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You Might Be Bad for Me | ||
Theme song: "Ketamine" Simon Curtis | ||
The Calimo Mansion "If you'd like, I can stop drinking until you have the baby," Robbie chuckles to Kim, who is warming her hands at the large fire in the fireplace, while he takes a sip of his bourbon. "It's fine," Kim turns to him with smile on her face. "Normally, I would love to end the night with a drink with you, but I am determined to do everything I can to make this baby as healthy as possible." "Are you still feeling apprehensive?" Robbie asks her as he recalls their conversation where she admitted that she was worried that history would repeat itself as she lost Blake and she suffered a miscarriage a few years ago. "It's hard for me not to think about my past," Kim admits to him. "But I am trying to think positive, and you're right, we will do everything we can to ensure our baby is happy and healthy." "I love that you're thinking positive about this." "Oh!" Kim suddenly looks at Robbie with a surprised look on her face. "Oh my God!" "What? What is it?" Robbie asks her quickly in concern that something is wrong with the baby. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," Kim grabs his hand and puts it on her belly. "The first kicks from our baby," she looks at him as he looks at her in amazement. "My God," Robbie kisses her passionately. "We are really having a baby, Kim! This is the best thing in the world!" The Sugarbowl Natasha opens the door to the coffeehouse and scurries inside. She was going to go to bed for the night, but she found herself carving a hot chocolate from the coffeehouse, and considering she just got married earlier in the evening, she decided to treat herself. After she grabs her drink from the barista, she spots Max sitting alone in the back booth. Immediately, she recalls how Sophie told her that she and Max shared a kiss, but her daughter was scared because she is a virgin. She feels her blood start to boil thinking that Sophie shouldn't be worried about that at all. "I heard that you kissed my beautiful daughter," Natasha announces as she moves up to his table. She sits across from him and glares back at him with intent. Max looks up from his phone and gulps back to her. "Sophie told you about that, huh?" "My daughter and I don't have any secrets from one another," Natasha proudly tells him. "I am sure that you and your mother can't say the same about your relationship. So yes, she told me." "Look Natasha," Max replies to her quickly. "I really like Sophie, I am sorry that you seem to take issue with that." "I am going to tell you this once," Natasha glares back at him. "And that is, if you hurt my daughter, I will hunt you down and make you regret it, do you understand me?" "I hear you loud and clear," Max uneasily chuckles back to her, stunned by her gull. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to finish my latte in peace." Twin Peaks Law Courts Jacob looks at Cassie from the bench he is sitting on next to Isabelle in confusion. He just returned to the courthouse as he found out that the trial was over; after Daisy was convicted, he wanted to see how Isabelle was doing. She admitted that it was difficult to hear all of the horrible things that Antonio did to the citizens of twin Peaks, but she was happy that justice was served. Then, Cassie, arrived and demanded that Isabelle tell the truth; Jacob has no idea what she is talking about. "Cassie, what the hell are you doing here?" Jacob stands up and glares at her. "This isn't a good time; Isabelle is going through a really difficult time right now." Cassie chuckles back to her. "I have been the one going through a difficult time, Jacob. And you want to know why? Because of that bitch!" "Hey, that's enough!" Jacob yells at her. "No Jacob, it's fine," Isabelle stands up and looks at Jacob. "Cassie is just being her usual self. I'm fine, but thank you for protecting me." "I'm the one that needs protection," Cassie grits her teeth back at her. "From you! Now tell him the truth, Isabelle!" "What truth?" Jacob asks the women in confusion. "What the hell is going on around here?" "Are you going to tell him or am I?" Cassie looks back at Isabelle, who rolls her eyes at her rival. The Tower's; The Penthouse; Robin's Home "I still can't believe that you moved in here after you thought I died," Cory chuckles to Robin as they sit next to one another in living room of the penthouse. "Do you want it back? This is your place after all," Robin giggles back to him. "Now that you're back, I don't mind finding my own place." "We can talk about that later," Cory replies to her quickly. "Right now, I am focused on finding Penny. It is weird that she hasn't replied to my texts or voicemail. I'm really starting to get worried." "I agree it's odd," Robin nods back to him. "What about Gordy? Do you think she's with him? Or went to find him?" Cory gulps back to her. "I don't know, but that's a good call. If we find Gordy, maybe we find Penny. The question becomes, how the hell do we find Gordy?" The Calimo Cabin Penny feels the blood drain from her face as she looks at Gordy, who has just admitted to her that he shot Antonio because he assumed that Antonio was Cory, as they were wearing the same costume the night of the masquerade ball. According to Gordy, he did all of this because he wanted Penny back and he hated that Cory took her away from him. "What do you say Pen?" a very focused Gordy looks at his former fiance. "Run away with me? Let's be together the way it always should have been?" "Run away with you?" Penny asks him in shock and confusion. "You just told that you killed a man because you thought I was in a relationship with him, Gordy! I'm not going anywhere with you!" "I hate that you don't see things my way anymore," Gordy shakes his head back at her. "We used to be so in sync, and now, that son of a bitch has planted all sorts of doubts in your mind." "Cory didn't plant anything in my head, Gordy," Penny yells back at him. "You just told me you shot and killed Antonio! You're insane! No, this ends now, Gordy. You have to confess; you have to tell everyone what you did." "I'm not going to do that," Gordy replies to her quickly. "I'm leaving this place and I'm never looking back." "Don't you care that there's an innocent woman on trial for a murder that you committed?" Penny grills him next. "Where is the man that I fell in love with? The man that had good morals and a good heart?" "He left when you dumped him for Cory," Gordy sneers back to her. "If you won't tell everyone the truth, then I will," Penny informs him as she moves to try to find her purse so she can call the police. "I won't let you get away with this!" Just as Penny finds her bag, she hears a click in the room. She turns and is horrified to see Gordy pointing a gun at her. "You're not calling anyone, Pen," he grits his teeth together. "I told you, no one will find out what I did, not now, not ever." The
Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino He takes a sip of his drink before he looks over and sees Ethan moving into the restaurant. They lock eyes with one another as Ethan moves towards the bar. "I could use one of those," Ethan says as he sits next to his grandfather. "I don't know if you've heard, but Daisy Davenport was found guilty of killing Antonio Moretti; I lost the case." "I heard," Dominick nods back to him. "Seems like you have a lot going on right now." "I don't have anything else going on," Ethan admits to him. "I've been so focused on the trial, I haven't really been doing anything else. Did you get my voicemail?" "The one where you apologized for sleeping with Abigail, yes I did. I knew you were busy with the trial, so I haven't responded. Even if I did want to forgive you, Ethan, I don't know that I can after today." Ethan arches his eyebrow back to Dominick. "Why? What happened today?" "You really don't know?" Dominick asks him in surprise as Ethan shrugs his shoulders. "Your fling with my former fiance has left her carrying your child, Ethan. You're going to be a father. Abby is pregnant." ***
"You were there," Chantel tells Bryce as another tear falls down her cheek. "You helped deliver my baby all those years ago." Bryce nods back to her. "That's right, I did," he gulps heavily as he wonders what is happening. "And then you signed the adoption papers, and Olly went to live with Donovan and Lukas." "No," Chantel shakes her head back to him. "That's not what happened." "Chantel, do you want to sit down?" Donovan asks her. "Maybe have a glass of water?" "No!" Chantel cries out loud. "The truth has to come out, it has too!" "What are you talking about?" Lukas rolls his eyes back at her, annoyed that she is causing such a scene. "In my dreams," Chantel wipes her eyes dry, but more tears flood them. "After I give birth, I don't hear my baby crying. My baby he died. He died in the hospital," she tells everyone, who looks back in shock. "Don't you see? The baby that you are raising," she says as she looks over at Donovan and Lukas. "It's not my baby! My baby died that night, and you're to blame!" she shouts as she locks eyes with Bryce, who gulps again. Abby, meanwhile, arches her eyebrow as she realizes that she also gave birth the same night as Chantel. "Oh my God " Abby gasps in horror as she thinks she realizes what is happening. Next
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