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All the Clouds have Dried | ||
Theme song: "Bends" Carly Rae Jepsen | ||
The Young Mansion; Nicholas &
Andy's Home A short time later, Andy opens the front door to the Young mansion, in which he is living at with Nicholas. He had been at the courthouse covering the trial for the Twin Peaks Sun; he can't believe that Daisy was just found guilty of murdering Antonio. He has known Daisy for years and never believed that she was capable of murder. As he moves into the living room, he freezes when he sees a romantic dinner arranged. There's a table with candles and soft jazz music playing. A large fire is roaring in the fireplace and Nicholas is standing in a tuxedo. "What is all of this?" Andy asks his boyfriend as he sets his bag on the sofa. "I wanted to surprise you," Nicholas grins back to him. "I know today was a long day for you, so I thought this might be a nice way to end the day." "You're so thoughtful," Andy tells him as he kisses him on the lips. "And yes, it was a very long day. Daisy was found guilty." "I heard on the news," Nicholas replies to him. "It is awful for her and her family, but Andy, tonight, is about you and me. I want to forget the outside world for a little while." Andy chuckles back to him. "This setup will definitely help with that." "I'm glad you approve because there's more," Nicholas looks at him before he slowly bends down on one knee. "I want you to marry me, Andy. I want us to be lifelong partners." Andy's eyes open wider in surprise as Nicholas opens a small ring box and reveals a white gold band. "Mary me, Andy?" "Of course," Andy says as Nicholas stands up and they kiss passionately. "Of course, I'll marry you. I love you so much." The Calimo Mansion "The ring that Shane got you, it really is beautiful Mom," Sophie tells her mother as they sit on the sofa next to each other in the Calimo mansion. Shane and Natasha just revealed to Sophie and Jacob that they got married in a surprise wedding; Sophie and Natasha are now having some one-on-one time, while Jacob head back to check on Isabelle. "He did well," Natasha chuckles to her before she takes a sip of her champagne. "I am a lucky woman." Sophie takes a slow sip of her champagne as she thinks about her romantic life; she and Max went on a date, which went well, and then, recently, Max kissed her. It was their first kiss and it left her with butterflies in her stomach, but she is also incredibly nervous. "What are you thinking about?" Natasha asks her. "You look like you went away from being present." "I guess I was just thinking about Max," Sophie admits to her, as Natasha uneasily sighs. "We had our first date." Natasha tries to remain calm as she knows that she has an issue with Sophie seeing Max because he is Cassie's son, but she doesn't want to ruin the day she has had by getting into a disagreement with her daughter. "And, how did that go?" "It was really wonderful," Sophie tells her. "He kissed me, Mom. We shared our first kiss." "I get the feeling that something is wrong, Sophie? What did he do to you?" "Nothing, no, Mom, I swear, he was a perfect gentlemen," Sophie quickly tells her. "It's It's me." "You're an amazing young woman, there is nothing wrong you," Natasha puts her hand on her knee. "I'm just scared," Sophie looks at her mother. "Max has had a lot of other girlfriends, you know? And I'm .I'm still a virgin. What if I don't know what I'm doing." "Darling," Natasha sets her champagne glass down and grabs her daughter's hands and they lock eyes. "There is nothing to be ashamed of that you are still a virgin; you shouldn't feel pressure to have sex with anyone, not until you're ready. If Max, or any man, for that matter, can't accept that, then they aren't worth your time." Sophie nods back to her before she hugs Natasha. "Thanks Mom, I needed to hear that." The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Chantel takes a slow sip of her wine as Donovan and Lukas' dinner party continues to roll on. While the intent for the party was to help Chantel to stop having dreams about Olly, but she is finding, as the night goes on, she is feeling Olly's presence. She shuts her eyes as Victoria starts to chuckle at one of Bryce's jokes. She can see herself laying in a hospital bed with sweat dripping down her forehead. She is pushing hard as she is in labor. Bryce is in the room with her as he is helping deliver her baby. "Chantel, hey, are you okay?" Cheresa asks her friend, who opens her eyes. "What is it? What's wrong?" Chantel gulps heavily as a tear falls down her cheek. She looks at Lukas and Donovan, who are also laughing with Victoria and Bryce. Chantel's eyes end up on Bryce and she gasps out in shock. "Oh my God," Chantel gasps as the table look at her in confusion. "I I know what happened I know everything!" Bryce looks at Donovan, Lukas, and then Victoria in shock. "What are you talking about? What is this all about?" Behind them, Abby appears as she had been at the bar having a herbal tea. She was just about to leave when she heard the commotion, and now she is curious as to what is happening. "I'll tell you, I'll tell everyone," Chantel explains as a tear falls down her cheek. "I know why I've been having dreams of Olly, I finally put the pieces together, and this is your fault, this is all your fault!" Twin Peaks Law Courts Jacob moves closer to the courtroom where Daisy's trial was being held. He had been at the Calimo mansion with Shane, Natasha, and Sophie, when he got word that the trial was over. He raced back to the courthouse to see how Isabelle is doing; he knows that the trial was taking a lot out of her. "Isabelle, I rushed back as soon as I heard the verdict was in," Jacob moves closer to her, as she is sitting on a bench outside of the courtroom. "How are you?" Isabelle looks back at him with red eyes. She can't deny that the trial was hard on her; hearing all of the dirty dealings of her father was stunning to her. She always thought of her father an idol to her, but she can't deny that he did a lot of horrible things to many different people. "I don't know," she admits to him. "On one hand, I am thrilled that Daisy was found guilty because my father's death will not go unpunished, but on the other hand, finding out all of the terrible things he did, it's it's like, did I even know him?" "Of course, you knew him," Jacob replies to her. "Everyone has so many different layers to them, Isabelle. You saw one side of your father, and that is okay. How can I help?" "You can tell him to leave you alone," Cassie announces as she moves up to them. "It's over Isabelle; it's finally over. I told you that you had until the trial was over, and guess what? The trial is over, so tell Jacob the truth, or I will," she says as Isabelle shakes head and Jacob arches his eyebrow, wondering what is happening between the two women. *** "Still no word from Penny?" Robin asks Cory as they leave the courthouse and start walking down the stairs that are out front of the building. She knows that during the trial, Cory had sent Penny a text message, but she hasn't responded as of yet. Cory is concerned because normally Penny was prompt to get back to him. "No, and I'm starting to get worried," he sighs back to her as they face one another at the base of the stairs. "It's not like her to not get back to me." "Maybe her phone died? Or she's out at the Pink Flamingo?" Robin suggests to him. "Yea, maybe?" Cory shrugs his shoulders. "I I can't place it, but I have a bad feeling about this, Robin." "Why don't you try calling her?" Robin suggests to him. "She might hear her phone and pick up right away." "Good idea," Cory pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials Penny's number. He looks back at Robin while the phone rings. "Voicemail," he tells her. "Hey Penny, it's me. You're not answering me, and I'm getting worried; give me a call to let me know that you're okay, please." "Come back to the penthouse," Robin tells him. "We can have a drink and come up with a plan of attack?" "Sure, lead the way," Cory uneasily smiles back to him, still wondering where Penny has disappeared too. The Calimo Cabin Penny stares at Gordy as the continue to face off in the living room of the Calimo Cabin. Gordy had indicated that he did something that he thought was for the best; when Penny grilled him about what he did, he clamed up, but she thought something was off. She started going through his duffle bag and found a black ski mask, which is continues to think of as odd. "What is this?" she demands answers from her former fiancé. "And what did you do, Gordy? Start talking!" "It all happened so fast!" he quickly tells her. "I I thought it was Cory!" "What are you talking about?" "The night of the party!" Gordy yells back at her. "Robin and Antonio's engagement party, I was there." Penny gasps back at him in shock. "What? That's the night Cory told Robin he was alive." "I know," Gordy moves closer to her. "I went to Antonio's office and I saw a woman, she was holding a gun. But she put the gun down and left. I went into the office and grabbed the gun." "No, Gordy," Penny shakes her head as tears flood her eyes. "Tell me you didn't kill Antonio!" Gordy looks back at her as sweat forms on his forehead. "I I thought he was Cory! They were wearing the same costume!" Penny feels the blood drain from her face. "You did it? You shot Antonio?" Gordy looks back at her with desperation. "Only because I thought he was Cory! I wanted that son of a bitch dead for taking you away from me! Don't you see, Pen, I did this for us! I did this so we could finally be together! And that's what's going to happen; you and me, we can run away together, no one ever has to know what happened. What do you say Pen? Let's go live our lives together, the way it was always meant to be?" Next on One Day at a Time - Will Penny run away with Gordy? - Madeline tells Tyler they need to take action - Ethan learns about Abby's baby |
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