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Deal Out the Cards | ||
Theme song: "You" Mylie Cyrus | ||
The Sugarbowl Sophie sits in the coffeehouse in the back booth with a hot chocolate in front of her. She was on the pier thinking about her current situation with Max when she ran into Logan; she was surprised to see him back in town as she hadn't seen him in years, but they ended up coming to the coffeehouse for hot chocolates. Since he just got back into town from Monaco, he was jet lagged and ended up heading home, leaving her alone, which she is okay with since she still has a lot on her mind about Max. "You're here late," Max announces to her as he moves to the back of the coffeehouse. "I hope that's a decaf or you might not be able to sleep." Sophie chuckles back to him. "It's hot chocolate," she replies to him. "And I ran into an old friend, so we were just catching up. What's your excuse for being here so late?" "Honestly?" Max asks her as they lock eyes. "I was trying to think about why you were ghosting me." "Ghosting you?" Sophie asks him in confusion. "I'm not " "You didn't respond to my text from the other night," Max reminds her. "I thought we were having a good time together." Sophie sighs back to him knowing that she has been feeling insecure because she is a virgin and she knows that Max has had a lot of experience with women. "You're right, we have been having a good time, Max. And I'm sorry. This is all on me, it's not you." "So, what's going on then? What's happening?" "I really like you, Max," Sophie admits to him. "I have for a long time, you know that. But, the truth is, I don't have a lot of experience, and I'm nervous about that. You have been with a few women because of the age difference, I'm just " "You have nothing to worry about," Max reaches over and grabs her hand. "We are just getting to know each other. If, and this is a big if, we get to that part, we can talk about it, Sophie. But I don't want your fears to stop us from getting to know each other and see where this goes. Do you think you can handle that?" Sophie smiles back to him. "I can, and thanks for being so understanding." The Lawson Estate; Abby & Cheresa's Home "I hope it's not too late for another visit tonight," Ethan tells Abby as he moves into the foyer of the large mansion that she lives in. Earlier in the evening, he got confirmation from her that she is pregnant with his child. Rattled by the news, he ended up going to see Jeff and Leah, and told them about the baby. He realized that he had more questions for Abby and went back to see her. "I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that I'm going to be a father." Abby chuckles back to him. "I was surprised by the news as well," she admits to him before she puts her hand on her stomach. "But here we are, I'm going to be a mother." "This on top of finding out that your first child is alive, you must be overwhelmed?" "I can't believe that Sonny is alive," she replies to him. "I asked Lukas and Donovan for a DNA test to confirm this story; I don't want to get my hopes up too much without proof." "And? Did they agree?" "They did," Abby nods back to him. "They want to know the truth as well." "Look," Ethan looks back at her with intent. "I know that a lot is happening right now, but I need you to make me a promise about something." Abby arches her eyebrow back to him. "What is that?" "Take care of yourself and our baby," Ethan replies to her. "I don't want anything to happen to you while you're carrying our child." "Don't worry," Abby smiles back to him. "I won't lose another child, Ethan. In a few months, you and I are going to be parents and our lives will change forever." The Calimo Mansion While Andy and Nicholas are talking to Melissa in the foyer, the engagement party continues to unfold in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Jacob grabs a glass of champagne from one of the waiters while Shane comes up to his son. "You look like you need to have a drink," Shane uneasily chuckles to him. "Is everything okay?" "I wish I could say it was," Jacob replies to him quickly. "But the truth is, my life is kind of a gong show right now." Shane arches his eyebrow back to him. "Well, just know that no matter what happens, this will pass, Jacob. Things will always get better." Jacob forces smile on his face. "Thanks Dad," he replies to him as he thinks about the messy situation he is involved in with Isabelle and Cassie "It will just be tough to navigate right now." *** Cassie grabs another glass of champagne from one of the waiters before she spies Isabelle grabbing her coat as she is preparing to leave. She glares at her rival knowing that Jacob is furious with her for exposing Isabelle's blackmail scheme, even though Cassie feels like the victim in situation. "Let me guess," Cassie sneers as she approaches her rival. "You saw Jacob and he tossed you away like the piece of trash you are." "What the hell do you want?" Isabelle shoots her a look. "It's not enough that you forced me to tell Jacob the ugly truth, but now you want to rub my face in it? Grow up, Cassie." "Don't you dare take that tone with me," Cassie warns her. "This wouldn't have happened had you not blackmailed me in the first place. You made your bed, and now you're going to lay in it." "I'm leaving," Isabelle informs her. "Stay away from me, Cassie, or so help me God, I won't be responsible for my actions." "Don't threaten me," Cassie warns her. "And good, leave; it will give Jacob and I time alone, which is exactly what we need. Because, you, you will not keep us apart anymore, Isabelle. Your days of being a twinkle in Jacob's eye are long over." *** "I I don't believe it," Andrew pulls Trenyce into a corner of the living room, concerned that she just revealed to him that Chris was suing her for custody of Albertinah. The fact that Chris would go to such lengths is shocking to him because they don't even know if Albertinah is Chris' daughter. "Chris wants full custody of a child that might me mine?" "I know," Trenyce shakes her head back to him, still rattled by Chris' decision. "He's losing it completely and this is all my fault." "It's not your fault," Andrew replies to her quickly. "What we did, we did a long time ago. We've both moved on from that night, Trey." "But if I hadn't lied to Chris, he wouldn't have been so upset," Trenyce sighs. "If only we had been honest." "You were trying to protect your marriage," Andrew reminds her. "In any event, what's happened has happened. Now, we have to ensure you don't lose Albertinah." "What are we going to do?" Andrew pulls out his phone and starts sending a text. "I'm going to ask Ethan Alexander to represent you," he looks back into Trenyce's eyes. "I'm going to help you keep Tinah." *** Robbie scans the room hoping to see where Kim went too; he is assuming his wife is with Andy and Nicholas, but he did want to make sure that she is okay. The last thing he wants is for the situation with Melissa to create stress for Kim and their unborn child. As he looks around the living room, he happens to see Tyler grabbing a glass of champagne. He finds himself moving towards his rival. "I didn't realize you were that close to Andy or Nicholas to want to celebrate their engagement," Robbie puffs out his chest when he arrives at Tyler. "I'm always in the mood to celebrate," Tyler responds to him. "Especially if Kim is involved." Robbie arches his eyebrow back to him, wondering why he is mentioning Kim's name. "What does my wife have to do with this?" Tyler chuckles back to him as he knows that recently he and Madeline agreed to work together to break up Robbie and Kim. He realizes that this could be his first chance to do just that. "Kim and I are close, Robbie," Tyler informs him. "You should know that. We've been through a lot together, including recently being trapped in that boardroom." "Don't remind me about that," Robbie rolls his eyes back to him. "I saved you." "Yea, just as we were about to kiss," Tyler reveals to him as Robbie's eyes open wider in surprise. "If you hadn't walked in when you did, Kim and I would have been locking lips. So yea, we are still close. Very close." "You're lying," Robbie feels his blood start to boil. "I'm not," Tyler winks back at him. "Enjoy the rest of the party Robbie, I know I will." *** Outside in the garden, Dawn is curled into her parka as the cold winter air nips her face. She had to leave the party because Cheresa just admitted to her that she slept with Chantel. Dawn can't believe that she came back to Twin Peaks to surprise her girlfriend, only to find out that she's been sleeping with another woman behind her back. She feels like a complete fool. "There you are," Cheresa's voice says as she approaches Dawn. "It's freezing out here; let's go inside and talk?" "There's nothing left to say," Dawn's lower lip quivers to her. "You and Chantel? My God Cheresa " "It just happened, I didn't set out to meet or sleep with someone new," Cheresa explains to her. "I know that it's not an excuse, I'm just trying to explain." "If you were lonely or felt like the long-distance thing wasn't working for you, you should have told me," Dawn replies to her quickly. "Because now, I don't think I can trust you again. You've you've ruined everything!" "Please don't say that," Cheresa pleads with her. "I know I made a mistake, but Dawn, I love you. Tell me that we can get through this." "It's over," Dawn whispers back to her as a tear falls down her cheek. "We are over, Cheresa." "Dawn, please!" "No! No!" she cries back to her. "I'm I'm flying back to Toronto tonight, I was able to get a last minute flight. Max is going to drive me to the airport now." "When will I see you again?" Cheresa asks her. "I don't know if you ever will," Dawn whispers back to her. "What hurts the most, Cheresa, is that I loved you with every fiber of my being, and you, you took that for granted. I hope you and Chantel are happy together." Before Cheresa can respond, Dawn rushes off, leaving her in the cold air. *** Back inside the foyer, Andy and Nicholas continue to glare at Melissa as they face off with each other. "What is this news, mother? Don't keep us waiting," Nicholas looks back at Melissa with intent. "You remember how the last DNA test confirmed that Clayton was not a Wilkins?" Melissa purses her lips together as Andy and Nicholas uneasily nod back to her. "Well, I may have had something to do with that." "What are you saying, exactly?" Andy asks her in shock. "I had the DNA test altered," Melissa reveals to them. "The truth is, Clayton is a Wilkins; Clayton is your dead husbands twin brother, Andy," she tells them as Andy and Nicholas look at one another in surprise. Next on One Day at a Time - Cheresa and Chris have some heated words - Lukas, Donovan & Abby's DNA test comes back - Logan and Sophie reconnect |
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