Episode 1089

Pretty as the Sky gets Dark
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: August 25, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Everyday" Noah Reid

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas suggested to Clayton that he leaves town and neither one goes to the police
- Paige learned that Abby and Ethan had sex
- Madeline locked Robbie & Kim together at the party, where they grew closer
- Chantel realized that she and Olly's blood type didn't match
- Cory told Penny he had to reveal himself to his loved ones
- Cassie told Isabelle that she wouldn't be blackmailed anymore

The Sugarbowl

Andy sits in the back booth of the coffeehouse fiddling his fingers. He is already on his third coffee of the day because he is trying to calm his nerves, but he is having a hard time because he, recently, found more muddy footprints in his condo. This time, they were scattered over kitchen cabinets, instead of the living room carpet. He has no idea what is going on, but the more he thinks about it, the more rattled he becomes.

"This must be somehow connected to Clayton," he whispers to himself. "Because I killed him, and Nicholas and I buried him on the Victors estate."

He takes another large sip of his coffee before he feels his heart skip a beat. "My God, why didn't I think of this before? Someone, someone must have saw Nicholas and I that night," he feels his panic kick in. "That's the only explanation, the question is, who saw us? And why are they doing this to me?"

Before he can say anything else, Nicholas appears at the foot of his table. Andy looks up and sees his former lover standing in front of him.

"Nicholas," Andy greets him as Nicholas sits across from him. "I'm…uh, I'm glad you're here. I…I just had a realization."

Nicholas arches his eyebrow back to him. "Really? Well, you can tell me," Nicholas says back to him. "And when you're done, I have some news. And I hope that you'll think it's good news."


Kim sits behind the main desk in the main office at Roboto typing into her laptop. She is working on a new concept that she has been working on for a while now, and she hopes to finish her proposal for Robbie and Natasha very soon.

While she types on the laptop, however, she can't stop thinking about the previous night at the engagement party, where she and Tyler ended up being trapped together in the back boardroom of the casino together. While they were together, they ended up reliving their history together and Tyler ended up professing that he still loves her. This revelation took Kim by surprise because she and Tyler hadn't been together in many, many years. Then, moments before Robbie saved them from the room, Tyler was inches away from kissing her.

She shakes her head trying to forget the moment, but being that close to Tyler again has shaken her to her very core.

"I have to focus," she says as she stands up and starts to walk to the bar to pour herself a cup of coffee. As she walks though, she moves to the large boardroom table to hold herself up, as she is feeling lightheaded. Once she gets there, she sits in a chair and puts her hands over her face for a moment as she takes a deep breath.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" she asks herself as she feels the room slightly spinning around.

Robertson Enterprises

Tyler opens the door to the main office at Robertson Enterprises and moves inside. He has a million things to do at the company today, but his mind is focused on the previous night at the engagement party where he and Kim were trapped together. While they were together, he professed his love for her and they came inches away from kissing. Robbie saved them just before he could kiss her.

"What I don't get," he sighs to himself as he puts his briefcase on the desk. "Is how did we get trapped in there in the first place?"

He moves to the bar and pours himself a glass of water and takes a long sip of it. He knows that both he, and Kim, each received individual messages asking them to meet in the boardroom, and once they got there, the door closed and locked from the outside. Whomever sent the messages never did arrive at the boardroom.

"Which means," he sighs to himself. "Someone wants us to be in that boardroom together. Someone wanted us to spend a lot of time alone."

He takes another sip of his water as he feels the wheels in his head start to turn as he wonders who would have wanted him to spend time with Kim.

He arches his eyebrow as he recalls Madeline recently asking him about his feelings for Kim. "Could it be Madeline?" he asks himself. "Did she lock us together? And if so, what game is she playing?"


In the hallway, Paige steps off the elevator and turns to head towards Victoria's office. Her head is, still, spinning over the fact that Victoria revealed to her that she saw Ethan and Abby having sex. Furthermore, Victoria has video evidence of their affair. She can't believe that after all this time, Abby and Ethan finally had sex. She knew that they had an attraction but with Abby being married to Dominick, she always thought that Abby would be faithful because she has claimed to love Dominick more than anything else in the world.

"Now, I just have to figure out what the hell I am going to do with this information," she whispers to herself. "Because, Victoria is right, I could use this to stop the wedding. But if I do that, my family will be torn into pieces."

She is about to enter Victoria's office when she turns around and sees Ethan walk off the next elevator. She rushes up to her half-brother, who is also her former husband. "Ethan, wait up, we have to talk."

"Hey Paige," Ethan smiles back to her, unaware that she knows about his affair with Abby. "Did you have fun last night at the masquerade ball?"

Paige uneasily chuckles back to him. "Yea, it was eye-opening, that's for sure. Look, I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me."

"Uh, sure?" Ethan replies to her. "You know that I'm always honest with you, Paige."
"This is about Abby Lawson," Paige admits to him, as he arches his eyebrow. "I know that you two have always been, uh, close."

"You know that we have been friends for a long time."

"But deep down, Ethan, I knew that you had an attraction to her," Paige tells him. "I mean, it was obvious. Is that still the case? Are you still interested in Abby?"

Ethan gulps back to her as he now can't stop thinking about his night with Abby where they made love multiple times because they had wanted one another for months. He tries to prevent his cheeks from flushing as he returns his thoughts to Paige.

"There is absolutely nothing between Abby and I other than friendship, Paige," Ethan tells her quickly. "You have to believe me when I say that."

Paige looks back at him and feels her heart sink in her chest. She didn't know what she expected but for Ethan to lie to her face is still hurtful for her.

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Cheresa quickly moves closer to the nurses station in the hospital as she carries her most recent patient's file that she needs one of the nurses to put away for her. As she gets closer to the nurses station, she finds her mind wandering to Dawn; she can't help but think about her girlfriend and wonders how she is doing in Toronto.

"I guess we should Facetime again soon," she whispers to herself as she moves up to the nurses station, where she sees Chantel sitting behind the desk. "Hey Chantel, how's it going? Are you done with the file room today?"

"I am, thank goodness," Chantel replies to her with a smile. "I much prefer being out here and actually helping patients and doctors."

"I don't blame you," Cheresa chuckles back to her. "And I, honestly, think we only need a couple more shifts in the file room before the reorganization is done."

"Yea, I'd agree," Chantel tells her as her mind starts to wonder back to how she recently helped Donovan and Lukas when Olly was brought into the hospital with a fever. She quickly realized that Olly was her birth son; she gave him up for adoption to Donovan and Lukas years earlier. What struck her as completely weird, however, is that her blood type doesn't match Olly's. She just assumed that her and her birth son would share a blood type.

"Uh, Chantel? Did you just hear a word I said?" Cheresa asks her, realizing that Chantel is spacing out.

Chantel snaps back into reality as she looks back at Cheresa. "Sorry, I guess I started to daydream."

"Are you okay?" Cheresa asks her quickly. "Normally you're so focused when you're at work?"

"I'm fine," Chantel tells her, trying to convince herself of the same thing. "At least, I will be."


Natasha looks at the screen of her IPhone with an arched eyebrow as she reads an incoming text from an unknown number. The text reads that she is needed at Sophie's hospital room. Natasha feels her heart start to race because her daughter just came out of her coma; she just hopes that nothing has happened that has caused Sophie to relapse.

As she makes a beeline towards Sophie's room, she can't help but think about how after her daughter awoke, she claimed that Cory visited her while she was in her coma. Natasha tried to tell Sophie that Cory is dead, but Shane told her not to correct Sophie as it might hurt her recovery. Shane explained that Sophie might have seen Cory in her coma, and that could explain her comments.

"That does make sense," Natasha whispers to herself as she turns into a different hallway in the hospital. "Sophie might have believed she saw her father, even though we know that he died last year in the plane crash."

Natasha arches her eyebrow when she reaches Sophie's hospital room and sees Leah standing outside of it. "Leah? What…what are you doing here?"

"I, uh, I got a weird text asking me to come here," Leah explains to Natasha as she holds up her phone and shows the message to Natasha, which is the exact same message she got.

"That's weird," Natasha tells her. "I got the same message; what is going on here?"

Leah uneasily shrugs back to her. "I guess there's only one way to find out."

The Calimo Mansion

"I figured it was safe for me to be here considering Sophie is still in the hospital," Cassie announces to Jacob as she moves into the living room of the lavish Calimo mansion. She spies the father of her child about to pour himself a drink at the bar, but he pauses and looks at her. "And yes, I'd love a drink with you."

"Hello to you too," Jacob chuckles back to her. "And you're right, my mother is at the hospital. The good news is that Sophie woke up earlier. My sister is awake."

"Oh, that's wonderful," Cassie accepts the drink from Jacob. "Let's toast to that, then?"

Their glasses click and they both have a sip of their drinks. "I wanted to let you know something," she purses her lips together.

"And that would be?"

"That I'm back Jacob," Cassie smiles to him. "And I'm not leaving again. I'm here to stay."

Before Jacob can respond, she leans in and kisses him on the lips. The kiss lasts a few moments before he pulls away with a chuckle.

"And as you can see," she looks into his eyes. "I still care for you, I never stopped."

Before Jacob can respond, his cell phone starts to ring. He moves over to the bar and grabs it, seeing Isabelle's name on the screen. "Hey," he says into his phone, as Cassie puts her hand on her hip. "What? Oh my God, are you okay? Actually, don't worry, I'll be right there."

"What was that all about?" Cassie asks him, realizing that Jacob now has to leave.

"It was Isabelle," Jacob admits to her. "Her father, he was killed last night. I'm sorry Cassie, but I have to go, I have to be there for Isabelle right now."

Cassie sighs as she watches Jacob rush out of the living room. "I won't let Isabelle get in the way of us, not now, not ever," she whispers to herself, knowing that she won't let Isabelle come between her and Jacob anymore.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Leah and Natasha wonder what is going on
- Lukas learns about Meggan
- Victoria and Bryce have sexy time

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