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When Your Heart Goes | ||
Theme song: "Padam Padam" Kylie | ||
*** "Are you sure you don't want to be in the room when the DNA test results are revealed?" Trenyce asks Andrew as they sit across from one another in the cafeteria of the hospital. She knows that the DNA test is happening today, so it means that Andrew might be a father in a few short hours. "I'm positive," Andrew replies to her before he takes a sip of his coffee. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around this story." "I know that it is crazy," Trenyce agrees with him. "But thinking about Vinny and all the horrible things he did, I can see how he would have thought this was going to help you." "Making me think my son is dead is helping me?" Andrew questions her with an uneasy chuckle. "If anything, it shows how mad he really was." "I don't disagree with you, but what are you going to do if this is true? What is Olly is your son?" Andrew shrugs back to her. "I have no idea," he whispers to her. "Because the truth is, I have never felt a connection to Sonny or Olly. It's different with Albertinah; I, know we don't know if I am her father or not, but I feel something when I'm with her. I don't have that with Sonny and I'm not sure what that means at the end of the day." The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Chris sits at the bar with a beer in front of him. He is trying to calm his nerves as he recently sued Trenyce for custody of Albertinah; the last thing he wants is to lose the child that he has thought of his daughter now that Trenyce and Andrew's affair was revealed. He feels like he has already lost enough, and he wants his daughter in his life. "I can't believe what you've done," a voice calls out from behind Chris. He turns and sees Cheresa standing there with a hand on her hip. "You've filed for custody of Tinah?" "Word gets around fast," Chris sighs back to her. "But yes, I did file for custody of my daughter." "But you know that Andrew might be her father!" Cheresa tells him as she sits next to him. "This is going to ruin our family, Chris." "Look," he replies to his daughter. "I know how this looks, but I've lost so much already, I can't lose Albertinah too." "You're going to lose more than Albertinah if you continue with this," Cheresa explains to him. "You're going to lose every member of this family because this will tear us apart, is that really what you want?" *** At another table, Eva sits across from Will as they are having dinner together. Eva picks up her glass of wine and takes a sip of it as she thinks about the fact that she heard Jeff say that Meggan claimed that Frederick is alive; she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it and wonders if it is true. "You look a million miles away," Will notes to her before he takes a bite of his lasagna. "Are you still thinking about Abby and Dominick's relationship?" "I suppose it is connected," she nods back to him. "I heard something the other day and it's got me thinking." "What did you hear?" "Meggan is claiming that her father is alive," Eva reveals to him as Will opens his eyes open wider in surprise. "She thinks that Frederick is alive." "I mean, wow," Will tells her. "I guess it wouldn't be the first time he has come back from the dead, but I heard that she is drinking again, so maybe it's not real. But, what does it matter if Frederick is alive or not? How does that impact you and Dominick?" "Because if Frederick is alive," she says as they locked eyes. "I can't help but wonder if Felicia is also alive. And if I brought Felicia back, maybe Dominick would forgive me." Will gulps back to her upset that she is still pining away after Dominick instead of wanting to be with him. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know," Eva sighs. "But I have to find out the truth." *** "Sophie, I still think you need to give Max a chance," Logan tells his friend as he has his phone to his ear. He is sitting at a table waiting for his parents to arrive, so he is having a call with Sophie, who just told him that she and Max had another talk about their relationship. "If you like him, you should go for it. Yea, we can chat later, my folks are just getting here. Later Soph." He hangs up his phone and stands up to embrace Jeff and Meggan as they arrive at his table. "I can't believe how grown up you are," Jeff chuckles as they exit their embrace. "That's what a few years at boarding school does to someone, I guess," Logan chuckles back to him as they sit down. "Mom, you look nice today." "Thank you, Logan," Meggan looks over at him trying not to slur any words as she's had a few cocktails already, but she doesn't want her family to know. "I have to admit I was surprised when you returned home. I thought you were going to stay in Monaco for the Christmas break?" "That was the plan," Logan nods back to her. "But when Dad called me, I decided to come home." "I'm not complaining that you're here, but I don't think anyone has to worry about me," Meggan looks over at Jeff. "I'm fine, everyone can stop worrying." "You're drinking again Meg," Jeff replies to her. "I thought Logan might be the only one to get through to you and encourage you to stop." "The last thing I want is for my son to lecture me about anything," Meggan sternly replies to them. "I want him to live his own life, not be worried about me!" "I can't help but worry about you Mom," Logan tells her. "I just want you to be happy and healthy, is that so bad?" "It's not bad at all," Meggan reaches over and grabs his hand. "But I am telling you, for the last time, that I am fine. I promise, I am." Robertson Enterprises "You know you shouldn't be here," Tyler tells Leah as they sit across from one another on the sofas in the main office at Robertson Enterprises with Dominick net to him. He recalls that he had to fire his sister because of the missing money from one of the Robertson Enterprises accounts; he hated to do it, but the evidence was showing that Leah was the one responsible for the funds going missing. "If the board found out, it wouldn't look good." "I don't care what the board says or thinks," Leah sighs back to him. "I didn't steal and they need to know that! Besides, I am visiting my family; they can't be upset with that." "I agree with Leah," Dominick admits to them. "There has to be someway for the truth to come out about this." "I have been trying to think of something, but the fact is, my mind has been preoccupied," Tyler reveals to his family. "This time of year, it's hitting me hard." "It's the first Christmas without Felicia," Leah whispers back to him as they all look somber to one another. "It's still hard to believe she's gone." "And we are coming up on the anniversary of her death," Dominick chimes in, thinking about the fire last New Year's Eve. "What should be a celebratory time of the year is really depressing this year." "It's more important than ever that we are together this holiday season," Tyler tells his family. "We need to remember Felicia and all the good times we had together." Before anyone can respond, the office door opens and Victoria appears. "Oh good, you're here," she scurries into the office, causing Leah to roll her eyes as the last time she saw her daughter-in-law, she got her drink dumped all over her. "Bryce made bail." "What?" Leah gasps as she stands up. "How is that possible?" "I don't know," Victoria shakes her head back to him. "I didn't pay it, I didn't have that kind of money; he hasn't come home yet, I was hoping he was here?" "No," Dominick replies to her. "Bryce isn't here; we haven't seen him." "So, my son makes bail and is now missing?" Leah asks in surprise. "What is going on around here?" Twin Peaks General Hospital "Has there been any update on Penny?" Robin asks Cory as she moves into a waiting room of the hospital and sees him looking out of the large window. She knows that he has been worried about Penny being in a coma since she hit her head the night he saved her from a deranged Gordy. They rushed her to the hospital, where she has been ever since. "None," Cory turns to face her. "The longer she is in the coma, the more concerned that I get that she will never wake up." "Which means, we might never find out what really happened between her and Gordy," Robin sighs back to him. "This is all my fault!" Cory looks back at her in concern. "You're fault? Why would you say that?" "If I hadn't entertained the idea of having Antonio in my life, he wouldn't have arranged for your plane to crash, which means Gordy never would have snapped," Robin tells him as her eyes swell with water. "You can't blame yourself for any of this," Cory pulls her into a hug and holds her close. "None of this is your fault; we just have to hope that Penny wakes up. We have to believe that she will." *** Abby gulps heavily as she looks over at Donovan and Lukas as Madeline stands in the hospital room. "I don't know if I'm ready for this," Abby admits to everyone as she feels her heart racing. Lukas grabs Donovan's hand and squeezes it as they are both worried that they might lose their son. "I know this is nerve racking," Madeline tells the room. "But we are here for a reason; we are going to find out the truth." She, then, opens the envelope and reads the test results. "It is official," Madeline looks back at Abby. "Olly is your son, Abby. Vinny did switch the baby's," she says, as Donovan pulls Lukas into a hug and Abby gasps as a tear falls down her cheek. "My son," she cries. "My son is alive!" Next on One Day at a Time - Andy and Nicholas wonder what to do next - Robbie confronts Kim - Logan continues to try to get Meggan to stay sober |
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