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The Nights are Getting Hotter | ||
Theme song: "No Thinking Over the Weekend" Carly Rae Jepsen | ||
The Victors Mansion; Frederick's
Lair "You mean to tell me that your son just came home from boarding school and you dragged me here?" Lukas asks Meggan as they walk towards the front door of the Victors mansion. On the drive to the mansion, Meggan told her brother that Logan came home and saw her drinking, but after he got settled, he went out to get some air and when Lukas got back from Andy and Nicholas' engagement party, she asked him to go to the mansion with her. "He went out," Meggan replies to her brother as she opens the front door of the mansion. "And besides, I need to show that Frederick is alive; it's important that you, and everyone else, believe me." "I don't know what to think," Lukas admits to her as they move into the foyer. "You've been drinking a lot Meggan; it is possible that this all happened after you passed out?" "I promise you," Meggan looks back at him. "Frederick is alive, he he touched me! And he told me he married Felicia!" "Felicia?" Lukas asks her in surprise. "Felicia died in the fire last year, Meg. This is insane!" "Please, just believe me?" Meggan pleads with him as they move into the living room of the mansion, which has no sign of life. "We were standing right there, face to face," she says pointing to a spot by the bar. Lukas arches his eyebrow, still skeptical of the story his sister is telling him. "Frederick?" he calls out to the room. "Dad? Are you here? Meggan told me you're alive, if so, please come out, show yourself to me!" Nothing happens and Lukas looks back at Meggan. "Meg, you have to stop drinking, okay?" he tells her. "You're seeing dead people!" "No," Meggan's eyes fill with water. "I promise you, I saw Dad. I saw him!" The Pier Logan walks down the pier in a hurry as he didn't realize how cold Twin Peaks would be this time of the year. Having spent the last few years in Monaco at a boarding school, he is quickly realizing that the French riviera is a very different climate. His mind, while trying to stay warm, is also on the fact that he got home and realized that his mother is drinking again. He knows that Jeff called him to tell him that Meggan was drinking again, but that she also claimed that Frederick was alive, that the situation could get out of hand, but a part of him still wondered if Jeff was wrong, but he saw his mother drinking in front of him. "Damn it Mom, why do you have to always do this?" he asks himself as he stops walking when he sees a blonde girl sitting on a bench looking at the river, which is mostly frozen. "What is she doing out here alone in this temperature?" He finds himself moving towards the bench. "Hey, is everything okay?" Sophie turns her head and sees Logan standing next to her. "I'm fine " she replies to him slowly, knowing that she has been ghosting Max because she has insecurities about the fact that she is still a virgin and he has a lot of experience. She doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of the man that she has longed for. "You don't sound fine," he chuckles as he sits next to her. "Do you want to talk about it?" "Sorry," Sophie waves her hand back to him. "I don't tend to talk to strangers about my problem." "I'm Logan Claus," he tells her as she looks at him in surprise. "Logan?" she asks in surprise. "It's me, Sophie, Sophie Calvin!" "Sophie! I haven't seen you in years!" he chuckles back to her. "See, we aren't strangers how about you and I head to the Sugarbowl, get some hot chocolates and talk?" "I'd like that," Sophie smiles back to him as they stand up together. "When did you get back in town? How long are you here for?" "I'll tell you everything on our walk, come on," he grabs her hand as they start to walk towards the Sugarbowl. The State Prison Daisy looks up from her chair where she is sitting when the visitors door opens and a guard appears. She was notified that she has receiving a visitor, but she has no idea who is about to come see her. She gets a smile on her face when she sees Chris coming into the room. "Remember, no touching," the guard informs them as Chris sits across from her. "It's good to see you," Chris tells his former wife. "How are you holding up in here?" Daisy shrugs back to him. "As well as to be expected," she replies to him. "I heard from Ethan; my appeal was denied, so I'm going to be here for the long haul." "Damn, I'm sorry Daisy," Chris shakes his head back to her. "We all know you didn't do this." "Unless there's new evidence, it doesn't look like that will matter. Anyways, how about you? How are you? Now that the trial is over, what's going on with you and Trenyce?" she asks him. "She's furious with me," Chris admits to her. "I did something, Daisy, and she's not pleased." Daisy arches her eyebrow back to him. "What did you do?" "I well I filed for custody of Tinah," Chris reveals to her. "I want my daughter." "Christopher!" Daisy hisses back to him. "What the hell are you thinking? Tinah might not even be your daughter!" "I won't lose her too, Daisy," Chris replies to her. "I can't lose my daughter after everything else I've been through." "Do you trust me?" "Of course, I do." "Then look at me Chris," Daisy demands of him as they lock eyes. "You need to make things right with Trenyce; this will only cause problem hurt and pain in the family. You, Trey, and Andrew, you need to find out the truth and you need to come to a resolution, but please, please don't do this, I'm begging you." The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino "Looks like we had the same idea tonight," Leah says as she moves up to the bar where Victoria is sitting with a martini in front of her. Leah knows that she and Victoria haven't been on the best of terms lately, mostly because Leah doesn't think that she is worthy of being married to Bryce, and she suspects that Victoria framed her for the missing funds at Robertson Enterprises, which resulted in her getting fired, but after learning that Bryce was arrested, she wants to talk to her daughter in law. "After the last couple of days, a stiff drink is exactly what I need," Victoria quips back to her. "What's your excuse?" "My son was arrested," Leah sits next to her and orders her a drink. "Have you heard anything more about Bryce?" "Only that his arraignment is tomorrow," Victoria takes a sip of her martini. "I wasn't allowed to see him tonight earlier." "I will be there tomorrow for him." "I don't know if I will be," Victoria admits to her. "This is just another example of Bryce lying, scheming, and not being trustworthy." "Whoa," Leah uneasily chuckles back to her. "So much for 'in sickness and in health'." "Your son is a disaster," Victoria glares back at her. "I wonder where he gets that from?" Leah rolls her eyes back to her. "You see, this is exactly why I have been so against your marriage to him; one hiccup and you turn your back on him." "One hiccup?" Victoria hisses back to her. "He stole a child and gave it to another woman so my brother could adopt him! This is after he drugged me for months to make me think that my DID had returned; I almost had a lobotomy as a result! Don't you dare say this is one hiccup, Leah!" "I'm just saying," Leah replies to her quickly. "You are not right for my son, you have never been." "You're a bitch," Victoria stands up and throws the rest of her martini into Leah's face. "Have fun in court tomorrow!" The Calimo Mansion The surprise engagement party for Andy and Nicholas is still in full swing in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Guests are mingling, drinking champagne, and chatter fills the room. Kim grabs Andy and Nicholas' arms and moves them towards the French doors in the living room. Kim, then, grabs a glass of sparkling cider and starts tapping her glass to get the room's attention. "Everyone," she says with a grin on her face, as the room falls to a hush and the guests look at the three of them standing next to one another. "I'd, first, like to thank you all for being here to celebrate the engagement of my brother Andy, and his partner, Nicholas." The crowd cheers and claps at her statement. "We are so glad that you could all be here on short notice and to celebrate this occasion," Kim continues. "I'm so proud of these two for realizing that they belong together," she chuckles. "It hasn't been an easy road, but they do belong together, everyone in this room is thrilled by this engagement." "I beg your pardon," a voice calls out at the entry way of the living room. "Not everyone is pleased by this, not by a long shot." Nicholas and Andy gasp in shock as they look and see Melissa standing in the room with her arms folded across her chest. "Mother!" Nicholas grits his teeth, furious that she is ruining their special night. Twin Peaks General Hospital "So, you're telling me that Gordy, Penny's former fiancé," Simona looks at Cory and Robin as they sit across from one another in a waiting room of the hospital. "Kidnapped her, had her tied to a chair, and had a gun?" "That's right," Cory nods back to her. "I went into the cabin from the back door, because I wanted to get the gun away from Gordy. We ended up fighting; the chair that Penny was tied too, it tipped over, and she hit her head, which is why she's in a coma. Gordy and I, we continued to fight and the gun went off, he was hit, but it was an accident." "I saw the entire thing, and can tell you that what Cory is saying is true," Robin looks over at the detective. "I believe you," Simona replies to them. "I spoke to her doctor, and there are sighs on her body that she was strapped to a chair with the markings on her legs and arms." "What does that mean?" Cory asks her next. "I won't be pressing charges in Gordy's death," Simona announces to them, as they both breath a sigh of relief. "I just wish I knew what made this man snap like this?" "I think it is because Penny and I formed a sexual relationship while they were still engaged," Cory admits to the detective. "He he must have snapped; I just wonder what else he was capable of?" "I guess we will never know," Robin purses her lips together. "And that might be for the best." The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair Bryce waited until he saw Meggan and Lukas drive away from the mansion before he drove up to it, knowing that he couldn't be seen by them. After he got bail, he came straight to the mansion because of what was inside the envelope that he received. He opens the door to the mansion and moves inside. He makes a beeline for the living room, where he goes to the bar to pour himself a drink. Suddenly, the door to the secret room opens and Frederick appears. "You came," he says as Bryce turns around and sees his grandfather. "You got me out of jail," Bryce replies to him. "I don't know how, but thank you." "I have connections," Frederick smiles back to him. "And besides, I owe you, since you married me and Felicia." "I I don't know how I feel about that." "Don't worry about it, it's done Bryce," Frederick grins at him. "And like I told you, you are the next generation; I will always have you back, I just hope this proves it." "It does, Grandfather, it really does," Bryce says as he raises his glass to Frederick. Next on One Day at a Time - Melissa makes a bold statement at the party - Andrew helps Trenyce - Dawn and Cheresa have it out |
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