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Love is my Weakness | ||
Theme song: "I'm That Girl" Beyonce | ||
Roboto "Your parents were just being protective of you," Max tells Sophie as they sit next to one another in the main office at Roboto. He just heard from Sophie how Cory and Natasha were apprehensive about the idea of her coming back to work so quickly after she woke up from her coma. Max knows that Cory and Natasha are just trying to look out for Sophie since they almost lost her. "I suppose that's true," Sophie looks back at him. "I just don't want to waist my days doing nothing, you know? I would rather be doing something with my life." "How did you three leave it?" "That I'll start with a couple days a week just to see how I am feeling," Sophie tells him. "Which I think is a fair compromise." "I would agree with that," Max smiles back to her. "And it will be nice to have you back here, Sophie. This place, it wasn't the same without you." "There you go again being all sweet with me," she chuckles back to him. "Is that a bad thing?" he asks her. "Because, I like being sweet with you." "It's definitely not a bad thing." "Good," he licks his lips as he leans in and softly kisses her on the lips. Sophie feels her heart skip a beat as their lips part as she looks back at him, feeling the feels of her first kiss with the man that she has a crush on. "Very good," she whispers back to him. The Calimo Mansion Shane and Natasha lay back in the large bed in their room in the Calimo mansion with a fresh layer of sweat on their bodies as they just made love for the first time since getting married earlier in the afternoon. "I don't know about you, but that felt really amazing," Shane chuckles as he looks over at his new bride. "Even better then before we were married." "I agree, you were amazing," Natasha looks back at him before she leans over and kisses him passionately. "I still can't believe that we are married again, Shane. After all this time, we are back together as husband and wife." "I figured you'd like the surprise," he winks back to her as she lays her head on his chest. "I loved the surprise," she admits to him. "You were right, we didn't need a big fancy wedding; all we needed were each other." "And we have one another, now and forever, Nat," Shane whispers back to her as he kisses the top of her head. The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair Frederick holds his red cheek as he looks back at Meggan in shock as the drunk woman just slapped her father because he revealed to her that he is alive and well. He knows that Meggan is just in shock but he didn't expect her to slap him. "How could you do this to me? To Lukas? To you grandchildren?" Meggan hisses back to him. "You always disappear for months on end and lead us to believe your dead, but it's always some kind of sick game with you!" "Meggan, if you just let me explain," Frederick tries to keep his calm with her. He knows that there's no use getting upset when she is intoxicated as she is. "I had a very good reason for doing this." Meggan shakes head back in horror at him. "You always have a damn excuse! You always think you're doing this shit to help people, but you're motives are always selfish, Frederick!" "This was something I had to do to make our family even stronger," he replies to her. "Because something has happened while I've been away, something wonderful." Meggan arches her eyebrow back to him. "What? What else could have possibly have happened?" "I am a married man," Frederick reveals to her as a grin creeps over his face. "You have a new stepmother." Meggan feels the blood drain from her face at the words coming out of her father's mouth. She looks back at him in shock and confusion. "Who did you marry? Who is your wife?" "Felicia," he replies to her. "She's not dead; she's very much alive, and she's my wife," he stuns his daughter further by his revelation. Twin Peaks General Hospital "I really hate how you're ganging up on me," a flabbergasted Abby shrieks back to Dominick, Eva, and Will as they continue to stand at the nurses' station in the hospital. Abby had an appointment earlier in the day but she forgot her jacket so she came back for it; when she got there, Dominick and Eva had been pressuring Will to reveal why Abby had a medical appointment. "My personal business is just that, my personal business. Dominick, especially, you, you have no right asking about me since you ended our relationship!" "I did that because you slept with Ethan," he reminds her. "You would have married me without having me know the truth." Abby rolls her eyes back to him. "You're right, I was going to marry you because I loved you, Dominick! I still do, God help me!" "Okay, this isn't solving anything," Eva interjects to the group. "If Abby doesn't want to tell us, she doesn't have to; we were just concerned about you, Abby, that's all." "Oh please, Eva," Abby spits back at her. "You were looking for something, anything, to ensure I stay far away from Dominick. You've never wanted us together, and now you've gotten your wish." "You don't have to take this out on Eva," Dominick looks back at Abby. "You have made this mess we are in right now, you and Ethan." Abby uneasily chuckles back to him. "Sometimes I don't know what I ever saw in you," she sneers at him. "You were always taking Eva and Felica's side over mine when we were together. And, yet, you wonder why I turned to another man!" "That's enough Abigail," Dominick warns her. "No," Abby shakes head back to him. "We are really over, I get it. And you know what? I don't care anymore! I don't care! You want to know why I'm here? You want to know what my appointment was? I'm pregnant, Dominick. I'm going to have a baby." "What?" Dominick gasps as Eva looks back at Will in shock. "Yea, that's right," Abby nods to him with a sly grin on her face. "And guess what? Ethan, your grandson, he is the father of my baby. So, I hope you're happy now, now you know why I'm here." The Calimo Cabin Penny looks back at Gordy with an arched eyebrow as he just admitted to her that he came back to Twin Peaks in August. She knows that she only saw him back in town well after that, so the news is jarring to her that he was in town without her knowledge for weeks. "You were back in August?" she manages to ask him. "Why the hell didn't you say anything?" "I told ya, I was scoping out the situation," Gordy replies to her quickly. "You were stalking me and Cory, weren't you?" she shrieks back to him. "Do you know how messed up this feels?" "I was trying to get my fiancé back! I'm not going to apologize for that!" "So you were, what, just watching me? And Cory?" Penny asks him in horror. "Don't you see how unstable you come across!" "Hey, I just did what I thought was right and the best for everyone," Gordy yells back at her. "What did you do, Gordy? What did you think was best for everyone?" Penny asks him. "Answer me! What the hell did you do!?" Twin Peaks Law Courts "Ms. Davenport," the Judge looks down at her as her eyes swell with water. "Your lawyer has asked you the same question multiple times; please answer him. What type of work did you do for the deceased?" Tears start streaming down Daisy's face as she looks out into the crowd. Her eyes land on Trenyce, who nods back to her in encouragement, before she looks over at Chris and then, finally, at Andrew. She can't believe that she has to reveal this to everyone, including her family. "I " she starts to say as she cries more. "I " "Ms. Davenport, this is your last warning," the Judge glares at her. "Answer the question, or you will be fined in contempt of this court!" "I was a hooker!" she screams back to him as more tears flow out of her eyes. "I was paid to have sex with men at that fucking casino! Is that what you wanted to hear?" she looks back at the judge. "Are you happy now? I was a nothing more than a hooker!" Next on One Day at a Time - Daisy recounts her entire history - Lukas & Donovan's dinner party begins - Shane and Natasha make an announcement |
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