Episode 1129


Through Valley & Mountains
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: December 20, 2024

Episode Theme song: "One Child" Mariah Carey

Previously On One Day at a Time
- Melissa revealed to Andy & Nicholas that Clayton is really a Wilkins
- Kim and Robbie rejoiced in her pregnancy
- Sophie invited Isabelle to spend Christmas with the Calimo's
- Daisy was sentenced to prison for killing Antonio
- Abby, Lukas, & Donovan learned that Olly is an alive Sonny
- Meggan told Logan she would stop drinking
- Dominick, Tyler, & Leah thought of Felicia
- Penny remained in a coma

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home

A light snow fall is coming down on Christmas Day in Twin Peaks. Abby slowly walks towards the front door of the Richardson Estate as she wants to see Sonny on the holiday. She has lost so many critical moments in his young life, she didn't want to miss another holiday with him. She just hopes that Lukas and Donovan are going to be okay with her showing up.

She rings the door and takes a deep breath. She puts a smile on her face when Lukas opens the door. "Abby, what…what are you doing here?" he asks her as he folds his arms over his chest.

"Merry Christmas, Lukas," Abby says back to him. "I, I was hoping that I could see Sonny today; I've missed so much time with him, I just wanted to see him on Christmas. You know, maybe I could watch him open some of his presents or his stocking? I won't stay long, I just want to see my son."

Lukas feels his heart start to race; everything about the baby switch coming to light is happening too fast for his liking, but he can't deny that he does feel bad for Abby.

"I suppose seeing him today of all days isn't the worst thing," Lukas finally responds to her. "Come in, and I'll go and get him and Donovan. But you have to do me a favor," he looks into her eyes as they move into the foyer.

"What? I'll do anything," Abby admits to him, excited that she will see her son.

"You have to call him Olly," Lukas tells her. "It's the only name he has ever had; you calling him Sonny will just confuse him, and that's the last thing I want."

"I can do that," Abby nods back to him. "Now, go get Olly so I can wish him a Merry Christmas!"


Meanwhile, in the living room, Meggan stands at the bar and makes herself a rum and eggnog. Once she takes a sip of the drink, she sets the glass down on the bar and adds more rum to her drink. She, then, takes another sip of it and smiles.

"That's much better," she whispers to herself as Logan moves into the room.

"Merry Christmas, Mom," Logan tells her as she turns and sees her son standing there.

"Oh Logan, Merry Christmas," Meggan smiles back to her. "This is the best holiday I've had in a long time because you're home."

"It has been a long time since I was home for the holiday's," he agrees with her. "Is that an eggnog?"

"It is, can I make you one?"

"Uh sure," Logan replies to her. "I thought you weren't drinking though?"

"It's the holiday's," Meggan chuckles as she starts making her son his drink. "It's a celebratory moment, Logan."

"Okay, I'm not going to push you not to drink," Logan says. "You're an adult you can make your own decisions."

Meggan passes him his eggnog. "See, this is why I love that you're home," she chuckles to him. "You're the only one that supports me, Logan."

"I'll drink to that," he winks back at his mother as they each take a sip of their eggnog.

Dominick's Townhouse

Bing Crosby is playing on the record player in the living room of Dominick's townhouse, while the Robertson family chatters amongst themselves as Christmas Day is unfolding. Dominick stands by the speaker as he looks at Jeff, Leah, Paige, and Tyler as they sit by the Christmas tree with eggnogs in their hands.

"Dad, are you okay?" Tyler looks back at his father and notices him looking into space.

"Yea, you look a million miles away," Leah agrees with Tyler. "Come sit with us and tell us what is on your mind."

Dominick uneasily chuckles back as he moves to the sofa and sits next to Leah and Paige. "You all know me so well."

"It is Christmas, a day to be joyful and cheerful," Paige tells her grandfather. "And you look a little blue."

"I suppose I have been reflecting on this past year," Dominick tells his family. "We lost Felicia; we learned that Ethan and Bryce are in our family, but their transition has not been easy; Ethan and Abigail slept together and are now going to have a baby, and I learned about this right before I was about to marry her again; it's…it's been a long year."

"It has been a long, tough year," Leah agrees with him. "But look at us, Dad, we are together, and we are stronger than ever before. We have gotten through everything that life has thrown at us and we are stronger as a result."

Dominick pulls her into a hug. "I needed to hear that today," he whispers to her. "Merry Christmas, Leah."

"Merry Christmas Daddy."

The State Prison

"You two didn't have to come and see me on Christmas," Daisy tells Trenyce and Andrew as they sit together in the visitors room at the prison. Since Daisy was sentenced to years in prison for killing Antonio, she didn't expect her family to show up to see her. "Where are Tinah and BJ?"

"Chris stopped by the house," Trenyce explains to her. "And since he and I aren't on good terms right now, I thought it would be a great time for us to come see you. Merry Christmas, Daisy."

"Yea, Merry Christmas," Andrew chimes.

"Thanks, same to you too," Daisy says as she gets tears in her eyes. "I still can't believe that you two came to see me today; I thought I would be spending the holiday alone."

"You're not alone," Andrew replies to her. "We are here for you and we haven't stopped thinking of ways to try to get you out of here."

"Ethan said my appeal was denied," Daisy explains to them. "So I am not sure where we go from here."

"We will think of something," Trenyce says back to her. "We won't let you spend the rest of your life in jail for something we know that you didn't do."

"Just remember what I said," Daisy looks at her niece. "Don't spend all your energy on me, you two, you have so much life to live. I'm just glad that you're visiting me."

"We won't stay away," Andrew tells her. "Not now, not ever."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Are you sure that you don't want to spend Christmas the mansion with your Mother, Shane, and Jacob?" Cory asks Sophie as they stand outside of Penny's hospital room with Robin next to them. Sophie is at the hospital so she could see him on Christmas Day.

"I thought you were dead this time last year," Sophie reminds him with an uneasy chuckle. "It was literally one of the worst days of my life."

"I'm sorry," Cory shakes his head back to her. "I wish I had remembered everything sooner and was able to come back to you."

"It's not your fault," Robin tells him. "Antonio is to blame for all of this."

"The point is," Sophie looks back at her father. "Is that seeing you today was important to me. I will be back at the mansion for dinner, but right now, I want to spend some of my Christmas Day with my father."

"You two are so sweet," Robin smiles as the father-daughter hug one another. "How about we go to the cafeteria and get some hot chocolate?"

"That sounds great," Cory says as they exit their embrace.

The three of them start walking towards the cafeteria. Meanwhile, inside Penny's hospital room. Her eyes futter a little but remain close.

"Daiiiiiiisy…." She whispers as her eyes remain closed. "Daisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."

Twin Peaks Executive Hotel

Nicholas steps off the elevator and makes a beeline towards one of the suites. He is at the hotel for a very specific purpose today; he just hopes that it goes well. He takes a deep breath and then knocks on one of the doors.

"Nicholas," Melissa looks at her son in surprise. "Merry Christmas, darling."

"Mother," he ignores her seasons greetings and moves into her suite. "I won't be long but I had to see you."

"Of course, you did," Melissa purses her lips together. "It's Christmas, it's only natural that you wanted to see family today."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Nicholas turns and looks at her. "You see, after your latest stunt, I have something to tell you."

"My latest stunt?"

"You know," Nicholas glares at her. "Revealing that Clayton is really a Wilkins after all because you switched the DNA test that we ran a few years ago."

Melissa chuckles back to him. "I thought you and Andy should know before you got married," she replies to him. "It could change things?"

"The only thing that is changing is our relationship," Nicholas tells her. "I am tired of you interfering in my life and my relationship with Andy."


"Save it mother," Nicholas looks at her. "This is the last time you will ever see me; you are out of my life forever. I never want to see or hear from you again. So yes, Merry Christmas, enjoy this gift I'm giving you."

The Calimo Mansion

Christmas Day is in full swing in the living room of the Calimo mansion. Shane and Natasha are huddled together by fire laughing together, while Robbie and Kim are sitting on the sofa feeling her ever-growing stomach as she is pregnant.

At the bar, Isabelle is pouring herself a glass of red wine as Jacob moves into the living room. He freezes at the sight of his former lover. Up until recently, he thought that they could end up back together, but after he learned that she blackmailed Cassie into leaving town by threatening to say that she pushed Isabelle down the stairs the night she miscarried. Jacob can't believe that Isabelle would have gone to such lengths to get Cassie out of town.

"I, uh, didn't think that you would be here today," Jacob says as he moves closer to Isabelle.

Isabelle finishes her wine and looks back at him. "Sophie invited me," she explains to him. "She didn't want me to be alone today. It was very sweet of her."

"Sophie is a sweet kid," Jacob nods back to her. "Look, Isabelle, I don't want to make today awkward, so let's just try to get along for the family, okay?"

"I don't have to try to get along with you," Isabelle informs him. "I love you, Jacob. I know what I did was wrong, I'm just trying to make things right again."

"I'm not sure that it is possible," Jacob tells her. "But in any event, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Jacob."

The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home

Abby paces back and forth in the foyer as she waits for Lukas to return with Donovan and Olly. After spending many holiday's away from her son, she can't wait to see him on Christmas Day.

"Soon," she whispers to herself. "We will be together and no one will ever come between us again."

She looks at the top of the staircase when she sees Lukas reappear. He races down the stairs and looks at her with a panicked look on his face.

"Lukas? What is it? What's wrong? Where's Olly? Where's Donovan?" Abby asks him as Lukas paces back and forth.

"I…I don't know," Lukas looks back at her. "They are gone…Donovan and Olly are gone!"

Next on One Day at a Time
- It's New Year's Eve!
- Where is Donovan?
- Sophie and Max go to the next level

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