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Feels Like You're Away | ||
Theme song: "99 Nights" Charlotte Cardin | ||
*** Meanwhile, up in her bedroom, Sophie lays on her bed looking at her Instagram feed. She stops when she sees the latest post by Max, which is of him and Carter having a good time. The caption reads, "Brother's unite". She smiles at the sight and then gets a grin on her face as she thinks about how she and Max made love on New Year's Eve. She can't deny that she had a great time with him, and she didn't realize how good it would feel to be with a man in that fashion. "I should text him," she whispers to herself as she closes her social media app and opens her text messages. She finds Max and opens it. "Hey, thinking of you hope you're doing well. Let's hang out soon?" She closes the phone and shuts her eyes for a moment and then looks at her phone; she feels a little disheartened to not see a response from Max. "I I hope he's not ghosting me," she says, suddenly feeling insecure about her relationship with Max. The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Meggan sits at the bar of the Pink Flamingo with a dirty martini in front of her. After the holidays, she feels like she needs a drink just to calm her nerves. While she enjoyed the time she had with her family, especially Logan, she has always taken more stress during the holidays, so she is grateful that they are over. "Another day, and once again, I see you drinking," a voice calls out from behind her. Meggan rolls her eyes before she turns around and sees Jeff standing there. "It's not even noon, Meggan." "Oh Jeffrey," Meggan snaps back at him. "Do me a favor and save the lecture. I am in no mood to hear about my drinking, from you of all people." "What if Logan had walked in here and saw you like this? What do you think he'd say?" "Don't you dare mention my son to me again," Meggan hisses back to him. "He and I, we had a couple of drinks together over Christmas, and guess what? We both lived, Jeff. No one died, the world didn't end. Me drinking shouldn't impact your life as much as it is." "I don't want anything bad to happen like last time, Meggan," Jeff warns her. Meggan chuckles before she takes a drink of her martini. "Oh, you mean when I ran over your son and killed him? Guess what? I didn't kill him! Your son is alive and well, so alls well that ends well." "You know that's bullshit!" Behind them, Logan appears and sees the conversation escalating. He arrived to get a drink as he hasn't been able to get the idea of Max and Sophie being together out of his mind; he admitted to Jacob that he might have a crush on Sophie, so he knows why it is bothering him. But now, seeing his parents clearly in a disagreement is upsetting to him. "Will you two ever get along?" he huffs as he moves up to them. "It's embarrassing coming in here and seeing you two at odds." "Logan," Jeff looks back at his son. "I I " "Let me guess?" Logan rolls his eyes at his father. "You were yelling at her for having a drink? Oh God, Dad, you're so predictable." "I am concerned about your mother," Jeff tells him quickly. "We all should be." "Have you ever thought that you're partly responsible for her drinking?" Logan asks as Meggan and Jeff look back at him in surprise. "Yea, I said it. You went back and forth between Mom and Leah for years, it's no wonder she needed to drink!" "Logan!" Jeff yells back at him. "No, our son is right," Meggan looks back at him. "If you want anyone to blame, look in the mirror Jeff. I couldn't agree with Logan more." Twin Peaks General Hospital Cory paces outside of Penny's hospital room as his friend and former lover remains in a coma following her being kidnapped by Gordy. What is more troubling to Cory, however, is that he thought he heard Penny mumble something while she was sleeping; if this is the case, he can't help but wonder if she is coming out of her coma, or what this could mean. He stops his walking when he sees Stephanie Clark approaching him. "Steph, thanks for meeting with me," Cory says as the doctor approaches him. "Of course," Stephanie responds to him as she opens Penny's file. "It looks like Penny has been in a coma for a number of weeks now." "She has, yes," Cory nods back to her. "I I thought I heard her say something, maybe a name? while she was sleeping though. Couldn't this be a sign that she's coming out of her coma?" "That is hard to say," Stephanie admits to him. "Sometimes, while people are in comas, they still can mumble, or murmur, depending what is going on with their minds while they are sleeping." "I'm going to be frank with you," Cory looks back at the doctor. "I I know that you helped Dominick Robertson last year come out of his coma; I feel like you are a specialist, of sorts, in this regard." Stephanie chuckles back to him. "I don't know about that but thank you." "I want you, no, I need you to work with Penny," Cory tells Stephanie. "I think you might be the only one that can bring Penny out of her coma. What do you say, Doc, will help you my friend wake up?" *** Cheresa steps off the elevator and swiftly moves towards the nurse's station so she can pick up her files before she starts her shift. As she moves towards the station, however, she can't help but see Chantel sitting behind the desk. She sighs a little recalling their last conversation, where Chantel suggested that they give their relationship a try now that Dawn has dumped Chersea and left town. She knows that she has been thinking about the request non-stop, but she isn't sure if she is ready for another relationship so quickly after Dawn. Her and Dawn had gone through so much together, she almost can't believe that they are truly over. "Morning," Cheresa says as she arrives at the desk and picks up her files that are waiting for her. "Morning Cheresa," Chantel purses her lips together. "Looks like you have a busy day planned." "Never a dull moment in the hospital," she winks back to her friend with a chuckle. "I I should get going." "Cheresa, wait," Chantel stands up and moves out of the station so she can face her friend. "I I was hoping we could talk for a moment." "Only for that," Chersea replies to her. "I have a lot to do today, as you can see by the number of files in my hand." "It's it's just that I was wondering if you've given any thought to my suggestion that we I don't know, date? We clearly had an attraction for some time and when it came to the surface, we couldn't deny it. I know that Dawn has left town, so maybe I don't know, maybe this is our time to be together?" Cheresa sighs and forces a smile on her face. "I am flattered, I really am," Cheresa tells her. "The truth is, Chantel, I have thought about it, a lot. And I can't deny that I am attracted to you, very much so. But the other truth is that I hurt Dawn deeply by sleeping with you, and our relationship, it just ended. I I just need time to reflect and adjust as to what has happened; I hope you can understand that?" "Yea, of course, I can," Chantel whispers back to her, trying to hide her disappointment, even though she understands what Cheresa just told her. "I won't keep you then, with your work, I mean." The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair "I am surprised that you're so cool and calm," Bryce admits to Frederick as they face one another in the living room of the Victors mansion, where they have been living with Felicia. A large fire is raging in the fireplace as a way to keep them warm from the cool winter airs that still linger in Twin Peaks. "I thought Eva and Will arriving and discovering that you and Felicia are alive would have put you in a tailspin." "Eva is a wise woman," Frederick chuckles back to him. "She knows that if Dominick learns that she is alive, she will lose all hopes of reuniting with him because deep down, Dominick has, and always will, love Felicia." "I wish I had your confidence," Bryce shakes his head back to him. "You always know what you want and how to get it." "You will learn from me, Bryce," Frederick smiles back to him. "And that's why I bailed you out of jail following those charges." "I can't thank you enough," Bryce tells his grandfather. "I wasn't going to do any good sitting behind bars." "See, that already sounds like you have a plan in your head," Frederick replies to him. "Tell me, what are you thinking about, Bryce?" "Victoria," Bryce admits to him. "My wife, grandfather. She was devastated to learn about my role in the baby switch. I have to make it up to her, I just don't know how." "I see, I see." Bryce looks back at his grandfather in surprise. "What does that mean? You don't approve?" "No, frankly I don't," Frederick stuns Bryce by his admission. "If you want my honest opinion, the further away you are from that woman, the better off you will be. She is nothing but trouble." "I I love her, she's my wife." "People divorce all the time, Bryce," Frederick tells him. "You need to forget about her, the sooner, the better." Dominick's Townhouse "I wanted to bring you a latte and your favorite cream-filled donut from the Sugarbowl," Tyler tells his father as he sets his gifts down on the coffee table in the living room of Dominick's townhouse. Tyler wanted to do something special for his father as Dominick appeared be a little depressed over the Christmas holidays. "That is very sweet of you," Dominick smiles back to his son. "You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate the gesture, none the less." "It was the least I could do," Tyler admits to him. "You seemed, I don't know, blue over the holidays and just wanted to make sure you that you were doing okay." "You know, everything happened so quickly," Dominick sighs back to him. "I I woke up from my coma and wanted to remarry Abby so quickly. Then, the truth about her affair with Ethan came out, and her pregnancy, and I was just left reeling I guess. I was in that coma for so long, I don't think I ever got to properly mourn the loss of Felicia." "And because it was the anniversary of her death, it hit you hard?" "Exactly," Dominick nods back to him as he feels his eyes swell with water. "I wasn't here when she passed; I never got a chance to say goodbye." "That isn't your fault," Tyler moves closer to his father. "You were in a coma, Dad. You couldn't have prevented any of thing that happened." "I know," Dominick bites his lower lip. "I I just wish I had been here for Felicia, and for the family. I I don't know that I will ever forgive myself for not being here to see Felicia off." Twin Peaks Executive Hotel A shirtless Will opens the door to his suite and sees Eva standing on the other side. He smiles at the sight of the woman he is in love with. "Hey, Eva, good morning, come in," he says allowing her to entire his hotel room. "Thanks," she says as she puts her purse down on the bed and takes off her jacket. "I I barely slept last night, I don't know about you." "I was in the same boat," he replies to her. "It's too bad that you didn't stay here; we could have kept each other company." "Will, this isn't the time to flirt with me," she waves her hand in the air. "This is serious! Frederick and Felicia are alive!" "Yes, they are," Will agrees with her. "Frederick seems sure that we won't say anything, but what are you thinking? Are you going to tell Dominick the truth?" Eva sighs heavily back to him. "I I don't know," she admits to him. "I have no idea what I'm going to do and the longer we keep this secret, the harder it will be for us." Next on One Day at a Time - Robbie & Kim come face to face - Abby pleads with Andrew to help her - Shane gets a surprise |
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