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Swear they could Kill | ||
Theme song: "Temptation" Ellie Goulding | ||
The Calimo Mansion "I brought up some more champagne from the wine cellar," Shane grins to Natasha, who is at the bar preparing four glasses that he can pour the bubbles into. They are still on cloud nine from the fact that Shane surprised Natasha with a wedding and so, they are now husband and wife. The cork pops and she giggles as he starts to pour the glasses of champagne into the flutes. "What is going on? Champagne? What is the celebration?" Jacob asks his mother as he moves into the living room with Sophie following him. He had been at the trial but when he got an urgent text from his parents to come home, Isabelle gave him the okay to see what was going on. She thought that he should spend time with his family, which is something that she can't do anymore. "We have an announcement to make," Natasha grins back to him as she passes her children a glass of champagne each. "And I hope that you're as happy about this as I am." Sophie and Jacob look at one another in confusion, wondering what the announcement could be. "Uh, well, you have our attention," Sophie chuckles back to her mother. "What's up?" "Shane surprised me earlier today," Natasha begins to look at her children before she smiles over at Shane. "With a wedding; we got married earlier today, it was just the two of us." "Whoa," Jacob shakes his head in amazement by the news that his parents are married again. "I didn't see that coming." "We are sorry that you two couldn't be here, I just didn't want to wait any longer; I wanted Natasha to be my wife," Shane explains to everyone in the room, before Natasha leans in and kisses him on the lips. "Well this is wonderful, congratulations," Jacob moves up to his mother and hugs her while Sophie hugs Shane, and then they switch hugging partners. "Yes, congratulations," Sophie tells everyone in the room. "Let's a have a toast, to Mom and Shane, may you live happily ever after." "Cheers," Natasha giggles to her family as they toast one another, celebrating that she is, once again, Mrs. Shane Glubbs. The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Abby sits at the bar of the restaurant and longingly looks at the bottles of alcohol behind her. Because she's pregnant, she only has a herbal tea in front of her, but after the day that she has had, she wishes she could have something stronger. She had been at the hospital for an appointment on her baby, who is perfectly healthy, but Eva happened to see her leaving. Eva, then, pressed Will for details about the purpose of Abby's visit, which he didn't. Dominick arrived and was further curious as to why Abby had been at the hospital. Abby returned to the nurses' station as she had forgotten her jacket, and saw the questioning unfolding. Furious that Eva and Dominick were looking into her personal business, Abby snapped at them and ended up revealing that she is pregnant with Ethan's child. The look of disgust on Dominick's face was clear, but Abby doesn't regret telling him because she knows that the truth would have come out sooner than later anyways. "It's okay little one," she says as she puts her hand on her stomach. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. Nothing will happen like it did with my beautiful baby Sonny." She turns her head and arches her eyebrow at another large table in the restaurant, which has Lukas, Donovan, Victoria, Bryce, Cheresa and Chantel sitting at it. She can't help but recall her connection to baby Olly when he was first born, but after she killed Brooke in self-defense, Donovan and Lukas wanted her to take a break from seeing their son. "I miss him too," she mumbles to herself. "Olly and I, we had something special; but you and I," she rubs her belly. "We will be even closer because you'll be mine." *** Meanwhile at the large table, Chantel uneasily looks over at Cheresa, who gives her a nod of approval, as she can tell that she is nervous. "Uh, well thanks for letting me bring a friend along," Chantel tells everyone, as they look at the wine list. "Of course," Donovan replies to her. "The more the merrier. I just hope that you're okay with us eating out instead of being at our house; Olly wasn't feeling so good, so we wanted to give him space." "I hope he's okay?" Victoria asks her brother quickly. "It's just a common cold," Lukas tells her. "He should be fine in a day or two." "What a relief," Chantel says back to him. "And, I don't mind being here at all. This is a nice restaurant. I'm just happy that Cheresa could join, with Dawn visiting." "I didn't know Dawn was back in town," Bryce looks over at Cheresa. "She surprised me," Cheresa nods back to the table. "I don't know how long she is here for, but it's nice having her here." Chantel uneasily smiles back to her as she knows that right before Dawn surprised her, she and Cheresa just made love for the first time. So much has happened that they haven't had a time to talk about what happened; still, she is grateful for her friend being there. "So, hopefully now that we are all together and having a nice time, it will help with your dreams," Lukas looks over at Chantel. "Because that is the goal of tonight, to help you with the dreams you're having about our son." Chantel finds herself nodding back to him. She hopes that this plan does work; she wants nothing more than stop having dreams about Olly. "I'll drink to that," she says as she takes a sip of her white wine. The Calimo Cabin The wheels in Penny's head start to turn as she continues to look at Gordy as they face one another in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Penny had followed Gordy to the cabin after he revealed to her that he was leaving town; she thought this was odd because she just found out that he approached Robin to help split her and Cory up. Now, Gordy just admitted to her that he came back in town in August, but she only saw him in September. Then Gordy said that he did something that he thought was the right thing for everyone, and she is determined to figure out what is. "What do you mean, you did something that you thought was best, Gordy?" Penny demands answers from him. "What did you do?" "Nothing, forget about it," Gordy looks back at her with intent. "I shouldn't have said anything." "But you did say something," Penny glares back at him. "What did you do?" "I said drop it," Gordy yells back at her, as Penny arches her eyebrow. She can't figure out why he is so pressed. "I know you did something," Penny looks back at him with intent. "I'm going to figure it out." She moves past him and sees his duffle bag. She moves to it and starts to open it as Gordy looks back at her in shock. "What the hell are you doing?" "Finding out what you did," she spits back to him as she pulls out a black ski mask from the duffle bag. She stands up and looks at him as she holds up the ski mask. "What the hell is this? Tell me Gordy, what is this? And what the hell have you done?" Twin Peaks Law Courts Cory looks at his phone quickly before he looks over at Robin, as they sit next to one another in the court room. Cory is still there because he is supporting Robin during Antonio's murder trial, while Robin is mainly there to support Isabelle. He sent a text message to Penny, but he hasn't heard back from her, which is unlike her. She is normally pretty quick to respond to him. "Are you okay?" Robin whispers as she leans over to him. "You look worried about something?" "I'm sure it's nothing," Cory tells her quickly. "It's just not like Penny to not respond to me." "Do you think something is wrong?" Robin asks. "I'm sure it's nothing," Cory replies to her. "How are you? This trial is getting intense." "I can't believe Daisy was selling herself for money," Robin admits to him. "It's a lot to find out, and I don't know how Isabelle feels about all of this." "If you need anything, I'm here," Cory tells her as he rests his hand on hers and smiles back to her. *** Ethan stands up and looks at Daisy, who has calmed down from her earlier breakdown. He moves closer to her slowly. "Are you feeling like you're ready to continue?" "Yes, I, again, apologize to the court for my outburst earlier," Daisy looks at him and then up at the Judge. "You admitted that you were a sex worker for Mr. Moretti," Ethan continues with his questioning, as Isabelle rolls her eyes as she is having a hard time believing Daisy's testimony. "Can you please lead us to find out how you ended up in that situation? After all, you're a former mayor of this city; most former mayors don't end up in that line of work." "It started months earlier," Daisy nods back to him. "I ended up sleeping with my ex-husband, Vinny Victors, who was lying to everyone about who he really was. Anyways, he was killed, but I, I ended up pregnant. I was horrified and I having all of these nightmares about having a psychopath's child." "So what did you do?" "I decided," she gasps as she feels more tears swell in her eyes, as Trenyce looks at Chris in shock as this is news to her. She hates that her Aunt went through this alone. "To terminate my pregnancy. I couldn't have a child under those circumstances." "I am sorry you went through that," Ethan offers support to her. "After the abortion, I fell into a depression; I didn't know which was up or which way was down," she admits to him as she wipes her eyes with a tissue. "And that's when Antonio swooped in; he sensed that I was vulnerable and he took full advantage." Isabelle is about to stand up to say something when Robin pulls her back down shaking her head no. Isabelle sits back down as Ethan turns to see her. "Antonio, he took me to Las Vegas," Daisy recounts to the court. "I got drunk one night and woke up naked but with a lot of money left behind. He admitted that I slept with a man for money and suggested I do that at the casino as there was a demand for it; I was horrified at first " "At first?" Ethan asks her. "I did it again," Daisy says as a tear falls down her cheek. "And again; the men, the sex, the feeling of another human being, it numbed me from my pain of the abortion. That's why I continued to do it, because it was my source of comfort from the abortion." "I am sorry that you went through that," Ethan tells her. "The money that Andrew Pherson said that you owed Antonio, where did that come from?" "He bought me these gowns, jewelry so I looked the part," Daisy replies to him. "He said that I was indebted to him; I had no escape. Andrew and I, we were prisoners of his with no escape." "Did you kill Antonio Moretti?" Ethan asks her point blank. "No," Daisy looks at him and then up at the Judge. "I hated that man for everything he did to me, but I did not kill him." "No further questions, your honor." "Ms. Kam, your witness," the Judge looks over at Lois, who stands up. "Did you have access to the gun that was in Mr. Moretti's office?" Lois asks her quickly. "Everyone who knew where the gun was would have had access to it." "Let the record show that this is the gun that was in Mr. Moretti's office," Lois holds up a large ziplock bag with a gun in it. "The police had confirmed this is the weapon that was used to kill Antonio Moretti. Let this file also show that the weapon had a set of fingerprints on it; those belong to Daisy Davenport. Care to re-answer the question of whether or not you killed Antonio?" "No," Daisy shakes her head quickly. "I didn't do it! I swear I didn't kill anyone!" Next on One Day at a Time - Nicholas surprises Andy - Daisy's verdict is back - Chantel has a vision |
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