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It's a Maze of Mirrors Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: January 10, 2024 | ||
Theme song: "Age of Anxiety" Arcade Fire | ||
The Calimo Mansion
"I am afraid I can't," he replies to her. "I have to get to the casino, but I wanted to come and see if you wanted to have dinner with me soon." Meanwhile, the elevator doors open and Sophie steps into the hallway as she came to see how Robin is doing; she knows that they are both still grieving Cory, and so she wanted to come and see how she was holding up. She knows that she is also having a difficult time with Natasha right now, so Sophie needs to lean on Robin a little bit more. She freezes, however, when she sees Antonio and Robin talking to one another at the door. Robin looks back at Antonio. "A dinner date, huh?" she chuckles back to him. "I suppose that could be arranged. I'll just have to find a baby sitter." "I will be free any day you are," Antonio winks back to her. "So you find a day that works with your sitter and I'll make all the other arrangements." "That sounds lovely, thank you for the invite." "It's my pleasure," Antonio tells her as he grabs her hand and kisses it. Seeing another man kiss Robin's hand sends shivers down Sophie's spine as she wonders if Robin has, officially, moved on from Cory and what they had before his death. Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico The zona romantica is the oldest part of Puerto Vallarta. The streets are made with cobble stones and the buildings are older, filled with lots of character. Meggan and Lukas walk through the streets in hopes of finding, or seeing, Jasper with Olly. They know it is a long shot, but they both felt like they were going stir crazy sitting at the AirBnB. "Do you really think that we will just randomly run into Jasper?" Meggan asks her brother before she takes a sip of her water from the water bottle that she has. "I have no idea," Lukas replies to her. "But I just felt like I had to do something; the waiting around was killing me." "Here, have some water," Meggan tells him as she passes him the water bottle. "In this heat, you have to stay hydrated." "Thanks," Lukas says back to her. "You and I, we can look around and hopefully Donovan can have some luck with the local police." "Do you think it was a good idea for him to go alone?" "I do," Lukas nods back to her. "He can explain the situation and hopefully give us an update later on. Besides, I really need the break from him; the tension between us feels like it's at an all-time high." Meggan uneasily chuckles back to him. "I picked up on that," she admits to him. "I just hope that you both know what you're doing because if you do go through with the divorce, there's no going back." "I just don't see how we can ever repair our marriage after everything that has happened," Lukas sighs back to her. "But right now, my only focus is on finding Olly." *** Meanwhile, at the local police station, Donovan sits in an office across from a police officer. Donovan looks at the man, who is quite attractive, and hopes that he will be able to help him find Jasper and Olly. Donovan knows that it has been weeks, even months, since Jasper took off with his son, and the longer he goes without finding his son, the more he begins to think that he might never see him again. "So, this is the man that you believe kidnapped your child?" detective Sergio Lopez asks Donovan as he holds up a picture of Jasper and studies it closely. "That's correct," Donovan replies to him quickly. "His name is Jasper Lim; he was my son's nanny." "I see," Sergio says back to him. "And, why do you think your son's nanny would kidnap Olly?" "It is a very long story," Donovan sighs back to the police officer. "Needless to say, Jasper had an affair with my husband and things escalated from there." "I am sorry that you had to go through that," Sergio looks back at Donovan. "And you know, the more I look at this picture, the more I think I have seen Jasper around town. I think Jasper is in Puerto Vallarta." "Really?" Donovan asks him trying not to get too excited. "Then you can help me find him! You can help me get my son back!" Twin
Peaks General Hospital "I almost can't believe that this day is here," Andy tells Robbie and Kim as he stands in her hospital room. After weeks of wondering Kim would survive her shooting, she is getting to leave the hospital today. Andy and Robbie, after seeing her near death, are feeling amazed that she is well enough to leave because that wasn't always the case. "You and me both," Robbie chuckles back to him as he looks over at Kim. "How are you feeling, Kim?" "Never better," Kim smiles to her husband and brother. "I don't know how or why I was able to pull through but I feel like I have lease on life and I don't want to waste a minute of it." "Well you did just survive a shooting, so try to take it easy, okay?" Andy replies to her. "I don't want you to overdo it." "Don't worry, between you and Robbie, I won't have a choice," Kim chuckles back to him. "But honestly, thank you to both of you. I I know I wouldn't be here today if you two had supported me every step of the way." "You never have to worry about that," Robbie looks back at his wife. "We are always going to be next to you, whether you want us there or not." The
Sugarbowl "Mom, what are you doing here?" Cheresa asks her mother as Trenyce storms up to her daughter, whgo is sitting in the back booth of the coffeehouse with a latte in front of her. Cheresa knows that the last time she saw Trenyce was on New Year's Eve, when she pleaded with her mother to be honest with Chris about her affair with Andrew. Chris happened to hear them talking and confronted them, but Trenyce covered and her father still doesn't know the truth. "You haven't responded to any of my messages," Trenyce puts her hand on her hip. "We have to talk about what happened on New Year's Eve." "Ugh," Cheresa groans back to her. "You mean, the fact that you're still lying to Chris about your affair? What else do you want me to say, Mom?" "Look," Trenyce sternly tells her. "I know that my affair with Andrew was wrong, I get it. Andrew and I, we made a mistake and we haven't continued to sleep with one another. What is the point of telling Chris the truth now?" "Because he has a right to know that you've been unfaithful!" Cheresa cries back to her. "Don't you think that your marriage should be based on honesty?" "Of course, I do," Trenyce waves her hand back. "I just don't want to cause him any more pain that isn't necessary. Please, Cheresa, I am begging you, don't tell Chris anything. Tell me that you'll keep this secret." Cheresa sighs back to her. "Fine," she looks back at her mother. "I won't say anything but I hate this, Mom. I really fucking hate this!" Twin
Peaks General Hospital Eva slowly opens the door to Dominick's hospital room and looks at her husband, who is laying in his bed fast asleep as he is still in his coma. She can't believe that he has been in a coma for weeks; she just hopes that somehow, he is able to come back to her because now that she is back, she wants to put her life back together. "Dominick," Eva whispers to him as she moves up to his bed and sits next to him. "It's me, Eva. I know, this is probably a surprise to you, but I am alive. I didn't die all those years ago. Believe it or not, Frederick saved my life." Eva looks at her husband, as he doesn't flitch from anything she has said to him. "And now that I am back, I want my life back, and that means that you have to come back to me, Dominick. So, please, I'm begging you, open your eyes. Please come back to me, come back to all of us." The
Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home "Come on, Ethan," Abby presses her friend as they continue to stand facing one another in the living room of the Lawson mansion. "What did you discover? Am I still married to Dominick?" Ethan sighs back to her heavily. "This is a complicated situation," he tells her. "Because when we all thought that Eva died, her marriage to Dominick hadn't ended. They had signed the divorce papers, but they were never filed." "So, what does that mean? Technically they are still married?" Ethan nods back to her. "In the eyes of the law, Dominick's wife is Eva, not you. Your marriage to Dominick is illegal." Abby feels the blood drain from her face. "No," she shakes her head quickly. "No, this can't be happening! It can't be!" "I'm sorry, I wish I had better news for you," Ethan says as he moves up to her and pulls her into a hug. "You will get through this, Abby. You just have to stay strong." "I I can't lose Dominick! I can't! I won't!" she says as he holds her and she fights the tears swelling in her eyes. Next
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