Episode 1068
Starts Feeling Insecure
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: June 26, 2024

Episode Theme song: "breadwinner" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Isabelle revealed to Mac and Natasha that Stacey and the diamonds were missing
- Kent hired two thugs to kidnap Isabelle and steal the diamonds, but they took Stacey instead
- Ash told Cole he was going to propose to Lyzz
- Quinn hoped that Sabine would be okay after her surgery
- Sophie started to drink after Max told her that they could only be friends

The Pier

A warm breeze comes off the river as Andrew and Trenyce stand facing each other by a bench on the pier. Andrew had asked Trenyce to meet on the pier so they could talk; Trenyce agreed, but what neither of them knew, is that Chris overheard them make their plans, and now, he is hiding behind a statue of a boat that is next to the bench where they are standing, listening to the conversation.

"Alright, you want to get everything out on the table, let's get it out on the table," Trenyce looks back at Andrew with intent. "I'm not sure what there is to get on the table, but have it!"

Andrew chuckles back to her. "You know what this is about, Trey. You and I, we slept together at the gala all those months ago."

Behind the statue, Chris' eyes open wider in horror at what he just heard. He clinches his fist and has to stop himself from revealing himself.

"We put that behind us, Andrew," Trenyce reminds him. "We agreed that it was a mistake and we wouldn't speak about it again."

"I know all of that," Andrew looks back at her. "But the fact is, you got pregnant shortly after and you now have Albertinah, that sweet baby girl."

"Why are you doing this now?" Trenyce asks him as her lip quivers. "We are happy, Andrew. Chris, BJ, Tinah, and I, we are a family. Why are you doing this now?"

"Because!" Andrew yells back at her. "I…I was the one that saved Albertinah when she was sick," he tells her. "Parents are usually the ones that can donate bone marrow to their children! So, I need to know once and for all, am I Albertinah's father?"

Chris clinches his fist even harder behind the statue, stunned at what he is hearing. How could Trenyce have slept with Andrew? And he, maybe, got her pregnant? Has his entire marriage been a lie? The little girl that he has called his own might not even be his child? His mind is spinning and he feels like he is going to explode. He quickly rushes off, leaving Trenyce and Andrew standing in the warm breeze, looking at one another as Trenyce wonders how she can answer Andrew's question.

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

Quinn grabs another glass of champagne as she circles the pool deck of the Barracuda Blue as she waits for the official launch of the Pink Roses campaign. As she takes a sip of the beverage she can't help but, still, think about how her mother, Sabine is doing.

She opens her large Chanel purse and pulls out her IPhone. She dials a number before she puts the phone to her ear.

"Mom, hi," Quinn says as Sabine answers the incoming call. "Yes, the Barracuda Blue is absolutely beautiful. It is a shame you, and everyone else from home, isn't here; you'd love it. We will have to come back and have a girls weekend."

She pauses and takes another sip of her champagne while she listens to Sabine respond to her. "Well, I know that I am in Hawaii but you've been on my mind," Quinn admits to her mother. "How did it go in New York with the surgeon?"

Quinn waits to hear her mother's response before she gets a sly grin on her face. "That's wonderful to hear; yes, yes, you can tell me about it when I get back. I…I love you, Mom. See you soon."


"I can't believe that this is happening," a panicked Natasha admits to Mac as they stand behind the podium that is on the pool deck. They were minutes away from the official launch of the Pink Roses campaign when Isabelle revealed that both Stacey and the diamonds were missing. Natasha has no idea where Stacey and the diamonds could be, but with the rest of the guests at the party starting to get restless, she knows that they have to say something. "We are supposed to be making a huge announcement about the launch and Stacey and the diamonds are gone? This isn't good, not at all."

"The Barracuda Blue must have top notch security," Mac informs her quickly. "If we can stall then we could get Orvilla to help us find Stacey and the diamonds. We can still save this launch."

"The launch was scheduled to begin 5 minutes ago," Natasha looks back at him. "We…we have to make an announcement about what is happening."

"You really want to tell everyone that the diamonds are missing? I'm not sure that's the best idea."

"I think it is," Natasha looks back at Mac. "The more people that know the diamonds are missing, the better chance we will find them."

"That's a good point," Mac says with a heavy sigh. "Okay, okay, let's make an announcement and then we will go to Orvilla."

Natasha moves up to the podium and clears her throat. "Good evening guests of the Barracuda Blue!" she says into the microphone. "Rockwell Mining and Roboto are thrilled that you could all be here tonight, and we want to thank Orvilla Anderson for being a very generous hostess of this launch party," she says before she claps and smiles over to Orvilla, who nods back to her. "We were expecting to launch our new campaign, the Pink Roses, however, there's been a small mishap. You see, the diamonds that Rockwell Mining crafted for the campaign, well, they're missing. And we are asking that you all be patient while we work with the resort and the local police to locate them. Please continue to enjoy the gala and we will be with you as soon as possible."


"This is wild," Max says as he moves closer to Sophie, after just hearing Natasha's announcement. "The diamonds, they're gone."

Sophie's red eyes are having a difficult time staying open as she has had her share of champagne, and she doesn't often drink. She moves up to Max and puts her hand on his chest.

"Missing diamonds?" she slurs back to him before she starts to laugh. "That's actually funny!"

"Sophie?" Max asks her in concern. "Have…have you been drinking?"

"Just a little champagne," she continues to wobble around. "I…I just wanted to forget for a while…"

"Oh Sophie," Max puts his arm around her and starts walking her to a chair where she can sit down. "I hope this doesn't have to do with our talk earlier?" he asks her as she recalls how she admitted to him that she has a crush on him and he told her that they should just be friends and colleagues.

"Where did the diamonds go?" Sophie asks him as she sits down in the chair and looks back at him. "Did they not want to be a part of the launch?"

"They are trying to figure that out right now," Max looks back at her. "But you, you need to do me a favor, okay?"

"I'll do anything for you," Sophie says with a hiccup.

"You have to stop drinking," he replies to her. "Please, Sophie, promise me no more champagne."


"I can't believe that the diamonds are missing," a nervous Lyzz says as she paces back and forth by the pool while her boyfriend, Ash, is standing close to her. "If this ruins the launch, Cole will be furious with me."

"Okay babe," Ash moves up to her and puts his hands on her shoulders. "You're stressing out right now, and I just want you to take a deep breath. Your Aunt and the police will find the diamonds and the launch will go off as planned, I have faith in that."

"I hope you're right," Lyzz sighs back to him. "The last thing that I want is for Cole, or any member of his family, to blame me, or the Barracuda Blue, for this misstep."

"You've known Cole a very long time," Ash reminds her. "Has he ever been a vengeful person?"

"No," she smirks back to him. "You're so smart and good for me, Ash."

"I know," he chuckles as he leans in and kisses her on the lips. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know, and I love you too."

"I know that things are a little crazy right now but I don't want to wait to ask you this," Ash looks into Lyzz's eyes before he pulls out a small black box from his pocket. He opens it and reveals the diamond ring inside as Lyzz gasps. "Will you do me the honor of being my wife, Lyzz? Let's spend the rest of our lives together?"

Lyzz looks at the ring and then at Ash in shock. She wasn't expecting him to propose to her today; the ring, however, is beautiful and she can't stop looking at it. "Yes, Ash! Yes, yes, yes! I will marry you! I will become your wife!"


"Natasha and Mac just made a statement that the diamonds are missing," Cassie gleefully tells Kent as she walks around his suite at the Barracuda Blue with a glass of champagne in her hand. She is thrilled that their plan to ruin the launch has been successful so far; she just hopes that Natasha, Mac, Orvilla, and the police aren't able to locate the diamonds before the end of the evening, because then the party will truly be a disaster.

"Yes, I heard," Kent sighs back to her. "There's just one small problem."

Cassie turns to him and arches her eyebrow. "There's a problem? I can't imagine what it is."

"The girl that was standing next to Natasha," Kent replies to her. "That was Isabelle Moretti."

"Yes, I know that wench all too well. She's a piece of work, let me tell you."

"You don't understand," Kent sighs back to her. "She was supposed to be the woman that my guys took with the diamonds because she is the lead model!"

Cassie shrugs her shoulders back to him. "So, they took someone else? I'm not sure I see the problem here?"

"They took Stacey Rockwell," Kent informs her. "She's Mac's daughter."

"That's even better," Cassie looks back at him with intent. "It means that Mac will be very focused on getting his daughter back safely, no?"

"You…you don't understand," Kent admits to her. "Stacey and I, we have a history. Nothing can happen to her because if it does, I will never forgive myself."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Andy arrives at his destination
- Mac and Natasha have a realization
- Trenyce and Andrew's heated discussion continues

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