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One of Those Bad Dreams | ||
Theme song: "The Loneliest Time" Carly Rae Jepsen | ||
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St. Joseph's Church In the back pew, Andy turns and looks at Nicholas and can't help but think he looks incredible in his tuxedo. He feels his heart skip a beat looking at his former lover. For months now, they have been estranged because Andy felt like he was close to the brink because of the muddy footprints he found in his condo. Thanks to Nicholas, however, they learned that Clayton was alive and stalking Andy. Nicholas told Clayton to leave town and no charges would be pressed, so he agreed. Andy realizes that the nightmare is over now, and it is all because of Nicholas. Nicholas turns to Andy and arches his eyebrow back to him. "You're, uh, staring at me," he nervously chuckles. "Do I have something in my teeth?" "No, it's not that," Andy replies to him as he grabs his hand and squeezes it. "I'm just thinking about how amazing you are, Nicholas. This entire situation with Clayton, it's all in the past because of you." Nicholas smiles back to him. "I would do anything for you, you know that." "I do know that," Andy nods back to him. "And I've been thinking about something." "Oh yea? What are you thinking about?" "Your offer to move back in with you," Andy tells him as they lock eyes. "I I accept, if you'll still have me." Nicholas gets a huge smile on his face. "Of course, I'll have you," Nicholas tells him. "I love you." "I love you too, Nicholas," Andy replies to him as they lean forward and softly kiss one another on the lips. *** "Hey, sorry I'm late, I'm just getting here," Lukas says to Donovan, as he moves up to his estranged husband in the foyer of the church. "Did I miss the ceremony?" Donovan turns back and shakes his head to Lukas. "There is a delay," he admits to Lukas. "Apparently Abby had an affair with Ethan; Paige just told Dominick." "Oh damn," Lukas chuckles to him. "Why are you out here? You wanna miss the fireworks?" "The tension was so high, I just needed a break," Donovan says back to him. "Why are you so late? I thought you would have been here by now?" "I ran into Chantel on the pier," Lukas reveals to him. "She's .she's losing her mind." "What do you mean by that?" Donovan asks him confused by his statement. "She told me that she has been having dreams of Olly," Lukas tells him. "And she wants them to stop." "That's weird," Donovan says. "She hasn't been in our sons life at all, so why is she dreaming of him?" "Good question," Lukas sighs back to him. "But for all of our sakes, I hope these dreams stop." *** Cheresa gulps heavily as she watches the drama unfold in front of her. She can't believe that her sister's wedding has been interrupted by news that she slept with Ethan. She happens to turn her head and she sees Chantel standing on the side of the pews looking distraught. She stands up and quickly walks away, nodding to Chantel to join her in the bridal room. "What are you doing here?" Cheresa asks her friend as she closes the door to the room. "You look upset." "I I had another dream about Olly," Chantel admits to her. "And once again, after I gave birth to him, he wasn't breathing. Why why do I keep having these dreams?" "I wish I knew," Cheresa moves closer to her and puts her hands on her shoulders. "But I can tell that you're upset by them." "It's just so damn weird," Chantel says. "Why don't I hear the baby cry? I mean, I just saw Olly in the hospital; he's a happy, healthy little boy, but in the dream, it's like it's like he was stillborn." Cheresa pulls her friend into a hug. "I'm sorry you're going through this," she whispers to Chantel. "But maybe it's just that a dream?" "I hope so," Chantel says as they exit their embrace and look into one another eyes. "Thank you for being here for me." "I hate seeing you so upset," Cheresa replies to her. "A beautiful woman like you, shouldn't be upset." "You mean it? You think I'm beautiful?" "Yea, I do," Cheresa smiles back to her. Chantel smiles to her and then leans in and kisses Cheresa on the lips. They part ways for a moment, but then Cheresa pulls Chantel back in for another kiss. *** "How can any of this be happening?" Trenyce paces back and forth in the parking lot of the church, rattled to her core at the fact that Simona just arrested Daisy for Antonio's murder. They knew that Daisy was struggling with something, but no one believed that she killed Antonio. Now, she has to figure out how to help Daisy. "We just have to stay calm," Chris tells his wife as he comes up to her and gets her to stop pacing. "Andrew is on the phone now with the police to find out what proof they have that could have lead to this arrest." "Daisy," Trenyce says as tears fill her eyes. "She couldn't have killed Antonio! She's not a murderer!" "Well all know that," Chris replies to her. "We will have to make the police believe this too, because Daisy couldn't have killed Antonio." Before Trenyce can say anything else, Andrew comes up to them. "Hey, I just got off the phone with the police." "And? What did they say?" Trenyce asks him quickly. "Why did they arrest Daisy?" Andrew sighs back to her. "Simona found a gun in the river," he reveals to her. "It was the murder weapon used on Antonio." "So what does that prove?" Chris asks him next. "It had Daisy's fingerprints on it," Andrew tells them as they gasp. "The murder weapon has Daisy's fingerprints on it, that's why she was arrested," he informs them as Chris and Trenyce look at one another in horror. *** Victoria looks at Bryce as they sit next to one another in a pew. She can't help but wonder how he is holding up with all of these revelations that are unfolding. While he hasn't exactly been close to his family since the truth about his identity came out, she still can't imagine that it will be easy to go through. On top of that, she hopes that her role in this doesn't come out because she doesn't want to hurt her marriage. But deep down, she knows that this is working to her advantage because now Leah will have even more on her plate, and hopefully that will keep her mother-in-law out of her marriage. "Hey, are you okay?" Victoria leans over and whispers into Bryce's ear. He turns to her. "Yea, I'm okay," he replies to her. "I I think I'm going to get some air." "Okay, I'll call you if the wedding starts up again." "Thanks," Bryce nods back to her as he scoots out of the pew and moves to the back of the church. Victoria looks forward just as Leah turns around to face her and Bryce. "Where's Noah?" she asks Victoria quickly. "Bryce, he went to get some air," Victoria replies to her. "And Leah, I think you have enough going on that you don't have to worry about me or my husband; why don't you focus on your family, okay?" Leah rolls her eyes back to her before she turns back around and grabs Jeff's hand, realizing that this is a disaster. *** "Ethan? What is it? What do you have to say?" Dominick asks his grandson, who moves to the altar to stand next to him and Abby. Abby looks at Ethan with desperation in her eyes. "Ethan, please, this isn't the time or place," she pleads with him. "No, Abby," Ethan shakes his head back to her. "This is the time; my grandfather, he deserves to know the truth." "What truth?" Dominick asks him, as Abby falls to her knees and starts to weep at Ethan's feet. "Please, Ethan, please!" Ethan ignores her and looks over at Dominick. "What Paige said," he tells Dominick as the crowd starts to murmur again. "It's it's true. I I slept with Abby! I'm so sorry grandfather, but I had sex with your fiancé!" Next on One Day at a Time - Daisy pleads her case to Simona - Madeline celebrates her win - What will Dominick do next? |
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