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Got a Secret Place | ||
Theme song: "Mightnight Dreams" Ellie Goulding The Pier "What about my son?" a concerned Lukas asks Chantel as they continue to look at one another as they sit on a bench on the pier together. Lukas was taking a walk when he saw Chantel sitting by herself and she looked rather upset. When he asked her what was wrong, she said that it was about Olly. "How does Olly have anything to do with your mood?" "It's all so odd," Chantel admits back to him. "Ever since I saw you, Donovan, and Olly at the hospital the night he had his fever, I've been having uh dreams of him." Lukas arches his eyebrow back to her quickly. "Dreams? What kind of dreams?" "About the night he was born," Chantel looks back at him. "I keep replaying his birth over and over again." "Is it possible that seeing Olly again, after all these years, is just triggering for you?" Lukas asks her quickly. "I suppose that could be it," Chantel takes a deep breath. "The weirdest part about the dreams, is the fact that Olly, he doesn't cry after he's born. The doctor just takes him away and cleans him off, but I don't hear him crying." "I mean, it's weird, but dreams don't always make sense," Lukas says back to her. "It's just your subconscious, Chantel. I I don't think you have anything to worry about." "I hope not," she tells him. "I I actually just hope that these dreams go away. I'd like to not have them anymore." | ||
Twin Peaks Court House Kim places her hand on the bible and looks over at Robbie while the bailiff swears her in. Once she agrees to tell the truth, she slowly sits down and tries to keep her heart from racing. She is about to give her testimony in Madeline's lawsuit against Robbie and she hopes that she doesn't make her case stronger. The last thing she wants is to hurt Robbie's case. "Your witness Mr. Levitt," Judge Franklin Ross tells the lawyer, who stands up and looks at Kim while he buttons up his suit jacket. "Mrs. Calimo," Josh begins to say as he moves closer to her. "First, let me say, that it is wonderful that you're here today. From what we've heard, you were knocking on death's door last year." "Thank you," Kim replies to him. "I am grateful every day for the medical staff at Twin Peaks General Hospital; they saved my life." "Prior to your shooting, you were engaged to Greg Lawson?" "Yes, that's correct." "Did you love Mr. Lawson?" Kim gulps back to him. "Greg is one of my best friends," she begins to respond to him. "So, yes, there is love there. Greg came into my life in a time when I was married to my first husband, Bob, and we hit it off right away. Then, he supported me after Bob died." "You loved him as a friend? Or as a lover?" "A friend for sure," Kim nods. "You see, I ended up falling in love with Robbie, and we were married. But then, there was an accident, and I had a miscarriage. I I blamed Robbie for what happened, and that was the last straw in our marriage, so we divorced. That's when I became involved with Greg, because he was there for me. It was .convenient." "You and Robbie divorced, but did you feelings ever truly go away for him?" "No," Kim looks over at her husband. "Deep down, I still loved Robbie. And I always believed that he loved me, even though he surprised everyone by marrying Madeline in Las Vegas." "When you woke up in the hospital and you learned that Robbie had married you, how did you feel?" Josh asks her next. "I was stunned," Kim admits to him. "First, I didn't know what had happened to me, but then to learn that I was going to die and he married me so I could die as his wife; it was something out of a movie, or something." "And you two, then, decided to stay together?"| "We talked a lot about it," Kim admits to the court. "And we realized that we still did love one another; nothing had changed about that. We hate that we hurt Greg, and Madeline, but in the end, love should win, and that's what Robbie and I have," she says as Madeline rolls her eyes. "So your honor, let us be happy, don't take that away from us, not after everything we've been through to get to this point. I'm begging you, don't let greed and revenge take away from the fact that two people who love one another are finally happy." Twin
Peaks Police Station Simona continues to stare at the file she has created for Antonio's murder case. She is hoping that by looking at all the facts and evidence that she has compiled, something new will jump out at her and she will be able to put more pieces together. "Keep thinking Simona," she tells herself. "Something has to be here that will help you solve this mystery." Before she can say anything else, she gets a phone call. She picks up the large phone that sits on her desk. "Detective Lopez," she says as she quickly arches her eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? Yes, thank you, good work." She hangs up the phone and gets a grin on her face, having just heard the results of the tests that were performed on the gun that was found in the river. "I can make an arrest now," she says as a grin creeps over her face. St.
Joseph's Church More and more guests are arriving for the pending wedding of Abby and Dominick and, so, the church is starting to fill up. Trenyce moves into the foyer and freezes when she sees Andrew and Chris huddled together in deep conversation. The sight is surprising to her because she has known that they have been at odds since the truth about her affair with Andrew was exposed; she just hopes that the men will not create a scene at the wedding. "What's going on?" she asks as she moves up to them. "Is everything okay?" "We are fine," Andrew looks back at Trenyce. "Chris and I, we spoke and we have agreed to put our differences aside right now." "Really?" she asks him in surprise. "What brought this on?" "With the family being questioned by the police in Antonio's murder, Andrew and I thought we should be united together. We can't be fighting with one another if we are going to get through this," Chris tells her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm still furious with both of you, but we have to be together until Simona has found the real killer." "That's very big of you, both of you," Trenyce uneasily smiles back to him. "And I agree, we have to come together right now because, if I'm honest, I'm worried about Daisy." "Daisy? Why?" Andrew asks her quickly. "She had to hire a lawyer, that's how intense the questioning from Simona got," Trenyce tells him. "I'm worried about my Aunt and what this means for her." "We won't let anything happen to Daisy," Chris tells her quickly. "We will protect her, because there's no way that she killed Antonio, right?" Andrew and Trenyce uneasily look back at one another. "Right, of course," Trenyce gulps back to him. *** "Please tell Dominique and Oscar that I love them and that I will see them after the wedding," Robin tells her nanny as she talks on her cell phone. She didn't want her young children to be at the wedding in case they were fussy, but she does miss them when she's not around them. "Alright, talk to you in a few hours." She puts her phone back into her large Chanel bag and starts to move towards the pew where she will sit. As she walks, however, she happens to see Penny sitting next to Cory. She can't help but wonder if they are still together, since Penny admitted to her that she cares for Cory. Robin knows that she and Cory were together before he "died", and she still loves him, but with Penny in the picture, she isn't sure where they stand. She freezes when she sees Penny kiss Cory's cheek. "Have I lost you?" Robin whispers to herself. "Have I really lost you forever this time?" *** "I think Dominick will be ready in the next 5 minutes or so," Ethan tells Leah as he moves up to his mother. "And then we can get started." "Oh great," Leah smiles back to him. "And wow, you look very handsome in your tuxedo, Ethan." Ethan blushes back to her. "Thanks Leah. I I have to say, it's been nice helping Dominick get ready for the day. For the first time, it feels like " "We are a family?" Leah asks him as she finishes his sentence and he uneasily nods back to her. "I was telling Bryce the same thing earlier." "I've never really had a family before, so this is all new to me." "You have one now," Leah tells him quickly. "And, since I'm your mother, I'm hoping you'll help me with something." Ethan arches his eyebrow back to her. "If I can, I will try my best?" "I need you to represent me," Leah admits to him as Ethan looks back at in her surprise. "I'll explain everything, but I think there is someone trying to set me up for something that I didn't do at Robertson Enterprises; I don't know if I need legal representation, but I want to cover my basis." "Let's meet after the wedding and you can give me all the details," Ethan replies to her. "So, yes, I'll help you Leah. If you need help, I'll do what I can." *** Max scoots into a pew and sits next to Sophie, who is eagerly waiting the start of the wedding. He looks over at her with a smile on his face, still thrilled that she is out of the hospital and getting stronger each and every day. "Wow, you look so pretty in your dress," Max tells her as Sophie looks back at him. "You're sweet for saying so," she replies to him. "And you, you always look great in a suit." "You said that to me in Hawaii as well." "Oh yea," Sophie chuckles back to him. "You did look good that night too," she thinks of the night she was shot. "But I try to not remember that." He laughs back with her. "Yea, that's fair. Sorry I brought it up." "Don't worry about it," Sophie replies to him. "You know," Max looks back at her. "I've been thinking about you non-stop, Sophie. And well I think I might have been wrong in Hawaii." Sophie arches her eyebrow back to him. "Wrong? About what?" "You told me that you had feelings for me," he reminds her of their conversation. "And I said we should only be friends. I I think I was wrong about that." Sophie looks back at him in surprise. "What are you saying?" "How about we go out on a date?" he shrugs his shoulders to her. "And see what happens?" "Are you serious? You want to go out on a date with me?" she ask him, hoping that she heard correctly. "What do you say?" Sophie chuckles as she pulls him into a hug. "I'd love too, Max. I really would love too!" *** Natasha opens the front door to the church and scurries inside, as she feels like she is running late to the wedding. She wasn't going to attend considering her family's history with Dominick, but she knew that Cory and Sophie would be there, so she wanted to attend to be with her daughter. She happens to see Cassie step out of the restroom, causing her to take a deep breath. The sight of Cassie still makes Natasha's blood boil, but she does need to speak to the mother of her grandchild. "Hello Cassie," Natasha approaches her. "We need to talk." "Oh goodie," Cassie spits back at her. "What do I owe the pleasure of you needing to talk to me?" "I'll make this quick," Natasha replies to her quickly. "Your son, Max, he needs to stay away from my daughter. I don't care what you have to do to make that happen, but it needs to happen." "You want me to keep Max away from Sophie? I didn't realize that they were that close?" Cassie admits to her. "They are," Natasha tells her. "And the last thing I want is for my daughter to be involved with your son," Natasha hisses. "So get him away from her, or so help me God." *** Eva stands at the back of the church and looks at Dominick, who is at the altar waiting for the bridal march to play. She can't believe that this day is here; she always believed that, somehow, someway, she and Dominick would get back together. Now, that dream seems far away as he is about to remarry Abby. The bridal march starts to play, and Abby appears at the back of the church. The guests start to rise as Abby slowly walks down the aisle, looking at her friends and family. Eva, meanwhile, can't bring herself to watch, so she rushes out of the church. She reaches the doors and opens them, but she sees Will moving up the stairs. "Will," she says rushing up to him. "The wedding, it's starting." "Hey, are you okay?" Will asks her quickly. "You're you're trembling." "I can't watch," Eva replies to him quickly. "I can't see Dominick marry another woman." "It's okay," Will pulls her into a hug. "I'm here for you." They exit their embrace and Eva looks at him. "You're always here for me," she tells him as he nods to her. Without thinking, Eva leans in and kisses him passionately on the lips, needing to forget that Dominick is about to marry another woman. Next on One
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