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Hands on Your Knees | ||
Theme song: "Peppers" Lana Del Rey | ||
*** Max grabs a glass of champagne from one of the waiters that is circling the room as he searches the room to see if he can find Sophie. He recalls that the previous night he had sent her a text wishing her a good night, but she hasn't responded to him, which is unlike her. After their last date, they ended up sharing a kiss, he thought things were progressing nicely between them, but now that she is seemingly ghosting him, he isn't sure. "You look a million miles away," Cassie tells her son as she moves up to him with a glass of champagne in her hand. "What's going on?" Max takes a sip of the bubbly drink before he looks back at his mother. "You know me so well," he chuckles to her. "It's, uh, well, it's Sophie. I think she's ghosting me." Cassie arches her eyebrow wondering why Sophie would be ghosting her son since she has waned to be with him for so long. "Is that so? What happened?" "Honestly, I have no idea," Max admits to her. "I thought things were going well, but I guess I was wrong." Cassie puts her hand on Max's shoulder, secretly thrilled that this is happening. "Sometimes, things happen that are for the best, Max. Maybe this is one of those times." *** Jacob stands at the French doors looking into the garden, which is covered in snow as Christmas is right around the corner. He is having trouble focusing on the gala that is unfolding as his mind is still racing over the fact that Isabelle confessed to him that she blackmailed Cassie into leaving town all those months ago by threatening to tell everyone that Cassie pushed her down the stairs, which resulted in her miscarriage. Considering Cassie's history, everyone would have believed her, and she could have been charged. Jacob can't believe that Isabelle would go to such lengths to try to keep him and Cassie apart; and what's worse, is that because Cassie left town, Jacob has missed months of Carter's life. "You haven't responded to any of my messages," a voice calls out from behind him. Jacob turns and sees Isabelle standing behind him. "I was hoping we could talk?" "What is there left to say?" Jacob asks her quickly. "You blackmailed Cassie into leaving town; it's like you were playing God with our lives, Isabelle." Isabelle feels her eyes swell with water. "I know what I did was wrong, okay?" she admits to him. "I saw a chance to rid us of Cassie for good, and I took it." "You know what's crazy about all of this?" Jacob asks her as they lock eyes. "The other day, when we were in court at Daisy's trial, you were horrified by all the terrible things you heard about your father, and hearing what you did, you're no better then he was, Isabelle. In fact, you're a chip off the old block!" "I'm sorry," she whispers back to him as she covers her mouth and a tear falls down her cheek. "I am so sorry, Jacob." "So am I," he sneers back at her. "For ever trusting you in the first place." He leaves her alone, weeping softly as he can't stomach the sight of her anymore. Isabelle, meanwhile, wonders if she will ever be able to make it up to Jacob, or if she has lost him for good this time. *** "You ran out when you saw Sonny last night," Abby looks over at Andrew as they stand near the fireplace. Abby has a sparkling cider in her hand while Andrew has a beer in her hand. They are discussing the previous night when the baby switch was revealed, which means that their son, Sonny, is actually alive, and Chantel's child is the one that died. It also means that Lukas and Donovan have been raising Olly, despite it being Sonny. When Abby and Andrew saw Olly the night before, he rushed away, unable to comprehend what this all means. "I did," Andrew nods back to her. "I was just so overwhelmed, Abs, you know? I mean, Daisy was found guilty of killing Antonio; I was at the Pink Flamingo to have a drink to calm my nerves, and then I found out that Sonny, our Sonny, is alive? Seeing him after, I I couldn't handle it." "I'm so sorry," Abby grabs his hand and squeezes it. "Are you feeling better today?" "Barely," he admits to her. "This is a lot to take in." "I know," Abby agrees with him. "My head has been spinning as well, but the truth is, we, we might have our son back Andrew." "Might? You still think that this could be a farse?" "I I just want to confirm this before we get our hopes up too much," she tells him. "I actually see Lukas and Donovan, I'm going to see them. Want to come with me?" "Nah, just keep me posted, okay?" "I will," Abby says before she kisses his cheek and rushes up to the men that she believes are raising children. "Gentlemen, good evening." Lukas and Donovan look at one another quickly. "We aren't staying long," Donovan quickly tells her. "We just wanted to drop off this gift for Nicholas and Andy, then we are leaving to go home." "We want to spend time with our son," Lukas then tells her. "I get it," Abby nods back to them. "That's why I'm here, to talk to you about Sonny." "His name is Olly," Lukas corrects her. "I want a DNA test," Abby shocks them by revealing. "I want confirm if this story is true or not, so what do you say? Let's get to the bottom of this, once and for all?" *** Meanwhile, Andrew grabs another beer at the bar and then turns around, where he sees Trenyce hugging Andy congratulations. They kiss each other on their cheeks before Andy leaves her side so he can continue to mingle with other guests. Andrew finds himself moving towards his former lover. "Doesn't it feel like it's hard to celebrate at a time like this?" Andrew asks her with a chuckle. "In many ways," Trenyce agrees with him. "First Daisy going to prison, then I heard about Sonny being alive " "It's insane," Andrew tells her. "I have no idea what to think of that." "Just know that I'm here if you need me, Andrew," Trenyce replies to him. "I could use the support myself right now." Andrew arches his eyebrow back to her. "Why? What's going on?" Trenyce sighs heavily back to him. "Last night, I got home and you won't believe what happened," she tells him as Andrew looks back at her in surprise. "Chris gave me the shock of my life." "What did Chris do?" "He gave me legal documents," Trenyce informs him. "He's suing me for custody of Albertinah; that son of a bitch is trying to take my daughter away from me!" *** Dawn grabs a glass of champagne from one of the waiters that is circling the party and she takes a hearty sip of it. She hasn't been able to stop thinking about the previous night when she saw Chantel and Cheresa in an embrace; once Cheresa left, Dawn confronted Chantel, who revealed that she and Cheresa had sex with one another. Dawn has no idea if the claim is true, but she hates to think that it could be. "Whoa, you're pounding that champagne," Cheresa chuckles to her girlfriend as she comes up to her and sees Dawn finish her drink. "You're going to have a nasty hangover tomorrow if you keep that pace up." "I guess I need to feel numb," Dawn replies to her quickly. "I found something out yesterday and haven't been able to stop thinking about it." "I know," Cheresa nods back to her. "The baby switch, it's wild. I can't believe it myself." "Not the baby switch," Dawn looks back at her. "This is about you and Chantel." "Me and Chantel?" Cheresa gulps back to her. "What are you talking about?" "Chantel told me everything," Dawn tells her. "She told me that you two slept together. Is that true, Cheresa? Are you sleeping with Chantel behind my back?" Cheresa looks around and then back at Dawn as she feels her heart start to race. "I'm so sorry," she whispers to Dawn. "It happened once " "I can't believe you!" Dawn hisses at her. "How could you do this to me? To us?" Cheresa is about to respond, but Dawn rushes away from her, leaving Cheresa alone. She covers her mouth in shock, wondering how she could cause her girlfriend so much pain. The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, & Olly's Home Meggan moves to the bar to make herself another drink at the bar. She is still having a hard time believing that Frederick is alive; for close to a year she, and everyone else, have believed that he was dead as there was a fire at Raven's Meadow. The fire not only killed him, but also Felicia. But she knows that it was all a lie because Frederick revealed himself to her at the Victors mansion. He also informed her that he was married to Felicia. "And now," she tells herself as she pours the vodka into her glass. "No one believes me that you're alive," she takes a drink of her vodka. "They all think I am seeing things because of my drinking. How am I going to prove that you're alive?" She knows that she has told Leah, Jeff, and Lukas that Frederick is alive, and they all thought that she was seeing things because of her drinking. She has no idea how she is going to prove it, but she knows that she has too. "It's true," a voice calls out at the entry of the living room. "You're drinking again?" Meggan turns and gasps back as she sees her son, Logan, standing in front of her. "Logan? Is that you? You're home?" "In the flesh," Logan forces a smile back on his face, stunned to see that his mother is drinking again. Twin Peaks General Hospital "We have been waiting here for a while, I wonder what the delay is?" Robin says as Cory paces back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital. Robin and Cory were able to track Penny and Gordy down at the Calimo cabin, where they realized that Gordy had kidnapped his former fiancé. Realizing that they had to do something, Cory broke into the cabin and fought with Gordy as he had a gun. During the fight, the chair that Penny was tied too, fell over, and she hit her head hard. The gun, then, went off, and Gordy was shot and killed. They raced to the hospital with Penny, hoping that she is okay. "I have no idea, but I am worried about her," Cory stops walking and looks at his former wife. "The longer the doctors are with her, the worse this could be, right?" "Try to stay positive," Robin stands up and pulls him into a hug. "She's alive because of you, Cory. You're a hero." "I'm trying to stay positive," he tells her as they exit their embrace. "I just want to find out what is going on with her." Before Robin can respond, Madeline appears behind them. She clears her throat to get their attention. "Doctor, how is Penny?" Cory asks her as they move closer to the doctor. "She's stable," Madeline replies to him quickly, as he breathes a sigh of relief. "But she hit her head pretty hard when that chair tipped over." "What does that mean, exactly?" Robin asks her. "The blow to her head was devastating to her brain, it's swollen," Madeline explains to them. "And as a result, Penny is in a coma." Cory gasps back to her hearing that Penny has fallen into a coma. He looks at Robin and shakes his head, wondering if he will ever get to communicate with Penny again. Next on One Day at a Time - Someone crashes the engagement party - Simona arrives to question Robin & Cory - Chris visits Daisy |
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