Episode 1144


Your Cost of Love
Written by: Dallas Walsh | Originally Released: February 07, 2025

Episode Theme song: "favorite kind of high" Kelly Clarkson

Previously on One Day at a Time
- Dominick agreed to give Eva another chance. Will, meanwhile, arrived at the Victors mansion and confronted Frederick and demanded to speak to Felicia
- Madeline told Robbie that they had unfinished business since he kept running to her when things got bad between him and Kim
- Cheresa and Dawn came face to face
- Stephanie was able to pull Penny out of her coma
- Victoria wondered if Donovan had gone to the Calimo cabin with Olly
- Shane agreed to a big wedding with Natasha

Twin Peaks General Hospital

Natasha slips her short red dress up and places her arms in the appropriate holes before she turns back to Shane, who is putting his pants back on. She got him to agree to have a big wedding so all of their friends and family can celebrate with them. Once he agreed to the larger event, they ended up making love together in his office at the hospital.

"Can you zip me up?" she asks him with a smile on her face.

"Of course, babe," he says coming up to her and then he zips up her dress. "You need to head to Roboto, I'm guessing?"

"I do, I have some things I need to do before the end of the day," Natasha informs him. "I didn't think I'd spend most of the day here. But I am not complaining since I love being with you."

Shane leans in and kisses her on the lips again. "I love being with you too, especially when we have sex."

Natasha giggles back to him. "We've established that already," she winks back to him. "I do have a question for you though, about our wedding that we are planning."

"You can ask me anything," Shane tells her as he puts his white medical coat back on.

"You don't talk about your family that often," she admits to him. "Do you want any members to attend? Like your Mom, or your Dad? Siblings?"

"No," he immediately replies to her. "The only family I need is you and Jacob; that's it."

"Okay," Natasha uneasily nods back to him, wondering why Shane is so against having his family around for their wedding.


At the table in the back corner of the bar, Dawn and Cheresa continue to face one another as the former lovers came face to face when Cheresa arrived at the bar. Cheresa was surprised that Dawn was back in town because when she left for Toronto after she found out that Cheresa slept with Chantel, Dawn made it seem like she wouldn't be back any time soon. Dawn, however, just finished telling her about her project to uncover any mental health issues with inmates, which is why she visited the prison earlier in the day.

"That project sounds really cool actually," Cheresa says before she takes a sip of her martini. "I know you will write a really great report with a lot of potential changes that will help the prison experience."

"I guess that is the goal," Dawn replies to her. "A lot of the inmates have done some petty crime, so their entire health shouldn't be impacted while they do their time for their crimes."

"What about the more severe criminals?"

Dawn's eyes become glazed over for a moment as she thinks about her visit with Tara earlier in the day. "They also have mental health issues; we should treat everyone the same, at least that's what I think."

"Well, I am just glad that you're back," Cheresa admits to her. "I know you weren't gone that long, but I certainly missed you while you were away."

Dawn puts her head down as she feels her eyes swell with water. "I didn't mean to make you upset," Cheresa tells her, realizing that Dawn is fighting back tears.

"It's just…" Dawn whispers back to her. "I'm still devastated by you sleeping with Chantel, Cheresa. I haven't gotten over that yet."

"I know, and I am sorry."

"I…I still love you," Dawn admits to her as a tear falls down her cheek. "And that's why it hurts so much, because I thought you were the love of my life; for you to have been with another woman … it really kills me."

"I wish there was something I could say or do to make this up to you," Cheresa replies to her. "I just hope in time you'll be able to forgive me. I really hope we can move beyond this."

Dominick's Townhouse

Dominick and Eva lay next to one another in his bedroom of his townhouse. They both have a fresh layer of sweat on their naked bodies as they just finished making love to one another. Eva had arrived earlier with some takeout food, and they had a meal together. After, Eva kissed Dominick and told him that this was their chance to be together, since they were honoring Felicia on the one-year anniversary of her memorial service. Dominick, finally, agreed to give her another chance and they made love to seal their reunion.

"You haven't lost your touch one bit," Eva says as she runs her finger over his chest. "I had missed you, Dominick."

"I missed you too," Dominick smiles back to her. "I guess I hadn't realized how much until we were making love."

"We've always connected on this level," Eva purrs back to him. "But I hope you know that I wanted to reunite with you for more than just the physical aspect. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love being in your arms again but for me, it is a lot more than just physical."

"I understand, and I feel the same way," he admits to her. "I just want, no I need, us to get this us right this time. I'm too old to go back and forth in the romance department again."

"I couldn't agree more," Eva looks back into his eyes. "And don't worry, I have no plans of going anywhere, not ever again, because being with you, in your arms, is exactly where I should be."

The Victors Mansion; Frederick's Lair

"I am not going anywhere until I speak to Felicia," Will grits his teeth back to Frederick as they face one another in the hallway of the Victors mansion. Will had arrived at the mansion as his conscious was feeling guilty about keeping the secret that he knew Frederick and Felicia are alive. Frederick told Will that Felicia is suffering from amnesia, which is why she doesn't ask for her family. What Will doesn't know, however, is that Frederick has been drugging Felicia to ensure her memory doesn't return. Now, Will has demanded to speak to Felicia before he leaves.

"What, exactly, are you going to talk to her about?" Frederick demands to know from him. "I won't let you confuse her, Will. Her memory might never come back if you talk to her about her family or former life."

"I am a nurse, so I know damn well how important it is to ensure a patient's progress isn't impacted," Will replies to him quickly. "But I need to know that she is okay; if I am going to keep this secret, I need to know that I am doing the right thing."

"Fine," Frederick says back to him. "But if you do anything to upset her, you will answer to me, and trust me, you do not want that."

Will blows past Frederick and moves back into the living room, where he sees Felicia about to take a sip of her wine. "Felicia, good evening," Will says as he moves up to her.

"Hi there," Felicia stands up and looks back at him. "It seems like you and Frederick were having a heated conversation. Is everything alright?"

"Yea, of course," Will nods back to her. "The truth is, I just want to make sure that you're okay?"

"Me? Well, I am fine, as you can see."

"Can I ask you a question?" Will asks as Frederick arches his eyebrow behind him and Felicia nods back to him. "Are you happy here? Are you happy with Frederick?"

Felicia gulps as she looks over at Frederick and then back at Will. "Why yes, of course, I am. Frederick treats me like a queen; I can do whatever I want, here."

Frederick breathes a sigh of relief at her answer. He knows that the drugs he has been giving her is making her respond in this way, but he knows that it should be enough for Will to keep his secret.

"There you have it," Frederick comes up and puts his hand on Will's back. "That is your answer. Now, I suggest you take Eva's queue and follow her lead with how you proceed, Will. There is nothing else for you to do here."

The Calimo Cabin

Lukas, Victoria, and Sergio hop out of the large black SUV that Lukas was driving, and they rush towards the front door of the Calimo cabin. They had been at the Richardson mansion trying to figure out where Donovan could have taken Olly; this was critical as Abby learned that Donovan skipped town with her son and they were worried about how she would react. Victoria, then, wondered if Donovan had taken Olly to the cabin because it is close enough to Twin Peaks that he could escape there without fan fair, but far enough that he could lay low for a while.

"I really hope Donovan is inside," Lukas admits to Victoria and Sergio as they move towards the door. "We have to find him before Abby does something outrageous."

"And you know she will," Victoria chuckles back to him. "That woman has always been a loose cannon."

"Before we go in," Sergio stops them at the door. "If Donovan is inside, do you think he will listen to us? Do you think we should be worried that he won't come back to town with us?"
"No," Victoria shakes her head. "I will be able to knock some sense into my brother, I am sure of it."

"I agree with Vic," Lukas nods. "I think she is the only one that will be able to get through to Donovan."

"Okay, let's see if Donovan is here," Sergio replies as he opens the door to the cabin. They move inside and gasp when they see Donovan helping Olly put his winter coat on.

"Oh my God," Lukas rushes up to his husband and hugs him before he moves down to Olly and picks him up. "Hey buddy, how are you?"

"What are you doing here?" a stunned Donovan asks Victoria, Lukas, and Sergio. "I…I was just about to leave."

"We had to find you," Victoria tells her brother. "Abby knows that you're missing with Olly; she thinks that you've kidnapped your son!"

"I can't lose him," Donovan feels his eyes swell with water. "I won't lose Olly to that woman."

"Where were you about to go?" Sergio asks him quickly.

"The airport," Donovan reveals to them. "I waited a few days before I got plane tickets. I'm taking Olly away from here and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"You can't do that Donovan," Victoria looks back at him with intent. "You're not leaving town with Olly, I won't let you, and when you hear me out, you'll understand why."

Twin Peaks General Hospital

"Thanks for squeezing me in tonight," Kim says as she lays on a hospital bed in one of the rooms while her OBGYN looks over her file. Kim had been at home when her doctor called and told her that she had an opening that night for a quick check up on the baby; considering her history of losing children, Kim jumped at the chance at the appointment, even though it was spur of the moment.

"Of course," her doctor smiles back to her. "I know how worried you have been about the baby, because of your history."

"I have been trying to remain as calm as possible," Kim admits to her. "But I have to admit that, I do get a little stressed every time I feel a kick or anything out of the ordinary."

The doctor chuckles back to her. "That's understandable, but I want to reassure you, you're very healthy and your pregnancy is progressing pretty normal."

"Pretty normal?" Kim asks her with an arched eyebrow. "Is there something that I should be concerned about?"

"It's nothing," the doctor waves her hand. "One of the things I was tracking was the size of the baby; you look like you're only two or three months along, even though you're much further along."

"Okay? What does that mean?" Kim asks with a concerned look on her face.

"The tests that I ran tonight, they confirm my suspicions," the doctor tells her. "And that is the baby is just small; it's not uncommon for some baby's to be on the smaller side."

"You're positive that my baby is healthy?"

"Very positive," The doctor tells her. "You're going to have a happy, healthy baby Kim. He or she will just be on the smaller side, which isn't bad when you're in labour."

Kim chuckles back to her. "I hope you're right," she tells her. "I really hope you're right."


Meanwhile, Robbie and Madeline continue to face one another in her office at the hospital. Robbie had seen Tyler and Kim in an embrace earlier in the day, and he found himself at Madeline's office. Madeline, however, just noted that every time Robbie has an issue with Kim, he ends up turning to her, and she believes that they have unfinished business with one another.

"You're grasping at straws," Robbie says as he stands up from the sofa. "We don't have unfinished business."

"Then how can you explain what happened on New Year's Eve?" Madeline asks him as she stands up and looks at him. "You got drunk and we made love."

"You don't have to remind me about that," Robbie sighs back to her. "I was drunk and I made a mistake."

"Call it what you will," Madeline looks at him. "The fact is, we made love Robbie. And I still believe that you have feelings for me, on some level. And that's why you have to do something for me."

"What do you want me to do?" Robbie asks her with an arched eyebrow.

"Tell Kim the truth about New Year's Eve," Madeline reveals to him as Robbie's eyes open wider in surprise. "Tell her that we made love, or I will."


Cory and Robin continue to stand in Penny's hospital room in shock as Stephanie has, once again, seemingly performed a miracle as Penny is waking up from her coma. They had been speaking about their future, and Robin asked Cory how he felt about her, when they were interrupted by Stephanie, advising that she was going to try to wake Penny up. While Cory and Robin remained hopeful, they are still shocked that Stephanie's treatment worked as Penny is coming too.

"This is amazing," Robin whispers over to Cory. "I knew she was a miracle worker, but to see this unfold, it's something else."

"I know," Cory nods back to her. "I am just so happy that Penny is back; we can, finally, get some answers about what happened that night with Gordy."

"Penny, welcome back," Stephanie moves closer to her, as Penny opens her eyes. "You're in the hospital; you have been in a coma in a few weeks now. How…how are you feeling?"

"I…I am okay…" Penny replies to her. "Where did you say I was?"

"Twin Peaks General Hospital," Stephanie informs her. "You hit your head last fall and fell into a coma. Do you remember that?"

"Something is wrong," Penny says in a panicked voice. "I don't understand what is happening!"

"Tell me what you're experiencing," Stephanie says, as Cory and Robin move up in concern with her. "What's wrong?"

"I…I can't see anything," Penny informs her. "My eyes are open but all I see is black…why? What's happening?"

Next on One Day at a Time
- Daisy tells Andrew something shocking
- Will Penny be able to see again?
- Logan and Jeff have a conversation

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