Episode 1097

Sticky Sweet Lemonade
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: September 24, 2024

Episode Theme song: "Rose Colored Glasses" Mylie Cyrus

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Leah pleaded her innocence about moving the funds from Robertson Enterprises. Paige believed her mother, who suspected Victoria had something to do with it
- Abby and Dominick planned their wedding
- Simona grilled Chris, Andrew, Trenyce, & Daisy about Antonio's death
- Cory realized that both Penny & Robin were in love with him
- Sophie was released from the hospital
- Meggan crashed her SUV and lost her driver's license

Twin Peaks Police Station

Isabelle swiftly moves through the police station towards Simona's office. Days have gone by since the night of Antonio and Robin's engagement party, the night where Isabelle's father was gunned down to his death, and yet, she has not heard of any formal arrest being made. The idea that her father's killer is still on the loose, and getting away with taking his life, is unacceptable to her.

"Good, you're here," Isabelle announces as she opens the door to the detective's office and moves inside. "We need to talk, Simona."

"Isabelle, hi," Simona stands up from her chair and welcomes the younger woman into her office. "How are you holding up?"

"How the hell do you think I am holding up?" Isabelle asks as she folds her arms across her chest. "My father was shot three times in the back; he's dead, Simona! He's never coming back! So, I'll tell you how I'm doing, not well, okay?"

"I understand," Simona tries to calm her down. "And believe me when I tell you that I am working day and night trying to find out who did this to your father."

"Does that mean that you haven't figured it out yet?" Isabelle asks in a huff. "How many people could have done this, Simona?"

"It turns out there is a pretty long list of people who might have had motive of wanting your father dead," Simona reveals to her. "And it seems he had a gun in his office, which a lot of people might have known about."

"Yes, Daddy did keep a gun in his office," Isabelle tells her. "He had it for protection, you know, in his line of business, you never know when someone who just lost a lot of money would get aggressive."

"His gun is missing," Simona informs her. "Which leads me to believe it was the weapon used. I am hoping that once we find the gun, we will get more insights as to who did this."

"I need you find the person who killed my father," Isabelle says as her lower lips quivers. "Do not rest until that son of a bitch is behind bars for the rest of their miserable life."

The Calimo Mansion

"I hope you enjoyed the small party we had for you," Natasha tells Sophie, who is sitting on the sofa in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Natasha knows that she and Cory threw their daughter a small welcome home gathering after she was released from the hospital; for weeks, they had no idea if she was going to survive the gunshot wound that she got in Hawaii, so they are relieved that she is back to normal self.

"I did, it was really nice, Mom," Sophie smiles back to her. "And, it was really great that Max showed up at the hospital with flowers and came to the party."

Natasha uneasily gulps back to her. She knows that she thanked Max for his role in saving Sophie's life, but the thought of the two of them getting any closer disturbs her. In the back of her mind, she can't help but think about Max's role in Adam's accident all those years ago; Max was in love with Robin, who was seeing his father, Adam, at the time, so Max arranged for some scaffolding to collapse on top of Adam, which left him in the hospital for weeks. On top of that, Max is Cassie Nova's son, and the last thing that Natasha wants is for her daughter to be involved with Cassie's child.

"Yes, it was sweet," Natasha forces herself to say something nice. "Listen sweetheart, I want you to focus on getting back to one hundred percent, okay? I don't think you focusing in on Max is the best thing for you right now."

"I don't think I am focused on him," Sophie quickly says back to her mother. "It's just…sweet, that's all."

"Yes, yes, well, there is plenty of time for you to find and engage with sweet boys, but right now, I want you to focus on you, and nothing, and no one, else, okay?'

Sophie uneasily nods back to her mother, as Natasha pulls her into a hug. "Uh, sure Mom, sure."

The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino

"I see Leah and Paige sitting over there," Abby observes to Dominick as they are huddled at a table in the corner of the restaurant. She takes a long sip of her wine before she looks back at her fiancé, wondering if he will ask Leah and Paige to join them, which would drive her crazy as they are putting the finishing touches on their wedding plans. "Are you going to say hello?"

"Not right now," Dominick replies to her. "We are so close to finishing our wedding plans; I don't want anything, or anyone, to prevent us from doing just that."

Abby smiles back to him. "Neither do I," she says back to him. "Because marrying you, it is the most important thing to me."

"Me too Abigail," Dominick reaches over and grabs her hand. "I can't wait to be your husband, and this time, nothing will come between us."


Meanwhile, at another table closer to the entrance, Paige and Leah sit across from one another with a bottle of red wine in front of them and two glasses. Paige pours her mother another glass before she takes a sip of her own wine.

"Has Tyler come around to believing you that you had nothing to do with those funds being moved from the Robertson Enterprises accounts?" Paige asks her mother as he sets her wine glass down on the table.

"I'm afraid not," Leah sighs back to Paige. "Because my logon is attached the transfer, he doesn't know what to believe."

"I guess that is the question," Paige replies to her quickly. "How did your logon get used to move the money? Does anyone, anyone at all, have your work password?"

"Not that I know of," Leah admits to her. "But something, or someone, must have been able to figure it out. And I think I know who is behind this."

Paige arches her eyebrow back to Leah. "Who? Who do you think is responsible?"

"Victoria," Leah tells her as Paige opens her eyes wider in surprise. "I don't think that this is happening right after she got hired is a coincidence; the woman hates me because I have been so determined to get her away from Noah! I…I just have to prove the connection."

Paige uneasily gulps as she knows that she is the reason that Victoria got hired at the company in the first place; Victoria promised her information that would help stop Abby and Dominick from getting remarried if Paige helped her get a position at the company. At a board room meeting, Paige was the deciding vote to give Victoria a position at Robertson Enterprises and in turn, Victoria told Paige that Abby slept with Ethan.

"Hey, where did you go?" Leah asks Paige, who snaps back into reality and looks over at Dominick and Abby at their table. "Are you okay?"

"No," Paige admits to her. "It just feels like the family is in turmoil again, Mom, and I hate it, I really, really hate it."

The Tower's, Floor Eight; Victoria & Bryce's Condo

"I'm surprised you're not at the hospital," Victoria tells Bryce as she moves into the living room and sees her husband sitting on the sofa with an X-Box controller in his hand. She sits next to him while he pauses his game and looks back at her.

"I was able to have the day off and instead work the night shift," he replies to her. "The nice thing about that, is we could spend the day together? That is, unless you have to head into Robertson?"

"I don't," she purses her lips together. "So, I like the idea of spending the day together, unless you want to finish your game?"

"These things take forever to finish," he chuckles back to her. "I'd much rather spend time with you."

"You're so sweet," she leans and kisses him. "You know, you and I, we have it all right now, Bryce. We both have great careers, we have our families, and I mean, even your mother, seems to be coming around to the idea of us."

"I wish I had that belief in my mother," Bryce admits to her. "I don't know if anything will ever make her want us to be together."

"Well, with these missing funds at Robertson taking her time, it might be her time to focus on that instead of us?" Victoria suggests to him. "But in any event, let's not talk about your mother. I'd much rather show you much you mean to me."

Bryce chuckles before she kisses him passionately, and she crawls on top of him, slowly taking his sweatpants off.

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Lukas and Greg stand facing one another in the hallway of the hospital outside of Meggan's hospital room. Greg called Lukas after Meggan was brought to the hospital after a minor car crash; the concern for Lukas, is that Greg just informed him that Meggan was drunk when the car accident occurred.

"You have to understand that this is very serious," Greg tells Lukas as he folds his arms over his chest. "Had Meggan been seriously hurt, or God forbid, hurt someone else, this would have been far worse."

Lukas sighs back to him. "I understand," he replies to the doctor. "As soon as I found out she fell of the wagon, I expressed my concern to her. I will continue to do this, Greg. The last thing I want is for Meggan to hurt herself, or someone else."

"Good," Greg says. "Because the police suspended her driver's license, so she can't drive right now. I think that's for the best."

"Understood, I will let her know," Lukas tells him. "And you're sure that you're okay to discharge her?"

"Oh yes," Greg nods back to her. "She's perfectly fine, other than the drinking."

"Got it," Lukas tells him. "I'll take her home and try to get through to her."

"I hope you do," Greg says.

With that, Lukas turns and moves into his sister's hospital room, where she is packing her small duffle bag. She turns her head and gets a grin on her face.

"I'm so glad that you're here," she tells her brother. "I can't wait to get home; I need a drink."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lukas asks her with a stern voice. "You were just in a car accident because of your drinking, and you're already wanting another drink?"

"It's been a long couple of days!"

"Meggan, this has to stop," Lukas tells her quickly. "I will take you home, but you have got to get your drinking under control! Anything else is unacceptable!"

The Sugarbowl

Robin and Cory sit across from one another in the back booth with some lattes in front of each other. They are catching up as they feel like a lot if happening right now with Antonio being murdered on the night of Robin's engagement party to Antonio.

"Have you heard from Simona about any updates on finding who shot Antonio?" Cory asks her before he takes a sip of his latte.

"No," Robin moves a piece of her hair behind her ear. "But I would assume she is doing an investigation first and then I will find out more information. And really, I am more worried about Isabelle and what she is going through."

"On some level you lost someone you loved," Cory reminds her. "It is okay if you're upset that he's gone."

Robin shakes her head, unaware that Simona is at the counter waiting for her coffee order and that she is in earshot of what they are saying. "I'm not upset," Robin tells Cory, as Simona arches her eyebrow. "Any feelings that I might have had for Antonio, Cory, they went away when I learned that he arranged for your plane to crash. The fact that he wanted you dead is disgusting to me; no, if anything, I'm glad he's dead. I just hope he's rotting in hell."

At the counter, Simona grabs her coffee and makes a beeline for the door, wondering if she just found another suspect in Antonio's murder.

The Park

Penny slowly walks through the park with a hot chocolate in her hand. Her mind is racing about how she kissed Cory recently; she wanted to make him realize that she is still in Twin Peaks because she has feelings for him. After everything they went through on her farm, the last thing she wants to do is to lose him, which she is worried she might because Robin is back in the picture, and she can tell that they both still have lingering feelings for one another.

"I ended my engagement to Gordy because I thought Cory was going to stay with on the farm with me," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "But if he still cares for Robin, I could lose him. What am I going to do?"

She looks up and freezes when she sees man walking towards her. She does a double take when she sees the face of the man approaching her. Quickly, she rushes up to him.

"Gordy?" she asks in shock seeing her former fiancé standing in front of her. "What the hell are you doing in Twin Peaks?"

"Hi Penny, it's good to see you too," Gordy smirks back to her.

Next on One Day at a Time
- Robbie's trial begins
- The Wedding Day arrives
- Simona gets more information

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