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Fever in my Veins | ||
Theme song: "Cure for Love" Ellie Goulding | ||
The Pink Flamingo at the River
Rock Casino "I can't imagine what you're thinking and feeling right now," Cheresa tells Chantel as they sit in the far back table of the restaurant, with two whiskeys in front of them. Cheresa was next to Chantel when she remembered that she gave birth to a stillborn child, which means that Lukas and Donovan couldn't have adopted her child. The entire baby switch saga was then revealed after Bryce confirmed it. "I need this drink," Chantel admits to her as she takes a sip of her whiskey. "I I can't believe that the dinner party turned into this nightmare." "Neither can I," Cheresa replies to her. "But I don't think it's a nightmare; it's good that you remembered what happened the night you gave birth. Now, Abby and Andrew can get their son back." "I don't know what will happen to Lukas and Donovan now," Chantel admits to her. "But I feel awful; if only I had remembered this sooner, maybe I could have prevented this pain." "Don't you dare blame yourself for this," Cheresa tells her. "You're not to blame; this is all on Vinny and Bryce; they are the ones that put this horrible situation into motion." "I guess so." Cheresa moves around and pulls Chantel into a hug and holds her tightly. "You're not to blame, I won't let you take the blame for this, Chantel. I won't let you." "Thanks," Chantel says as a tear falls down her cheek. Behind them, Dawn stands frozen at the sight of Cheresa in the arms of another woman. Dawn can't place it but she doesn't like the sight, she just doesn't know why. The Calimo Mansion Sophie lays in her large bed in her bedroom in the Calimo mansion. She hasn't been able to fall asleep yet as her mind is racing about her recent date with Max, where he ended up kissing her. It was the first time she kissed him, and it left her with butterflies in her stomach. However, she is also feeling insecure because she is still a virgin, and she knows that Max has had plenty of experience with women. "Mom told me not to worry about this," she sighs to herself. "But I can't help it. What if I embarrass myself with him? He could never want to be with me again." She closes her eyes for a moment. For so long, she has had a huge crush on Max, and now that things are progressing, she can't help but wonder if falling for Max was all a mistake. Suddenly, her phone pings and she sees an incoming text from Max. "Hope you sleep babe, xo." The message brings a small grin to Sophie's face. "Ugh," she groans immediately after. "I need to keep my distance; I can't be so inexperienced when he's had so many girls. I have to do this even though it will be difficult." The Tower's; Floor Three; Madeline's Condo Tyler steps off the elevator and moves towards the front door of Madeline's condo. He just left the cemetery where he ran into Kim as they both wanted to visit Blake's grave. He was, once again, reminded of how much he still loves her and he couldn't stop thinking about how Madeline suggested that they work together to split Kim and Robbie up, despite her being pregnant with his child. He knocks on the door and holds his breath as he wonders if it is too late to be seeing Madeline. "Sorry, I know it's late," he says when she opens the door. "It's fine," Madeline replies to him as she lets him into the condo. "I was just having a nightcap before bed. Can I pour you one?" "That would be nice," Tyler says back to her as he moves into the living room and Madeline moves to the bar to pour him a scotch. "I just came from visiting Blake." "Ah, then you probably need this drink," she tells him as she passes him the scotch and he takes a sip of it. "I had a nice visit; Kim was there." "Oh?" Madeline arches her eyebrow. "You two shared a moment, I am guessing." "You were right," Tyler looks back at her with intent. "I am still in love with her. While I've enjoyed our time together, Madeline, I've realized that I have been trying to suppress my feelings for her for a very long time." Madeline chuckles back to him. "I could tell, Tyler, and it's okay. I am not offended in the least." "I've made a decision," he continues to look back at her. "And that is that I will help you; I will help you break up Robbie and Kim's marriage because I love her and I don't think I can live without her." Madeline gets a sly grin on her face. "Then let's have a toast," she winks back to him. "To getting everything we want, namely Robbie and Kim for ourselves." The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Jacob sits at the bar of the restaurant with a whiskey sour in front of him. He can't believe everything that happened in the evening; he had been at the Calimo mansion when his parents announced that they remarried. Then, he got word that Daisy was found guilty of killing Antonio, so he raced back to the courthouse to see how Isabelle was doing. Once he was there, Cassie arrived and demanded that Isabelle tell Jacob the truth. Confused by what she meant, Jacob asked for clarification and that is when Isabelle admitted that she blackmailed Cassie into leaving town because she threatened to tell everyone that Cassie pushed her down the stairs, when she miscarried. Jacob was stunned that Isabelle would cause him to lose months with his son, Carter, as Cassie took him with her when she skipped town. "I feel like I don't even know Isabelle, or Cassie, anymore," he whispers to himself as he takes a sip of his drink. "How the hell did I end up in this situation?" "Jacob, I'm I'm glad I found you," a voice says from behind him. He turns around in his bar stool and sees Cassie standing there. "We should talk, don't you think?" "I don't know that I have anything to say to you right now," he turns back to her as he takes another sip of his drink. "You and Isabelle, you've made a mess of things." Cassie sits next to him and looks at him with intent. "Jacob, I I had no choice; the way your mother feels about me, you know that if Isabelle had told everyone that I pushed her, everyone would have believed her, including you. So, I did what I had too until I could get the upper hand." "Which was what, exactly? How did you get the upper hand, Cassie?" "I confronted Isabelle when we were at the Barracuda Blue," Cassie admits to him. "I got her to admit that she fell down the stairs. What she didn't know is that I was recording our conversation; so I had proof that she wouldn't tell anyone that I pushed her." "Good for you? I really have no idea what you want me to say," Jacob sighs back to her. "This is such a shitshow." "Don't you see? This is our chance to put what we were building on back together," Cassie pleads with him. "Isabelle doesn't have any power anymore." "I'm so tired of this!" Jacob hisses back to her. "I am over this drama, Cassie. I know you think you've been wronged by Isabelle, and I agree, but you are far from a saint in this situation! So both of you, you and Isabelle, need to take a long hard look in the mirror and see what has happened, because right now, I don't want to see either one of you." Cassie is stunned when Jacob storms off, leaving her alone. She picks up his drink and finishes it quickly. "You won't lose me Jacob," she tells herself. "I refuse to let that happen." The State Prison In the visitors area of the prison, Daisy sits waiting for the person that has come to see her. Since she just arrived at the prison, she is surprised that she, already, has someone that has stopped by to see her. She looks up when the door opens and she sees Andrew move to her table. "No touching," the guard tells them, as Daisy stands up, hoping to give him a hug. Instead, they sit across from one another. "Andrew, what's wrong? You don't look so good," Daisy tells him as she can see that he has worry all over his face. "This night," he replies to her quickly. "It's been wild, Daisy. I I had to see a friendly face." "What happened? I mean, other then me being sentenced to prison for a crime I didn't commit." "I don't even know where to begin," he admits to her. "I went to get a drink after the verdict; I needed to calm my nerves. And I walked into a storm brewing." "A storm? Andrew, you're scarring me, what happened?" Daisy asks him. "It all happened so fast," he shakes his head to her. "Apparently there was a baby switch years ago, arranged by my Uncle Vinny." "A baby switch? With whose baby?" "Mine and Abby's son," Andrew's lower lip quivers. "We thought he was stillborn, but Vinny arranged that because I was scared to become a father at the time. So he took our baby and gave it to Donovan and Lukas to raise; another girl, Chantel, her baby died, and that's the baby that Abby was told was ours." Daisy feels the blood drain from her face listening to the story. "This is unbelievable ." "You're telling me," Andrew looks back at her. "I'm a father to a three year old that has no idea who I, or Abby, is." "Just remember to breath," Daisy says back to him. "This will take some time to get used too. I'm I'm stunned, so I can't imagine what you're going through right now. And poor Abby." "Yea, she was a mess," Andrew admits to her. "I I have no idea what is going to happen next, but this is a life changing event; I don't know what I'm going to do." The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home Trenyce's mouth remains open in shock as she holds some papers that Chris just presented her; they are custody papers, as he is suing her for full custody of Albertinah. Trenyce can't believe that on the same night that her Aunt was sentenced to prison, Chris has informed her that he wants custody of Albertinah, who might not even be his biological child. "You want fully custody?" Trenyce glares back at him. "How could you do this?" Chris folds his muscular arms over his chest when he glares back at his estranged wife. "I don't know Trey, maybe the same way you could fuck Andrew behind my back and lie to me about it for months?" "That was a one time mistake, Chris!" She yells back at him. "You taking my daughter away from me is so cold, and cruel." "I think what you and Andrew did classifies as cold and cruel," Chris replies to her. "And I told you, no one is going to take my daughter away from me." "She might not even be your kid," Trenyce reminds him. "This is a low blow, even for you Chris." "This is karma, Trey," Chris hisses at her. "When the judge learns that you slept with a man that you thought was your son for a time and might have his kid, there is no way you will keep Albertinah. And that's exactly how it should be." Trenyce slaps Chris hard across the face. "You son of a bitch!" she yells at him. "You will not take my children away from me, you will not get my daughter, I'll see to that!" The Calimo Cabin Cory slowly turns his car into the driveway of the Calimo cabin with Robin sitting in the passenger seat of his SUV. They learned from Natasha earlier in the evening that someone was spotted at the cabin; as they have been trying to track down Gordy and Penny, they realized that they could be the ones at the cabin, so they raced up to see if Penny was there. Cory has been worried about Penny since she hasn't responded to his texts or voicemails, which is unlike her. He shuts off the SUV and they unbuckle their seat beats before they look at one another. "Are you ready for this?" Robin asks him as she grabs his hand. "I am," Cory nods back to her. "I don't think that Gordy would hurt Penny, I mean, they were engaged. I just hope that they are here, so I can put this to rest. Penny might not have cell service here, which could explain her not responding to me." "I hope that is what it is," Robin nods back to him. "Come on, let's go see what's going on." They exit the vehicle and start to move towards the front door. Next to the door is a large window, Robin peers inside and gasps. "Oh my God," she whispers as she gestures for Cory to come see what she sees. "Gordy; he has Penny tied up." Cory sighs heavily as he runs his hand over his face. "And he's got a gun," he tells Robin. "Okay, plan b." "What is plan B?" "I don't know yet," Cory admits to her. "But we have to help Penny because clearly Gordy has snapped." The Claus Home; Leah & Paige's Home "I can't believe that Meggan is saying that Frederick is alive," Leah sighs heavily to Jeff as they stand facing one another in the living room of the house that they lived in while they were married. They had been at the Pink Flamingo earlier in the evening where they saw Meggan, who was drinking, and she claimed that Frederick was alive and well. "She's drinking again," Jeff sighs back to her. "She doesn't know what is real and what isn't." "I know," Leah shakes her head back to him. "This is just insane; I don't know what will happen if she doesn't get help with her alcoholism." "I am worried about her," Jeff admits to her. "The last time she was in this shape, she hit Noah with her car and we thought that he died. God only knows what will happen this time." "What can we do though?" Leah shrugs her shoulders back to him. "We can't force her into rehab." "No," Jeff says as he pulls out his phone. "But there is someone that might be able to get through to her." "Who?" Leah asks him. "Logan," Jeff looks back at her as he puts his phone to his ear. "I'm calling my son and telling him to come home. He might be the only one to get through to his mother." The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, & Olly's Home "I can't believe any of this," Meggan shakes her head to Lukas as she pours herself another drink from the bar in the living room of the Richardson mansion. Lukas just finished telling her about the baby switch reveal and how Abby demanded to see Olly. "Vinny and Frederick were always up to something, but to play with your lives this way, it's outrageous." "My head is spinning," Lukas admits to her as he takes a drink of his whiskey. "I don't know what any of this means or what will happen moving forward." "I am so sorry Lukas," she responds to him as she comes up hugs him. "If you need anything, I'm here. But you must be furious with Vinny and Dad." "Thank God they are both dead," Lukas hisses as they exit their embrace. "Because I could kill them myself if they were alive." "Dad is alive," Meggan quickly tells him. "He came to me, Lukas. Our father is alive, and before you say anything, I'm not dreaming or imaging this; our father is alive," she tells him as Lukas arches his eyebrow, wondering how much his sister has had to drink and if she is mentally stable. Next on One Day at a Time - Cory confronts Gordy - Abby relishes that Sonny is alive - Bryce is in hot water |
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