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Love in Every Space | ||
Theme song: "Honey" Troye Sivan The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Ollys Home Abby falls from a small window and lands on a dusty, old sofa with a grunt. Earlier she, and Andrew, arrived at the Richardson mansion hoping to see Sonny, only to have had Lukas and Victoria tell her that Donovan had taken her son to the Caldwells Mountain Resort as there is a childrens festival there. Andrew departed, but Abby couldnt shake the feeling that something else was going on with her son, and thats when she realized that she had to get into the mansion to try to figure out what the truth was. She, then, saw this small window that she knew shed be able to squeeze through, and now, she is in the basement of the mansion. She looks around and can see the staircase that leads up to the main level. She stands up and dusts her dress off with a sigh. Okay, its time to find out what is really going on with my son, she whispers to herself. Where are you, Sonny? And why are Lukas and Victoria trying to keep you from me? | ||
The Sugarbowl Kim sits at the back booth of the coffeehouse with a herbal tea in front of her. Her mind is racing over Robbie telling her that he got drunk at the New Years Eve party because he was feeling insecure about her near kiss with Tyler when they were locked together months earlier. She knows that she and Tyler have had a long history together, but that is in the past. She just hopes that Robbie can find a way to feel more secure about their relationship going forward because getting so drunk that he had to spend the night in a hotel is not healthy for him. You look a million miles away, Tyler observes to her as he comes up to the booth and sits across from her. He was on the way to Robertson Enterprises but thought hed stop and grab a coffee first when he saw Kim sitting alone. I havent heard that Robbie is still missing, so what is troubling you? Robbie is home, safe and sound, Kim looks back at him. He explained everything, and he is fine. At least physically. Tyler arches his eyebrow back to her. What does that mean? Did something happen with your husband? The fact that you and I almost kissed is troubling him a lot, Kim reveals to him. That night we were locked together, it brought up a lot of feelings and emotions .and we almost kissed. I remember, Tyler chuckles back to her. I knew that it was wrong, but we were just caught up in the moment. And remember, we didnt actually kiss. I know, Kim nods to him. But it is upsetting to Robbie, you can understand that. I can. So, that settles it, Kim looks back at him with intent. We can never be in that position again, Tyler. I am happily married, and you and I, we can only be friends. *** So, we are in a good place? Max looks back at his girlfriend as he licks his lips. We are, Sophie replies to him. And I am sorry that I let my insecurities get the best of me. It is all good, Max tells her. I know this is all new for you, Sophie, but you have to trust me that I want to be with you, Max says. I wouldnt be here if I didnt. I will do my best, she replies to him. I know it can be a lot for a me and I appreciate your patience with me. Do you have plans the rest of the morning? No? Sophie looks back at him quickly. Why? Do you want to do something? Max leans up and kisses her on the lips. Why dont we go to my place and I can show you how into you I am? I like the sound of that, she purrs back to him. The Twin Peaks Executive Hotel Nicholas steps off the elevator at the Twin Peaks Executive Hotel and storms towards the front door of one of the suites. He bangs on the door waiting for someone to open it; when the door opens, he sees his mother standing on the other side. Oh sweetheart, Melissa purses her lips together as her son storms into the suite. This is the most pleasant of surprises. This isnt going to be a nice visit, Nicholas turns and glares at her. Im surprised youre still in town, I told you to go home, back to Boston. I have some unfinished business that I was hoping to complete prior to my departure, Melissa informs him. And you are on the top of that list. Me? Nicholas asks her in surprise. I told you we are over, and I meant it. In fact, the only time that I am here today is to tell you to get out of here and to never come back. Nicholas No! he cuts her off with a booming shout. I never want to see you again, Melissa. Youre dead to me, do you understand me? I am so tired of you interfering in my life, so leave Twin Peaks, Melissa, and dont you ever come back. Twin Peaks General Hospital Okay, Im just going to ask, Madeline looks over at Clayton as they sit next to one another on the sofa in her office at the hospital. Madeline didnt realize that Clayton was coming back to town, but she is glad that he did because after Melissas bombshell reveal at Nicholas and Andys engagement party: that she switched the DNA test results, meaning Clayton is a Wilkins, her brother. How are you feeling about learning the truth? That youre my brother after all? Clayton looks back at her with a sly grin on his face. To be honest, my head is spinning, he admits to her. We have gone back and forth so many times, I dont even know who the hell I am. Madeline puts her hand on his and squeezes it. Youre my brother, she tells him. We finally know the truth, youre my family, and I, for one, couldnt be happier about it. Really? Clayton asks her in surprise. After everything I did to Andy and Nicholas, I just assumed that everyone hated me. Madeline chuckles to him. Did you make mistakes? Yes, you certainly did, she tells him. But so did Andy. And do did Nicholas. Youre not the only one that is to blame, Clayton. And at the end of the day, youre my family, and I am happy that youre my brother. She pauses as she feels her eyes swell with water. You know, she tells him as a tear falls down her cheek. Youre the only family I have left. Preston and Olivia, they were killed in a car crash; and you know about Reese, he died from cancer. So, yes, I am happy that youre back and youre my brother. Clayton pulls her into a hug and holds her for a moment. Then lets try to put this relationship back together, he whispers to her. Because we are family, and thats all that matters. *** Stephanie has started working with Penny, so I am hopeful that she will, soon, be out of her coma, Cory tells Robin as they walk through the hallway of the hospital, with coffees in their hand. Robin brought Cory a coffee from the Sugarbowl since they hate the coffee at the cafeteria. She is glad to hear that things are going well with Penny and their attempts to bring her out of the coma. Thats really good to hear, Robin says back to him. I know you said that Penny is your priority right now. She is, she has to be, Cory sighs back to her. You know how much guilt I am feeling about this. I get it, Robin nods to him. But I need to say something to you, and I need you to hear me. They look at one another with intent as they stop walking for a moment. Okay, whats on your mind? Robin takes a deep breath as she feels herself get misty in the eyes. I I thought you were dead, Cory, she whispers back to him as she tries to control her feelings. Thats why, thats the only reason, that I got engaged to Antonio. I thought that I had lost you forever, can you understand that? I can, Cory tells her. I didnt expect you to put your life on hold forever, Robin. Youre still a young woman with needs. If I had known that you were still alive, I never would have gotten involved with that man, she continues to tell him. Because, deep down, I always loved you Cory. I still love you, Cory. Youve always been in my heart. Cory gulps back to her as he listens to her. You dont have to say anything back, she whispers as a tear falls down her cheek. Because I know youre focused on Penny and helping her, but I couldnt wait to tell you how I feel, Cory. I love you; I always have, and I think I always will. Robertson Enterprises Tyler sits behind the desk in the main office of Robertson Enterprises typing into his laptop. He cant help but think about his conversation with Kim earlier in the day, when she told him that they could only be friends. Deep down, however, he still wants them to be more than friends. He just hopes that whatever Madelines plan to break up Kim and Robbie will work. Oh good, youre here, Leah announces as she moves into the office and sees her brother sitting behind the desk. We need to talk. Tyler arches his eyebrow as he stands up from behind the desk. Whats going on? I need to know what is going on with this investigation into the missing funds, Leah tells him. Its been months, Tyler. What is happening? Im afraid I dont have a lot of news, Tyler admits to her. Between Christmas and New Years, a lot of people have been on vacation, so they are just starting the investigation now. Leah sighs at his response to her. She had hoped that the company would have figured out that Victoria made it look like Leah took the funds from the company, because that is the only thing that makes sense to her at this point. To hear that the investigation is still pending is annoying to her. You realize that my life is in limbo until this is resolved, right? Leah puts her hand on her hip. I cant believe that this is happening. I know, and I hate this as much as you do, Tyler replies to her. The truth is, though, you cant work here until the investigation proves youre innocence. It just wont work. You have no idea how much that hurts me, Leah sternly tells him. This is my family company! I should be here! And you will be, Tyler says back to her. We just have to find proof that youre innocence, Leah. Once that happens, youll be back here. The Victors Mansion; Fredericks Lair Frederick pours himself a whiskey as he stands in the living room of the Victors mansion before he turns and looks at the flames in the fireplace. His mind thinks back to his recent conversation with Bryce, where he admitted he wanted to reunite with Victoria, and Frederick tried to tell him that it was a bad idea. He knows that Victoria has been a throne in his side for years, and he would like nothing more than to have Bryce move on from her. That will be more difficult than I thought, he whispers to himself before he takes a sip of his drink. He still believes he is in love with that wench, so I will have to take matters into my own hands. He turns around when he hears his grandson move into the living room. There you are, Frederick smiles over to Bryce. I was looking for you. Here I am, Bryce looks back at him. Whats up? Why did you need to see me? I have a mission for you, Frederick reveals to him quickly. I am hoping you will accept. What is this mission? Remember, I cant leave the country because of the charges pending against me. This doesnt involve you leaving the United States, Frederick informs him. But it does involve you going on a small trip. Okay, to where? The winery in Santa Barbara, Frederick says back to him. I want you to check in on that little project that we have going on there. Bryce arches his eyebrow back to him. You mean, check in on Thats exactly what I mean, Frederick nods back to him quickly. You have to make sure everything is going according to plan. What do you say, Bryce? Will you help me with this? The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Ollys Home That was close, too close, Lukas sighs to Victoria as they move back into the living room of the Richardson mansion. He knows that they lied to Abby and Andrew about where Donovan and Olly are, and he feels like its only a matter of time before Abby will realize that Donovan might have kidnapped Olly to prevent from having to give him up. We have to find Donovan, and we have to find him now! We handled it well, Victoria tells her brother-in-law quickly. Abby and Andrew, they had no idea that we were lying. The story we came up, it is very plausible. Thats true, Lukas replies to her. But the fact is, we can only keep Abby at arms length for so long. He turns his attention to Sergio, who puts down his phone. Sergio, have you had any leads on where Donovan may have gone? I was looking at a map trying to see what is close by that Donovan could have escaped too, Sergio informs them. I have a couple of ideas, but we are going to have to talk about it together. You two will have a better understanding of where Donovan could have gone. I knew it, Abby announces as she moves into the living room and puts her hand on her hip. Donovan isnt at the resort at all! she says as the three others turn to look at her. Lukas gulps heavily as he looks at Victoria. Where the hell is Donovan and my son? I want to know where my son is, and I want to know now! Next
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