Episode 1063
Every Shade of Pink
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 09, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Cherry Blossom" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- After seeing Jacob and Isabelle in a close moment, Cassie went to Kent and asked him how he was planning to ruin the Pink Roses Launch
- Mac and Natasha saw the Pink Roses and were in awe
- Isabelle and Jacob grew closer
- Robin overheard Antonio on the phone talking about the plan crash that killed Cory
- Victoria told Eva she wanted a seat on the board at Robertson Enterprises

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I am still in shock that Paige suggested that Victoria join the Robertson Enterprises board yesterday," Leah says to Jeff and Tyler, as the three of them are sitting at a table in the restaurant, with cocktails in front of them. They have finished work for the day, but she is still trying to understand how and why her daughter suggested that Victoria come to work at her family company. The last thing that Leah wants is for Victoria to be working with her day in and day out, especially since she is trying to get her away from Bryce.

"You and me both," Tyler replies to her before he takes a sip of his gin and tonic. "It's not like Victoria has any business experience."

"And with her history of mental illness, she could be a huge liability to the company," Jeff chimes in next.

"Well at least you two agree with me," Leah chuckles back to them. "Victoria coming to the company would be a huge mistake."

"That's where I think you're wrong," a voice calls out. Leah, Jeff, and Tyler all look up and see Eva standing at their table. "My daughter would be a perfect fit into the family company, I think you are all on the wrong side of this decision."

"Eva…" Tyler begins to tell her.

"No, it's fine Tyler," Eva cuts him off. "I know you how feel, how you all feel, but now that I am back, I am going to take a bigger role in the company since I, too, am on the board. And my first motion will be to bring Victoria onboard, after all, she is family since she is married to Bryce, who is your son," she says looking at Leah and Jeff. "After everything we've been through, this family should be coming together, not pushing one another apart."

The River Rock Casino

Robin paces back and forth outside of Antonio's office as she is trying to piece together the phone call that she overheard her fiancé on a few days earlier, where he was talking about the plane crash that killed Cory. Robin has no idea why her fiancé would be discussing the plane crash, but she realizes that she must get to the bottom of it.

Suddenly, however, the office door opens, and Antonio appears. He arches his eyebrow when he sees Robin pacing back and forth.

"You're going to burn a hole in the carpet outside of my office," he chuckles to Robin, who pauses and looks back at him. "What's going on?"

"I…uh…I guess I was wondering what I was going to say to you when I finally saw you," Robin admits to him as they lock eyes.

Antonio arches his eyebrow back to her. "That sounds serious. Why would you have to think about what you wanted to say to me?"

"Because," Robin gulps back to him. "I heard you talking the other day; about the plane crash that killed Cory. Tell me, Antonio, what kind of phone call were you having that you were talking about that plane crash? What do you know about the crash that no one else does?"

Antonio feels his heart race inside his chest as he didn't realize that she overheard his phone call. He realizes that he has to say something to make her not become more suspicious.

"Oh," he finally says with a sigh. "I didn't realize you heard that phone call."

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she says. "I stopped by to see you and heard you on the phone. I…I couldn't help but hear and once I knew what you were talking about, I had to know the truth. Why would you be talking about Cory's plane crash?"

"I guess you were going to find out sooner than later," Antonio looks back at her. "I…I had my own investigation into the plane crash. I wanted to see if I could find out what really happened."

"You did? I…I had no idea."

"I didn't want to say anything in case my investigation didn't turn up any new information," Antonio continues to lie to his fiancé. "And that's what that phone call; my investigator telling me he didn't turn anything else up."

"Why didn't you tell me about this? I…I could have helped," Robin tells him quickly.

"Because, I know how much Cory meant to you, and to his family," Antonio tells her. "I really didn't want to get your hopes up, and I was right because there was no new information."

"Are you sure that's all it was?"

"I'm positive," Antonio smiles back to her. "Now, can we please drop this and have dinner together?"

Robin nods back to him as they hug each other, as Antonio breathes a sigh of relief that he was able to cover with the woman he loves.

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

The poolside area of the Barracuda Blue has been transformed into the setting for the launch of the Pink Roses, which is about to begin. Guests are mingling drinking the finest champagne and elegant canapés that waiters are circling with. Soft music is playing until the announcement is made for the launch.

Quinn Cunningham grabs a glass of champagne from one of the waiters before she moves up to Mac, who is chuckling with some venders. Mac turns and sees Quinn and excuses himself from the people he was chatting with.

"Quinn, what a surprise," Mac says as he pulls her into a hug. "I didn't know you were planning to make the trip to Maui."

"And give up the opportunity to be at the Barracuda Blue?" Quinn asks him before she takes a sip of her champagne. "I've been wanting to come here for many years, and with Marat finally in jail, I felt like Jumper would be safe while I cam here. And I love offering my support to you."

"Well, I appreciate that more than you know," Mac nods back to her. "Have you heard from your mother?"

Quinn sighs as she thinks about how her mother, Sabine, was scarred in an accident in Moscow. Over the Christmas break, Sabine went to New York to see some specialists in hope of reconstructing her face.

"I have heard from Sabine, yes," Quinn replies to him. "She is about to have her surgery; she is hopeful that they will be able to remove the scar."

"That is wonderful news," Mac smiles back to her. "Because Kelsey Lake has been far too quiet without her. It will be nice to have her back."

"I will drink to that," Quinn chuckles to him as they toast their champagne glasses.


In the large suite where the models are getting ready, Stacey moves up to the vanity where Isabelle is sitting, having her makeup applied by a makeup artist. Stacey sets a glass of champagne down in front of the lead model and then looks at her in the mirror.

"My goodness, you're so beautiful, Isabelle," Stacey tells her before she takes a sip of her own sparkling water.

Isabelle flushes back to her. "You're very kind, Stacey, thank you," Isabelle replies to her. "And you, you have a glow about you. Is there something going on with you?"

It is Stacey's turn to flush as she puts her hand on her slightly expanded stomach. "You…you caught me," she giggles back to her. "I'm pregnant. I'm going to have my third child."

"Third? Wow, you don't look old enough to have a two other kids," Isabelle chuckles to her.

"You're kind," Stacey tells her. "But yes, I am expecting and I am so very excited. Both the father and I are."

"You're so lucky," Isabelle replies to her somberly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No," Isabelle shakes her head as tears swell in her eyes. "It's…it's just that I recently had a miscarriage. And, well, I remember feeling how you are now. So excited for bringing a new life into the world; promise me one thing, Stacey?" Isabelle looks up into her eyes, as Stacey nods back to her. "Don't take this for granted; cherish every moment you have while being pregnant and the long life ahead for your children."

"I promise," Stacey squeezes her hand tightly. "And Isabelle, you will have a child one day, I am certain of it."


Cassie peers out from behind a pillar and sees guests mingling. She can see Jacob, Sophie, Max, and Natasha all standing near the pool, with glasses of champagne in their hands. She knows that she can't be seen by them, but she was hoping to get some champagne to take back to Kent's room as she knows that they are working towards ruining the launch.

As she looks at Jacob, she can't help but think that he looks incredibly dashing in his tuxedo. Seeing the love of her life, however, makes her heart skip a beat, and she also feels furious that Isabelle is still blackmailing her. She knows that's why ruining this launch is so important; she has to be able to find a way to get back into Jacob's life.

She scurries up to a waiter, grabs two glasses of champagne and rushes back to the door. Just then, Jacob turns his head and sees a woman with blonde hair rushing into the Barracuda Blue's lobby. He arches his eyebrow at the sight but he quickly shakes his head.

"Cassie is gone," he whispers to himself. "She wouldn't dare show her face at this launch."


Meanwhile, Cassie opens the door to Kent's suite at the hotel and moves inside.

"I come baring liquid gifts," she chuckles as she moves up to Kent and passes him a glass of champagne. "The party, it looks like it is about to get into full swing."

"Thanks for this," Kent replies to her as he takes a sip of his champagne. "Are you going to hang out for a bit?"

"Only if that's alright with you?"

"It's fine," Kent sits next to her. "But I am about to meet with a couple of, uh, associates, that will help me with my plan."

Cassie looks back at him with a twinkle in her eye. "Associates, huh? And what will these associates do?"

"Leave that to me," Kent whispers back to her as he hears a knock on his door. "That must be them. Please, don't say anything, okay? Leave this to me."

"My lips are sealed," Cassie winks back to him as Kent stands up and moves to the door.

Kent opens the door and sees two men standing in the hallway. "Come in," Kent tells them as the men move into the suite. "No one saw you come upstairs?"

"No," one of the men say back to him, whose name is Cal. "We know how to cover tracks. You said you needed our help, what can we do for you Mr. Blackmore?"

"The Pink Roses launch is about to begin," Kent replies to them quickly. "They can't have a launch if the Pink Roses go missing. I want you both to make that happen, can you do that? Can you make those diamonds disappear?"

Cal and Denis, the other man, look at one another and chuckle, as Cassie takes a sip of her champagne. "We can handle that," they tell Kent, who smiles back to him.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas wonders about the footprints
- Sophie confesses to Max
- Greg tells Madeline about his plans

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