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I've Got My Eye On You | ||
Theme song: "Say Yes to Heaven" Lana Del Rey | ||
The Richardson Estate; Meggan,
Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home Meggan quickly moves to the bar in the living room of the lavish living room of the estate that she lives in with her family. She is craving a drink desperately and so, she pours herself a vodka at the bar and swallows it down in one, quick, motion. She lets out an exhale and sets the glass back down on the bar. "Drinking already?" Logan asks as he moves into the living room and sees his mother at the bar. He knows that the reason he came home is because Jeff called him to tell him that Meggan is drinking again and that she has claimed Frederick is alive. "It's a bit early, isn't it?" "I'm not drinking," Meggan lies to him. "I had a glass of water. After our conversation with Jeff last night, I am going to try to not drink as much, Logan. I don't want you to worry about me." "I am worried about you," Logan says back to her. "You've been sober for years; I don't understand why you fell off the wagon now." "It's a long story," Meggan tells her son. "It's just been a difficult couple of months; I I just wanted to numb the pain, that's all." "You know the drinking only makes things worse," Logan replies to her. "I get why you do it, Mom. I I like my drinks at as well. But we have to know our limits." "I'll keep that in my Logan," Meggan smiles back to her son. "I am just so glad that you're home, even if you did come home because of me." Logan moves up to her and pulls her into a hug. "I'm always in your corner, Mom. Never forget that." The Victor's Estate; Frederick's Lair "Are you sure you that you want to do this?" Will asks Eva as they stand in the foyer of the Victors mansion. The previous evening, the two of them were having dinner together when Eva admitted that she learned that Meggan has claimed that Frederick is alive; Eva, then, wondered if Frederick is alive, if Felicia could also be alive. Eva was determined to find out the truth, and so they came to the mansion to see if they could find any thing that would give them proof of this. "I am positive," Eva nods back to her, as she looks around the room. The mansion has so many memories for her as she was living here after she was stabbed by Brooke Lawson and Frederick saved her life; for months, she posed as Barbara Mills by wearing a mask to help get Frederick and Felicia closer to one another. "If we can find proof that Frederick and Felicia are alive, it would be a miracle." "Where do we begin?" Will asks her quickly. "I don't believe Frederick would be in the normal part of the mansion," she arches her eyebrow back to him. "I think he would be in the secret tunnels; what we have to uncover, is how to get into the tunnels." "This feels like something out of a movie," Will chuckles to her. "But let's go see if we can find these tunnels, shall we?" The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino "I barely slept at all last night," Andy admits to Nicholas they sit across from one another at a table in the restaurant. Andy takes a sip of his coffee as he thinks about how Melissa interrupted his surprise engagement party to Nicholas, where she told them that she switched the DNA results, which means that Clayton is really a Wilkins. "I kept replaying the words that your mother said." "Same with me," Nicholas admits to him. "Clayton is a Wilkins; that means that he is your brother-in-law and Madeline's brother. This really does change everything." "Does it though?" Andy asks him quickly. "I mean, he has left town; he's out of our lives, why does this have to change anything?" "Well, I have a hard time believing that Madeline will not want her brother to be closer to her," Nicholas tells his fiancé. "Especially because Olivia, Preston, and Reese have all passed away; Clayton is the only member of her family left." "That's true," Andy says. "Madeline needs to know the truth, but in terms of you and I, this doesn't change anything, does it? Does it matter that your ex-husband is a Wilkins?" "No, of course not," Nicholas tells him. "But if does come back to town, things might be awkward, I don't know." "This is such a mess," Andy sighs to him. "And we have your mother to thank for it." Roboto Robbie opens the door to the main office at Roboto and sees Kim sitting behind the desk typing into her laptop. He can't help but wonder how his wife is doing as the engagement party she threw for Andy was interrupted by Melissa the previous night. Not only that, but when Robbie saw Tyler at the party, he told him that he and Kim almost kissed when they were trapped in the boardroom together last summer at Robin and Antonio's engagement party. Robbie has no idea if that is true, but he knows that he has to find out the truth. "Have you spoken to Andy this morning? How is he feeling about Melissa being back in town?" Robbie asks his wife as he moves into the office and makes a beeline for the bar so he can pour a cup of coffee. Kim looks up from her laptop screen and then stands up from the chair. "I think he and Nicholas are processing everything," she replies to him. "But her returning doesn't mean that they can't forge forward with their engagement. Sooner or later, Melissa is going to have to accept that they are in love and want to be together." "I suppose that is true," Robbie looks back at her before he takes a sip of his coffee. "It's just, sometimes people want your relationships to fail." Kim arches her eyebrow back to him at his statement. "Are you just talking about Melissa, Andy, and Nicholas now?" "Not exactly," Robbie sighs back to her. "I saw Tyler last night at the engagement party and he revealed something to me, something that you didn't share with me." "And what would that be?" "That you and Tyler were about to kiss right before I saved you two from the boardroom the night of Robin and Antonio's engagement party," Robbie reveals to her. "Why didn't you tell me that you and Tyler almost kissed?" Kim gulps heavily back to him. "Because it meant nothing," she quickly tells him. "I love you, I love your baby; Tyler is my past Robbie, and that's where he will stay." "I want to believe you " "Then believe me," Kim firmly tells him. "I am your wife, I am not going to betray you with anyone, especially not Tyler Robertson." Robbie moves closer to her and pulls her into a hug. "I am sorry that I asked, I just had to be sure. You and our baby, you mean more to me than anything else in this world." Kim looks into his eyes as they part ways. "And you mean the more to me than anything Robbie," she whispers back to him. "I love you, and only you." Twin Peaks General Hospital Cheresa moves out of one of the hospital rooms holding her patient's file. She starts to walk towards the nurses' station so she can pick up her next file before she sees her next patient. As she gets closer to the station, however, she happens to see Chantel sitting behind the desk. She takes a deep breath as she knows that Chantel revealed to Dawn that they slept together; devastated, Dawn ended their relationship and went back to Toronto. "You can file this when you have time," Cheresa tells Chantel as she drops the file down on the desk. "I will, thanks," Chantel looks back at her. "I I need to tell you something." "If this is about the fact that you told Dawn about you and I, I already know," Cheresa rolls her eyes back to her. "I'm sorry," Chantel quickly responds to her. "Dawn came up to me, and I was emotional about the baby switch coming to light and I just blurted it out. I never meant for it to come out that way." "I really wish you hadn't said anything," Cheresa tells her. "Dawn was crushed; she left town and went back to Toronto and I don't know if I will ever see her again." "She left town? Where did she leave things with the two of you?" "She dumped me," Cheresa reveals to her. "That's why I don't think I will ever see her again." "I am so sorry," Chantel moves closer to her and puts her hand on top of Cheresa's. "I never meant for any of this to happen, but it has, Cheresa. And maybe for a reason?" "What does that mean?" Cheresa asks her. "You and I, we've had an attraction for months and it reached a boiling point when we made love," Chantel explains to her. "Maybe this all happened because it was time you and I truly explore what is between us, because neither one of can us can deny that there is something there. What do you say, Cheresa? Let's see what is between us?" The Sugarbowl "How are you feeling about getting confirmation that Sonny is alive?" Ethan asks Abby as they sit across from one another in the back booth of the coffeehouse. Abby just finished telling him that the DNA test that they ran on Olly confirmed that he is her son; as soon as the truth was revealed, Lukas and Donovan left so they could see Olly, while Abby called Ethan. "I don't know," Abby admits to him. "I've spent years grieving and mourning the loss of Sonny; to find out that he's been alive all this time, and so close to me, and to a baby that I was so close too, it all feels so overwhelming." "You know that I'm here for you if you need me." "I know," Abby smiles back to him. "I appreciate your support, more than you know, Ethan." "You and I, we have to stick together," Ethan winks back to her. "Especially since " "Well, isn't this cozy," Leah announces as she moves up to their table. "Are you two making plans for your child?" Abby looks back at Leah in surprise as she hadn't realized that Leah knew about her pregnancy. "You know that I'm pregnant?" "I told her and Jeff," Ethan admits to her. "I was pretty stunned by the news and told them." "What are you going to do about the baby? Have you been taking any prenatal vitamins? Have you been to any doctor appointments?" Leah grills Abby about her future grandchild. "Whoa, Leah, back off a little bit, okay?" Ethan sneers at his mother, stunned by her behaviour. "Don't do that, Ethan," Leah warns him. "This is my future grandchild; I am wanting to make sure Abby is doing everything she can to keep him or her healthy." "Like I told you," Ethan glares at her. "Back off, or you won't have any part of this child's life." Leah looks back at him in surprise before she looks at Abby. "Make sure you take care of this child," Leah tells her before she storms off. "Thank you," Abby looks back at him. "Your mother is not my biggest supporter." "I hadn't noticed," Ethan chuckles to her. "But like I said, I won't let anyone infer in this pregnancy, Abby. You and I, we have to stick together. But, I do agree with one thing my mother said." "What's that?" "With everything else going on with you right now, you have to make sure that you take care of yourself and our baby. Promise you'll do that?" Ethan asks her. "I promise," Abby looks back at him. "Nothing will happen to our child." Next on One Day at a Time - Donovan stresses to Lukas about the truth about Olly - Logan spies a close moment between Max & Sophie - Leah asks Jeff about Logan |
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