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Light Started Beaming | ||
Theme song: "East Side of Sorrow" Zach Bryan | ||
*** Trenyce sits at a table with a glass of white wine in front of her. Earlier, she had met with Chris at the coffeehouse and revealed that Daisy was struggling in prison. To her surprise, Chris said that, despite their personal problems, they were always going to be family. "I hope I did the right thing," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her wine before she thinks back to the next part of their conversation. [FLASH] "You, you mean that don't you?" Trenyce looks at Chris with a smile on her face. "Of course, I do," Chris nods back to her. "Especially because we all know that Daisy is innocent." "I have no right to ask you this," Trenyce takes a deep breath before she locks eyes with her estranged husband. "But do you think you could stop the custody case until we solve this Daisy issue? The last thing I need is to worry about losing my daughter while my Aunt is struggling in jail." Chris looks back at her in surprise as he wasn't expecting her to request this. "I can see my request took you by surprise; don't answer me just now, Chris. Take some time to think about it; if you meant what you said that we will always be a family, then you will do this for me, for all of us." [FLASH] She snaps back into reality when Andrew sits across from her. "I was calling your name, where were you just now?" he asks her with a look of concern on his face. "Sorry, I guess I was just deep in thought." "Anything I should know about?" "I I saw Chris earlier," Trenyce reveals to him. "And I asked him to do something for me, for all of us." Andrew uneasily nods back to her. "Uh, okay? What did you ask him to do?" "To drop the custody case, at least until we can help Daisy out of her situation," Trenyce reveals to him. "Whoa," Andrew says in surprise. "What did he say back to you?" "Nothing," Trenyce reveals to him. "I could tell that I surprised him with my request, so I told him to think about it. I I just hope I got through to him." "Me too," Andrew reaches over and grabs her hand. "Even if it is a temporary fix, it could be what we need to make all of this right." *** Jacob sits at the bar with a beer in front of him. Earlier in the day, he ran into Isabelle at the coffeehouse and they had a civil conversation. For a moment, it was like nothing had ever happened between them. Then, Isabelle suggested that they try to reunite, and he, immediately, shot her down, realizing that in a romantic relationship, he wouldn't be able to trust her because of her lie about their baby. After the difficult conversation, he came to the restaurant to have a beer, since he hates that he likely hurt her feelings. He turns when someone starts to sit next to him and he sighs when he sees that it is Cassie. After seeing Isabelle, the last person he wanted to see was Cassie as he feels like he needs time to sort out his mind over this situation. "I hope you don't mind that I am going to join you," Cassie purses her lips together as she sits next to him. "I saw you and couldn't resist coming over to see you." "Even if I did mind, I don't think there's any stopping you," he chuckles back to her. "Can you blame me?" Cassie asks him quickly. "The truth is finally out, Jacob. Isabelle, she blackmailed me into leaving town by threatening to say that I pushed her down those stairs that caused her miscarriage; that isn't true, which means ." "Which means, my entire life has become a mess," Jacob sighs back to her. "I was going to say," Cassie looks back at him. "That this is our time to, finally, be together. No more interference from your mother or Isabelle; you, me and Carter, we can finally be a family, Jacob. So, please, don't throw this away; let's put our life back together, the way it was always meant to be?" The Calimo Mansion "Are you sure Jacob isn't home?" a nervous Isabelle asks Sophie as they move into the living room of the Calimo mansion. After seeing Jacob earlier, the last thing Isabelle wants is another run-in with him. But she did want to catch up with her friend, when Sophie suggested she come to the mansion. "I am positive," Sophie nods back to her. "It is just you and me here. I take it by your question that things are not resolved yet for you two?" Isabelle shakes her head quickly back to her. "No, and honestly, I don't think they will ever the same again, Sophie. I I think I've lost Jacob forever." "I am sorry," Sophie comes up and hugs her. "I know how much you cared for my brother." "Thanks," Isabelle wipes her eye dry. "I don't want our visit to be all about me losing Jacob. What is new with you? How was your New Year's?" Sophie feels her eyes flush as she recalls how she and Max made love for the first time on New Year's Eve. She almost can't believe that she lost her virginity, but she doesn't regret it at all. "It was well, there were fireworks, let's leave it at that." Isabelle arches her eyebrow back to her. "What do you mean? Why do I get the feeling you're talking about more than just the fireworks at the annual party?" "If I share something with you, can you keep it between us?" Sophie asks her as Isabelle nods back to her. "I I was with Max on New Year's and we " "No!" Isabelle gushes back to her. "You and Max? You " "We had sex," Sophie giggles back to her. "And it was .oh my God, it was incredible!" Isabelle pulls her friend into another hug. "I am so happy for you, Soph. I really, really am." The Sugarbowl "My head is spinning," Max admits with a nervous chuckle as he sits in the back booth of the coffee house as he listens to Abby explain to him that Vinny Victors arranged for a baby switch all those years ago when she gave birth to Sonny; her child wasn't actually dead, he is alive and has been raised by Donovan and Lukas all this time. "Help me explain why Vinny would want to do this baby switch?" Abby sighs back to her friend. "I I guess at the time, Andrew had told Vinny that he wasn't ready to be a father to our child," she reveals to him. "So, in Vinny's twisted mind, he thought if our baby was dead, Andrew wouldn't be a father. But my son was alive, Bryce just gave me Chantel's dead baby, and he gave my baby to Chantel " "Who was then adopted by Lukas and Donovan," Max shakes his head in disbelief. "This is a wild story, Abby." "You're telling me," she looks back at him. "I didn't really believe it until the DNA test confirmed it." "What are you going to do now?" Max asks her quickly. "I mean, I know you probably want your son, but Lukas and Donovan are the only parents he has known, Abby. And, you're expecting your second child now." "I know all of this," Abby sighs back to him. "But the fact is, I want my son. He was wrongfully ripped away from me, and I want him back. I I don't care what I have to do, but I will get Sonny back in my life." The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home "Okay, we need to stay calm," Sergio tries to coach Lukas into not getting worked up, as he just told the detective that he believes that Donovan might have kidnapped Olly to ensure he doesn't have to give him up to Abby. He knows that Lukas only wants the best for the situation, but he knows that staying calm is the most important thing. "How can I stay calm?" Lukas asks him as he takes another sip of his gin and tonic that he made earlier in the day. "Donovan has kidnapped Olly and I have no idea where they are!" "We don't know for sure that Donovan purposely left with Olly so he wouldn't have to give him up," Sergio reminds him. "We are making some assumptions here." "What other explanation is there?" Lukas asks him quickly. "Like I said, there's any number of reasons that could be at play here," Sergio tells him. "That being said, I do agree that we have to find Donovan sooner than later because Abby will not wait forever to want to get her son." "I think I can bid a little time if I tell her that Donovan just took Olly on a going away trip," Lukas reveals to him. "But we have to find Donovan before Abby realizes that Olly is actually missing because that will make this situation far worse." "Agreed," Sergio locks eyes with Lukas. "I will get more help on this from the station, and we will find Donovan; we have no other choice." Robertson Enterprises Kim waits at the elevators in the hallway of Robertson Enterprises. She came to the company to see if Leah or Paige had heard from Robbie, as she still hasn't heard from her husband, and she is starting to get worried. To her dismay, neither Leah or Paige have heard from him, so she is left wondering, still, where he could be and why he hasn't called her. "Kim?" a voice calls out as the main office door opens and Tyler emerges. "What are you doing here?" Kim turns to face Tyler. "I I was here to see Leah and Paige," she admits to him. "I saw Paige, I didn't realize that Leah had been fired." "It's a long story," Tyler sighs back to her. "Why did you want to talk to them? Is everything okay?" Kim shakes her head back to him. "No, it's not okay. It's Robbie." "What happened?" "That's the thing," Kim whispers back to him as her lower lip quivers. "He went out on New Year's Eve, and I haven't heard from him since. I'm I'm trying not to get worried, but I can't help but be worried about him." "He didn't come home from the party?" Tyler asks in surprise as Kim shakes her head no. "Oh Kim, I'm sorry. I'm sure his phone just died or something " "I hope that's all it is," Kim replies to him. "But I can't shake this feeling that something is very wrong." The Tower's, Floor Three; Madeline's Condo "Are you feeling better now that you've had a shower and had some food?" Madeline asks Robbie, who emerges from her bedroom, dressed and freshly showered. When he woke up, she revealed to him that in his drunken state, they had made love on New Year's Eve. Reeling from his hangover, Robbie ended up being sick in the washroom, so she made him some food and let him shower, in hopes of making him feel better. "Somewhat," he admits to her. "I I just can't believe that we had sex. I was so drunk, I didn't think I would be able to perform." "You were amazing," she giggles back to him. "It's like when we were married, Robbie." "But we aren't married, Madeline," he reminds her quickly. "I am married to Kim. Oh my God, Kim! She's probably worried sick about me!" "Hey, just stay calm okay?" Madeline moves closer to him. "You can tell her that your phone died or something." "I cheated on my wife," Robbie sighs back to her. "She's never going to forgive me." "Let's not worry about Kim right now," Madeline puts her hands on his muscular chest. "Right now, just focus on feeling better, and please, stay calm, okay?" "Kim can't know about this," Robbie replies to her. "Kim can never know that you and I had sex, Madeline. Not now, not ever." Next on One Day at a Time - Eva ponders her future - Frederick thinks Bryce's newest idea is not a good one - Natasha has worry in Jacob |
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