Episode 1090

Higher than People on Cloud Nine
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 01, 2024

Episode Theme song: "If It Ain't Me" Dua Lipa

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Victoria used Leah's computer at Robertson Enterprises while Leah told Bryce to leave Victoria
- Leah and Natasha got cryptic texts asking to meet at Sophie's hospital room
- Antonio was shot and killed
- Cassie kissed Jacob but then he got word of Antonio's death
- Lukas and Donovan learned that Olly was going to be okay after he had a fever
- Meggan fell off the wagon

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan & Olly's Home

"You have no idea how relieved I am that you're okay, buddy," Donovan smiles to Olly, who is playing on the floor with some of his toys. Donovan knows that the previous night while he and Sergio were enjoying themselves at the engagement party, Lukas approached them and revealed that Olly had a fever and was taken to the hospital. Once there, Donovan and Lukas were relieved to learn that Olly would be fine as he just had a minor bug. What was more surprising, however, is that the nurse, Chantel, recognized them and remembered that she is Olly's birth mother. They hadn't seen or heard from her since the adoption was finalized many years earlier.

"Daddy, I want ice cream!" the toddler replies to Donovan, who chuckles back to him.

"Maybe after lunch, okay?"

"Okay!" Olly smiles back to him before he carries on with his firetruck.

"If he's asking for ice cream, it is a good sign that he is feeling better," Lukas tells Donovan, who stands tall from the ground where Olly is.

Donovan looks back at his estranged husband and nods back to him. "Thank God for that," Donovan breathes a sigh of relief. "We were both so worried last night."

"I am just glad that you came with me to the hospital," Lukas admits to him. "I know you were having a good time with Sergio at the ball."

"I was," Donovan tells him. "But like I said last night, Olly will always be my top priority. But that being said, I should call Sergio and see if he's free to reschedule our date."

Lukas sighs back to him as, once again, he had hoped that Olly would bridge the gap between him and his husband. Instead, he watches Donovan pick up his phone and call Sergio. When he hears Donovan start talking, Lukas leaves the living room and stands in the foyer of the mansion.

"How am I going to get you back?" he asks himself, as the doorbell rings. "Who could that be?"

Lukas walks towards the door and opens it, seeing Jeff on the other side. "Jeff, this is a surprise. What brings you by?"

"I needed to see you, Lukas," Jeff admits to him as he moves into the foyer.

"Me? Why? What's going on?"

"There's no easy way to tell you this," Jeff looks back at him with intent. "It's Meggan."

"My sister?" Lukas asks him in concern. "Is she okay?"

"She…well..she fell off the wagon," Jeff reveals to Lukas, who gasps back in horror. "Your sister is drinking again, and we have to stop her before this gets anymore out of control."

Robertson Enterprises; Victoria's Office

Bryce steps off the elevator at Robertson Enterprises and makes a beeline towards Victoria's office. He still can't believe that his wife is working for his family company, although the idea that the Robertson's are his family, is also something he is still getting used too. He knocks on the door and opens it, and sees his wife on the phone.

"Yes, I am telling you," Victoria speaks into the phone as she gestures for Bryce to enter the office. "I was reviewing the most recent financial statements and there is a large sum of money that is gone without trace."

Bryce arches his eyebrow listening onto half of the conversation she is having. "I can't explain where they are, but I want us, as the board, to open an investigation. We need to understand what happened to that money … Yes, let's be in touch … Oh, you're welcome, I'm glad I found this out too."

Victoria hangs up the phone and looks over at Bryce. "This is a nice surprise."

"Yea, I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd surprise you," Bryce explains to her. "That phone call, it seemed…I don't know? Intense?"

Victoria uneasily chuckles as she stands up from her chair and moves closer to her husband. "I am sure it's nothing, I just noticed some funds missing from one of the offshore accounts when I was reviewing the latest financial statements. I just asked the board to look into it, that's all. But enough of that," Victoria wraps her arms around Bryce and kisses him. "When my sexy husband surprises me in my office, I think we have better things to do then talk shop, don't you?"

Bryce kisses his wife back passionately. "Why don't you lock the door?" Victoria purrs to him as their lips part. "I want you so badly."

Bryce chuckles as he turns and locks her office door before he returns to her, kissing her passionately as she starts to unbutton his shirt.

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Natasha sits next to Sophie in her hospital as Leah paces back and forth at the foot of the bed. Both Natasha and Leah were cryptically summoned to Sophie's hospital room by an unknown source, but Natasha is just relieved that nothing is wrong with her daughter, as she just emerged from her coma after being shot in Hawaii.

"So, you don't know who asked you and Leah to come to my room?" a confused Sophie asks as she looks over at her mother.

"No, we have no idea," Natasha explains to her. "The texts, they came from an unknown number."

"It's all very strange," Leah stops pacing and looks at the younger woman in the hospital bed. "I can only assume that this has something to do with you, Sophie. Why else would someone ask to meet us here, in your room?"

"Something to do with me?" Sophie asks in confusion. "What could this be about?"

"I think I have the answers for you," a voice calls out at the doorway of the hospital room. The three women turn and see Robin standing there, with Penny behind her.

"Robin?" Leah rushes up to her sister and hugs her. "I…I heard about Antonio, I am so sorry."

Robin forces a smile on her face as she knows that the previous night her fiancé was killed by three gunshot sounds. "Thanks, I'm doing okay," Robin tells her. "Everyone, this is Penny. Penny, this is my sister, Leah, Natasha, and Natasha's daughter, Sophie."

"Hi everyone," Penny waves to the women. "You have to forgive me, it was me who sent you the texts asking you to come here; hence the unknown number."

"Why did you do that?" Natasha asks her quickly. "What do you want, Penny?"

"We can explain," Robin tries to calm Natasha down. "But I need you all to brace yourself, because what we have to tell you, it will change your world, forever," Robin reveals as Natasha uneasily looks at Leah before she looks at Sophie, who shrugs back to her in confusion.


Jacob rushes off the elevator and makes a beeline for one of the waiting rooms in the hospital. As he rushes towards the entry, he recalls how he was at home when Isabelle called him and told him that Antonio had died from his gunshot wounds. Despite being with Cassie, who was kissing him right before the call, Jacob dropped everything and rushed over to the hospital as he knows that Isabelle will need him.

"I got here as soon as I could," he announces as he moves into the waiting room. Isabelle, who is looking out the window, turns and sees Jacob. Without saying a word, she rushes into his arms and starts sobbing. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm right here, Isabelle. Let it out, I won't let you go."

At the entry way of the waiting, Cassie stands and spies the encounter. She arches her eyebrow and shakes her head in disgust. "If you think you're going to use your father's death to trap my man, you have another thing coming, Isabelle. You will not get away with this. I will see to that."

Inside the waiting room, Isabelle and Jacob exit their embrace. "What can I do? Just tell me, and I'll do it," he looks into her red, damp eyes.

"Just…" she says through her tears. "Just hold me," she tells him as he hugs her again. "Because…I…I can't believe he's gone. My father…he's really gone."

The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ & Albertinah's Home

"I called us all together today for a very specific reason," Trenyce announces to Chris, Daisy, and Andrew as she sets a tray of tea and cookies on the coffee table in front of her guests. "Antonio Moretti was shot last night."

"Yes, Daisy told us at the hospital," Andrew reminds her before he takes a bite of a chocolate chip cookie.

"I remember," Trenyce waves her hand back to him. "The point is, last night at the ball, every single one of you told me that you wanted Antonio to pay."

Chris huffs back to her. "I remember you claiming you also wanted Antonio to pay, Trenyce."

"I did!" Trenyce sighs back to him. "That man has put all of us through hell with his meddling!"

"I'm not sure what good this doing us?" Daisy admits to her niece. "Why did you want us together, Trenyce? What good is this serving?"

"I…I just want to make sure," Trenyce uneasily looks back at her Aunt. "That we have nothing to worry about?"

"I don't think we have anything to worry about," Andrew says. "The police will do their job, or not, with Simona on the case. But, unless you have something to hide Trey, I think we are good."

Trenyce feels her heart race inside her chest, as Daisy, Chris, and Andrew all gulp back to one another. "I…No, I don't have anything to hide," Trenyce says.

"Me either, nothing at all," Daisy uneasily tells her family.

Twin Peaks Police Station

Simona looks over the file of Antonio's death on her desk. She sighs as she reads that he was shot from the back, three times, and left for dead in his office in the casino. His fiancé, Robin, found him and called for help, but at the hospital, he died from his injuries.

"The question is," Simona whispers to herself. "Who would have hated Antonio so much that they would have shot him, three times, no less? That's what I have to find out, because he has a mourning daughter that deserves answers, and I won't rest until I find the person who did this."

Next on One Day at a Time
- Nicholas' news stuns Andy
- Chantel has a vivid dream
- Simona learns some interesting facts

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