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In & Out of My Head | ||
Theme song: "I'm Not Sorry" Simon Curtis | ||
The Victors Mansion; Frederick's
Lair Frederick peers through the small peep hole as he stands in the secret passageway of the Victors mansion. He is looking at Meggan, who is in the living room, drinking another scotch. He still can't believe that after all these years his daughter has, once again, fallen off the wagon. He knows that he has to do something to help her, but what that may be, he has no idea yet. "I will refuse to let you go down this path again," he sighs to himself, as he recalls how he got her to stop years ago. She had hit Noah with her car, and he faked the little boy's death, which prompted her to get help with her drinking. In fact, Noah was alive and well, and is now back in their lives, as Bryce. He watches Meggan put the glass down and she stumbles towards the large sofa, where she immediately shuts her eyes. "She's passing out," he tells himself. "I'm going to put a blanket over her." He slowly opens the secret door and moves into the living room. He grabs a small blanket that rests on the back of an armchair and covers his daughter with it. "Get some rest sweetheart," he whispers to her, as Meggan slowly opens her eyes. Her vision is blurred so she can't make out who is in front of her, so she closes her eyes and falls asleep quickly. "Sleep well." St. Joseph's Church With the wedding being paused, some of the guests have started to mingle again until the ceremony starts again. Cassie turns her head from the pew she is sitting in and sees Max sitting by himself as Sophie has excused herself to the restroom. She arches her eyebrow as she recalls how Natasha approached her right before the ceremony began and told her to keep Max away from Sophie. Cassie had no idea that they had grown that much closer, but she can't help but agree with Natasha; the last thing she wants is for her son to be involved with Natasha's daughter. "I can't believe that I agree with that wench about something," she whispers to herself as she stands up and makes her way to sit next to him. "Another wedding, more drama, huh?" she chuckles. Max looks back at his mother. "Yea, you know, Paige has hated Dominick and Abby's relationship for so long; it's a big part of the reason why I broke up with her." "That's a good point," Cassie replies to him. "Hopefully this isn't anything major and the wedding can continue. But this break does give us a moment to talk." "Sure, what's going on?" Max asks her quickly. "You're sitting with Sophie," Cassie says back to him. "I didn't realize you were close?" "We are starting to get closer," Max informs her. "I like her, Mom. I really do." "I don't think this is a good idea," Cassie purses her lips together. "Not at all, Max." *** Sophie leaves the restroom and starts to make her way back to her seat, but she happens to see Penny and Cory standing by the doors of the church. Sophie gets a sly grin on her face as she moves towards her father. "Dad," she says as she pulls Cory into a hug. "What a time for an interruption?" Cory chuckles back to her as they exit their embrace. "There's always something happening at a wedding in this town. Sophie, you remember Penny, right?" "You the woman that saved my Dad, right?" Sophie asks her quickly. "I just did what anyone would have done," Penny replies to them. "Ah, you're not giving yourself enough credit," Cory tells her. "You saved me, Penny. I owe you my life." "And I owe you a huge thank you," Sophie looks at Penny. "You have no idea how lost I was when I thought my Dad died; you saved him and he's back now, so thank you, Penny. Thank you so much." Penny hugs Sophie as Cory watches with a smile on his face. He is thrilled that his daughter and former lover are getting along with each other. Meanwhile, Robin stares at the sight unfolding from across the foyer. She sighs heavily, still wondering if she has lost Cory forever. As she turns to head back towards the altar, a man approaches her. "Do you have a few minutes to talk?" he asks her as Robin looks back at him in confusion. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" Robin asks him quickly. "That sight over there, you're happy about it, are you?" he asks Robin quickly. "Neither am I. You see, I'm Penny's former fiancé," Gordy tells her. "She dumped me once Cory came into her life." "I see." "So, you and I, if we put our heads together, we could stop them from being together," Gordy suggests to Robin. "You could have your future with Cory, and I could make Penny my wife; we could all get what we want and deserve." "I'm sorry," Robin cuts him off. "My father is about to get married, I can't talk about this right now." "No worries, just think about what I said, okay?" Gordy winks back at her, hoping he got through to Robin. *** Trenyce and Chris open the doors to the church and move outside, as they both wanted to get some air during the interruption. They know that it has been a stressful time for them with the truth about Trenyce's affair with Andrew coming out and Antonio's death. They still believe that Daisy is being unfairly questioned by Simona, and it has left everyone rattled. "Thanks for coming outside with me," Trenyce looks at her husband. "I just needed to get some fresh air." "I felt the same way," Chris replies to her. "Have you heard from Daisy? She was supposed to be at the wedding." "Hey guys," Andrew rushes up to them. "I'm glad I found you." "Andrew? What's going on?" Trenyce asks him as they turn to face him. "I got this text message from Daisy," he tells them as he pulls out his phone from his pocket and shows them the screen. "I can't stop crying," Chris reads the message from Daisy. "I'm in my car." "Daisy is here? And she's upset?" Trenyce asks she looks towards the parking lot, and immediately sees Daisy's car. "Come on, let's go see how she is." The three of them move towards Daisy's car, but they stop when they see a police vehicle stopping next to Daisy's car. Simona emerges from the vehicle and taps on the window of Daisy's vehicle. Daisy dries her damp eyes and rolls down the window. "May I help you?" Daisy asks Simona. "Daisy Davenport, you're under arrest for the murder of Antonio Moretti," Simona tells her as Trenyce, Chris and Andrew look on in shock and horror. "Please step out of the car, I have to take you down to the station. Anything you say can, and most definitely, will be used against you in a court of law." "This is a mistake," Daisy tells Simona. "This is a huge mistake!" Twin Peaks Court House "How long do you think it will take the Judge to come back with his decision?" Madeline asks Lois as they stand by the table that they were sitting at during the trial. All of the testimony's have been completed, and now Judge Franklin Ross is making his decision about the lawsuit. Lois purses her lips together before she looks back at her client. "I don't think it will take very long. All the facts of the case are pretty straight forward." "I just hope and pray that he comes back with the right decision," Madeline admits to her. "I am worried that Robbie and Kim will get to keep everything." Meanwhile, Robbie, Kim and Josh are huddled by the watercooler. "Be honest with us, how do you think it went?" Robbie asks his legal eagle. "Pretty damn well," Josh nods back to him. "You two basically exposed Madeline for being out for revenge and greed. The Judge would be a fool not to take that into account." "I hope he does so we can put this mess behind us," Kim replies to them two men. Before anyone can say anything else, the bailiff comes out. "All rise, the honorable Judge Franklin Ross resides." The Judge moves back to his chair while Lois, Madeline, Josh, Robbie, and Kim return to their seats in the courtroom. "You may be seated," Judge Ross says as he sits down. "This case, it is one of a complicated love triangle, and I know that it has not been easy for anyone to go through. First and foremost, I want to tell Mrs. Kim Calimo that everyone, regardless of which side of the court room they are on, we are all pleased that you did survive your shooting last year. Losing you would have been a huge tragedy to this community." "Thank you, your honor," Kim smiles back to him. "That being said, you're living did create an unfair situation for Ms. Willkins," the Judge continues. "Had you passed away, Mr. Calimo would have returned to her and they would be married right now. The fact is that Ms. Wilkins didn't have a true say in her marriage ending." Madeline gets a sly grin on her face she looks over at Robbie, who rolls his eyes. "That being said, I do think that seven million dollars is a stretch considering the length of the relationship and marriage," the Judge continues. "So, I am awarding her a settlement of 2 million dollars, and a seat on the Roboto board, because I do believe that she should have the ability to continue to earn a living. Court's adjourned!" "Oh Ms. Kam, thank you so much," Madeline smiles to her lawyer as they shake hands with one another. Robbie forms a fist in his hand as he looks at Kim. "Natasha is going to lose it when she learns that Madeline has to work at Roboto," he tells her before he looks at Josh. "This is a disaster! A huge disaster!" Twin Peaks Executive Hotel Will grunts loudly as he thrusts into Eva as they lay in the large king size bed that is in his hotel room. He had seen her rushing out of the church at Dominick's wedding; she stopped him, and they kissed, and they came back to the hotel room to make love to one another. He is loving being with her again, as she moans in delight at his quick and swift motions. He leans and kisses her passionately as she digs her nails into his back as he continues to find good rhythm. "Ah, I need you so badly," he moans in between kisses. "Don't stop Will," she pleads with him. "Please don't stop." St. Joseph's Church "What the hell are you doing?" a furious Abby asks Paige as she moves closer to her. "Just because you don't want me and Dominick together, you're going to make a scene? How dare you!" "Abby is right Paige," Dominick moves closer to her. "This isn't the time or place. We can talk about this later." "No," Paige shakes her head back to them. "Grandfather, you have to know what she did! She she slept with another man!" The crowd gasps in shock and horror at her revelation as Abby gulps. "You're a lying bitch!" she hisses back to her. "You have no idea what you're talking about!" "Oh but I do," Paige glares back at her. "You slept with Ethan, and I have proof!" Paige yells as Dominick turns pale and he looks at Abby, and then at Ethan, who is sitting in the pew next to Leah and Jeff, who look at him in horror. Next on One Day at a Time - Chaos erupts at the wedding - Andy makes a decision - Chantel and Cheresa grow closer |
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