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I Question Every Motive | ||
Theme song: "Mine" Kelly Clarkson | ||
Twin Peaks Police Station "Hey Davenport," a police officer moves towards Daisy's holding cell at the police station. He can see that Daisy is resting on the small cot in her cell. "Get up." Daisy leans up and looks back at the officer. "Excuse me? What's going on?" "It's time, you're being transferred to the state," he informs her as Daisy looks back at him confused. "Really?" she asks as she stands up. "I thought I wasn't going until tomorrow?" "Yea, well, the state called and they have an open cell, and we have a driver," he tells her. "So you're going tonight. Don't worry, the sooner you get to your new home, the sooner you can settle in." Daisy gulps back to him, as she hates that she has to stay in prison for something that she didn't do. She had hoped that Ethan would have been able to get an appeal before she moved, but it doesn't seem like that is the case. "Come on, we don't got all night," he tells her. "Alright, I'm coming," she snaps at him as she moves to the open door. Once there, he handcuffs her, and they start walking towards the back exit door. The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home Trenyce opens the front door to the home that she lives in with Chris and their children. She just got back from the jail where she visited Daisy; she has never seen her Aunt so emotional before. Not only was she devastated by the guilty verdict in the trial for killing Antonio, but she felt such embarrassment about having to reveal that she was a sex worker at the hotel, and that is how Antonio kept Daisy under his control. She moves into the bar in the living room and pours herself a gin and tonic. She takes a heavy sip of it as she feels like she needs the drink after seeing Daisy. She turns when she hears someone come into the living room. "Chris, hey," she looks at her estranged husband. She knows that they are still at odds because her affair with Andrew was exposed; they have, however, put all of that aside to support Daisy during the trial. "I hope I didn't wake you, I know it's late." "You didn't wake me," Chris looks back at her. "I wanted to see you tonight. How was your visit with Daisy?" "It is hard to see her like this" Trenyce admits to him. "She can't believe she's been convicted of a crime she didn't do, and the fact that she was a hooker, it's just a hard pill to swallow." "I can only imagine," Chris uneasily nods back to her. "I just hope Ethan can get her an appeal." "That's what I'm hoping for," Trenyce takes another sip of her drink. "You said you wanted to see me? What's going on?" "There's no easy way for me to say or do this, so I'm just going to rip the bandaid off," Chris tells her as he passes her a large envelope. Trenyce arches her eyebrow as she sets her drink down and then grabs the envelope. "What is this?" she asks him as he folds his arms over his chest and she opens the envelope. She pulls out some legal documents and reads them but, soon, feels the blood drain from her face. "Oh my God," she looks at him in shock. "I'm sorry but I just don't see any other option " "You're suing me for custody of Albertinah?" she gasps back to him. "No, Chris, no!" "I won't lose my daughter," he whispers back to her. "Not to you, not to anyone." The Cemetery Tyler slowly walks through the cemetery as the bright stars in the sky twinkle above him. There's a cold winter chill in the air tonight, but he doesn't care; he felt like he needed to come and visit his son, Blake, who passed away years ago in a horrible car accident. As he moves closer to Blake's tombstone, he can see someone else is already there. As he gets closer, he realizes that it is Kim. "Looks like we had the same idea tonight," he announces to his former lover. Kim stands up from her kneeled position and looks at Tyler. "I was visiting Andy earlier," she reveals to him. "And I thought before I head back to the Calimo mansion, I should come see Blake. I always think of him this time of the year because the holidays are right around the corner." "Oh boy, he loved Christmas morning," Tyler chuckles back to her. "Seeing his smile, it just warmed my heart." "Mine too," Kim says back to him. "It doesn't matter how much time passes, I can't help but get emotional thinking about him." "I know, me too," Tyler nods back to her. "By the way, word on the street is that you're pregnant?" "Wow, word travels fast in this town," she chuckles back to him. "But yes, Robbie and I, we are going to have a baby. After everything I've been through with Blake, and my miscarriage, I am hopefully optimistic." "You got this," he winks back to her. "You will be a wonderful mother." Kim moves up and hugs Tyler. "Thanks for saying that," she tells him. "I should get going, have a good visit with our son, okay?" "I will, get home safe," he tells her as he watches her walk away. He sighs heavily, realizing that he still loves Kim, and the more he tries to forget about her, the stronger his feelings become. Then, he remembers Madeline suggesting that they work together to break up Kim and Robbie. He turns to the tombstone and kneels down. "What do you think buddy?" he whispers to Blake. "Should I try to reunite with your Mom? Should I try to put our family back together?" The Tower's, The Penthouse; Robin's Home "Okay, so we know Penny and Gordy were together," Cory paces back and forth in the living room of the penthouse while Robin sits on the sofa looking at her phone. "I already called the Twin Peaks Executive Hotel; they told me that Gordy checked out from his room earlier today, so Penny couldn't be there." "Try not to worry," Robin replies to him as she can tell that Cory is getting more and more worried about Penny the longer they go without hearing from her, which now, has been a few hours. "We will find Penny, there's not a lot of places that they could have gone together." "The thing is," Cory stops and looks at her. "Gordy was furious when he learned that Penny and I slept together," he tells her, which causes Robin some discomfort as she finally has confirmation that he was romantically involved with another woman. "You don't think he would hurt her, do you? They were engaged after all?" "I don't know," Cory shrugs his shoulders back to her as his cell phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the number. "Natasha, hey, what's up? It's late for a phone call?" Cory looks back at Robin with an arched eyebrow. "No, sorry, I'm here in town. But if I find out who is there, I'll let you know." "What was that all about?" Robin asks him as he ends the phone call. "Natasha got word that someone was at the Calimo cabin and she was asking if it was me," he tells her as they lock eyes. "Wait, someone's at the cabin? It could be Penny and Gordy " "Let's go," Robin stands up and they rush towards the door, hoping that their new lead pans out. The Calimo Cabin Penny wiggles in the chair that she's tied too and moans through the gag that she has on. The noise she makes causes Gordy to look over at her with intent. "Stop trying to escape," he tells her with a sly chuckle. "You know that my knots will not be undone, Pen." She shakes her head to him as he arches his eyebrow. "You want some water? I guess I could do that." He moves closer to his former fiancé and rips the tape off her mouth. She looks at him with intent. "Thanks," she tells him. "I am parched." "Drink this," he holds a bottle of water up to her mouth and she starts to drink. "You know, it didn't have to be this way; this all could have been prevented had you just agreed to run away with me." "I know," Penny nods back to him. "And I've come to a realization." "Oh yea?" "Yea," Penny replies to him. "I made a mistake, Gordy. I never should have slept with Cory; I should have married you the way we always planned. So, what do you say? Let's do that now? Let's go back to your original plan? Let's run away from here and spend the rest of our lives together? The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino "I can't believe you did this," Victoria folds her arms across her chest as she looks at Bryce, as they have moved away from the table so they could have a discussion about his role in this baby switch. "You took a woman's child and told her it was dead but in fact, her child was alive and well and being raised by my brother? This is beyond sick." "If you could just understand that I was between a rock and a hard place," Bryce pleads with her. "I know that this is personal for you because of Donovan's connection, but you know that I never meant to hurt anyone in this; it was all Vinny and Frederick, you have to believe me!" "You know what," Victoria sneers at him. "I am really damn tired of you using Vinny and Frederick as your scapegoat for all the horrible things that you are involved in!" "Vic, come on " "And what's worse," Victoria continues to rack him over the coals. "Is that I've asked you, many times, if you had anymore secrets, and you know what? You always said 'no, I don't Victoria'; God, what a fool I've been!" "Please," he moves closer to her. "No, don't you dare touch me," Victoria recoils from him. "I don't think I can stomach the sight of you right now." *** Meanwhile, Lukas and Donovan look at Abby and Andrew with intent as they can't believe the story that they just heard. Neither man believes that Olly is really Abby's child. "I still don't believe any of this," Lukas admits to everyone. "This makes zero sense." "Only it does," Abby pleads with them. "This is exactly why I had that connection to Olly; he is my son. My beautiful Sonny, he's not dead at all! This is a miracle!" "We don't know any thing for sure," Donovan replies to her. "I agree with Lukas, this makes no sense!" "I want to see my son," Abby informs them. "I want to see Sonny, and I am not taking no for an answer!" Next on One Day at a Time - Tyler makes a decision - Cory & Robin arrive at the cabin - Trenyce pleads with Chris |
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