Episode 1083

Your Aura into Mine
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 14, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Not Here to Make Friends" Sam Smith

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas saw footage of Clayton in Andy's apartment. Andy saw more footprints, this time on his kitchen cabinets in his condo
- Lukas told Donovan that Olly had a fever and was going to the hospital
- Cory prepared to reveal himself to Robin
- Chris confronted Antonio and told him he was going to make him pay
- Daisy and Trenyce also wanted Antonio to pay for his role in their drama
- Madeline locked Kim and Tyler in a board room
- Leah told Victoria she would get her out his family

The Sugarbowl

Nicholas opens the door to the coffeehouse and scurries inside as he is desperate for some caffeine. He is running late to Robin's engagement party, but he has been dealing with the fact that Clayton is alive and well. He is trying to figure out how he can find out where Clayton is so he can bring him to justice for stalking Andy.

After he orders his shot of espresso, he is about to leave when he sees Andy sitting at the window bar all by himself. He looks at his watch and realizes that he is already late to the party, so he moves closer to Andy, thinking that it won't matter if he is even latter to the party.

"Andy," he calls out as his former lover turns and faces him.

"Nicholas," Andy replies to him quickly. "I would have thought you'd be at Robin and Antonio's party?"

"I'm running very late," Nicholas admits to him. "I…I lost track of time and needed a caffeine boost if I'm going to make it," he chuckles to him.

"Ah, I see," Andy says back to him. "Well, give Robin my best, okay?"

"Sure," Nicholas uneasily smiles back to him. "You know, in a perfect world, you'd be my date at tonight's party."

"Nicholas, please, don't start," Andy's voice cracks a little. "I'm…I'm struggling," he tells him as he thinks about how he saw more footprints in his condo; this time, they were all over the kitchen cabinets. He has no idea how they got there, other than some one would have taken a dirty shoe and placed them all over the cabinets.

"I know," Nicholas says. "I meant what I said to you the other day; I am still here if you need me, you don't have to go through this alone."

"I just feel like I'm close to a complete breakdown," Andy reveals to him. "And I don't know what it will take for me to feel better."

The River Rock Casino

The masquerade engagement party for Robin and Antonio is still in swing at the casino. Cory takes a deep breath as he sees Robin grabbing another glass of champagne. He knows that with Sophie in a coma, he has to reveal himself to his friends, family, and loved ones that he is, actually, alive and that he knows that Antonio is the one who tampered with his plane, which resulted in the plane crashing.

"Antonio, there you are," Robin smiles to the man approaching her, not realizing that it is Cory as he is wearing the exact same costume as her fiancé. "I know you were going to get drinks, but you were gone for a while, so I got a champagne."

She shrieks when "Antonio" grabs her arm and carries her to the back of the casino. "Antonio, what the hell has gotten into you? Where are we going?"

Cory opens the door to the back stairwell and closes the door behind him. Robin tries to catch her breath as she looks at the man who just dragged out of the party. "What the hell was that? Answer me, Antonio! What is going on?"

"I'm not Antonio," Cory replies to her as Robin gasps at the sound of his voice.


"Look, I know we are having a good time," Donovan looks at Sergio as they stand facing one another. Donovan knows that Lukas just came up to them and revealed that Olly has a bad fever, and the housekeeper of the Richardson Estate is taking him to the hospital. "But this is my son; I have to go with Lukas to the hospital. Please, tell me you understand."

Sergio grabs Donovan's hand and looks into his eyes while he his mast with his other hand. "Are you sure this is real? Lukas, he has been trying to come between us, you know that."

"I do know that," Donovan nods back to him. "But, I don't think Lukas would lie to me about our son's health; and if it turns out to be nothing, I can come back to the party. But I have to make sure that Olly is okay, his health has to be my priority. You understand?"

"Of course, I do," Sergio replies to him. "You're a good father, Donovan. Keep me posted, okay?"

"I will," Donovan leans in and kisses him. "And thank you for understanding."

Donovan, then, turns and moves up to Lukas. "Okay, let's go to the hospital; let's see how our son is doing."


"I couldn't help but notice that you and Leah were speaking earlier," Bryce tells Victoria as he takes a sip of his champagne. "I hope you two played nice?"

Victoria uneasily chuckles back to her husband as she knows that Leah, seemingly, threatened her by telling Victoria that will stop at nothing to have her removed from Bryce's life and Robertson Enterprises. In the back of Victoria's mind, she knows that she has to step her plan up to keep Leah occupied with other aspects of her life; she believes that if Leah is focused on something else, she will leave her and Bryce alone to live their lives together.

"Your mother hates me," Victoria replies to him quickly. "I don't think there's anything that I say or do that will change her mind."

"I mean, I even told her if she wanted a relationship with me, she would have to accept you in my life."

"I don't want to spend the rest of our night talking about Leah," Victoria looks back at him. "You and I, we are here, we are having a great time, let's continue to enjoy our time together okay?"

"I like the sound of that," Bryce leans in and kisses his wife on the lips. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

"I never get tired of hearing that," Victoria whispers back to him. "You and I, we've been through a lot together, haven't we?"

"That we have," he nods back to her. "And, as a result, we are closer than ever."

"There are no other secrets between us, right?" she finds herself asking her husband as he arches his eyebrow back to her.

"Secrets?" he asks her quickly. "Where did that come from?"

Victoria uneasily shrugs back to him. "I don't know, I'm sorry," she tells him. "It's just, there were a lot of secrets you were keeping from me when I first got out of Raven's Meadow all those months ago."

Bryce uneasily gulps back to her, knowing that no one still knows about the baby switch between Abby's baby and Olly. And with Vinny dead, and Frederick not about to say anything, he knows that the secret will stay buried forever.

"No, babe," Bryce looks back into her eyes. "There is nothing else that I am keeping from you. I'm an open book, I need you to believe me when I say that."

"I believe you," she leans in and kisses him on the lips. "I trust you with my entire life."


"Ugh, I can't believe that this is happening," Kim groans as she slumps into one of the boardroom chairs that is next to the large table in the room that she is in with Tyler. She and Tyler, each, received a note from one of the waiters at the party that they were needed in the boardroom, which is located at the backend of the casino. When they got there, however, neither one of them knew about asking to see one another. Then, when Tyler went to open the door so they could leave, he found out that it was locked. "We are going to miss the entire party!"

"I know, I don't know how this happened," Tyler sighs back to her. "But it does look like we are stuck in here."

"Robbie, he will start to worry about me," Kim looks back at him. "I have to believe that he won't stop until he finds me."

"And my family knows that I'm here," he replies to her. "So, they also will be looking for me. We will get out of here."

"I hope so," Kim tells him. "What are we going to do until they find us?"

Tyler uneasily chuckles back to her. "What's so funny?" she asks him quickly. "I don't think this is funny at all!"

"Neither do I," Tyler shakes his head as he sits next to her. "It's just, I mean, if I was going to be trapped with anyone, at least it is someone that I like, you know? Could you imagine if it had been Robbie and I trapped in here?"

"I don't even want to think about that," Kim chuckles back to him. "And for the record," she says as she looks into his eyes. "I like you too, Tyler. We've been through a lot together, haven't we?"

"We've been to hell and back together," he nods back to her. "So, us being together, it could be a lot worse."


Robbie stands in the middle of the party, scanning the guests as he is looking for Kim. He only told her that he was running to the restroom, and then to the bar to get more champagne, and that he would be right back. Now, he can't seemingly find his wife.

He sets his glass of champagne down on a side table and pulls his phone out of his pocket. "No new messages from Kim," he whispers to himself. "Where the hell did you go?"

He opens a new IMessage and starts to type. "I have a fresh champagne for you….?" He then presses send to Kim, but he hears a chime coming from him nearby. He looks down the table where his champagne is and arches his eyebrow. He moves closer to a purse, that looks like Kim's. He opens the purse and finds her phone, with his message on the screen.

"Okay, now I'm worried," he tells himself. "She wouldn't just leave without her purse. Where are you, Kim?"

Behind him, Madeline slowly starts to approach him, knowing that it is time to carry out the next phase of her plan, since she has locked Kim and Tyler in the boardroom. She hopes that they are able to rekindle some of their feelings for one another, and she can use the opportunity to get closer to Robbie.

"Here goes nothing," she whispers as she moves closer to Robbie.


Trenyce is about to grab another glass of champagne from the wondering waiters at the party when she sees Chris moving up to the bar. She knows that he normally doesn't drink champagne, so she's not surprised that he is going to the bar. She can imagine that he is feeling similar to her about being at the party; and that is that they are not in the mood to celebrate anyone's love right now, not when their marriage is seemingly on the rocks. She still can't believe that Antonio suggested to Andrew that he is Albertinah's father, not Chris. The fact that he did that has caused her affair with Andrew to come out, and now, Chris is furious with her.

She moves up to her husband, just as he grabs his scotch from the bartender. "You're going to get messy if you're only drinking scotch tonight," she tells him, as he turns to see his estranged wife.

"Like you care," he sneers back at her. "For all I know, you and Andrew are planning to head upstairs again."

"Stop that," Trenyce sternly tells him. "What happened between Andrew and I, it only happened once and it will never happen again."

"Do you even know how disgusting this is?" he asks her quickly. "We thought Andrew was our son, Trey!"

"You don't think that I know that?" Trenyce hisses back at him. "I thought about that over and over again, but he kept insisting that we aren't related, and it's true, we aren't."

"You really can justify anything, can't you?"

"I don't want to fight with you," Trenyce sighs back to him. "Chris, damnit, I love you! I want us to work on this so we can get back to what we had!"

"What we had?" Chris chuckles back to her. "What we had, Trey, was a marriage based on lies and deceit. If that's what you want to go back, suite yourself, but I, I want a marriage based on love, respect and fucking honesty! Those three things are things you, clearly, can't provide."


"I don't want to hear it Trey," Chris pushes past her before he takes another sip of his scotch, while Trenyce lets a tear fall down her cheek, wondering if she will ever be able to make this up to Chris again.


"Not so fast," Andrew grabs Antonio's arm as he passes him and turns the casino to face him. Andrew had been looking for Antonio so he could give him a peace of his mind, so when he saw Antonio, he stopped him.

"This isn't a good time," Antonio replies to him quickly. "I'm looking for my fiancé."

"I don't fucking care if you're looking for the Pope," Andrew grits his teeth back to him. "Because of you, everyone's lives are a mess."

Antonio chuckles back to him. "Because of me?" Antonio asks him quickly. "I merely suggested that you could have fathered a child, Andrew. If that turns out to be true, you owe me a lot. If it wasn't for me, you'd still be in the dark. Is that what you want?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Andrew shakes his head back to him. "You have been playing with our lives for far too long; getting me to gamble here, making Daisy sleep with men for sex! You're a monster, and I'm going to find a way to stop you, Antonio. You will not get away with hurting me, or my family anymore, I'll see to that."


In the back stairwell, Robin's eyes fill with water as she looks at the man that she thought was Antonio. He just told her that he isn't Antonio, and she immediately thought she recognized the voice.

"This…this can't be happening," she says as her lower lip quivers. She studies the face of the man standing in front of her and she reaches out to touch him. A tear falls down her cheek when she touches Cory's face. "My God…those eyes….those lips…your hair….how is this possible?"

"I…I can explain," Cory tells her as he grabs her hand and squeezes it. With his other hand, he slowly reveals his face behind his mask, causing another tear to fall down Robin's cheek. "It's me, Robin. It's Cory; I'm alive, and I'm back."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Paige tells Victoria it's time
- Kim and Tyler reconnect
- Jeff & Leah realize Meggan is drinking … again

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