The Pink Flamingo at the River
Rock Casino
"Alright, so here is Dominique's current schedule,"
Robin says as she airdrops a file to Shane's IPhone as they sit across from one
another in the restaurant. "She has ballet on Tuesday's and swimming on Thursday's."
"I can't believe our little girl is already in ballet and swimming,"
Shane shakes his head in disbelief as he looks at his phone quickly. "I
know, right?" Robin chuckles back to him. "And this is Oscar's schedule;
he has karate on Wednesday's and he swims at the same time as Dominique on Thursday,
which makes it easier for you." "Alright, looks like my schedule
will be busier the next couple of weeks." "Are you sure that
you're okay to take the kids for a few weeks?" Robin asks him quickly. "It's
just with Antonio's murder trial coming up, I really want to be there, especially
to support Isabelle." "Of course," Shane replies to her.
"I love spending time with my children, and you, you have been a super Mom
the last few years with them. This is the least I can do for you." "I
really appreciate it, Shane," Robin looks back at the father of her children.
"Alright, so why don't you stop by the penthouse around 5 tonight and they
will be ready for their adventure with you?" "Perfect, I'll
see you then." Robin grabs her purse and starts to leave the restaurant,
but she happens to see Gordy
sitting at the bar. She turns to move away from him, but finds herself approaching
him, as she hasn't been able to stop thinking about the fact that he asked her
to help him break up Penny and Cory, whom she doesn't even know if they are in
a relationship together. The last time she saw him, she told him that she wouldn't
help him, so she is curious as to why he is still in town. "Gordy,
I am surprised to see you here," she says as she moves up to his bar stool.
"I would have assumed you'd leave town after our last conversation."
"Why would you assume that?" Gordy asks her before he takes a sip
of his beer. "Just because you don't want to get Cory back, doesn't mean
that I don't want Penny back." "I
uh, I didn't say that
I don't want Cory," Robin informs him. "I just said I won't play dirty
to get him back; if he and Penny are happy then
" "Then
you're out in the cold," Gordy cuts her off. "I know you said that you
wouldn't help me, and that's up to you, but I think you should think about that
long and hard, Robin. Because this could be your chance to be with Cory; you and
I, if we worked together, we could make all of our dreams come true."
Meanwhile, Shane collects his personal belongings as he has to get to the
hospital to see some patients. Just as he stands up however, Cassie appears in
front of him. "Cassie," Shane looks at his former wife. "I
wish I had time to talk, but I need to get to the hospital." "That's
fine," Cassie purses her lips together. "I was hoping that we could
get Carter together with Dominique and Oscar soon?" "Yea, the
kids are actually coming to stay with me soon, so that can be arranged."
"Perfect, I'll invite Jacob," she tells him. "Because it's
time he realizes that he has a family and that's where he should be."
"I'm not going to be in a pawn in the game you're playing with my son,"
Shane warns her quickly. "Whatever this is, Cassie, it has to end now."
"It will end," Cassie replies to him. "When Jacob realizes
that he and I are meant to be together; this time, nothing will stop that from
happening, you have my word on that." The Victors Mansion; Frederick's
Meggan slowly moves into the living room of the Victors mansion
and looks around. There is no sign of life in the living room, which upsets her
because, the last time she was there, she thought she saw Frederick hovering over
her after she passed out from drinking. She knows that even returning
to the mansion was risky, because had the police stopped her, she would have been
arrested again for driving without a license, but she had to return to see if
she could see her father again. If he is alive, everything could change, she realizes.
"Dad?" she calls out to the empty room. "Are you here? Dad?"
Behind the secret passage wall, Frederick peers through a small peep hole.
He can see his daughter, sober this time, looking around the room. He breathes
a sigh of relief that she hasn't been drinking, but he realizes that she must
have seen him when he placed a blanket over top of her after she passed out.
"No, I can't reveal myself to her," he whispers to himself. "Not
yet, not until I've married Felicia."
Meanwhile, in the living room, Meggan moves to the bar and sees the shattered
glass on the ground from the drink she threw against the wall. She bends down
and picks up one of the glass shards. "If Dad was here, this would
have been cleaned up," she tells herself as she throws the glass back down
on the ground. "Lukas was right, I saw him because I was drinking. Dad is
dead, he wasn't here yesterday. It was just my imagination." Twin
Peaks General
"Knock, knock," Tyler grins as he opens the
door to Madeline's office at the hospital and moves inside carrying a coffee from
the Sugarbowl for her. "I thought you could use this coffee since we were
up late last night." Madeline stands up from behind her desk with
a grin on her face, as she recalls how the two of them made love most of the night
as a way to celebrate her victor in court over Robbie. "Thanks Tyler, that's
sweet of you." "Of course," Tyler passes her the coffee.
He is happy that she won, mostly because he and Robbie have had a long, heated
relationship. While he has realized that he is still in love with Kim,
he knows that she is in love with Robbie, and so he has to move on with his life,
and being with Madeline is helping him cope with feelings, even though he doesn't
love her. "Have you thought about what you want to do with your seat on the
board of Roboto?" "I mean, I haven't," she admits to him
as she takes a sip of her coffee. "It's all so fresh, I haven't thought about
it. And, honestly, it's not like I have any experience in business."
"That's fair," Tyler nods back to her. "I just think you could
use this opportunity." "You said something similar last night."
"I did," Tyler winks at her. "If you want to make Robbie's
life miserable, your seat on the board could easily do that. Just think about
it, Madeline. This could be your way to continue to stick it to Robbie."
The Calimo Mansion
"Ah, you're not at the office yet,"
Robbie says as he moves into the living room of the Calimo mansion and he spies
his wife about to pour herself a glass of water at the bar. "I thought you
had a big meeting this morning?" "I did," Kim replies to
him as she takes a sip of her water. "But I pushed it back because I wanted
to talk to you." "Ah, is this about the lawsuit?" Robbie
asks her as he pours a cup of coffee. "Because I am still trying to figure
out how to make this right with everyone. But believe me, I will." "I
have faith in you," Kim grabs his hand and moves him to the sofa, where they
sit next to one another. "But this is about you and me, not the lawsuit."
"Alright," Robbie sets his coffee cup down on the table in front
of him. "Is everything okay? I know we had hoped to win the lawsuit, but
I thought everything we said about one another on the witness stand, we are very
much in love." "Yes, yes," Kim chuckles to him quickly.
"This isn't do with how we feel about one another, not in the way you believe."
"I am so confused," he admits to her. "I'm
pregnant Robbie," Kim tells him as he looks at her in surprise. "I had
a doctors appointment and Cheresa confirmed this." "What? We
are going to have a baby?" Robbie asks her as she nods back to him. He pulls
her into a hug and holds her close. "I love you so much Kim. I
I'm thrilled."
Tears fill her eyes. "I am happy too," she whispers back to him.
"This is what I've always wanted, Robbie. A baby for you and me."
Robbie kisses her passionately. "We are going to have a baby!"
The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home
looks into the living room of the home that he shares with Trenyce and he feels
his blood boil at the sight of Andrew and Trenyce sitting next to one another
on the sofa. Across from them is Ethan, who has arrived to discuss strategy with
them on Daisy's case. While Chris has agreed to put his differences aside with
both Andrew and Trenyce, seeming they sit next to one another is a harsh reminder
of their affair. "Can I get anyone anything?" Chris asks as
he moves back into the living room. "I'm good," Ethan replies
to him. "I think the sooner we come up with a plan of attack, the better."
"I couldn't agree more," Trenyce looks back at the lawyer. "My
Aunt, she didn't kill Antonio, we have to find proof of that." "I'll
go make some tea just in case," Chris tells everyone, as Andrew notices that
he is uneasy. "I'll help him," Andrew looks at Trenyce, who
nods, and then turns her attention back to Ethan, as they continue to talk about
Daisy's case. Andrew, then, follows Chris into the kitchen, who is putting some
water in the kettle. "Are you okay man?" "I'm fine,"
Chris puts the kettle on the stove and then turns it on. "I know
we agreed to put our differences aside, but if me being here is upsetting you,
I can go." "I'm fine," Chris looks back at him. "I
agreed to put our differences aside while Daisy is going through this crisis,
but Andrew, I haven't forgiven you, or Trenyce, not even close. So forgive me,
if seeing you next to my wife is still troubling to me." "I
get it," Andrew puts his hands up in the air. "I'll sit across from
her and leave the sofa to you and your wife. I mean it when I said I want to make
this as comfortable as possible." "Whatever," Chris spits
back to him as the kettle starts to whistle. "I'm going to make the tea,
I'll be right out." Twin Peaks Police Station; The Holding Cells
swiftly moves down the hallway of the police station as her high heels clap against
the concrete floor. After Isabelle told her the previous day that Daisy was arrested
for Antonio's murder, she knew that she had to come see the woman that has been
accused of killing her fiancé. "I didn't think it was true,
but here you are, in jail," Robin says as she looks at Daisy in the small
cell. "You were arrested for killing my fiancé." "Robin,"
Daisy stands up from the small cot that is in her cell. "I have been arrested,
but, you have to know, that I didn't kill Antonio." "I've known
you for a long time, Daisy," Robin looks back at her. "And, being a
killer isn't something that I would associate with you." "So,
you believe me?" a hopeful Daisy asks her. "I don't know what
to believe," Robin admits to her. "The night of the engagement party,
so much was revealed, you know?" "What do you mean by that?"
"I learned that Antonio wasn't the man that I thought he was," Robin
admits to her. "He arranged for Cory's plane to crash last year because he
wanted to get Cory out of my life so we could be together. I guess I fell for
that, didn't I?" "Wow," Daisy shakes her head back to her.
"He really would stop at nothing to get what he wanted." "All
I know is that Isabelle is devastated," Robin whispers back to her. "And
I have to support her; as Antonio's fiancé, I have to support his daughter,
even though, I'm not sad that he's gone." "I swear to you,"
Daisy moves closer to the bars. "I didn't do this, Robin. Please, help Isabelle
realize that before Antonio's killer has the opportunity to strike again. I'm
begging you, help her realize I'm innocent." Twin Peaks Executive
Eva sits up in the large bed that is in her hotel suite as she
looks at the IPhone screen. She can hear the water in the shower running, where
Will is cleaning up as they have been in bed all morning making love to one another.
She gets a sly grin on her face as she recalls how she had to leave the church
when Dominick was about to marry Abby as she couldn't stomach the thought of seeing
him marry another woman; when she left, she ran into Will, and she kissed him,
which resulted in them making love again. As she reads the screen, she
arches her eyebrow and looks closer at her screen. "My God," she whispers
to herself. "Dominick and Abby's wedding didn't happen because she slept
with Ethan? So, they didn't get married at all!" She jumps out of
bed and wonders, immediately, if this means she and Dominick could reunite after
all. She then looks back at the bed, which is a mess from the sex that she has
had with Will. She groans knowing that she might have just made a huge mistake.
"What am I going to do?" she asks herself. "I know
what you can do," Will comes out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around
his waist and his muscular chest still glistening with water. "Come join
me in the shower. I want you again and again, Eva. This is finally our chance
to be together." Eva uneasily chuckles back to him, wondering what
she is going to do. The Lawson Estate; Cheresa's Home
on baby," Dawn kisses Cheresa's neck as they stand in the foyer of the mansion.
"Let's go upstairs; I've missed you." "I've missed you
too," Cheresa pulls Dawn off her. "But you just had a long flight, and
I just woke up. Why don't you use the shower down here to freshen up, and I will
go freshen up in my room and we can connect after?" "Yea, that
works for me," Dawn tells her. "I would like to clean up after my flight."
"Perfect, see you in 30 ish minutes?" Cheresa asks before Dawn rushes
off to the restroom. Cheresa takes a deep breath and makes a beeline up the stairs
and heads to her bedroom, where she sees Chantel dressed and pacing back and forth.
"What the hell happened?" Chantel asks her. "Keep your
voice down," Cheresa tells her quickly. "Dawn was my surprise! I had
no idea she was coming!" "What are we going to do?" Chantel
asks her in a whisper. "I don't know, but you have to get out of
here," Cheresa replies to her quickly. "We can talk after, but right
now, I have to spend time with Dawn." "How am I going to leave
without her seeing me?" a worried Chantel asks her. "There's
a back entrance," Cheresa explains to her. "Use that door, and Dawn
will not know that you're here." Chantel nods back to her before
she grabs her bag. She stops at Cheresa and looks at her. "This doesn't change
the fact that I had a great time last night," Chantel admits to her. "Let's
be in touch?" Cheresa uneasily nods back to her as Chantel waves
to her. Once Chantel is out of the room, Cheresa moves to her bed and collapses
on it, wondering what she has gotten herself into. Next on One Day
at a Time - Dawn & Cheresa reconnect - Sergio confronts Donovan -
Robin, Isabelle, & Jacob remember Antonio | |