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Sleeping on Your Shoulder | ||
Theme song: "Weekend Love" Carly Rae Jepsen The tension between Robbie and Kim is thick as they stand in the living room of the Calimo mansion looking at one another. Robbie has, finally, come home and Kim has asked her husband where he has been as he didn't come home after he went to the New Year's Eve party. Kim has been worried sick about him as it is not like Robbie to not call her and let her know where he is. "Are you going to answer me?" Kim puts her hand on her hip, still waiting for him to give her an answer. "Where the hell have you been, Robbie?" "I'm I'm sorry," Robbie shakes his head back to her, feeling awful that he slept with Madeline in a drunken state. He has no idea how he will tell this to his pregnant wife but the secret is, already, eating him up inside. "This is a huge misunderstanding." "Really?" Kim asks him back. "How is it a misunderstanding, exactly? You haven't phoned, texted, anything to let me know you're alive. I've been worried about you!" "I know, and I am sorry," Robbie tells her quickly. "I didn't meant to stress you out, it's not good for the baby." "Oh, now you care that I'm carrying your child," Kim rolls her eyes at him. "You haven't been a very good partner, Robbie." "Can you just let me explain? There is a good reason for all of this, I can assure you." "Then start talking," Kim looks back at him. "Because I deserve to know what my husband has been doing." | ||
Robertson Enterprises Tyler looks back at Madeline as they stand next to one another in the main office of Robertson Enterprises with an arched eyebrow. Madeline arrived at the office and informed him that she has a way that they could break up Robbie and Kim; they have been working together for months trying to split the couple up so they can each be with the people they love, him with Kim, her with Robbie. He has idea what she has come up with to break them up, but he is curious. "That's an interesting statement," Tyler tells her as he moves to the bar and pours himself a cup of coffee. "You have a way to break up Robbie and Kim?" "I do, I do," Madeline giggles back to him, still thrilled that she and Robbie had sex on New Year's Eve. She didn't expect it to happen, but once she encountered him at the party, and he was drunk, she couldn't help but take advantage of the situation. "This is all going to work out perfectly." "I am curious," Tyler looks back at her before he takes a sip of his coffee. "What is this plan? And, how can I help?" Madeline looks back at him with a sly grin on her face. "I don't want to reveal too much, just let me say that we will get what we want, Tyler. I'll see to that." Twin
Peaks General Hospital Cory looks back at Robin as they sit next to one another in one of the waiting rooms of the hospital. He just informed her that Stephanie has agreed to work with Penny to try to bring her out of her coma; Cory is feeling grateful that he doctor will try to help Penny since he feels like he is to blame for her coma. Had he not broken up Penny and Gordy's relationship, and pending marriage, Gordy might not have come back and tried to keep Penny for himself. "You think we have unfinished business?" Cory asks Robin, who nods back to him. "Don't you agree with that statement?" Robin replies to him. "I know things are crazy right now with Penny being in a coma, but " "But what, Robin?" Cory interrupts her. "My main focus has to be on helping Penny; I owe it to her since I feel like this is my fault." "It's not your fault, Cory." "Let me help Penny," Cory grabs her hand and squeezes it. "Once she is out of her coma, you and I, we can talk about this unfinished business, but until then, Penny, she has to be my priority. I I hope you understand?" Robin uneasily nods back to him with a gulp. "Of course," Robin forces a smile on her face. *** Meanwhile, in Penny's hospital room, Stephanie looks over her medical file. Once she is done reading it, she closes it and moves closer to the hospital bed, where Penny is laying, still in her coma. "The injury to your head should have healed by now," Stephanie whispers to herself as she looks at Penny. "It is curious that you're still in this coma but don't worry, I'm going to do everything in my power to help you get better. I will bring you out of this coma, even if it is the last thing I do." The
Sugarbowl Sophie moves up to the barista and orders her double espresso. She feels like she needs the jolt of caffeine since she didn't sleep well the previous night; she had sent Max a text message just to see how he was doing, but he never replied back to her. Sophie couldn't help but feel insecure by the lack of response from the man that she lost her virginity too. "Thank you," she says as she accepts her drink from the barista. She turns to leave and happens to see Max sitting alone at the window seat. She, at first, wonders if she should leave without saying anything to him, but she finds herself approaching him. "Oh hey." Max looks back at his lover. "Soph, hey," he says as he gestures for her to sit next to him. "Please sit. I'm I'm sorry I didn't text you back." "It's fine," Sophie lies to him, trying to act cool. "I'm sure you have been busy." "I have," Max nods back to her. "My friend, Abby, she was pregnant a number of years ago and she was told her son died when she gave birth." "Oh, how awful." "It was intense," Max nods back to her. "Anyways, she just found out that her son is alive; there was a baby switch and " "Is this real? It sounds so far-fetched," Sophie admits to him. "I know," Max agrees with her. "But it's real; Abby had a DNA test on the baby to confirm it. Anyways, that's why I didn't text you back; I was with Abby and trying to help her navigate her way through this." "You're a good friend," Sophie smiles back to him. "I I need to trust that." "Why wouldn't you?" Sophie blushes back to him. "I just thought you were ghosting me, but I know that you weren't." "I was not," Max looks back at her. "I had a great time on New Year's Eve, I hope you believe that." "I'm starting too," Sophie purses her lips back to him. The
State Prison "You're looking well," Andrew observes back to Daisy as they sit across from one another in the visitors room of the prison. Andrew takes a deep breath and immediately regrets using his nose as he hates the smell of the prison. There is a clinical smell to it which he can't place, but he doesn't like it. He looks back at Daisy, who is wearing an orange jump suit, and can tell that she is exhausted. Still, he is trying to keep her spirits up. "Am I?" Daisy asks him with a chuckle. "I don't know, Andrew; I I feel like I am wasting away in here." "I met with Trenyce the other day," he reveals to her. "She's asked Chris to stop the custody case until ." "Until what? I get out of here? That could be years, you know that, right?" Daisy asks him annoyed that her family is still focusing so much on her getting out of jail. "Ethan lost my appeal, I am not getting out of here anytime soon." "We are not giving up on you," Andrew replies to her with intent. "We all believe that you're innocent, none of us think you killed Antonio, we we just have to prove it." "I wish you would all just listen to me," Daisy sighs back to him. "Don't stop living your lives because I am in here, just let me serve out this sentence, okay?" The Davenport
House; Trenyce, BJ, & Albertinah's Home "Tell Daisy I said hi," Trenyce whispers to herself as she sends the text message to Andrew's phone as she knows that he went to see her Aunt today. Trenyce knows that Daisy is having a difficult time in jail, not that she blames her Aunt. She wishes that there was something, anything, that she could do to prove that Daisy didn't kill Antonio, but it seems like all the evidence suggest that she did to the crime. She sets her phone down when she hears the doorbell ring. She scurries to the door to prevent a second chime as her children are down for their morning naps. When she opens the door, she sees Chris standing on the other side. "Chris, come in," she says allowing her estranged husband into the foyer of the home. "It's weird that you're ringing the doorbell. "I want you to have your space while I am in the hotel," he admits to her. "I don't want you to think that I will just show up unannounced." "You're my husband, you can be here anytime you'd like," Trenyce purses her lips together. "The kids are sleeping right now, though." "That's fine," Chris looks back at her. "I wanted to talk to you anyways. I, I haven't been able to stop thinking about our last conversation." "When I asked you to hold off on the custody case until we can help Daisy?" "Exactly," Chris nods back to her. "And I will do that for you, Trey. Because I agree, we have to help Daisy get out of jail. I don't know how, but I think that has to be our top priority." Trenyce gets a smile on her face. "I could hug you right now," she admits to him. "I won't, but thank you Chris. You have no idea how much this means to me." "Now the question becomes, how are we going to get Daisy out of jail?" Chris asks her as Trenyce gulps back to him. The
Pink Flamingo "I I don't know what to say," a flabbergasted Clayton admits to Nicholas and Andy as they sit at a table together. Clayton surprised the men by showing up at the restaurant just as they were leaving. Andy, however, wanted to take the opportunity to tell Clayton what they have learned: that Melissa switched the DNA results all those months ago, which means Clayton is really a Wilkins after all. "This story seems to get more convoluted all the time." "Imagine our surprise," Nicholas replies to him. "We were at our engagement party when my mother made this announcement." Clayton looks back at Andy with an arched eyebrow. "How are you feeling, Andy? This means that you and I are family, and I am Madeline's brother." "I have been torn about whether or not to reach out to you," Andy tells him. "So I am glad that you're in town so you can learn the truth." "I do have a question for you," Nicholas looks back at Clayton. "Did you know about this? Had you and my mother worked together as a part of a plan to keep Andy and I apart?" Clayton's eyes open wider in surprise. "No," he shakes his head back to him. "I had no idea, I know you might not believe me after everything that happened, but that is the truth. I had no idea that Melissa switched those test results." "I believe you," Andy looks at Clayton. "But the question still remains: What are we going to do now that we know the truth? Where do we go from here?" The
Calimo Mansion "You know that I was upset by the idea of you and Tyler almost kissing that night you were trapped together," Robbie begins to tell Kim about his whereabouts, while she sighs at the first sentence out of his mouth. "That's why I decided to go out on New Year's Eve; I just wanted to clear my head." "Nothing happened between Tyler and I," Kim tells him quickly. "You have to believe me." "At the party," Robbie continues to look at his wife. "I got incredibly drunk on the champagne that they were serving. It was stupid and very reckless." "You must have had a wicked headache in the morning," Kim says back to him. "I did," Robbie shakes his head back to her. "At the party, though, I knew that I had too much to drive home." "So where did you go?" "I took a Uber to the Executive Hotel and got a room there," Robbie lies to her. "By the time I got to my room, my phone was dead and I didn't have a charger, which is why I didn't call or text. I'm sorry, Kim, I never meant to hurt you. But I just wanted to be safe." "I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I was just worried," Kim replies to him. "I am glad that you're safe that you didn't drive, Robbie. I I love you." "I love you too," Robbie says back to her as he pulls her into a hug. "And I promise, I will never do anything like I did on New Year's Eve again. You have my word." Next
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