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Your Reflections Inconsistent | ||
Theme song: "How Long" Ellie Goulding | ||
Twin Peaks General Hospital "Are you sure that you don't want to go out and celebrate New Year's Eve with your family and friends?" Cory asks Robin as they sit next to one another in Penny's hospital room. Cory, and Robin, have been at the hospital almost non-stop since Penny fell into a coma; he wants to be there for Penny when she awakes so he can find out what caused Gordy to snap and hold her hostage. Plus, he is the only family that she has, or at least, the closest thing to family that she has. "I am right where I want to be," Robin tells him as she puts her hand on his leg and squeezes it. "It's sort of like what Sophie said at Christmas; this time last year, we thought you were dead, Cory; being with you, it's just really nice." Cory chuckles back to her. "I appreciate that, but I want you to know that if you need to go and be with your kids or anything, you don't have to be here with me all the time." "Thanks," Robin licks her lips back to him. "Shane has been great about watching Dominique and Oscar while I support you; I don't want you to go through this alone. You're supporting Penny while she recover and I'm supporting you." "You're so wonderful, you know that?" Robin giggles back to him. "It is easy to be wonderful with you," she replies to him. "I really am so glad that you're back; I missed you so much." "I know, once I got my memory back, I missed you, I missed everyone, too," Cory tells her. "This entire situation has just been so complicated." "It has," Robin nods back to him. "But with Gordy's reign of terror over, hopefully we can get back to normal; after Penny wakes up, of course." "I am praying for that." "Me too." "Hey Robin?" Cory says as they lock eyes. "Happy New Year." "Happy New Year, Cory," Robin replies to him before she leans over and kisses him on his lips. The kiss lasts a minute before they part ways, but then Cory leans in and kisses her again. The Cascade Apartments; Cassie, Max, & Carter's Home Sophie sits on the sofa in the living room of the small apartment that Max lives in with Cassie and Carter. She can hear the shower water running as Max is getting cleaned up before they head out to the New Year's Eve party that is happening that the Pink Flamingo. She almost can't believe that she and Max are going out; she was feeling so insecure about the fact that he has more experience sexually then she does that she pushed him away, but he reassured her that he didn't care about that and he wouldn't pressure her into anything. Since then, they have grown closer and she is over the moon. "Hey, I'll only be a few more minutes," Max announces to her as he comes out of the washroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist, which leaves his toned chest exposed to Sophie. She gulps hard at the sight in front of her. She can't deny that Max is a very attractive man; she can't stop looking at his chest and then finally snaps back into reality. "You okay?" he asks her with a chuckle. "Yea, I'm fine," she replies to him quickly. "You're staring, so I had to ask," he winks back at her. "You're, uh, very, uh, good looking," she admits to him as he moves closer to her and sits next to her. "Thanks, I think the same of you," he looks into her eyes before he leans over and kisses her on the lips. Sophie kisses him passionately back as she runs her hands over his chest. "You're so sexy, Max," she says in between kisses. He breaks free from her and lust fills their eyes. "We better stop or " "Or what?" she purrs back to him. "We are here alone and I'm going to get bad thoughts," he admits to her with a chuckle. "What if we skip the party and celebrate here tonight?" she says as she bites her lower lip. "Soph, are you sure?" he asks her, knowing that she has never had sex before. "I am sure," she says as she kisses him again. "I want you so badly." "I want you too," he admits to her as he crawls on top of her and she removes the towel from his waist as they start to explore each other's body's. The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino The restaurant has been transformed into a venue for a New Year's Eve party, where the citizens of Twin Peaks can come and ring in the New Year. Waiters are circling with champagne and there are many unique food stations set up for the guests to enjoy. Logan grabs a glass of champagne from one of the waiters and takes a sip of it. The last time he was at the restaurant, he happened to see Max give Sophie a Christmas present. He knows that he encouraged his friend to give Max another chance, but seeing them together left him feeling awkward. "Logan?" a voice says coming up to him. "Whoa, man, I haven't seen you in years!" Logan turns and sees Jacob approaching him. "Jacob, hey dude, yea, I'm back in town. I came back from Monaco to see my Mom for the holiday's." "That's cool," Jacob smiles back at him. "How are you liking being back in Twin Peaks?" "I haven't missed the winters," Logan chuckles back to him. "Otherwise, it's been great. It's nice to connect again with my Mom and Dad, and I've seen Sophie a few times." "Oh, Soph hadn't mentioned that she saw you," Jacob admits to him. "But I guess that's probably because she's been so focused on Max and their whatever it is." "You don't sound happy about that?" "Max and I have a long history," Jacob tells him. "I worry about Sophie being involved with him." "Ah," Logan nods back to him. "Yea, I guess, I had forgotten how cute your sister is." "Wait," Jacob looks back at him in surprise. "Do you, uh, like my sister? Because, I would much rather you date her than Max." Logan feels his cheeks flush. "I guess I do have a crush on her," he tells him. "But I won't interfere in her relationship. I've seen enough of that bullshit with my Mom, Dad and Leah. I don't want that in my life." "I get it," Jacob says back to him. "In any event, let's have a great New Year, man. And it's great ot have you home." *** Robbie grabs a glass of champagne from a waiter and quickly takes a sip of it. His mind is still racing about the fact that Tyler and Kim almost kissed when they were trapped together; when he confronted Kim, she reassured him that she loves him and their unborn child, but he still feels insecure because of Kim's long history with Tyler. "Whoa, you're pounding those glasses of champagne," Madeline chuckles as she comes up to her former husband. "Is everything okay?" "Oh, it's just fine," Robbie replies to her quickly. "How are you doing?" "It's New Year's, a night to start fresh," she tells him. "I am looking forward to that in the New Year. Where is your wife?" "She's pregnant so she wanted a quiet night in at home," he admits to her. "Andy and Nicholas are with her." "And you didn't want to be with her tonight?" Madeline asks him with an arched eyebrow. "What's going on, Robbie?" He grabs another glass of champagne before he looks back at her. "It's complicated, but Kim and I, we are in a good place." Madeline chuckles to him. "If that was true, you wouldn't be slamming those drinks," Madeline says as she puts her hand on his chest. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong? Maybe I could help?" Robbie looks at her hand that is on his chest and then he licks his lips. "Damn, I have had a lot of champagne," he admits to her. "Come with me," Madeline grabs his hand and they start to walk away. "I'll let you sit down and you can talk to me about this." *** "I know it's New Year's, but I'm not sure we should say until midnight," Ethan tells Abby as they stand in a corner of the restaurant together. "You're pregnant, I don't want you to overdo it." "I agree," Abby looks back at him. "I am exhausted, especially after finding out that Donovan has ran off with Sonny." "I still can't believe that," Ethan admits to her. "Lukas had no idea where Donovan went?" "He claimed not too," Abby sighs. "I saw the look on his face, and I believe him. I don't think he was lying. He seemed genuinely shocked and worried about this." "What are you going to do next?" Ethan asks her quickly. "I called Andrew," Abby reveals to him. "I needed him to know our son is missing. He suggested that we go to the police if Donovan doesn't come back by the New Year." "The longer he is away, the further away he could get? I don't know Abby, I think the sooner you go to the police, the better." Twin Peaks Police Station Lukas slowly moves into the police station and starts to walk towards Simona's office. He can't believe that Donovan has taken Olly and disappeared; he noticed that his husband was gone on Christmas Day. Since then, he hasn't been able to get ahold of Donovan, which is concerning for him. He opens the door to Simona's office but he sees Sergio in the office, not Simona. "Lukas, this is a surprise," Sergio admits to him. "It's New Year's Eve, what are you doing here?" "I, uh, I need to talk to you or your sister," Lukas admits to him. "It's important." "Simona is off tonight, but I can try to help," Sergio tells him. "What's going on?" "Have you heard or seen from Donovan?" Lukas asks him quickly. "No, not for a few weeks," Sergio reveals to him. "He's been so swamped with this baby switch that he hasn't had time for me, which I understand. Why?" "He's missing," Lukas reveals to him. "He took Olly and disappeared; I .I think he kidnapped our son." The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair Will and Eva continue to walk through the secret tunnels of the Victors mansion as they are trying to find some proof that Frederick and Felicia are alive. They hope that they are able to find some type of evidence so they can go back to Dominick with the update. "There's a door over there," Will points towards a door, which Eva sees. "Do you want to check it out?" "I think we should," Eva replies to him. "We won't know what's inside until we open the door." "Okay, let's go," Will takes her hand again and moves towards the door. He opens the door and they move inside the door, gasping when they do as Frederick and Felicia are standing next to one another in the room. "Oh my God," Eva gasps in shock. "It's true, you're alive! You're both alive!" Frederick gulps heavily at his unwarranted guests. "Eva, William," he manages to say back to them. "Happy New Year!" Next on One Day at a Time - Frederick warns Will & Eva not reveal anything about him being alive - Kim worries about Robbie - Trenyce and Chris try to be civil |
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