Episode 1062
Back to the Beginning
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 05, 20224

Episode Theme song: "Good Wife" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Andy was tempted to drink after he saw muddy footprints in his condo
- Cassie arrived at the Barracuda Blue and witnessed a close moment between Jacob and Isabelle
- Mac and Natasha prepared to the launch party to begin
- Andrew told Trenyce that they had to talk, and he wouldn't wait

The Young Mansion; Nicholas' Home

Large clouds of smoke fill the living room of the Young mansion. In the middle of the room, Andy stands looking around in desperation as he is not sure where the smoke is coming from. He moves some of the smoke out of his face and his eyes happen to move towards the bar in the room; he can see the decanters that have brown liquors in them. He feels his heart start to race at the sight of the alcohol.

"Annnndyyyyyyy," a voice calls out within the room.

Andy turns around in the smoke and tries to see who is calling his name, but he just sees more smoke. "Whose there? Where is this smoke coming from?"

"Annnddddyyyyyy…." The voice says again as Andy feels sweat forming on his forehead.

"Who is there?" he yells out in frustration.

Suddenly, the face of Clayton appears to Andy, who screams in horror at the sight of the man that he killed in the room he is standing in.

Then, Andy jolts up in the large bed that he shares with Nicholas. He looks around the room and realizes that he was having another nightmare about Clayton. He feels sweat on his forehead as he tries to catch his breath.

"When will these nightmares stop?" he asks himself as he slowly lays back down into the bed. "When will I start to feel normal again?"

The Tower's; Floor One; Andy's Condo

Nicholas moves up to the front door of Andy's condo and prepares to unlock it. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that Andy claimed to have seen muddy footprints on the carpet; this made Andy almost fall off the wagon and feel like he was closer to the edge.

"I have to figure this out," Nicholas whispers to himself as he unlocks the door. "Andy's sobriety might depend on it."

Nicholas moves into the condo and closes the door behind him. The condo has an eerie quiet about it since Andy is, once again, living with him at the Young mansion. Nicholas moves into the living room and turns on some laps. His eyes, immediately, see the footprints that Andy was referring too as they are still on the carpet.

Nicholas bends down and puts his finger on the footprints. The mud is now hard and encrusted into the carpet.

"Someone was definitely here," he tells himself. "But Andy is right, why are there only footprints on the carpet and no where else? What is actually going on here?"

Robertson Enterprises

"You can't just storm into my office and demand that we speak," Trenyce stands up from behind her desk and puts her hands on her hips as she looks at Andrew, who just announced that he wanted to talk to Trenyce. Trenyce, after everything that has happened, only wants to move forward with her life with Chris. It is what she, and her family, deserve to have.

"I'm afraid that this can't wait," Andrew sighs back to her, as he recalls how Antonio suggested that he fathered Albertinah. He hasn't been able to get that out of his mind and he is determined to know the truth. "My future, our future depends on this."

"What, exactly, is this about?" Trenyce huffs back to him. "It sounds like you want to confront me about something?"

"Look, Trey," Andrew sighs back to her, unaware that Chris is standing outside the office door. He arrived to surprise Trenyce with a coffee from the Sugarbowl, but now is frozen still listening to the conversation unfolding. "All I want is some time alone with you so we can talk openly and freely. After everything, don't you think you owe me that much?"

Trenyce sighs back to him. "Fine, fine, okay? Let's meet," Trenyce replies to him. "Tomorrow night on the pier, say around 7?"

"That's perfect," Andrew smiles back to her. "Thanks for this Trey; I just think it's time we get everything out in the open."

Outside the office Chris arches his eyebrow. "What do they need to get out in the open? Something tells me that I need to be on the pier tomorrow at 7."

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

"So, this will be the room that your models will get ready in," Orvilla Anderson says as she lets Natasha and Mac Rockwell into one of the guest suites in the hotel. Orvilla, the owner of the Barracuda Blue, is showing the two of them around so they are aware of how everything will unfold the following night at the launch party for the Pink Roses.

"Why does it seem like every room I see of this resort, it gets more and more stunning?" Natasha asks as she looks at the lavish room. "Our models will love getting ready in here."

"Please tell me that you have a safe in this room? We will want to ensure all of our diamonds are safe until the big reveal," Mac looks over at Orvilla.

"Yes, of course, we do," Orvilla replies to him. "In fact, the diamonds are already here. Come, I'll show you."

The three of them exit the main space of the room and move towards the large bedroom of the suite. Orivlla opens the closet, where there is a large safe inside. She turns the dial and opens the safe. Natasha and Mac gasp in awe at the large golden crown that Orvilla pulls out of the safe; three large pink diamonds, shaped like roses, are on the front of the crown.

"It's stunning," Natasha beams back to Mac and Orvilla. "Isabelle is going to look absolutely incredible tomorrow. The launch is going to shake up the corporate world in so many ways."

"I couldn't agree more," Mac agrees with her. "This crown, these beautiful diamonds, they will put us to the top of the world and nothing will stop us now."


On the beach, Jacob and Isabelle walk hand in hand as the sun is about to set. The glow of the sun sparkles over the water as the waves lap into the beach, where they are walking. The warm air allows both of them to be wearing beach wear.

"How are you feeling about the launch tomorrow night?" Jacob asks her as they continue to walk to down the beach.

"I am so excited," Isabelle admits to him. "All the hard work we've put in the last few months will finally pay off."

Jacob chuckles back to her. "That's true; But you're also the star of the show, so it makes sense if you are feeling apprehensive."

"I suppose on some level there is a level of apprehension," Isabelle tells him. "But mostly, I am excited. This is the type of stuff that I live for. I love knowing that I will be the face of this new brand that Roboto and Rockwell Mining has put together. It's a thrill like none other."

"You're the face of the brand because you're so beautiful," Jacob tells her as they stop walking and he looks into her eyes. "I am so lucky that you're choosing to spend so much time with him so we can reconnect."

"There's nothing I want more," Isabelle tells him. "After the miscarriage, I wasn't sure that I would ever feel whole again, but I am starting too. I really am."

"I'm happy to hear that," Jacob says. "I know the miscarriage was a horrific loss and we will always grieve the baby, but we can move on and find new happiness, maybe even together?"

"I hope that we will be together," Isabelle licks her lips. "Because you and I, we are good together, Jacob. That much, I believe in."


Cassie rushes down the hallway of the third floor of the hotel. She just saw Jacob and Isabelle share a closer moment on the sundeck and her blood is boiling. She still can't believe that Isabelle blackmailed her into leaving town by saying that if Cassie didn't leave town, Isabelle would tell everyone that Cassie pushed her down the stairs at the Calimo mansion, which resulted in her miscarriage. Cassie, knowing her history, knew that everyone would believe Isabelle's lie, and left town.

Once she left Twin Peaks, she went to Kelsey Lake to meet her long-time friend, Dyhannah Cooper, who was working with Kent Blackmore to ensure the Pink Roses launch was a failure. When Cassie learned of the plan, she wanted to help because she wanted to ensure Isabelle's campaign flopped, and she always loves to stick it too Natasha. Plus, she thought that this could be a way to get Jacob back.

She stops at a suite and starts knocking on the door rapidly. Kent Blackmore, only with a white towel wrapped around his waist, opens the door and gets a grin on his face, as he knows that he and Cassie slept together while she was in Kelsey Lake.

"Cassie, come in," he says as Cassie storms into his suite. "I gather your travels here were alright?"

"They were fine," Cassie throws her purse down on the sofa in his suite. "How are you?"

"Not nearly as heated as you," he chuckles back to her. "Have you come here to blow off some steam?"

"No," Cassie puts her hand up in the air to stop him from hitting on her. "I enjoyed our time in Kelsey Lake, Kent, I really did, but the man that I love, he is here at the Barracuda Blue. My main focus has to be to get him back."

"You did mention that before, that someone had your heart already. I'm not offended."

Cassie chuckles back to him. "Good," she tells him. "Because something tells me that you don't have any troubles getting women. But you know what? That's not what I'm here."

"The launch is tomorrow," Kent reminds her. "I'm guessing you are here to ensure that we have a plan to make sure the launch fails?"

"That's exactly why I'm here," Cassie replies to him. "So tell me, Kent, what exactly do you have planned to ensure this launch blows up in Roboto's faces?"

"Leave it to me babe," Kent winks back at her. "My plan is foul proof. Nothing will get in my way of ruining this damn launch."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Robin confronts Anotnio
- Eva goes to bat for Victoria
- The Pink Roses launch begins

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