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Been Closing the Curtains | ||
Theme song: "Muddy Feet" Mylie Cyrus | ||
The Calimo Cabin "What is your plan now?" a nervous Robin asks Cory as they pace back and forth outside the Calimo cabin. They raced to the cabin after Natasha informed them that someone was spotted at the cabin; knowing that Penny was not answering his text messages or voicemails, Cory and Robin decided to come see if Penny and Gordy were at the cabin. When they arrived, they looked through the window and saw Penny tied to a chair while Gordy was carrying a gun. Robin is worried that this plan will not end well, especially since Gordy has a weapon. Still, they have to do something to try to save Penny's life. "There's a back door to the cabin," Cory looks at Robin uneasily. "I'm going to go in that way and try to surprise Gordy; if I can get the gun away from him, this will end." "I don't like this Cory," Robin shakes her head back to him. "What if you get hurt?" "I have to take that chance," Cory whispers back to her. "I know you're scared, just watch through the window and if it looks like I need a distraction, open the front door, and we can surprise Gordy. Together, we can save Penny from this monster." "Just be careful," Robin grabs his hands. "I just got you back, I can't lose you again." "I'll be careful, I promise," he winks back to her. "Okay, here goes nothing." Robin watches as Cory rushes to the back of the cabin. She, then, quickly moves to the porch and peers through the window to watch the scene unfold. Inside the cabin, Cory peers around the corner and sees that Gordy has his back to him. He realizes that this is his chance, and he slowly moves closer to Gordy, which Penny sees. She makes a noise, which alerts Gordy to Cory's presence, but before he can do anything, Cory jumps on Gordy and wrestles him to the ground! The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Dawn emerges from the restroom and looks to the back of the restaurant where she sees Chantel sitting alone at the table. Dawn, immediately, thinks back to how she saw Chantel and Cheresa in an embrace earlier in the evening. Since then, Cheresa has since left, but the image of seeing Cheresa in the arms of another woman has left Dawn feeling shaken. She finds herself moving up to the table where Chantel is sitting. "Hey, you're Chantel, right?" Dawn asks her as she sits across from her. "I'm Dawn Black, we worked together at TPGH for a while." "I am Chantel, yes," she looks back at Dawn. "Good memory you have." "I mean, we worked together and you were working on that file room reorganization with my fiancé," Dawn reminds her about her connection to Cheresa. "Look, I've had a really long night," Chantel admits to her. "I am not in the mood to make small talk. I want to have one more drink and head home. I'm .drained." "Alright, I won't keep you," Dawn says as she stands up. "Just do me a favor and stay away from Cheresa, okay? I might not live here anymore, but her and I, we are still in a relationship and very much in love." Chantel looks back at her in shock. She can't believe that Dawn is telling her to stay away from the lone bright spot in her life; her mind is still thinking about how she remembered that she gave birth to a stillborn baby, but because of Vinny and Bryce's plan, she thought she had Olly and she gave him up for adoption to Donovan and Lukas, while Abby thought her child died. She feels emotionally raw as a result, and doesn't even realize the words that are about to come out of her mouth. "Look, Dawn," Chantel replies to her quickly. "Cheresa and I have become very close while you've been away, so I am not going to stay away from her. In fact, I will do the opposite." "Just how close have you two become?" Dawn asks her. "We are lovers," Chantel stuns Dawn by her words. "So I'm not sure what kind of relationship you have, but I really enjoy spending time with her and I am not in a position to stop," she tells her as Dawn feels the blood drain from her face, stunned that Cheresa has had an affair behind her back. The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, & Olly's Home Lukas pours himself a scotch at the bar in the living room of the lavish mansion that he lives in with his sister, estranged husband, and their son. His head is still spinning over everything that has happened in the evening. First, the baby switch came to light, which he can't believe that he and Donovan have been raising Abby's child, whom they all thought was dead. Then, he was talking to Meggan, and she, once again, told him that Frederick is alive. He knows that she has been drinking again, and can only assume that the alcohol is making her question things. "I could use one of those," Donovan announces to Lukas as he moves into the living room and sees Lukas taking a sip of his scotch. "I finally got Olly back to sleep; he was so confused as to why we woke up him so he could see Andrew and Abby, who are strangers to him now." Lukas pours Donovan a scotch and then passes it to him. "This night has been a nightmare," Lukas looks back at Donovan. "I can't believe that Vinny and Bryce did this to us, Chantel, and Abby." "We still don't know if it's true," Donovan takes a sip of his scotch. "How do we know for sure that Olly is really Sonny?" "I was thinking that too," Lukas admits to him. "But why would Bryce lie about this? Why would be get everyone, including Victoria, pissed off at him? No, the more I think about it, Donovan, the more I think that this is true; Olly is Abby's son, as much as that pains me to say." Donovan feels his eyes swell with water knowing that what Lukas is saying makes total sense. "I I can't lose him, Lukas," Donovan says in a whisper. "I can't lose our son. It would kill me, it really would." Lukas pulls Donovan into a hug as they both start to weep into each other's arms, knowing that things may never be the same. Twin Peaks Police Station "I appreciate you coming down to see me when I called," Simona tells Bryce as he moves into her office. She had called him after she got word about a baby switch that came to light earlier in the evening. Because it is so late, she is grateful that he came to the station so she didn't have to leave. "I heard about this baby switch and had some questions for you." Bryce uneasily nods back to her knowing that there was no point in running from the questioning that w as bound to happen after Chantel remembered the details of the night that she gave birth. "I figured this would save us all time." "Can you tell me what happened, exactly, in this baby switch?" Bryce sighs back to her. "It's a long story," he admits to her. "But Vinny Victors was blackmailing me with the information that Frederick Richardson was alive; I needed my job at Raven's Meadow, so I agreed to help Vinny. Vinny's nephew, Andrew, had gotten Abby Lawson pregnant, but I guess, Andrew told Vinny he wasn't ready to be a father yet, so Vinny came up this plan." "The plan to ensure Andrew wasn't a father?" Simona asks him next. "Right," Bryce nods back to her. "So the night Abby went into labour, Chantel also went into labour. Chantel, she gave birth to a stillborn baby, which I knew I could give to Abby to make her, and Andrew, think their child was dead. When Abby gave birth, I gave her child to Chantel, and she ended up giving her child up for adoption." "So Lukas and Donovan have had Abby and Andrew's child this entire time while Abby and Andrew have thought their child was dead?" a horrified Simona asks him. "That's right," Bryce tells her. "I am so sorry for being involved in this, I just felt like I was between a rock and a hard place." "Well, you're going to be between an ever harder place now," Simona looks back at him. "Because you're under arrest Bryce " The Claus House; Leah & Paige's Home "Are you sure you want to do this tonight?" Eva asks Victoria as they move up to the front door of Leah's home. Eva knows that Victoria and Leah have been at odds for months because of her marriage to Bryce as Leah believes her son could do better. "I am sure," Victoria tells her. "They have to know what Bryce has done; he's going to need help, I am sure the police won't be pleased that he was involved in a baby switch." "That's fair point," Eva replies to her daughter. "I can't even believe it myself." Victoria, then, rings the doorbell and soon, Leah opens the door with an arched eyebrow, as she wasn't expecting her daughter in law to be standing there. "What are you doing here at this hour?" "It's about Bryce," Victoria reveals to her as she moves into the foyer of the home. "We have to talk to you about what he's done." "Is he okay?" Leah asks her quickly. "He is in trouble," Victoria reveals to her, just as Jeff moves into the foyer. "I just spoke to Logan and told him about Meggan's claim that Frederick is alive," he announces, not realizing that they had company. Eva immediately looks at him in concern that Frederick is alive; she wonders if it could be true since he helped her escape death before as well. "Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were here." "They said they have news about Bryce," Leah looks at Jeff in concern. "We do have news," Eva nods back to her, just as the doorbell rings. "Sorry, I have no idea why so many people are coming by tonight," Leah says as she moves back to the door and sees Ethan standing on the other side. "Ethan, what you doing here?" Ethan shrugs back to his mother as he moves inside and sees the crow. "Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, I just didn't know where else to go." "What's wrong?" Jeff asks his son. "You look like you've been hit by a bus, son." "It's Abby," Ethan looks at his parents. "She's pregnant; she's going to have my baby." The Lawson Estate; Abby & Cheresa's Home "This story is wild," Cheresa tells Abby as she pours herself a glass of wine at the bar in the living room of the Lawson estate. "I was just with Chantel, and she is just as rattled as you are." "I just can't believe it, Cheresa," Abby looks back at her sister. "All these years, I thought Sonny was lost to me forever, but he's alive, he's alive." "What are you going to do now?" Cheresa aks her sister, knowing that Donovan and Lukas have raised Olly since he was born. "Donovan and Lukas, they are the only parents Olly knows." "First, we have to start calling him Sonny," Abby tells her. "That's his name, not Olly. Olly doesn't exist." "Abby," Cheresa tries to keep calm. "You can't just change everything that Olly knows to be true about his life; that will only confuse him." "All I know is that my son is alive, and I am not losing him again," Abby tells her quickly. "My son is back, and I plan on having him in my life in every way possible." The Calimo Cabin Outside the cabin, Robin freezes as she can't bring herself to move as she watches the struggle inside the cabin unfold. She presses her face closer to the window as Cory and Gordy wrestle on the ground. The gun leaves Gordy's hand and lands closer to the chair where Penny is tied up. Gordy punches Cory, which makes him fall back to the ground. Gordy,
then, rushes to grab the gun, and while he's grabbing it, he knocks over the chair
that Penny is in! The chair falls down and Penny's head crashes into the ground,
leaving her unconscious. |
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