisy as they stand together in his suite at the hotel at casino. Andrew knows that Daisy was going to see her family for Christmas; he actually also got an invite but he is choosing not to go because he is still trying to get over his feelings for Trenyce. Seeing her with Chris and their children is still too much for him to handle, and he doesn't want to have the urge to gamble again. "I'll head over there shortly," Daisy purses her lips back to him. "Are you sure you don't want to come? You know that you're more than welcome, Andrew. And, no one should spend Christmas alone." "I'll be fine," he chuckles back to her. "I'll probably head to the cemetery and see my Mom's grave." "It's nice that you still visit her," Daisy tells him. "It makes the holidays easier to bear," he says. "By the way, you look pretty beautiful today. Is that a dress that Antonio bought?" "It is," she chuckles back to him. "He's already bought it for me, so I thought why the hell not. But thanks for the compliment, you're sweet." Andrew moves closer to her and looks into her eyes. "I still want to help us get away from the casino," he tells her. "One day, we will be free of this place." "I know Andrew," Daisy looks back into his eyes. "We are in this together." He looks into her eyes and she leans in and kisses him on the lips. They part ways and continue to look into each other's eyes. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that," she says. "No, you should have," he smiles back to her. "I've wanted that again, Daisy." "Me too." He kisses her again and then leads her to the bed, where he crawls on top of her as they start to undress one another. Dominick's
Townhouse Natasha moves into the living room of the townhouse and stops in her tracks when she sees Eva standing in front of her. Immediately she gets tears in her eyes at the sight of her mother as she believed that she was killed by Brooke Lawson a few years earlier. The fact that Eva is alive is truly a Christmas miracle, Natasha realizes. "I I can't believe that it's you," Natasha says as she pulls her mother into a hug. "This is real? This is really happening?" "I am here Natasha," Eva holds her daughter. "And I'm never leaving you again." Natasha wipes her eyes dry as they exit their embrace. "How did all of this happen?" Before Eva can respond, Donovan and Victoria emerge from the kitchen with a bottle of red wine that they were going to share with their mother. "We were just about to get the details over this bottle of wine," Donovan tells his half-sister. "It is a long story and I will tell you guys everything," Eva smiles at her children. "But for right now, can we just rejoice in the fact that we are all together again? And on Christmas no less?" "This is the best Christmas present we could have asked for," Donovan says as he opens the bottle of wine and starts pouring it into glasses. "To Mom, home where she belongs." "To Mom," Natasha and Victoria respond as they raise their glasses while Eva takes a sip of the red liquid. The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home "Are you going to the hospital today?" Abby asks Greg as they sit in the living room of the Lawson estate while Christmas music plays in the background and Cheresa brings some Christmas cookies to the coffee table. "I was thinking about it," Greg nods back to her. "I am hoping that Kim wakes up or we get some good news about her prognosis." "Do you mind if I catch a ride with you?" Abby asks him quickly. "I am eager to see Dominick," she reveals to him as she continues to worry about what the future of her marriage looks like now that Eva has returned from the dead. "Of course," Greg smiles back to her. "It is good that you're going to see Dominick on Christmas; he would like that." "And what about you Cheresa? What are going to do with the rest of your Christmas?" Abby asks her sister before she takes a bite of her cookie. "I'm glad we have this time together," Cheresa tells her family. "Dawn is going to come over and join us for lunch and I think Adam and Helen will be with her." "That will be nice," Greg replies to her. "You and Dawn should celebrate her health today." "That is the plan," Cheresa nods back to him. "And then I'll head over to Trenyce's to give the kids some presents." "Sounds like we all have full days," Abby tells her family. "But like Cheresa, I'm glad we have this time together. We have to do this every year, deal?" "Deal," Greg pulls his girls into a hug. "I love you two so much." "We love you too Daddy," Abby replies to him as they continue to hug one another next to the Christmas tree. Twin
Peaks General Hospital Robbie opens the door to Kim's hospital room and moves inside. He sits next to his wife and looks at her as she sleeps for a moment. He hopes that Kim will start to get better, but he knows that it might not happen. "Kim, can you hear me?" he asks as he sits next to her. He caresses her face with his hand while he looks at her. "It's Christmas; you always loved this time of the year." Kim moans a little and stirs in her sleep. Slowly, her eyes open and she looks back at Robbie. "Rooobbbbie?" "It's me," Robbie replies to her. "It's good to see your eyes; they are as beautiful as ever. Merry Christmas, Kim." "Merrrrrryyyyy Chhhhrrristmassss," she replies to him. "Youuuuu, youuuu loooook gooood." "Thank you," he chuckles back to her. "I've been so worried about you, Kim. We all have. We we just want you to get better, can you do that?" "I'mmmmm trrrrrrying." "I know you are," he replies to her. "But you know what? If you get better, we could go back to our lives together because, I .I married you a couple days ago, Kim. I'm your husband again." Kim's eyes open wider in surprise as she reaches for Robbie's hand to squeeze it. "Marrrrried? Youuuuu and I?" "That's right Kim," he smiles to his wife. "We are married again, and this time, nothing will break us up. We will be husband and wife until the end of time." Next
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