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The Back of the Line | ||
Theme song: "Everything's Fine" Noah Reid | ||
The Pink Flamingo at the River
Rock Casino Logan sits at the bar of the restaurant with a beer in front of him. His mind is thinking about how he thought he caught his mother drinking earlier, but she claimed that she only had water as she was trying to stay sober since he returned home. Meggan explained to him that she didn't want him to take care of her, but he can't shake the feeling that she is still drinking. "Whatever caused her to fall off the wagon is a bigger issue then she's admitting," he whispers to himself. "She needs to deal with that before she will stop drinking, until then, I'll have to keep an eye on her." He turns his head and arches his eyebrow when he sees Sophie and Max sitting at one of the tables together. He can tell that they must be on a date as they are both dressed for the occasion, and they there is a bottle of wine on their table. "You look beautiful tonight," Max tells Sophie. "I'm glad you could squeeze me before the holiday's. I know they are busy with family." "I wanted to see you before Christmas," Sophie admits to him. "If for nothing else, then to wish you a Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas, Soph," Max grins back at her. "I I actually got you a present." "You did?" Sophie asks him in surprise as he passes her over a small, wrapped box. "You didn't have to do this." "I know, but I wanted too." Sophie starts to unwrap the present. She gasps when she sees a gold-chained necklace inside. "Oh Max, it's beautiful," she tells him as she looks over at him. "I wanted it to be something subtle but meaningful at the same time," Max replies to her. "You really like it? I can take it back if you don't." "No, no," Sophie shakes her head at him. "I love it, thank you," she says before she leans over at the table and kisses him on his lips, while at the bar, Logan sees the interaction, and then quickly turns his attention back to his beer. *** At another table, Tyler and Madeline sit across from one another with their dinner in front of them. Tyler just finished telling Madeline about how he revealed to Robbie at Andy and Nicholas' engagement party that he and Kim almost kissed when they were trapped together at the casino a few months ago. "How did Robbie take the news that you and Kim almost kissed?" she asks him before she takes a bite of her blackened chicken salad. Tyler chuckles back to her as he puts his fork down. "He was stunned, he had no idea," Tyler informs her. "He had that deer in the headlights look." "Then you did the right thing by telling him," Madeline replies to him. "I don't think this will happen over night, so any time that we can slowly make a dent in their relationship, the better." "I couldn't agree more," Tyler tells her. "I do have to trend lightly, though, because I don't want Kim to get suspicious about my motives." "What will tell you tell her about this slip?" "That it was just that," Tyler tells her. "A slip and I didn't realize she hadn't told her husband about our near kiss." "That'll sting," Madeline giggles to him. "This will be fun, as long as we get what we want in the end." "Let's drink to that?" Tyler suggests as he raises his glass. "To getting what we want." "Cheers," Madeline clinks her glass against his and then takes a sip of her drink. The Davenport House; Chris, Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home "Chris isn't home?" Andrew asks Trenyce as they sit next to one another on the sofa in the living room of the house that she lives in with her children. The last thing that Andrew wants is for Chris to see him and Trenyce together since he is still struggling to get over the fact that they slept together a few years earlier; he just wants to keep the peace, if possible. "He got a room at the Executive Hotel," Trenyce admits to him. "After he filed for custody, he thought it was for the best since we had tension." "I heard back from Ethan, by the way," Andrew looks at her. "And he agreed to take your case." "Thank you for doing that," Trenyce replies to him. "I can't lose my daughter, and Ethan will help me do just that." "When I told you that I wouldn't let you lose Tinah, I meant it," Andrew looks back into her eyes. "Hell, she might be my daughter, our daughter, I won't want Chris to raise her." "I suppose we need to get to the truth about that, huh?" she chuckles back to him. "We might have created that little girl together, Andrew." "She's amazing, isn't she?" Andrew licks his lips. "And yea, we did that, together." He slowly leans in and is about to kiss Trenyce when Tinah's crying is heard on the baby monitor. Trenyce looks at the device before she looks back at Andrew. "I should go check on her," she says as she stands up and walks out of the living room. Andrew leans back into the sofa and sighs heavily, wondering if he and Trenyce would have kissed had the baby not interrupted them. The Lawson Estate; Abby & Cheresa's Home "The Christmas tree is looking extra beautiful this year," Abby smiles over to Cheresa as they stand next to one another in the living room of the mansion they live in together. The Christmas tree is large and fully decorated; the lights are twinkling around them, making them realize that the holiday is right around the corner. "That's because you found out that Sonny is Olly; he's alive and well," Cheresa chuckles to her. "I can't believe that he's back." "I know," Abby grins back to her. "Ethan is working on a legal tatic that will help me get my son back; I still can't believe that he's alive." "It explains your connection to Olly when he was first born," Cheresa replies to her. "It all makes sense now." Before Abby can respond, the doorbell rings. "Are you expecting anyone?" "No," Cheresa says back to her as Abby leaves the livingroom and moves into the foyer. Abby opens the door and gasps in surprise. "Daddy?" she asks as she leaps into Greg's arms. "I'm home," Greg smiles as he hugs Abby and Cheresa comes up to hug him next. "For Christmas; I couldn't stay away from you two at this time of the year." "Come in Dad," Cheresa pulsl him into the foyer. "It's cold out there." "You two look amazing," Greg looks at his daughter's as he takes his jacket off. "And Abby, I heard about Sonny; he's alive?" "He is," Abby gets tears in her eyes. "I'll tell you the entire story, come on." "This will be a Merry Christmas after all," Greg chuckles as the three of them move into the living room of the mansion. The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home "I can't believe that this is happening," Donovan groans as he moves to the bar and pours himself a scotch. His mind is racing over the fact that the DNA test they ran with Abby proved that Olly is really Sonny, the child that Abby thought died when she gave birth. He has no idea what this means for their future, but he is scared to death that he will lose his son. "I know," Lukas responds to him. "Our worst nightmare has come true." "What are we going to do, Lukas?" Donovan asks him as he takes a sip of his scotch. "Abby is close to Ethan Alexander," Lukas reminds him. "I wonder if we should also get a lawyer?" "Do you really think it will get that far?" Donovan asks. "We are the only parents that Olly has known! She can't just rip him out of this house!" "I agree with you," Lukas tries to remain calm. "But I think that we need to cover our basis; getting a lawyer will only help us." "I won't lose him," Donovan looks back at him with intent. "I will not lose our son, Lukas. I don't care what I have to do, but I will not lose Olly." Next on One Day at a Time - It's Christmas in Twin Peaks! - Daisy is visited in jail - Jacob is unnerved on Christmas Day |
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