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Fill Up Your Mind | ||
Theme song: "Tension" Kylie | ||
The Calimo Mansion "Oh God," Sophie moans in pleasure as Max thrusts himself into her as they are making love on her bed in the Calimo mansion. They had been talking at the coffeehouse when Max suggested they reconnect on this level again, and Sophie was eager to be with him again. "Oh Max ." Max grunts loudly as he climaxes before he lays next to Sophie, his chest glistening with sweat, and he tries to catch his breath. "That was wow, oh my God, I needed that." Sophie chuckles as she runs her finger over his chest. "I'm glad I could give you what you needed," she purrs to him. "Because you certainly gave me what I needed too." Max smirks back to her. "Have I told you how glad we took this step together, Sophie? We we are a good match together." "I couldn't agree more," she leans in and kisses him again. "Do you think ?" "What? Another round?" he asks with a sly grin on his face. He pulls her closer to him. "Feel that? I can " She kisses him passionately, as they start to make love to one another again. The Pink Flamingo at the River Rock Casino Cassie sits at the bar of the Pink Flamingo with a martini in front of her. She is reeling over the fact that Jacob recently told her, and Isabelle, that he needs time and space from both women so he can wrap his head around what happened with the miscarriage and how Isabelle blackmailed her into leaving town. She can't believe that she is getting roped into the villain role when Isabelle is the one that blackmailed her. "I won't lose Jacob over this," she whispers to herself as she takes a sip of her martini. "I refuse to let that blackmailing whore ruin my relationship with Jacob! I will not let her ruin this chance for us to be a family!" "Talking to yourself is the first sign of craziness," a voice says behind her. Cassie spins the bar stool around and she sees a smug looking Isabelle standing there. "But that doesn't surprise me, you are crazy." "You better watch your filthy mouth," Cassie glares back at her. "You think that you've won, don't you?" "Won?" Isabelle sneers. "Jacob told us, both of us, to leave him alone. That doesn't sound like winning, Cassie." "I won't let you get away with this," Cassie rolls her eyes to her. "You will not stop me from being a family with Jacob! We will be a family, mark my words on this!" *** "I must admit that I am surprised that Dawn is back in town," Chantel tells Cheresa as they continue to sit across from one another in the restaurant. Chantel had left the hospital to get lunch when Cheresa arrived at her table and revealed to her that Dawn is back, however, she doesn't know why Dawn is back in town. "She just left a few weeks ago; I hope everything is okay with her family?" "Max is fine," Cheresa replies to her quickly. "Her parents are in Toronto, where Dawn was living; I am thinking everything is okay on the family front." "Interesting that she was with Shane in his office," Chantel tells her next. "Do you think that she has a job lined up or something?" Cheresa shrugs back to her. "I would be surprised if that was the case because when she left town, she was furious with me for sleeping with you. She didn't say anything about coming back for a job." "But why would she tell you?" Chantel asks her. "You two had just broken up?" "Good point," Cheresa sighs back to her. "I don't know, I don't know what this means, but I guess I will find out when I see Dawn again." "You're hoping this means the two of you will work out, don't you?" "I don't know," Cheresa admits to her. "I really don't know." The State Prison Daisy and Dawn face one another as they sit on a sofa in the common room of the prison. The sofa is by the window, so the sun is shining into the room, as they continue their talk about Daisy's mental health while she has been in the prison. "You've given me a lot of good content here," Dawn smiles back over to her. "I appreciate you revealing to me that you've been feeling low and depressed. It takes a lot of courage to reveal that." "Once you explained the purpose of your investigation, I was happy to share," Daisy replies to her. "I've seen a lot of women in here struggle with mental health issues. Isolating us probably doesn't help, even though I understand the system and why this has to happen." "It doesn't mean that we can't make changes to improve the situation, though," Dawn smiles to her. "I still have a few more visits and then I can work on my report." "Do you have a few minutes?" Daisy asks her as Dawn nods back to her. "In that case, does Cheresa know you're back in town?" Dawn nervously chuckles back to her. "I haven't seen or heard from her, no." "I'm going to be frank with you," Daisy looks back at her with intent. "I know firsthand how short life is; had you asked me six months ago if I would be spending the rest of my life here, I wouldn't have believed you, and had you convinced me, I would have made different choices." "What are you saying?" "I know that Cheresa hurt you, Dawn," Daisy explains to her. "But I also know that you and Cheresa have a once in a lifetime kind of love," she continues. "So, if there's any way of the two you patching things up and getting back together, you should fight for that. Don't let this opportunity pass you by." Barcode "Thanks for agreeing to have this drink with me," Paige smiles over to Will as they sit together at one of the high-top tables in the bar, each with a cocktail in front of them. "When I saw you at the gym, I realized that we haven't had the chance to spend that much time together." "Yea, and we have been going to same gym as one another for years," he chuckles as he takes a sip of his whiskey sour. "Right? It seems silly that we haven't socialized outside of the gym," she tells him. "How are things with Eva? I know she has been trying to get back together with my grandfather." "She is," Will nods back to her. "And deep down, I guess, I do still love her, but I don't want to wait around forever, you know?" "I get that," Paige agrees with him. "You're a young, attractive man; any woman would be happy to be with you." "Speaking for anyone in particular?" he winks back to her as she chuckles. "I can't deny that you're a good-looking man," she tells him. "But I don't think I'm in any position to get involved with someone right now." "Why would you say that? Same boat as me, you're still hung up on someone?" "No, no, nothing like that," she chuckles to him. "The last, situation, I was in, turned out to be a disaster," she thinks back to how she married Ethan, who turned out to be her brother. "And right now, my family, we are still going through a lot. In fact, I should get going." "What is the rush?" Will asks her quickly. "My family, we are still mourning the loss of Felicia," she reveals to him, as he gulps heavily, knowing that Felicia is alive. "We are having a gathering to honor the one-year anniversary of her memorial." "That's nice," Will forces a smile on his face. "We we should do this again though?" "I'd love that." Dominick's Townhouse Tyler, Leah, and Dominick stand in the middle of the living room together, each holding a glass of champagne. They are gathered together to spend time together for the one-year anniversary of Felicia's memorial. Dominick arranged this because he continues to feel bad over the fact that he missed Felicia's actually passing the previous year. "Paige should be here soon," Leah tells her family before she looks at her father. "And Daddy, thank you for putting this together." "Yea, Dad, this is nice," Tyler agrees with Leah. "And, I heard from Robin; she will try to stop by later." "That's wonderful," Dominick smiles to them before he takes a sip of his champagne. "And this was a way for us to get together to honor and recognize Felicia; she may be gone, but she is not forgotten." Behind him, Eva stands having just arrived for the event. She, suddenly, is overcome with guilt as she knows that Felicia is alive and well; she suddenly wonders if she should tell the family the truth, but she knows if she does, she will likely will lose Dominick forever. "Sorry I am late," she announces to everyone as she passes Dominick a bouquet of red roses. "I brought these for you, for Felicia, for everyone." "That was sweet of you," Leah tells her. "They are beautiful." "Yes, Eva, they are beautiful," Dominick smiles back to her. "Thank you." "It's my pleasure," Eva purses her lips back to him, hoping that this could be the way to get back into Dominick's heart, and realizing that she must keep quiet about Felicia being alive. The Richardson Estate; Meggan, Lukas, Donovan, Logan, & Olly's Home "Your silence is all the proof I need," Abby hisses back to Lukas as they continue to face off together in the living room. "You aren't going to text Donovan because he is not at the ski resort! Am I right?" "Abby, please just take a deep breath," Lukas tries to encourage her to stay calm. "No! I will not!" Abby yells back at him. "Donovan has taken Sonny to God only knows where! This this is outrageous, but you know what? You won't get away with this! You will not keep me away from my son!" Before Victoria, Lukas, or Sergio can say anything else, Abby storms out of the living room and within in few minutes, they hear the front door slam shut. "Damnit!" Lukas huffs in frustration. "What the hell are we going to do now?" he asks as he looks with worry at Victoria and then at Sergio. Next on One Day at a Time - Robbie sees another close moment between Kim & Tyler - Lukas and Victoria try to come up with a plan - Leah makes a bold decision |
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