Episode 1074

End of the Tunnel
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: July 17, 2024

Episode Theme song: "there is a light" Kacey Musgraves

Previously on One Day at a Time
- At the Calimo cabin, Andy continued to have dreams about Clayton, while Nicholas dug up Clayton's body, only to realize that it was not there
- Sophie, Quinn, and Ash were shot at the Barracuda Blue
- Cassie and Isabelle came face to face
- Paige had the deciding vote at the Robertson Enterprises board meeting, and voted to let Victoria work at the company

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

"Where the hell are the paramedics?" a pale Natasha asks as she holds Sophie's hand, who is unconscious as she was shot by the two goons that Kent hired to ruin the Pink Roses launch party. Natasha was alerted to the fact that Sophie had been injured by Max, and she rushed over to her daughter, who is laying in a pool of blood. She is praying that Sophie pulls through, but she realizes that the longer it takes for the paramedics to arrive, the worse shape Sophie will be in. She looks at Sophie's face and moves some of her blonde hair out of the way. "Stay with me, Sophie. Please, please, don't leave me."

"She's going to be fine," Max puts his hands on Natasha's shoulders. "She has to be fine."

"I hope you're right," Natasha says as tears fill her eyes. "She…she just looks so pale."

"I don't know how any of this happened," Max sighs back to her. "What should have been a glorious evening turned into a complete disaster."

"All that matters now is that Sophie gets to the hospital," Natasha replies to him. "Nothing else matters, my daughter has to survive this shooting. She has too."

Twin Peaks Executive Hotel; Suite 403

Andy moves his suitcase to the edge of the large king-size bed in the suite of the hotel room that he just booked. He had been at the Calimo cabin, but after he had another nightmare about Clayton, he left the cabin and checked into the hotel. He still wants some space so he can focus on his sobriety, and he thought the hotel would give him the quiet time that he needed.

"All I need is to focus on myself for a while and I'll be fine," he whispers to himself as he jumps on the bed. "I just have to put everything that happened with Clayton behind me."

He pulls out his phone and finds himself sending Kim a text message, as he wonders how his sister is doing in Hawaii with the launch of the Pink Roses.

"Thinking of you, can't wait to hear all about your time, xx" he smiles to himself as he pushes the send button.

"Having people in my life like Kim and Madeline, they will help me through this dark time," he tells himself. "I won't let Clayton ruin my life, not anymore."

The Young Mansion

Nicholas moves up to the bar in the living room of his lavish mansion and pours himself a scotch as his mind is racing over the evening's events. After Andy told him that they were over, Nicholas continued to wonder if Clayton could be alive, which is why there were muddy footprints in Andy's condo. Needing confirmation, Nicholas drove to the Victors mansion and tried to dig up Clayton's body, however it was not there, so Nicholas believes his theory is right: Clayton is alive and gaslighting Andy.

He takes a stiff drink of the scotch before he runs his hand through his hair. "Now that I have proof that Clayton is alive, I have to find out where he is."

He moves closer to the fireplace mantel, where he picks up a picture of him and Andy. "I know you're struggling right now, Andy, but this news, it will change everything. You don't have to struggle with your sobriety anymore because you didn't kill anyone."

He sets the picture back down on the mantel and takes another drink of the scotch. "But where are you Clayton? Where are you hiding? And how can I prove that you're alive and the one stalking Andy?"

He takes another sip of his scotch. "I have to find you, Clayton, I have to put an end to this nightmare once and for all."

Robertson Enterprises

The tension in the boardroom is thick as Tyler and Leah look at Paige in disbelief as she just voted to allow Victoria to be hired at the company. Tyler had agreed to put the decision to a board vote as he believed that Eva made valid points of reasons as to why Victoria could be a valued addition to the company; Leah and Tyler voted against the idea, while Eva voted yes, but she also used Dominick's proxy to vote yes, which meant that the deciding vote came down to Paige. Leah and Tyler, both, believed that Paige would vote with them and decide against giving Victoria a position at the company, however, Paige voted in favor of Victoria joining Robertson Enterprises.

"Paige, what the hell is going on?" a flabbergasted Leah asks as she stands up from her chair. "Why are you voting to let Victoria come into this company? You know how I feel about that woman!"

"Yea, Paige, what is going on with you?" Tyler asks his niece.

"I…I…" Paige stutters as the boardroom door opens and Victoria appears.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" Victoria asks as she moves into the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Leah asks her as she puts her hand on her hip.

"I asked her to come by," Eva replies to Leah. "Once I knew that we were voting, I texted my daughter and asked her to come by. I thought she should know what the board decided."

"And so, I came right over," Victoria purses her lips together. "So, what's the news? Am I going to have a new job?"

"Oh God," Leah rolls her eyes back at Victoria. "What have you done, Paige? What has gotten into you?"

"Yes, darling," Eva smiles over to Victoria. "The board voted that you will be hired here! Isn't that wonderful?"

"Oh! Thank you all, thank you so much," Victoria squeals in delight as she hugs Eva. "You won't regret this, I promise you that! This is the best news possible!"

"I'm going to be watching you," Leah warns her daughter in law. "Because I don't like this, not one little bit. And as for you," Leah turns her attention to her daughter. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

Paige sighs back to her before she looks at Victoria, who smiles back to her, as she knows that she will be able to tell Paige the truth about Abby's torrid affair with Ethan now, because she got her the job at the company. And now, Victoria also knows that she will be able to handle Leah in her own way. By the time she's done with Leah, she will not be worried about her marriage to Bryce because she will have many other problems to deal with.

"This is perfect," Victoria thinks to herself, as she squeezes Eva's hand while Leah and Tyler continue to look at Paige in shock.

The Barracuda Blue; Maui, Hawaii

In the foyer of the Barracuda Blue, Isabelle and Cassie continue to face each other as Cassie just told her rival that she will not be leaving again. Isabelle was stunned to see Cassie at the resort because she had blackmailed her into leaving town months ago; so for Cassie to show up, now, was startling to her. Isabelle doesn't understand why Cassie is back, but she knows that she will not stand for it.

"I don't think you understand," Isabelle looks at her rival with intent. "If you come back to Twin Peaks, I will go to the police and tell them that you pushed me down the stairs, and that you caused my miscarriage. Is that really what you want? You want to go to jail, Cassie?"

Cassie uneasily chuckles back to her. "You and I both know that's a lie; You fell down the stairs, and I, I am the one who called the ambulance to help you, Isabelle."

"Yes, yes," Isabelle waves her hand in the air. "But with your history, you and I both know that everyone will believe me. Everyone will think that you pushed me down the stairs, Cassie. The decision remains up to you, you can go to jail or you can stay away from Twin Peaks, forever."

"You will not blackmail me anymore," Cassie tells her.

Before Isabelle can respond, Jacob rushes into the foyer out of breath. "Thank God," he says rushing up to him. "It's Sophie, she…she was shot. The paramedics just got here; we have to go to the hospital!"

"What? My God," Isabelle responds to him before she looks back at Cassie. "We are done here, Cassie."

"I'm coming to the hospital," Cassie looks back at Jacob. "Come on, let's go!"


Meanwhile, outside, Sophie is put into the back of the ambulance, while the paramedics start to work on her fragile body.

"Can I ride with her? I don't want her to be alone?" Natasha asks the paramedics.

"Yes, but sit in the back, we have to try to stop the bleeding!"

"Okay, I'll do whatever I can," Natasha tells them as she climbs into the back of the ambulance. She looks back at Max, who is standing behind the vehicle.

"I'll be right there," Max tells her. "I'll get Jacob and we will meet you there."

"Thank you," Natasha replies to him before the doors slam closed and the ambulance rushes away.


Cole is holding Lyzz, as she is weeping into his arms as they sit on a lounger by the pool. A large body bag is next to them, as Ash didn't survive his gunshot wound.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Cole tells his friend, who peels her head out from his shoulder.

"How is this going to be okay?" she asks him with red eyes. "My fiancé, the man that just asked me to marry him a few short hours ago is dead."

"I know," Cole tells her as he continues to hold her. "I wish there was something I could do to make this all go away."

"Just hold me, please, Cole," Lyzz asks him as he puts his arm around her.

Meanwhile, Orvilla appears at the foyer doors and sees her niece embracing Cole. She arches her eyebrow and then looks at the horrific events unfolding at her resort.

"This was your idea, Lyzz," she whispers to herself. "Because of you, the Barracuda Blue will take a reputation and financial hit; you will pay for this little girl, mark my words, you will pay."


"I…I don't believe this," Mac paces back and forth next to another body bag before he looks over at Kent. "Are you sure that this is happening?"

"The paramedics pronounced her dead," Kent nods back to him. "I'm sorry, Mac, but Quinn, she didn't make it."

Mac feels the blood drain from his face. "How the hell am I going to tell Sabine that Quinn died?"

"This is all my fault," Kent sighs back to him. "If I hadn't wanted to ruin this launch, this wouldn't have happened."

"You're damn straight this is your fault!" Mac grits his teeth back to his rival. "You're going to jail, Kent, for a very long time."

"Jail?" Kent asks him in horror as two police officers approach him. "No, this isn't right! I didn't do anything!"

"Kent Blackmore?" one of the officers ask him. "Did you hire the two men that stole the Pink Roses diamonds and kidnap Stacey Rockwell and kill two people here tonight?"


"You have the right to remain silent…" the officer says as he puts handcuffs on Kent, who looks at Mac in horror.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Will Sophie survive?
- Mac learns the diamonds have been located
- The Barracuda Blue saga comes to a close…for now

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