Episode 1059
Gimme Your Heart
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released:

Episode Theme song: "I Love You Bitch" Lizzo

Previously on One Day at a Time
- After seeing muddy footprints in his condo, Andy was tempted to drink
- Max and Sophie seemingly grew closer while Natasha announced the Pink Diamonds launch will be in Maui, Hawaii
- Andrew vowed to find out if he was Albertinah's father
- Dawn and Cheresa agreed to try to have a long-distance relationship as she was going to move to Toronto
- Madeline and Tyler made love
- Paige returned home and asked Victoria what information she had over Abby

The Lawson Estate; Greg & Cheresa's Home

Greg moves into the living room of the lavish house that he lives in with Cheresa and sees his adoptive daughter looking out the window, lost in thought. He knows that she has been upset since Dawn revealed that she is going to be moving to Toronto with Adam and Helen, since she has always wanted her family together. He knows that Cheresa is upset because it means that her relationship with her girlfriend will change.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he comes up behind Cheresa, puts his hands on her shoulders, and kisses the back of her head.

Cheresa turns and smiles at her Dad. "You know me too well," she chuckles to him. "I…I guess I am just thinking about Dawn and her moving."

"You know that, no matter what, you two will love one another, right?"

"I know, I know," she sighs back to him. "It's just weird to think that she's not going to be here, or have the ability to see her whenever I want. I will get through this, it's just weird."

"You're a strong woman," Greg tells his daughter, as the front door opens and Abby moves into the living room. "You'll get through this."

"Dad, Cheresa, hey," Abby announces to her family. "How are you guys?"

"We are good sweetheart," Greg moves up to her and hugs her. "I'm glad you're here, because I need to talk to you, both of you."

"Uh no, why do I get the feeling that this is more bad news?" Cheresa sighs back to him.

"It's not bad news," Greg chuckles back to her. "But there will be some changes coming up in my life, and you need to know about them."

"Changes? What kind of changes?" Abby asks her father next.

"Well, after this blotched engagement to Kim, I've been doing a lot of soul searching and I realized that my happiness will not be found in Twin Peaks," Greg tells them. "So, I've decided that I will be leaving town. Not any time soon, because I will have to testify at a lawsuit that Madeline filed, but I do think that this will be good for me."

"First Dawn, now you?" Cheresa sighs heavily back to him. "This doesn't seem fair."

"What will you do for work?" Abby asks her father.

"That's pretty easy," Greg tells her quickly. "Doctors can get jobs anywhere. And Cheresa, you still have time with me, and who knows? Maybe after the trial, I will change my mind. I'm…I'm just saying that I need this change, I really do."

Cheresa and Abby move closer to Greg, and they embrace in a three-way hug as they brace themselves for Greg's pending departure.

The Sugarbowl

In the back booth of the coffeehouse, Andy and Nicholas sit across from one another with a couple of coffees on the table in front of them.

"Have you had anymore nightmares since that day at your condo?" Nicholas asks him quickly before Andy takes a sip of his coffee.

Andy sighs as he feels his hand start to shake a little. He can't forget that day in his condo; he arrived to get some of his belongings as he was going to move into the Young mansion with Nicholas, when he saw muddy footprints on the carpet. Thinking someone was in the condo, he searched the property, but he didn't see any sign of life. He has no idea what happened but he has felt like he is losing his mind, and he has been tempted to drink ever since.

"No, it's just…I don't know," he sighs back to his boyfriend. "This entire situation, it's starting to get to me, Nicholas."

"When I got to your condo, you had thrown a bottle of whiskey at the wall," Nicholas recounts to him. "Were you going to…drink?"

"I don't know," Andy admits to him. "I was close, but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Oh Andy," Nicholas reaches over and grabs his hand. "I'm sorry that you're struggling with these images of Clayton."

"It's more than that," Andy reveals to him. "In my condo, Nicholas, there were muddy footprints on the carpet in the living room. Someone, or something, was in my condo."

Nicholas arches his eyebrow back to him. "That doesn't make sense?"

"Right," Andy nods back to him. "That's why I'm feeling like…like I'm losing my mind."

"You're fine," Nicholas encourages him. "I promise you, you'll be fine with all of this, okay?"


Meanwhile, at the window seat Natasha sits next to Sophie as they are on a quick break from their busy day at Roboto. They are, however, still talking about the upcoming launch of the Pink Diamonds, which is the collaboration between Roboto and Rockwell Mining, which will take place at the Barracuda Blue, a resort in Maui, Hawaii.

"I've been thinking about something," Sophie admits to her mother, before she takes a sip of her iced coffee. "Max and I, we have been working so hard on this project."

"Yes, you have," Natasha smiles back to her. "I'm really proud of all the work you, and Max, have done, Sophie. If you think back to when you first came back to town, you've grown up so much."

Sophie chuckles back to her as she thinks about how she was expelled from school because she pretended to be on a rowing team to get a scholarship. "I'm glad that you recognize that," she tells her mother.

"So, what is that you've been thinking about, exactly?" Natasha asks her daughter.

"The trip to Maui," Sophie looks back at her. "I think it would be good for Max and I to go with you and the rest of the team; it would be really awesome for us to see the launch come to life after spending so much time and energy on it."

Natasha nods back to her. "Of course," she tells her daughter. "You and Max are able to come!"

"Oh Mom," Sophie hugs her quickly. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she smiles as she thinks that she can use the trip as another way to get closer to the man that she has a crush on.

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I'm famished," Madeline admits to Tyler as they sit at a table in the restaurant with menus in front of them. Madeline looks back at her lover and recalls how they spent the morning, again, in bed with one another, working up an appetite. She is thrilled that they are growing closer because she continues to believe that she can use Tyler's feelings for Kim to her advantage as she continues to plot revenge against Robbie and Kim.

Tyler chuckles back to her. "I am too," he winks back to her. "But working up this appetite was worth it, don't you think?"

"It definitely was," she giggles back to him. "I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying our time together, Tyler."

"Me too, Madeline," he replies to her. "And I hope I've put you at ease with my feelings for Kim."

"Kim who?" Madeline asks him back with another chuckle, just as she sees Robbie and Kim come into the restaurant. She and Robbie make eye contact quickly, so she leans across the table and kisses Tyler on the lips.

"What was that for?" Tyler asks her as they part ways.

"Just to confirm that I want you," she tells him. "Now, let's order?"

Meanwhile, Robbie and Kim look at one another in surprise as they didn't realize that Madeline and Tyler were an item.

"What do you think that's all about?" Robbie asks his wife.

Kim shrugs back to him. "I have no idea, but I couldn't care less," she admits to him. "I just want to make sure that damn lawsuit of Madeline's doesn't go anywhere."

The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home

"Cheresa, this is a surprise," Chris says as he opens the door to the house he lives in with his wife and their children. He wasn't expecting to see his oldest daughter today, but he is always happy when she stops by.

"I know, I'm sorry for coming by unannounced," Cheresa says as she moves into the foyer of the house. "I…I guess I just wanted to see some friendly faces."

Chris chuckles back to her. "Well, I'm here and the kids are here, but Trey is at work."

"Right, of course she is," Cheresa replies to her.

"What's going on? Why do you want to see us?"

Cheresa feels his eyes swell with water. "Dawn is moving to Toronto and Greg, he just told me he's also leaving town. It…it just feels like everyone I love is leaving me."

Chris pulls her into a hug as a tear falls down Cheresa's cheek. "Just remember that life is always changing, but your love for the people in your life and family, that lasts forever, okay?"

Robertson Enterprises

Trenyce sits behind her desk at Robertson Enterprises with her sketch pad in front of her. She is tapping her pencil against the paper as she is trying to find inspiration for the next collection that she will work on creating. She gets a sly grin on her face as she thinks about how perfect her life is right now; Albertinah is healthy again, BJ is growing up so quickly, and she and Chris are in a solid place in the marriage, to the point where he suggested that they renew their vows. And, the best part is that Cheresa has seemingly come to terns with the fact that she can keep her secret of her affair with Andrew.

"Nothing will come between Chris and mine's happiness now," she whispers to herself. "My affair with Andrew was an one-time thing and no one will ever know. My marriage will remain on track and we will spend the rest of our lives this happy.

She turns her head when she hears a knock on her office door. "Come in," she calls out, as the door opens and Andrew appears.

"Are you alone?" he asks her as she looks back at him in surprise.

"Andrew, hi," she greets him. "And yes, I'm alone. Why? What is going on?"

"We have to talk," Andrew replies to her quickly. "It's about Albertinah, and it can't wait, Trey."

The Tower's, Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo

Paige moves a piece of her hair behind her ear as she continues to look at Victoria as they face one another in Victoria's condo. Paige arrived at the condo because Victoria had called her while she was in New York and revealed that she had information that could stop Dominick from marrying Abby; however, when Paige asked her what the information was, Victoria revealed that she wanted something from Paige first.

"So?" Paige nervously chuckles back to her. "What is it, exactly, that you want from me for this information that you have on Abby?"

Victoria grins back at her. "You have to understand, I'm really trying to better my life and make a name for myself, outside of being a doctor."

"Okay?" Paige asks her in confusion. "I'm not sure what that has to do with me?"

"Well," Victoria purses her lips together. "You work at Robertson Enterprises, right? And your family owns the company."

"Yea, that's right. I'm still not following you."

"I want…I want a seat on the board of Robertson Enterprises. I want to work at the company with you and your family," Victoria reveals to her as Paige opens her mouth in shock.

"What? Why? This doesn't make any sense, Victoria," Paige gasps back to her.

"But it does," Victoria tells her quickly. "You see, I'm married to Bryce, who is your brother and Leah's son," Victoria explains to her. "The best way for me to make an impact on the family and to bring everyone together, is for me to work with you all. This will be a good thing."

"I … I don't know what to say."

"Get me the seat on the board," Victoria smirks back to her. "And I'll give you the information to prevent your grandfather from marrying Abby. Do we have a deal?"

Paige gulps nervously as she reaches over and shakes Victoria's hand. "Perfect, this is just perfect," Victoria says as she gets a twinkle in her eye.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Kim and Madeline come to gether
- Cory and Penny go to the next level
- Lukas has a request of Simona

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