Episode 1066
More Than Just a Little Justified
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 19, 2024

Episode Theme song: "justified" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas wondered if Clayton was actually alive while Andy struggled to stay sober
- Orvilla thought Lyzz might have feelings for Cole
- The thugs that Kent hired broke into the suite where Stacey and Isabelle were getting ready and prepared to kidnap Stacey, thinking she was the model of the launch
- Cassie heard Jacob and Isabelle share another close moment
- Max told Sophie that they could only be friends
- Trenyce agreed to meet Andrew on the pier to talk, unaware Chris heard them make their plans

The Young Mansion

Nicholas opens the front door to the mansion that he lives in with his boyfriend, Andy, and moves inside. He is desperate to find Andy because he wants to share his latest theory with him. After returning to Andy's condo earlier, where Nicholas, once again, saw the muddy footprints on the carpet, he started to wonder if Clayton was, somehow, still alive and trying to send them a message. It could explain why there were muddy footprints on the carpet in the condo, but no where else in the unit. If his theory is true, they have to act quickly because Clayton could go to the police and claim that Andy tried to kill him.

"Andy? Andy are you here?" Nicholas calls out from the foyer as he moves into the living room. "Andy? We need to talk!"

Suddenly, Andy emerges in the living room with a suite case in his hand. Nicholas arches his eyebrow at the sight.

"Hey, I'm glad you're here, we have to talk," Nicholas tells him. "Are you going somewhere?"

Andy sighs back to him. "I…I can't stay here, Nicholas. I have to get out of here."

"Why? What is going on?"


"I went to your condo earlier," Nicholas informs him. "I looked at the footprints again and I came to a realization that might give us the answers we need."

"What are you talking about? What answers?" a frustrated Andy asks him quickly.

"I…I think…I think that Clayton might be alive, Andy," Nicholas reveals to him as Andy gasps back to him. "What if he didn't die and he is haunting you again, like he did when he first came to Twin Peaks?"

"I can't do this!" Andy yells back at him. "Do you realize that my fighting my sobriety!? This is…this is all too much, that's why I have to get out of here!"

"Where are you going? What do you mean by all this?"

"I'm sorry Nicholas; you and I, we are over! I need to be alone so I can wrap my head around the fact that I killed someone! I need to go somewhere where I know I can stay sober!" Andy cries back to him as tears stroll down his cheeks.

Nicholas rushes up to him to try to hug him, but Andy pushes him away. "Please, just leave me alone, Nicholas…please…" Andy cries as he grabs his suitcase and rushes out of the living room.

Nicholas hears the door slam behind Andy and he, immediately, runs his hand through his hair. "But…you might not have killed anyone at all," he whispers to himself, wondering how he can get through to Andy and prove the Clayton is, in fact, alive.

The Pier

The night air is still warm in Twin Peaks as spring has sprung and summer is right around the corner. Still, Trenyce is wearing a long black trench coat, partly to stay warm as she hates being cold, but also in the hopes that no one will recognize her on the pier.

She moves closer to a bench that is free as she recalls how Andrew paid her a visit at her office earlier and demanded that they speak. He refused to take no for an answer, so she agreed to meet on him on the pier. She just hopes that he isn't going to try to ruin her marriage to Chris; after everything that they have been through, she just wants to keep the peace.

Behind her, Chris follows her closely, as he overheard her make plans with Andrew to meet on the pier. He couldn't help but wonder what they would have to discuss in such a private place. He sees that there is an old statue of a boat next to the bench where Trenyce is sitting. He creeps and hides behind the boat, knowing that he will be able to hear everything that they will discuss.

Trenyce stands up when she sees Andrew approaching her. "Trey, thanks for coming."

"You didn't give me much choice," Trenyce replies to him. "So, what is this all about, Andrew? What did you need to talk to me about?"

"It's time Trenyce," Andrew replies to her with intent. "It's time that we get everything out on the table."

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

Cole moves up to the bartender, Alex Sanchez-Lorenzo, that is behind the bar that is on the pool deck of the Barracuda Blue and he orders himself a whiskey sour. As he waits for his drink, he can't help but think that the launch party, that he helped plan for months, is going incredibly well. He checks his watch and realizes that the official launch of the Pink Roses campaign will start very soon.

"Cole, man, it has been far too long," a voice calls out from behind him. Cole turns and sees Ash Hunter moving up to him. He immediately knows that Ash is the boyfriend to Lyzz, his friend who helped him secure the Barracuda Blue as the venue for the launch.

"Ash!" Cole pulls him into a quick hug. "You're right, it's been way too long, but Lyzz has been gushing about you!"

"I hope that's a good thing?" Ash chuckles back to him.

"It's a very good thing," Cole replies to him. "I've known Lyzz for a long time and I haven't seen her this happy; you're doing something right, man."

"Glad to hear it," Ash smiles back to him. "Because I, uh, I wanted to get your opinion on something?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"This," Ash says as he pulls a small black box out of his pocket. He opens it and reveals a large diamond ring inside. "I'm thinking of asking Lyzz to marry me; what do you think of the ring?"

Cole chuckles back to him. "I'm slightly upset that you didn't come to Rockwell Mining for the ring," he winks back to him. "But Lyzz, she's going to love this man. And after everything she and her family have been through with her Dad dying and her mom leaving, I love to see that she will be getting her happy ending."

"So you think I should propose?"

"If you're ready for marriage, I say go for it," Cole nods back to him. "Let me be the first to congratulate you! Come on, I'll get you a drink."


Sophie grabs a glass of champagne from one of the circling waiters at the launch party and quickly drinks the entire glass. She sets the empty glass down and grabs another one from a different waiter. She takes a sip of it, quickly, as her mind still racing about the fact that she confessed to Max that she has a crush on him. Instead of telling her that he felt the same, Max told her that they could only be friends and colleagues as he believes the age difference between them is too great.

"I could have been so stupid?" she asks herself as she takes another sip of the champagne, finishing her second glass. "Where the hell are the waiters? I need another champagne!"

Natasha quickly moves up to her daughter and arches her eyebrow. "Sophie, what are you doing? You shouldn't be drinking! And the launch, it's about to happen!"

Sophie rolls her eyes at her mother. "What are you going to do, mother? Lie to me that you're dying so I'll stop having champagne at the party?"

"Sophie! That is enough!" Natasha says in a stern whisper. "You should go to your suite; you've had enough champagne!"

"Go to the podium mother," Sophie replies to her quickly. "You're launch is about to start, and I, I need another champagne."

Natasha looks at her in horror as Sophie brushes past her and moves to a waiter to grab another champagne. "I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but I don't like it," Natasha whispers to herself, but she realizes that she does have to go because the campaign is about to launch.


Isabelle feels the butterflies in stomach as she moves closer to the door to her suite that she was getting ready for the launch in. She just shared a close moment with Jacob, and she is feeling on top of the world. She had hoped that this trip to Maui was going to bring them closer together, and it really has. It makes her realize that her scheme to get rid of Cassie was the best thing she's ever done. And on top of it, she is about to make a huge impact on the Pink Roses launch.

"That's odd," she says to herself as she realizes the door to the suite is slightly ajar. "I could have sworn that I closed the door behind me."

She moves inside and arches her eyebrow as she can tell that there was some of altercation in the room. "Stacey?" she calls out to the room. "Stacey, where are you?"

She moves into the bedroom where she was getting ready and doesn't see any sign of Stacey. She rushes out of the room and towards the closet where the safe is located. She opens the door and gasps in horror. "No! The Pink Roses, they are gone!"


Meanwhile, in another suite, Stacey is unconscious sitting in a chair, with her hands tied behind her back and a gag is in her mouth. The room is, otherwise, empty, and very dark.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas makes a passionate plead to Andy
- Isabelle tells Natasha and Mac about the missing diamonds
- Victoria tells Bryce that she thinks Leah will come around to their marriage

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