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Mine of You with Me | ||
Theme song: "The Grants" Lana Del Rey | ||
*** "I am really happy to hear that Stephanie agreed to work with Penny to help try to bring her out of the coma," Robin tells Cory as they sit next to one another in one of the waiting rooms of the hospital. Cory just informed Robin about his conversation with Stephanie earlier in the morning, where he asked her to help Penny come out of her coma. He is grateful that she agreed to help out. "Yea, so am I," Cory admits to her. "After I heard Penny mumbling, I was hoping that she was coming out of the coma on her own, but Stephanie explained that this is pretty common." "Do you know what kind of tactics she will use?" Cory shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea; I am assuming that she will do similar things that helped Dominick last year." Robin shakes her head in disbelief. "We all thought that my father would never wake up," she recalls thinking about when her father was in a coma following a stroke. "Stephanie is a miracle worker." "That's why I asked her to help with Penny," Cory tells her. "I am hoping she can perform another miracle." "You and me both," Robin says back to him. "Now that Stephanie is helping, I was wondering if we could talk .about us?" "Us?" "You and I," Robin locks eyes with him. "We have unfinished business, Cory. And I need you to hear how I am feeling about you, and about us." The Pink Flamingo "Thanks again for breakfast," Andy smiles over to Nicholas as the finish eating together. "I know we spent most of the time talking about this Clayton mess, but I do enjoy spending time with you babe." "Me too," Nicholas replies to him. "Are you heading to the Sun now?" "I am," Andy nods back to him. "I have to get started on my next piece. You're heading to the One Day House?" "It is almost month end, so I have to start getting ready for reconciliation," Nicholas sighs back to him. "It's not my favorite time of the month, but it has to be done." "You'll survive," Andy winks back to him. "How about we plan to meet back at the condo for dinner?" "I'd like that a lot," Nicholas smiles to him before he leans over and kisses Andy. "Let's get out of here." They stand up and prepare to leave but they both freeze when they see Clayton move into the restaurant. Andy and Nicholas look at one another in shock as they were not expecting to see Clayton back in Twin Peaks. *** At a table in the back corner of the restaurant, Abby takes a sip of her decaf coffee and looks over at Andrew, who is sipping on a Bloody Mary. She asked him over so they could discuss what they should do about the revelation that Olly is Sonny, the child that they thought died all those years ago. "I have to admit this to you, Abs," Andrew looks over at his former lover. "But I can't believe that Sonny is really Olly. This feels like something out of a movie or something." "You're telling me," Abby replies to him. "Here I am pregnant, and I find out that my first child, the son that I mourned for so long, is alive and has been raised by Lukas and Donovan. It is so fucked up." "I feel like this is all my fault," Andrew reveals to her as she opens her eyes wider in surprise. "Had I not told my uncle that I wasn't ready to be a father, he wouldn't have set this into motion." "Vinny was a twisted man," Abby tells him. "You're not to blame for his actions, not at all. We can't dwell on what has happened; what matters now, is what we do next." "You want Sonny back?" "Of course, I do!" Abby quickly tells him. "Please, please tell me that you want the same? Tell me that you want to help me get out son back?" Andrew sighs back to her. "I I don't Abs," he reveals to her. "Olly, or Sonny, all he has known are that Lukas and Donovan are his parents. Do we really want to disrupt that?" "I want my son," Abby looks back at him with intent. "I don't care what it takes, but I will get Sonny back, even if it's the last thing I do." The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home "Okay, so we know that Donovan might not have kidnapped Olly," Sergio paces back and forth in the living room of the Richardson mansion. He and Lukas have been trying to put the pieces together of Donovan and Olly's disappearance. They both know that if Abby finds out that Donovan might have skipped town to purposely keep her from Olly, all hell will break loose, so they are trying to figure out where he could have gone. "So, what is the other logical explanation?" Lukas sighs heavily as he runs his hand through his hair. "I really don't know," he admits to him. "The only thing I can think of that is that he left town so he wouldn't have to give up our son. It's the only thing that is making sense." "Let's suppose that it is true," Sergio looks back at him. "Where would he have gone? He wouldn't have travelled via air or train because he would have been tracked easily." "Right," Lukas nods to him. "So, he must be somewhere close to Twin Peaks?" "That would be my logic," Sergio agrees with him. "So, where is close to Twin Peaks that Donovan felt like he could disappear for a while." "I have no idea, but I have an idea of someone who might be able to help us." "Who?" Sergio asks him as Lukas picks up his cell phone and starts to dial a number. "Hey Victoria," Lukas says into his phone as he looks at Sergio. "I need you to come to the mansion as soon as you can; it's important, it's about Donovan and Olly. I need your help and our entire futures depend on it." Robertson Enterprises Madeline steps off the elevator at Robertson Enterprises and moves toward the main office. She is eager to see Tyler because she knows that she has a lot to fill him in on. She encountered a very drunk Robbie at the New Year's Eve party; he was clearly upset by the fact that Tyler and Kim almost kissed the night she locked them together. Sensing she could take advantage of the situation, Madeline took Robbie home, where they ended up having sex with one another. For months now she, and Tyler, have been wondering how they can break up the couple, and now, she feels like she has a loaded gun to do just that. "I hope I'm not interrupting," she announces to Tyler, who is sitting behind the large desk typing into his laptop. "But I had to see you." "I can make time for you," Tyler replies to her as he stands up from the desk. "Happy New Year." "Thanks, same to you." She says back to him. "So, what's going on? You said you had to see me? Has something happened?" Tyler asks her quickly. "Something has happened," she purses her lips together. "I I think I have a way to break up Robbie and Kim, this time for good," she reveals to him, as Tyler's eyes open wider in surprise. The Calimo Mansion Kim paces back and forth in the living room of the Calimo mansion as her mind races over the fact that she still hasn't heard from Robbie, and she is starting to get incredibly worried because it is not like him to have not reached out to her. Meanwhile, Robbie slowly enters the living and sees his wife. He takes a deep breath as he knows that he will have to explain to her where he has been and why he hasn't called her. He, still, can't believe that he got drunk enough that he slept with Madeline; he doesn't even remember sleeping with Madeline, but he did wake up naked in her bed, and she said they had sex. He wishes he could have prevented this because he hates that he will have to like to Kim. Kim, then, turns around and sees Robbie. "Well, look what the cat dragged in." "Hey," Robbie replies to her softly. "Hey? That's all you have to say? I've been worried sick about you, Robbie! Where the hell have you been?" Kim demands to know from her husband. "I I can explain " "Well, start talking then because I need to know what could have possibly have happened for you not to come home on New Year's Eve and not even call me," Kim glares back at him. Next on One Day at a Time - Robbie and Kim's confrontation continues - Will Madeline spill the beans to Tyler? - Chris makes a decision |
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